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Cotto supplier for plumbing bits?


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Hi I want to replace bits such as in the pic in CM.

I know the tile studio in Nimmanhemin, but is there somewhere Cotto more sanitary stock oriented?

Ps pic won't upload it's the fittings which hold the seat on the metal bits are too rusty (thanks Cotto, the ceramic is now stained) and the plastic plugs around them should be changed one already broken the other on the way.

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In most case you could either use a round or oval replacement from a hundred different stores. A common mistake is to try and dissasmble it from the top, when in fact, the whole thing will come off by loosening the two plastic wingnuts from the underside. Parts will likely be more expensive than a replacement seat.

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In most case you could either use a round or oval replacement from a hundred different stores. A common mistake is to try and dissasmble it from the top, when in fact, the whole thing will come off by loosening the two plastic wingnuts from the underside. Parts will likely be more expensive than a replacement seat.

hahaha; how common a mistake is it?.....you mean you tried it arse about face first!

actually many fittings are accessed via the top, by jemmying in a screwdriver to the plastic cover thus exposing the large screw which you have to use in tandem with the wingnut. i.e screwdriver on top and wingnut under; the screwdriver is the final tightener....done it many times and not once did I make a common mistake.

Edited by eyecatcher
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Sorry that Cotto designed toilet with a large flat area behind the seat which can collect water therefore lime and also supplied seat fittings corrosive enough to leak rust into the lime on the flat bit all but impossible to remove leaving a brownish area. Not nice for a toilet.

Edited by cheeryble
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