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Bangkok Shrine Bombing: Those Who Died

By Khaosod Eng.


Seven members of a Malaysian family on holiday visited the Erawan Shrine on Monday evening. Five died in the attack.Earlier this photo was taken of them eating in Bangkok with a local guide. Neoh Ee Ling, second from left, and her father Neoh Hock Guan, third from right, were the only two to survive. Ee Ling's young daughter and husband died, as did Hock Guan's wife. Photo: Sin Chew Daily

BANGKOK — Terror was unleashed on an unprecedented scale in Bangkok on Monday night as an explosion, clearly intended to inflict maximum carnage, tore through a tourist site important for both secular and sacred reasons, turning Monday evening’s usual bustle into a horror of blood and human remains.

Twenty people died in the 6:55 pm blast, the worst such incident in the modern Thai state’s history. Nearly a dozen remain in critical condition.

While authorities vow to track down those responsible, and vectors of blame and suspicion are cast, attention must not stray from those who lost their lives.

Khaosod English is committed to gathering information about those whose lives ended last night or in the following hours, so that we may honor them respectfully and not let them be forgotten in the flurry of iterative news updates.

Though little is known of them at this time, some only names and nationalities, we will endeavor to learn more that we can share who they were in life.

This is a work in progress. If you are a family member, have reliable information or belong a news outlet with information to share, please contact us.

Here are the deceased, based on what we know about them so far.

Read More: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1439907676

-- Khaosod English 2015-08-22


I really hope once they catch the main bomber that they litterly hang him from is b*lls .

THis was sick depraved thing Innocent people A public shine. The bombers are not humans they are animals that need to be put down


Sad sad - and still they have the nerve to claim Thailand is safe ... Unless people have extremely urgent important business they should stay away from Thailand - just look at the Circus they make trying to solve the bombing ...

RIP to the familymembers and all the others


What is weird to me is the over attention the dead receive. What about the 100 surviving people ? They are going to have to live with what happened to them. Nothing much about them in the media.

Hurt by burns , shrapnel , their hearing & eyes from such a blast. They will never be the same. It takes years and years for scars to get healed and even then never 100 % (burn wounds).

Those people are going to live with it , every day of their lives.


Rest in peace to those who died. All the best to the injured and survivors. To the perpetrators. You are so sick in the head. May justice be meted out to you. May you family disown you.


As it always is when these things happen, focus is on the perp and sometimes the dead and injured take a back seat. What terrible pain that family must now endure as well as countless others that have lost loved ones and those injured that will forever remember the horror.

My thoughts are with them during this terrible time.


Now is a time to mourn the dead. But I hope Thailand doesn't do what they so often do and afterwards let it go to save face or whatever happens.

Persecute anyone who was in anyway involved in this to their last breathe.


Having lived through what the horror of war brings the carnage and waste of human life I can relate in some respect to what the families and victims are going through It has been 40 plus years for me and the memories are still with me and will remain there till I take my dirt nap. All I can offer to all the families and victims is this remain strong so you can see to it justice is served. And finally to the scumbags who did this turn yourself in or do yourself in either way will do If you choose to hide I and others will be actively searching for you and we will serve justice to you or you to justice. May those who lost there lives find peace for those who did this there will never be peace.


Firstly let me say RIP to the 20 human beings who tragically lost their lives.May God bless them.Also I can only truly hope that all the others injured in this terrible bombing are able to make a full and swift recovery both physically and mentally,but I doubt it.

Terrorism can never be justified no matter what grievances the bomber(s) held.As proved time and time again in so many other conflicts,the only way to solve an issue is for all parties, from all sides to get together and talk talk talk in the hope that eventually common ground may be sought.

Terrorism is so easy to achieve,but it's only for the cowards of this world.I'm afraid to say that history will always continue to repeat itself,as people will always fail to learn the lessons of the past,and that is a cast iron guarantee.


I really hope once they catch the main bomber that they litterly hang him from is b*lls .

THis was sick depraved thing Innocent people A public shine. The bombers are not humans they are animals that need to be put down

No animal would do like this.

Sick human brains only...



Firstly let me say RIP to the 20 human beings who tragically lost their lives.May God bless them.Also I can only truly hope that all the others injured in this terrible bombing are able to make a full and swift recovery both physically and mentally,but I doubt it.

Terrorism can never be justified no matter what grievances the bomber(s) held.As proved time and time again in so many other conflicts,the only way to solve an issue is for all parties, from all sides to get together and talk talk talk in the hope that eventually common ground may be sought.

Terrorism is so easy to achieve,but it's only for the cowards of this world.I'm afraid to say that history will always continue to repeat itself,as people will always fail to learn the lessons of the past,and that is a cast iron guarantee.

Terrorism can be justified , revenge driven and aimed at the right person(s) or institutions. Attacking cueless bystanders is criminal. Only cowards take the easy way and target those.

Anyone can go to a crowded place and bomb or shoot . It takes intelligence & courage to succesfully target the responsible.


Firstly let me say RIP to the 20 human beings who tragically lost their lives.May God bless them.Also I can only truly hope that all the others injured in this terrible bombing are able to make a full and swift recovery both physically and mentally,but I doubt it.

Terrorism can never be justified no matter what grievances the bomber(s) held.As proved time and time again in so many other conflicts,the only way to solve an issue is for all parties, from all sides to get together and talk talk talk in the hope that eventually common ground may be sought.

Terrorism is so easy to achieve,but it's only for the cowards of this world.I'm afraid to say that history will always continue to repeat itself,as people will always fail to learn the lessons of the past,and that is a cast iron guarantee.

Terrorism can be justified , revenge driven and aimed at the right person(s) or institutions. Attacking cueless bystanders is criminal. Only cowards take the easy way and target those.

Anyone can go to a crowded place and bomb or shoot . It t akes intelligence & courage to succesfully target the responsible.

Terrorism is about creating terror. It is rarely driven by revenge. As we all know Thailand has been plagued by Muslim Terrorists for over a decade.

Over 5000 people have been killed. Teachers, Students and young children are regularly killed year after year.

So who is likely to set off a bomb at a Hindu Shrine ?????

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