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:D:D:D and an extra 555555555!!!! Or is it when you turn the bag upside down and all the bastards fall out?

:D:D:D that is so very funny Ms patsy :D:o

ps. I challenge boy jellybabies to a parkathon with girl jellybabies ... during peak hour at the Chalong Circle :D (as long as I can do it in my Mira!!) :D

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I have used the word fetish many times, and until now thought I knew what it meant. However, I looked it up at dictionary.com, and here is what I found, much broader than only the erotic meaning I felt it had:

fet‧ish  /ˈfɛtɪʃ, ˈfitɪʃ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fet-ish, fee-tish] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


1. an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency.

2. any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion: to make a fetish of high grades.

3. Psychology. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.

I learn something every day. For me, one of my habits is eating chocolate, but the use of the definitions above show it is likely not a fetish.

Edited by TallTravel
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  • 2 weeks later...
When mods post, that makes me alittle horny
lets keep this polite people.


Fed chocolate mousse whilst wearing my pink fluffy handcuffs!!!! Oh, and strawberries dipped in chocolate are nice as well.

Oh! Thank all the gods that it is you (a lady) saying this.

for a minute I thought it was Lampard and

he was going to post his (by now famous) portrait picture now with added Pink handcuffs...

Nah, it must be your little puppy sbk!!

That's never a Dog?



Function: noun

THESAURUS: French fétiche, from Portuguese feitiço, from feitiço artificial, false, from Latin facticius factitious

1 a : A legendary thaivisa.com member believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner;

broadly : a wonderful young man regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion :

PREPOSSESSION c : An infamous Klown whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for all ladies to achieve sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression of ladies' own relationships

2 : a rite or cult of fetish worshipers... No that sounds more like Thaivisa.com vis a vis me.


Awwww. Please don't post my entire description to the good people there ex-T-rak.

How does one know if a jellybaby is a boy or a girl?

The boy jellybabies are the ones that CAN reverse their jellycars into parking spaces. :D

I presume you mean CAR parking spaces? :D

I think that's accurate. In Khall's challenge, the ladies get to park a jellybaby into a (hu)MANsize car parking space.

I wonder if she'll dent the fender? :D


I wont mention the small thai chick walking up n down my back in her heels tho :D

Wot? As you are typing! :D:D

Edited by kayo
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  • 3 weeks later...

mine is chocolate for sure

my latest indulgence.....

max brenner...chocolate bar by the bald man


(not sure if link is allowed?? ) :o

mmmmmmmmm absolutely marvelous

eating even a tiny bit of that good stuff puts me in a state of bliss :D

Edited by MiG16
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