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Thai police urge patience as lack of equipment hampers bomb probe

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Thai police urge patience as lack of equipment hampers bomb probe
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The police chief yesterday claimed that the slowness of investigation into the Bangkok shrine bomber is not caused by police's lack of capability but because they have shortage of some the modern equipment like police in foreign countries to find the prime suspect captured on security camera.

Pol Gen Somyot Poompanmuang said urged the public to be patience in their hunt for the bomber.

However the investigation is progressing although police have limitation of equipment, he said.

Thai police have to wait for assistance from other countries that when they would transport the equipment to support our work.

However, he said, it was lucky that there were some Thai sellers of the equipment who provided it for us. But unfortunately there were some technical problems that we could not use our information with the given equipment.

He did not reveal the equipment the police need but it is likely to be facial recognition technology or programmes to enhance security camera footage.

It is already six days after the deadly attack, that killed 20 people and wounded many others. Police arrested no one, but the hunt has so far focused on a suspect in a yellow T-shirt seen on CCTV placing a rucksack under a bench at the Erawan shrine minutes before the blast.

A sketch of the man has been widely circulated. He is described on his arrest warrant as "foreign" but police have since said he could in fact be Thai or of mixed race.

Unverified footage, time-stamped just a few minutes after Monday’s blast, shows a second man in a blue T-shirt kicking a package into water near a bridge in the same spot where a device exploded on Tuesday without injuries.

But police have not publicly linked the two blasts despite pressure to reveal more.

Meanwhile police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thavornsiri said, "We cannot give details of that progress... let the police work."

"We are working around the clock.... but this kind of a case is not easy."

With no-one claiming responsibility, rumours and speculation have swirled in Thailand over the country’s worst single mass-casualty attack in living memory.

The potential perpetrators named by police and experts alike include international jihadists, members of Thailand’s southern Malay-Muslim insurgency, militants on both sides of Thailand’s festering political divide or even someone with a personal grudge.

-- The Nation 2015-08-23

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you don't need to bring equipment to Thailand.

just send the CCTV media to the CIA, they will get back to you 24 hours.

the US embassy is that huge building with the big wall around it on Wireless Road. Just drop it off there.

or post it on youtube and any 8 year old can do it for you.

Edited by NCC1701A
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Somyot also said ""We need some luck. If the police have good fortune we might be able to make an arrest but ... if the perpetrator has good fortune maybe they can get away, "

Then let's wait for the RTP/army 's good fortune


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"the slowness of investigation"

2 nice admissions from Somyot today:

1. The outcome of the investigation depends on luck

2. the investigation has been slower than it should have been, despite the fact that RTP is working 24/7 on it

Implied Conclusion

There won't be any real leads generated during the last days of my tenure - I don't want the headaches

38 days and countingsmile.png

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What I find incredible. Is this. If you throw a cigarette but down anywhere in Bangkok. A policeman will approach you in less than five minutes and they will find you 2000 thb. I know I was one who was fined twice. I was very impressed with their speed and accuracy. But some terrorist drops a backpack at a Shrine. With ten kilos of explosives and ball bearings. And no one sees a thing

And now six days layer heir equipment is not good enough. Well their equipment was good enough to see in a split second who and where a cigarette criminal is. And apprehended in less than five minutes.. I call bullshit. Their priorities ate extremely warped. As they will get no fines from a terrorist. And may even get hurt doing the job that's more important to is all.......ridiculous

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"However, he said, it was lucky that there were some Thai sellers of the equipment who provided it for us. But unfortunately there were some technical problems that we could not use our information with the given equipment."


However, he said, it was a real problem that there were some Thai scammers who sold the equipment who provided it for us. And unfortunately there were some technical problems that we could not use our information with the given equipment, because we are not smart enough to ask the right questions in the first place."

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Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


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Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


you are contradicting yourself Britain (and other countries) offered HELP and were turned down, as you quoted, it's not about "democratic governments disliking cooperating" they wanted to HELP but the Junta, you support, turned this HELP down

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When Brittan, Australia and the US offered HELP, that's what it was - HELP. But because of "Thai Pride" (ignorance and stupidity, combined with loss of face), the Junta flatly turned them all down. Instead the brilliant pumpkin now leading this country, suggested his ignorant Thai police watch American television to learn how to conduct an investigation. If that isn't the height of Ignorance and Stupidity, then I don't know what is.

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The height of stupidity was for the RTP to even ask or suggest they borrow equipment from a foreign law enforcement organization. If anyone could destroy a anvil it would be the BIB.

If this group as a whole are not the most incompentent, intellegently unprepared group for the job assignment of a police force I do not know who is. The sad part is they deem their organization as qualified to promote from within the ranks. Thus the head of the RTP could send out a resume of what he has accomplished on a legal size sheet of paper with personal monogram coverring one half the page and his job posting the other half. Most would not be considered for the kitchen mess hall in a real prison de to their background check would come back blacklisted as well as red flagged.

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