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American newspaper mistakes Thailand for Taiwan


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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

Too true. The vast majority of americans who have never left their country are appallingly ignorant of anything outside their own country. I have visited on several occassions and found them very pleasant and friendly but many when asked where New Zealand or Australia was had no idea including anywhere in SEA. This attitude is shown in another way in that except for athletics they do not compete in the sporting arena in international sport. Their main sports, football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, (although they do compete with Canada in this), have all their top competition totally within their own country.

Baseball and basketball are played globally. Track and field events are global. Wrestling, boxing, and gymnastics are global. A pot has just called a kettle black.

"Baseball and basketball are played globally"

Basketball - yes, baseball - no. Just because it's played in Cuba and Japan as well as the US doesn't make it a global sport.

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AS an American by birth and a long time resident of Thailand, I am embarrassed by the complete lack of knowledge by Americans in general. However, there is a reason for this. American primary and secondary schools are some of the worst in the World. If you live in an area where money is short-education is poor. Some schools have a dropout rate of 50%. In addition teenage pregnancy is at a very high rate. I can't think of anything worse for a Nation than having an uneducated population and no real hope for the future. American major cities are hotbeds of crime again spurred on from a lack of opportunity in the workplace. In addition, as many posters have indicated- the source of news and information is basic television fueled by special interests and a complete distortion of what actually is happening in the World. The sole purpose of Television and the news is to get viewers to watch commercials and be consumers. Money controls everything in America except most people don't have much of it. During the Bush and Obama regimes, the poor in America have grown larger and those considered middle class have moved backwards. However, those who are considered wealthy have increased their wealth considerably. This points to a society that is completely out of sync and cannot survive this way. My own daughter who just finished obtaining her Master's Degree- now has a bill to pay to the US government of $242,000 which will take 20 years to pay. This is absurd. Other countries are educating their populace for 10% of what Americans have to pay and some are provided no cost education. America still has no universal healthcare. Obama care is a joke involving policing by the Internal Revenue Service (the tax department) and many people unable to afford the mandatory insurance. Obama caved into the special interests in the Insurance and healthcare industry by not going to a single payer system- the government. While America has an excellent healthcare provider system- no one can afford it. Healthcare is an inalienable right- no one should be making money off another person's illness or death. Look at the American minimum wage- politicians continuously fight over giving Americans a living wage. There are so many people working in fast food restaurants making a low, unlivable wage, they can hardly afford the food they are selling.

This is the so called 'greatest country in the World' And you wonder why Americans can't figure out the difference between Taiwan and Thailand!

You said....

I am embarrassed by the complete lack of knowledge by Americans in general.

So am I. Here's why...

American primary and secondary schools are some of the worst in the World.

Wrong. In recent global surveys, the US placed 26th among about 80 countries for which comparable data are available. That places the US above average, but not the best.

If you live in an area where money is short-education is poor

Such an insight. I wounder if this is true outside of the US as well.

Some schools have a dropout rate of 50%.

Yet the overall dropout rate in the US has been steadily declining for the past 30 years. The latest figures show a rate of 7% for High School (nationally, across all groups).

In addition teenage pregnancy is at a very high rate.

Misleading. While the rate is high as compared to other developed countries, the teen pregnancy rate in the US has been on a steep decline since 1990, and is lower than at any other time since 1940.

American major cities are hotbeds of crime

Wrong and misleading. Some of the highest crime rates in cities of the US are found in medium sized cities. However, the overall crime rate in the US has been on a dramatic decline for the past 25 years. It is safer in NYC now than at any time in the past 50 years.

My own daughter who just finished obtaining her Master's Degree- now has a bill to pay to the US government of $242,000

Perhaps you should have saved more money and helped her out a bit. My 2 children finished college (one with a BA, and the other with a Doctorate) and they are debt free.

Obama care is a joke involving policing by the Internal Revenue Service

Wrong and misleading. The rate of uninsured (those with no health insurance) in the US has declined steeply over the past 3 years. And there is no "policing" by the IRS. There is no case of any action by the IRS regarding health insurance coverage under the new law. It's being treated as an "honor" system.

While America has an excellent healthcare provider system- no one can afford it.

This reminds me of a famous saying by Yogi Berra, "Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded". Logically ridiculous, just like your statement.

...the source of news and information is basic television fueled by special interests and a complete distortion of what actually is happening in the World.

You must have watched a lot of American TV. Isn't it great that Thai TV is so much better?

I could go on, but I think the point is made.

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clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif A Little embarassing for that newspaper but contrary to what many thais might think, a lot of people around the World have no idea and dont care where Thailand is or what it is ... Eventually I dont think these people might miss out gigglem.gif

I do, Thailand is the country full of "Girlie Bars" and "Lady Boys" rolleyes.gif

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Your attempt to attack me personally is an example of why as an American- I avoid my own countrymen. They can't see the truth for what it really is. I could refute each of your attacks but I have neither the inclination nor time to do it. You can continue to believe the propaganda that Fox news puts out and that you obviously believe but you won't change the opinions of the majority of the posters who actually know and have experienced the truth. My goal has always been to make my birth country a better place- not to respond to personal attacks. I truly feel sorry for you. You have your right to your own opinion but my experiences in America are obviously different than yours. I will let it end there. I wish you the best .

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Spell-Checker ?

I may have related this elsewhere on TVF, but...

I worked for a company that submitted a proposal to a major client in the US.

The Title on the cover was "Biosolids Management Plan"

Of course, the word "biosolids" was featured throughout the document.

In a last minute, pre-production mishap, the word "biosolids" was replaced everywhere in the proposal.....with "bestiality". cheesy.gif

After submitting the proposal, we got a call from the client, thanking us for the Bestiality Management Plan proposal.

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Your attempt to attack me personally is an example of why as an American- I avoid my own countrymen. They can't see the truth for what it really is. I could refute each of your attacks but I have neither the inclination nor time to do it. You can continue to believe the propaganda that Fox news puts out and that you obviously believe but you won't change the opinions of the majority of the posters who actually know and have experienced the truth. My goal has always been to make my birth country a better place- not to respond to personal attacks. I truly feel sorry for you. You have your right to your own opinion but my experiences in America are obviously different than yours. I will let it end there. I wish you the best .

"I could refute each of your attacks but I have neither the inclination nor time to do it."

Such a pity, really.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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"American newspaper mistakes Thailand for Taiwan"

Taiwan will be distraught cheesy.gif

But much the same as when I tell a new friend that my family live in Australia, and they ask me how long it takes to fly from Austria, or if we speak English in Austria, or if Austria is near Yermanee..

It isn't just an American thing.. Americans along with Canadians and Germans IMO are some of the nicest and generally well prepared travellers you will ever meet - and I know, I run an accommodation business.

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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

haha. So true. I am from Rhode Island and most of the secretaries at places I worked would spell it "Road Island". none knew the capital. That's OK, it is a small place. Most people I casually meet say, "oh, I have a cousin in Long Island". Sad.

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I remember when someone I met in San Francisco did not know Toronto. I was floored.

I remember when I met someone at McDonald, who didn't know what a Bratwurst is. I was floored.

Bratwurst is not a common food in the US. Hot dogs, yes, bratwurst, no. Except in a few states, like Wisconsin, Ohio, etc. Though it is getting more and more popular.

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That editor needs to get a pay cut. But on a slightly related note: "how many people in the world can correctly use, UK, Britain, England, etc? I know I can't. But I am sure if I were the editor of newspaper with a subscription of several hundred thousand, I would research and check on it!

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"SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT (publ. 8/20/2015, pg. A4) A headline incorrectly referenced Taiwan instead of Thailand. Police in Thailand are looking for the chief suspect in Monday's deadly bombing of Bangkok's Erawan Shrine.

A formally acknowledged and posted correction the very next day.

However, several dozen posts later:

All this over a botched headline?!? crazy.gif

However, still more several dozen posts later:

7 pages of US bashing just because a newspaper makes a typo error....TV at its finest. What a bunch of losers

However, even still more several dozen posts later and it still rolls on.


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This is not just a one-off, but is indicative of widespread ignorance in the USA. It is a shock to discover really how little is their knowledge of geography, and therefor world history. I speak of the masses, not the elite, educated, worldly minority.

Republicans feed and milk the ignorance to stay in power.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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can't fathom why those on this forum compares world geography knowledge between a state level multi-million dollar professional English language tabloid company with an underprivileged girl from E-san "Thai wife" or a Thai taxi driver who just returned from his paddy fields?

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Big deal. Most American thanks New Mexico is a foreign country and you need a passport to visit.

Most Americans think Mexico is a foreign country, but you don't need a passport to visit (by land or sea).biggrin.png

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