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France: 2 Americans subdue gunman on high-speed train

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It would appear that there were perhaps three Americans involved as is being reported in the US. There may have been the two guys with the medals in the pics and vid, and then one in the hospital with a wound to the neck. This would answer conflicting reports that one is hospitalized with a neck wound while showing pics of the two.

The neck wound doesn't appear to be real serious but more like a bloody cut to the back of the neck. It would appear that the guy was still functioning after receiving the wound - still fighting with the BG who was on the floor. This (apparent) third guy had considerable blood on the back of his neck but was still ripping into the BG.

Sorry no links, I have seen only TV reports so far.

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OK, The Thai source which can't be quoted is saying the same thing - third American is in a hospital.

Edit. Now the BBC is saying it. The third guy is Adam Sandler, a childhood friend of the others, they say. This is a pretty good report with more pics. BBC

"In a statement, British Prime Minister David Cameron praised the "extraordinary courage of the passengers who intervened and helped disarm the gunman, including the British consultant Chris Norman".

"The bravery of Mr Norman and the other passengers helped to prevent a terrible incident," he said." LINK

LOL. Obviously the pro-terrorist, anti American isn't going to admit there were Americans involved. What a PC wuss.


It's not clear.....Did the gunman just start shooting randomly, or did he attack the soldiers (and lose, haha som nom na)? That the soldiers were the ones injured suggests the latter.

Not enough info right now, but seems he was getting ready to start shooting and the soldiers stopped him, getting wounded in the process. The attacker had a kalashnikov rifle. I would guess that draws a bit of attention when displayed!

There will have to be a re-enactment in order to determine what really happened. Then comes the finger-pointing ... or is that before the re-enactment? I forget.


Kudos to the Americans for doing what they should do. Well done. And, come on guys Marines love credit but in this case give credit where credit is due, they were not Marines. Most of all they were just Americans.


The neck wound doesn't appear to be real serious but more like a bloody cut to the back of the neck. It would appear that the guy was still functioning after receiving the wound - still fighting with the BG who was on the floor. This (apparent) third guy had considerable blood on the back of his neck but was still ripping into the BG.

Alek Skarlatos, 22, was on a European holiday with two of his childhood friends, fellow US serviceman Spencer Stone and student Anthony Sadler, when they heard gunshots on the train.

When the attacker burst into their carriage and was cocking his automatic rifle, National Guardsman Mr Skarlatos and Mr Stone, who is in the Air Force, charged at him.

"I just looked at Spencer and said, 'Let's go!'," said Mr Skarlatos from his hotel in Arras, northern France.

"Spencer got to the guy first, grabbed the guy by the neck and I grabbed the handgun, got the handgun away from the guy and threw it.

"Then I grabbed the AK (assault rifle), which was at his feet, and started muzzle thumping him in the head with it."

Mr Stone was cut by the attacker behind his neck and his thumb was nearly sliced off as the man was wrestled to the ground by the Americans.

Mr Sadler, who also helped to subdue the suspect, said: "The gunman pulls out a boxcutter and slices Spencer a few times." He added the attacker "never said a word".

Mr Stone needed surgery on his badly wounded hand, but his friends said he was "doing fine". A total of three people were injured in the attack. Two are still in hospital

More here - news.sky.com

// my comments - So one National Guardsman back from Afghanistan on holiday, one US Airman, one American student and one British gentleman who helped tie the gunman up. Appears the AK was jammed and the gunman couldn't fix it in time. There was a serious amount of AK ammunition in one photo I saw, hundreds of rounds. I believe Spencer is the one on the ground on his knees looking for the pistol to secure it, or as he said, Dude, I was going to shoot him. smile.png



Kudos to the Americans for doing what they should do. Well done. And, come on guys Marines love credit but in this case give credit where credit is due, they were not Marines. Most of all they were just Americans.

Yuh, if they had been U.S. Marines the POS might have gotten more than just a "muzzle-bumping", saving France and Belgium an lot of judicial expense.


Kind of reminds me of a something that happened a few years ago at Christmas time. 4 Marines were outside of a Walmart, using a small bell to collect donations for needy children. Some idiot decides to pull a knife and rob a Walmart cashier. He runs out the door where the Marines were, and then stabs one of the Marines (not seriously). By the time the cops got there, this guy was screaming for the cops to arrest him and get him away from the Marines, who had broken his jaw, both his arms, one of his legs, and something like 6 ribs. The best part of the whole story was when the Chief of Police said - and with a straight face! - the guy suffered injuries when he tripped and fell off the curb.

Thanks for sharing the info about the 4 marines. Two feel goods in one thread!

Quick Google and I found this:

"The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw ..... injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off the curb after stabbing the Marine," according to a police report.


I love a story (or a news bulletin) with a happy ending!


Where in the OP did it say the Americans were US Marines?

The reference started in post #14 and got a bit weird on page 2. blink.png

Original online stories were witnesses said 2 marines stopped him. So that was what witnesses thought. Was not authorities saying so. Stories were updated later in the day.

It's not clear.....Did the gunman just start shooting randomly, or did he attack the soldiers (and lose, haha som nom na)? That the soldiers were the ones injured suggests the latter.

You have absolutely no information to back up your statement, the soldiers were injured because they were being attacked when the news reports clearly state they overpowered the attacker and kept him from inflicting more harm on others. They were injured protecting others.

France24.com Cable/Satellite TV has had direct coverage including a live news conference with the older Brit Chris Norman. Norman speaking fluent French and English, told the story live yesterday in France.. Norman relates... He was sitting in his seat - heard shooting and glass breaking... he hear a American voice say 'Spencer Get Him' and other shouting. Norman said he ducked down to see if he could hide and quickly realized that if the terrorist got going everyone would die... "So I decided to be active...if I am going to die I will die fighting"... Norman said he ran down the isle - saw Spencer Stone with a choke hold on the terrorist. Norman then grabbed the terrorist's arm and a Frenchman - an off duty train driver grabbed the other arm. In the struggle - Alex Sharlatos got the pistol then the AK while both Anthony Sadler and Sharlatos pummeled the terrorist at every chance - blooding the terrorist until they got him down - then using a tie and other clothing hog tied the almost unconscious terrorist. Spencer Stone was stabbed and slashed on the back of the neck and suffered an almost severed thumb from the box cutter. Stone then saw a train employee who had been slashed at the neck earlier and was bleeding badly lying on the floor. Spencer Stone then kept yelling 'I'm a medic' ' I'm a medic' and insisted on tending to the bleeding train employee - which Stone did and was able to stop the bleeding.

Including train employees there were about 580 people on the train. The terrorist's bags had at least 10 AK 30 round magazines filled -300 rounds, another knife and he had brandished the automatic pistol.

Earlier the passengers had been alerted by a passenger (who was a French actor) who sounded the train alarm by breaking glass with his hand - this also applied the train's brakes. The French actor did this after hearing the metallic sounds sounding like a rifle loading coming from the small restroom. The terrorist then burst from the restroom and was confronted by the train employee who was then slashed with a box cutter. That is when Spencer Stone ran down the train car isle and tackled the terrorist and putting him into a choke hold which Stone never released...

The older man - the Brit Chris Norman was quite good in pointing out who did what and that he had done what the could and that Spencer Stone did most of the heavy lifting...

I believe Spencer Stone is a member of the U.S. Air Force... that Alex Sharlatos is a Army Reservist, and Anthony Sadler is a college student. The three were traveling together on some time of excursion. Family photos appeared with Sharlatos and Sadler with their young daughters in separate photos. Spencer Stone has been shown wearing his camouflage fatigues. The Brit Chris Normal is a businessman with family in England and works as a venture capitalist of sorts out of South Africa. Chris Norman's ability to speak fluent French helped set the record straight for the French media done without translating so the French people will get an accurate depiction of events. This is good because the French politicians were blabbering on with inanities.

The train originated in Belgium and authorities are investigating there. It was reported that Spanish authorities had reported this terrorist a year ago to French authorities about his suspicious activities and statements. But once again - nothing was done.

What a Fine Day it was when brave men stood up and say 'NO' - not today ...


Where in the OP did it say the Americans were US Marines?

The reference started in post #14 and got a bit weird on page 2. blink.png

Original online stories were witnesses said 2 marines stopped him. So that was what witnesses thought. Was not authorities saying so. Stories were updated later in the day.

Per the article I just read (linked below) ; the French anti-terrorism authorities initially stated they were Marines but the Americans later updated this report saying they were not Marines.

A few other details:

The Muzz had already been identified by police as an Islamist who had made a trip to Syria. ( no doubt for some jihad tourism )

According to the French TV it was Mr Spencer Stone who did most of effort to subdue the Muzz. He tied him up after the fight as well.

When the police arrived the Muzz asked them to return his weapons. He is now refusing to talk.

I find it incredible that this dirtbag was permitted to return to Europe ( Spain, Belgium and France) after his identifcation of being a jihadist with probable war experience to boot. Makes no sense at all to allow these people to return (without even a police interrogation) .




Thanks for service to the world to these two US Marines.

No marines involved. To set the record straight the 4 people involved were;

Spencer Stone, a member of the US Air Force, He sustained knife wounds to his hand and neck.

Alek Skarlatos, US Army Reservist on holiday in Europe after a tour of duty Afghanistan, and "decompressing" before returning to civilian life in the USA.

Anthony Sadler, a university student,

Chris Norman, a British businessman, who helped the men tie up El-Khazzani.

4 brave men.


Where in the OP did it say the Americans were US Marines?

The reference started in post #14 and got a bit weird on page 2. blink.png

Original online stories were witnesses said 2 marines stopped him. So that was what witnesses thought. Was not authorities saying so. Stories were updated later in the day.
Per the article I just read (linked below) ; the French anti-terrorism authorities initially stated they were Marines but the Americans later updated this report saying they were not Marines.

A few other details:

The Muzz had already been identified by police as an Islamist who had made a trip to Syria. ( no doubt for some jihad tourism )

According to the French TV it was Mr Spencer Stone who did most of effort to subdue the Muzz. He tied him up after the fight as well.

When the police arrived the Muzz asked them to return his weapons. He is now refusing to talk.

I find it incredible that this dirtbag was permitted to return to Europe ( Spain, Belgium and France) after his identifcation of being a jihadist with probable war experience to boot. Makes no sense at all to allow these people to return (without even a police interrogation) .



All suspected Islamist sympathizers should be interned permanently, until a third world hell hole can be found to deport them to.

This is the key lesson to be drawn until the folly of allowing mass Muslim immigration is stopped and put into reverse. There can be no security with Islam except by geographic separation from its followers, the public are starting to wake up to this reality, even though their governments are in complete denial.


This is the key lesson to be drawn until the folly of allowing mass Muslim immigration is stopped and put into reverse. There can be no security with Islam except by geographic separation from its followers, the public are starting to wake up to this reality, even though their governments are in complete denial.

I wasn't expecting to read as many stupid comments as i did when i started visiting Thaivisa forum.

Your expectations are as unrealistic as those of the French security services who believe they can control known Islamist sympathizers leaving them at large and not locking them up, as I mentioned in my first sentence, which you neglected to quote.

It's not as if this is the first time this has happened.


President Francois Hollande is rightly outraged and stricken by these tragedies, but it is also his responsibility to prevent their systematic recurrence on his watch. Every one of those episodes has been characterized by the perpetrators being “known to French intelligence.”

It is therefore obvious that French anti-terror agencies are badly in need of an overhaul and a fresh approach to the recurrent terrorist attacks, that enables them to differentiate between inside informers and dangerous terrorists, otherwise the next outrage will not be long in coming.


This is the key lesson to be drawn until the folly of allowing mass Muslim immigration is stopped and put into reverse. There can be no security with Islam except by geographic separation from its followers, the public are starting to wake up to this reality, even though their governments are in complete denial.

I wasn't expecting to read as many stupid comments as i did when i started visiting Thaivisa forum.

Your expectations are as unrealistic as those of the French security services who believe they can control known Islamist sympathizers leaving them at large and not locking them up, as I mentioned in my first sentence, which you neglected to quote.

It's not as if this is the first time this has happened.


Your post are on the verge of being racist and bigot and have nothing to do with the topic, 70 years ago a little man with a funny moustache had similar ideas about the jews.

A post of mine was removed as being irrelevant to the topic but i have seen posts here going back to as to how the French helped the Americans gain there independence in 1776 now please do tell what has this got to do with the topic.

The armchair heroes are out in full force again.


Look, a group of brave men had a go and came out on top. Well done. I sure I would not have had the balls.

However, and as usual, the conversation degenerates into pathetic mud slinging. France has real democracy and values it holds dear.

I for one would not like to see civilised societies brought low in order to "protect" its citizens. Be careful what you wish for.....


Where in the OP did it say the Americans were US Marines?

The reference started in post #14 and got a bit weird on page 2. blink.png

Original online stories were witnesses said 2 marines stopped him. So that was what witnesses thought. Was not authorities saying so. Stories were updated later in the day.

Per the article I just read (linked below) ; the French anti-terrorism authorities initially stated they were Marines but the Americans later updated this report saying they were not Marines.

A few other details:

The Muzz had already been identified by police as an Islamist who had made a trip to Syria. ( no doubt for some jihad tourism )

According to the French TV it was Mr Spencer Stone who did most of effort to subdue the Muzz. He tied him up after the fight as well.

When the police arrived the Muzz asked them to return his weapons. He is now refusing to talk.

I find it incredible that this dirtbag was permitted to return to Europe ( Spain, Belgium and France) after his identifcation of being a jihadist with probable war experience to boot. Makes no sense at all to allow these people to return (without even a police interrogation) .



A face only a mother could love. Lol, poster child of those we need to keep the heck out of our countries.


Kind of reminds me of a something that happened a few years ago at Christmas time. 4 Marines were outside of a Walmart, using a small bell to collect donations for needy children. Some idiot decides to pull a knife and rob a Walmart cashier. He runs out the door where the Marines were, and then stabs one of the Marines (not seriously). By the time the cops got there, this guy was screaming for the cops to arrest him and get him away from the Marines, who had broken his jaw, both his arms, one of his legs, and something like 6 ribs. The best part of the whole story was when the Chief of Police said - and with a straight face! - the guy suffered injuries when he tripped and fell off the curb.

Thanks for sharing the info about the 4 marines. Two feel goods in one thread!

Quick Google and I found this:

"The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw ..... injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off the curb after stabbing the Marine," according to a police report.


I love a story (or a news bulletin) with a happy ending!

Lucky for him - it was a low curb. laugh.png

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