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Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's Ecumenical Spirit


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Towards genuine inter-faith understanding

An early exponent of Theravadins opening up to other Buddhist traditions, Buddhadasa Bhikku wasn't an activist in the sense of organising inter-religious conferences, but the interest he showed in other religions and his willingness to critique practices he saw as wayward influenced others to do just that.

cont'd at http://www.bangkokpost.com/Outlook/24Sep2006_out001.php



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Navigating between dichotomies and extremes

The late Buddhadasa Bhikkhu had much to say about finding a middle way to live in a world of conflicting polarities


We human beings have long acquired the habit of creating dichotomies, the cutting of a whole into two mutually exclusive or opposed parts, starting with the identification of ourselves in terms of "other". This has played out globally in the West's attitudes and reactions towards Asia in general, and Buddhism more particularly.

cont'd at http://www.bangkokpost.com/230906_Outlook/...2006_out001.php

[This is the first in a series of articles entitled 'Turning Wheel'; the next will appear in tomorrow's edition of 'Outlook']

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