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Mini-Ice Age Coming?


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Here is some of that pocket change.

Umm. You don't figure a website named powerlineblog.com may have an ulterior motive?

And that's a cute name, Science and Environmental Policy Project they're quoting. Can't imagine they may have a reason to lump billions of dollars of innocuous science (that's been going on since Galileo) under "Climate Change Research" Perhaps because they published it at a convention of climate scientists and want to encourage the attendees to keep doing what they're doing...

$165 Billion spent over 20 years on "climate change" probably included things like scrubbers to prevent poisoning our kids with refinery discharges, improved fuel efficiency and pollution reduction technology, etc, etc. That $8 billion a year probably saves us $50 billion a year in health care costs, lost time, and and the effects of pollution on just about everything we grow, build, travel and live in.

The $35 billion in 20 years on "climate science"? Chump change compared to Exxon profits. Google "Exxon climate change" and see if you don't get pissed off. (And they're not the worst- not by a long shot)

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Here is some of that pocket change.

Umm. You don't figure a website named powerlineblog.com may have an ulterior motive?

And that's a cute name, Science and Environmental Policy Project they're quoting. Can't imagine they may have a reason to lump billions of dollars of innocuous science (that's been going on since Galileo) under "Climate Change Research" Perhaps because they published it at a convention of climate scientists and want to encourage the attendees to keep doing what they're doing...

$165 Billion spent over 20 years on "climate change" probably included things like scrubbers to prevent poisoning our kids with refinery discharges, improved fuel efficiency and pollution reduction technology, etc, etc. That $8 billion a year probably saves us $50 billion a year in health care costs, lost time, and and the effects of pollution on just about everything we grow, build, travel and live in.

The $35 billion in 20 years on "climate science"? Chump change compared to Exxon profits. Google "Exxon climate change" and see if you don't get pissed off. (And they're not the worst- not by a long shot)

You have no evidence to show those figures are not correct, just like you have no figures to show how much is spent on climate change research by big business. But you think it is hundreds of times more than the world's governments spend somehow.

The second link was directly from the European Commissions own website. Not a blog. This is their own figures. So go ahead and feed that into your agenda.

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There is no connection between the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum and the 'River Thames Frost Fairs', As you can see the first recorded Frost Fair occurred in 1608 some 37 years prior to the start of the Maunder Minimum in 1645.

up2u2: PRIOR to the Maunder Minimum was the Sporer Minimum and another minimum, just like the dalton minimum was after the MM, I ALREADY covered that so please read the OP and the arstech article before making your comments. Also the Mini Ice Age was not an even steven event over 400 years, it had it's ups and downs with its most downs during the Maunder Minimum.

First of all when debating this we need to be on the same page as to what is a "Mini Ice-Age"?

IMO the MIA is a series of cold phenomenon like the frozen Thames river and frozen north seas and frozen Venice Italy and frozen Florida Everglades, and gulf of mexico waters, it doesn't mean there are no summers or that it doesn't still get hot.

These cold events that happened mostly during the MM will happen again even if some charts show that human activity is warming the planet using temperature readings at specific locations that have often seen urban sprawl. These cold events will still occur even if your charts show the warming is less superficial than that, it would be illogical to think that human co2 emissions will somehow prevent very cold conditions caused by the solar minimums.

The notion that human created global warming will prevent cold was just bursted in that 2014 polar vortex, that was the first polar vortex to hit the USA since 1985 and the one in 1985 was actually just over Maine, where as this one plunged through into Ohio and middle america, with the solar minimums more of the vortexes will come in the near future and they will get more powerful. tailpipes and black asphalt can't stop weather patterns like that.


This was also in 2014, a rare event, even Hamaii which is on the tropic of cancer, so cold phenomenon are already happening and we are only about 2% into these solar minimums.

There is no credible scientific institution entertaining the notion that we are about to see Global Warming reversed by ANY decrease in Solar activity and entering into an Ice Age. If you have a theory with relevant research data to back it, the world awaits your findings.

The states of the USA are not the entirety of the World. It is just one region.

The Polar Vortex that has occurred over the past 3 years on the Central and East coast of USA is a direct result of the Earth warming. Normally the cold air in the Arctic is kept in place with an even pressure from all sides of warm air from the equator. What is occurring is 'hot spots' due to Global Warming that are destabilising one side of the Arctic region which collapses and rushes down Canada and hits the humid air central and east coast of America where it dumps unprecedented meters of snow and Ice.

Global Warming = Climate Change = Extreme Weather Events including but not limited to Unprecedented Flooding, Record breaking Snow and Ice, record breaking Heat Waves, Super Hurricanes, Super record 1000 year droughts. As the Earth warms these weather events will become more extreme.

The US polar vortex is a result of extreme weather due to Global Warming not the onset of an Ice Age. Globally the Earth is warming not cooling. The more CO2 in the atmosphere the more the Earth will warm.

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Well that's the spin the global warming industry puts on it, because it's getting hotter its getting colder, more grant money please..

The reality is much simpler, the solar minimums are creating colder temps, early winter condistions and shortened summers, and more extreme colds, just like they did last time there were solar minimums, why shouldnow be anydifferent ?

Seriously? Grant money? That's pocket change. Oil, chemical and car companies will pay 100x as much every year to climate change deniers. Add to that the amount spent by lumber and construction interests, maritime companies, big agra, airlines and others. (Just like tobacco companies paid their cancer deniers off for decades).

And, of course, there are the forces behind carbon credits and other financial tomfoolery that will pay people to publish the opposite.

The money spent on legitimate, unbiased research doesn't hold a candle. And when we do snap to the fact that we've screwed the pooch, it's going to be too late to reverse it.

Myself, I'm investing in future beachfront property in the Mojave Desert. I may not get to cash in, but my nieces and nephews? Maybe.

Sorry.... Gorebull Warming/Climate Change is now getting almost $1 Billion per day worldwide.

The Climate "Denier" side would be lucky if it is getting $100 million per year. It's probably getting a lot less than that.

According to the Climate Policy Initiative..... as of 2012, $359 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR in the world goes towards global investment in climate change studies and mitigation.

It's a Big Business now...... a hell of a lot of money is invested in the Anthropogenic Gorebull Warming industry. A lot of people are making big bucks from the Warming Alarmism...... Al Gore included. He's made more than $200,000,000.00 on climate alarmism since leaving office as vice-president.

A lot of people in important places want to keep that cash flowing... So it's necessary to keep the Alarm level high.

"Squeaky wheel gets the grease" as they say...

If there was no problem with climate.... or nothing to worry about.... they would get all that funding cut. It's in their financial interest to keep saying the sky is falling and the world is in trouble.


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Yep there it is again, its getting colder because its getting hotter, but the hotter is the problem, more grant money please..

Different scientists have different perspectives on what is causing the cold weather, the global warming industry likes to say it's co2 emissions and oh by the way they sell co2 emission reduction technology.

You can spin it anyway you want but the fact is the winters will continue to get colder. start earlier and end later, and you will still have these rivers and seas freezing especially when we get into the 2030's just like they did last time we had solar minimums, human caused warming will not offset these cold spells and then one day in the future, after the Maunder Minimum ends in the 2060's and the sun returns to solar maximums those severe cold spells will end assuming the solar maximums continue like they did from 1850 up until now and then the people in the future will call this era a 'mini-ice age'.

There is no credible scientific institution entertaining the notion that we are about to see Global Warming reversed by ANY decrease in Solar activity and entering into an Ice Age. If you have a theory with relevant research data to back it, the world awaits your findings.

The states of the USA are not the entirety of the World. It is just one region.

The Polar Vortex that has occurred over the past 3 years on the Central and East coast of USA is a direct result of the Earth warming. Normally the cold air in the Arctic is kept in place with an even pressure from all sides of warm air from the equator. What is occurring is 'hot spots' due to Global Warming that are destabilising one side of the Arctic region which collapses and rushes down Canada and hits the humid air central and east coast of America where it dumps unprecedented meters of snow and Ice.

Global Warming = Climate Change = Extreme Weather Events including but not limited to Unprecedented Flooding, Record breaking Snow and Ice, record breaking Heat Waves, Super Hurricanes, Super record 1000 year droughts. As the Earth warms these weather events will become more extreme.

The US polar vortex is a result of extreme weather due to Global Warming not the onset of an Ice Age. Globally the Earth is warming not cooling. The more CO2 in the atmosphere the more the Earth will warm.

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It's about time people started knowing the truth. I have been ranting about this since the 70's when I took geology courses. It's all right there in the walls of exposed faults throughout the country. Also the ice cores from both poles. There is so much evidence it's hard to ignore.

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Local weather is vastly different than global climate. The scientific consensus...by those most qualified to have a say on the subject, like climatologists who actually make a living studying and analyzing global climate...agree with about a 97% majority that the earth (as a whole) is warming at an unusually rapid rate.

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To the climate deny people. What if you are wrong and totally wrong. The world is condemned under you. Would you put all of your wealth to bet against the apparent truth. Would you bet your life on this, and the life of your offspring. You deniers will kill us or maybe all of your offspring. You risk so much when simple solutions exist, reduce carbon pollution, plant more trees, stop the pollution of the sea and the rape of fish species, use more nuclear power, try to find solutions to reduce fossil power carbon emissions. This is not handouts to spongers, it is research to save the planet. If you have not noticed that you are hard pressed to catch a fish near the coast, if you don't see wilderness anymore, even if you see plastic bags floating in every bay and only see some small fish in the fish markets, you deny the destruction of the waterways, ultimately you deny the life of your offspring. (not that you would care anyway)

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It's about time people started knowing the truth. I have been ranting about this since the 70's when I took geology courses. It's all right there in the walls of exposed faults throughout the country. Also the ice cores from both poles. There is so much evidence it's hard to ignore.

Ill look forwards to your 4.6 billion year climate charts

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To the climate deny people. What if you are wrong and totally wrong. The world is condemned under you. Would you put all of your wealth to bet against the apparent truth. Would you bet your life on this, and the life of your offspring. You deniers will kill us or maybe all of your offspring. You risk so much when simple solutions exist, reduce carbon pollution, plant more trees, stop the pollution of the sea and the rape of fish species, use more nuclear power, try to find solutions to reduce fossil power carbon emissions. This is not handouts to spongers, it is research to save the planet. If you have not noticed that you are hard pressed to catch a fish near the coast, if you don't see wilderness anymore, even if you see plastic bags floating in every bay and only see some small fish in the fish markets, you deny the destruction of the waterways, ultimately you deny the life of your offspring. (not that you would care anyway)

i have no offspring, end of problem

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Local weather is vastly different than global climate. The scientific consensus...by those most qualified to have a say on the subject, like climatologists who actually make a living studying and analyzing global climate...agree with about a 97% majority that the earth (as a whole) is warming at an unusually rapid rate.

and the cause?

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Local weather is vastly different than global climate. The scientific consensus...by those most qualified to have a say on the subject, like climatologists who actually make a living studying and analyzing global climate...agree with about a 97% majority that the earth (as a whole) is warming at an unusually rapid rate.

And you call yourself a sceptic. It doesn't take a scientist to look at the temperature history and see that there is nothing unusual about the recent warming after the little ice age. 0.85 degrees C in 120 years is actually very stable and now the warming appears to have stopped altogether. There have been warming's of more than 10 degrees in as many years before. And if you look at the whole history we are actually on the cool side.

Also that 97% consensus was blown out of the water a couple of years ago as fraudulent.

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I could write several pages on this subject but I won't . Al Gore will become the first billionaire out of climate change. Yes I don't think we are doing the planet any good in the shit we put into the air and the massive amounts of pollution we create on land and in the water..I have read extensively on the solar flare stuff and these people that talk about this are being censored. It is a global cycle that we cannot fix we must prepare instead. My biggest concern is the water situation, people buy water at an alarming rate and thank god in Thailand it is relatively cheap, others countries you pay a fortune and you see the likes of coca cola and other big mobs jumping on the band wagon and buying these water outlet companies out. In the states you have the fracking companies blasting away, which is destroying rivers and subterranean supplies, its all about money, and for someone to jump on the train. the powers to be want you to pay for everything and 1 day it will be the air that you breathe.

Why did the man go to a poor impoverished country and build a shoe factory, not for the people that didn't have shoes, it was to make money, simple. If I was a millionaire I would set up lots of infrastructure for poor countries and be hands on with everything. I wish I could do it and educate others. We are all being deceived.blink.png

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As MoviePlay says, the one and only thing that has any significant impact on earths environment and more to the point global climate change, is the SUN.

The global warming community had a lot to win in omitting certain data by certain scientists regarding ice core sampling in the arctic and antarctic revealing real historical and prehistorical temperatures.

Now just wait who the environmentalists will blame when the earth magnetic poles shift polarity and the earth crust shifts around a bit.....

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Local weather is vastly different than global climate. The scientific consensus...by those most qualified to have a say on the subject, like climatologists who actually make a living studying and analyzing global climate...agree with about a 97% majority that the earth (as a whole) is warming at an unusually rapid rate.

A warming of 0.85 degree C between 1880 - 2012 (I.P.C.C. figures) is not an unusually rapid rate.

We only came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. Would you expect it to get colder ?

0.85 C over a 135 year period is certainly not an "...unusual rapid rate." When you study Paleoclimatology.... you understand that what is happening today, is well within the normal range of variability for this planet.

if you want "...unusual rapid rate.".... then think 10 degrees or more in as little as ten years. Abrupt Climate Change.

97% majority..... do you know where they got that figure ? The original 97% was put forward by climatologist John Cook of the University of Queensland's Global Change Institute.

A paper by five leading climatologists published in the journal Science and Education last year (2013) found that Cook’s study misrepresented the views of most consensus scientists.

The definition Cook used to get his consensus was weak, the climatologists said. Only 41 out of the 11,944 published climate studies examined by Cook explicitly stated that mankind caused most of the warming since 1950 — meaning the actual consensus is 0.3 percent.

“It is astonishing that any journal could have published a paper claiming a 97% climate consensus when on the authors’ own analysis the true consensus was well below 1%,” said Dr. David Legates, a geology professor at the University of Delaware and the study’s lead author. http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/16/where-did-97-percent-global-warming-consensus-figure-come-from/

Another is "almost all scientific organizations" ....... which means nothing. It is only the few at the top speaking. It's like almost all unions claim support for voting socialism..... but then the individual members get into the privacy of the voting booth.. and vote conservative or liberal.

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Local weather is vastly different than global climate. The scientific consensus...by those most qualified to have a say on the subject, like climatologists who actually make a living studying and analyzing global climate...agree with about a 97% majority that the earth (as a whole) is warming at an unusually rapid rate.

When I was in elementary school back in the 1950's, the scientific consensus was still that the continents did not move. They were fixed in place. It didn't become accepted until the 1960's.

The very few scientists that argued against that.... like Alfred Wegener...were laughed at and ignored...

Wegener was the scientist early in the 20th century that put forth the idea of Continental Drift leading to Plate Tectonics. Wegener and his few supporters were laughed out of the lecture halls... and were ridiculed and ignored by the established scientific institutions and community

... Wegener found it next to impossible to even get published. No respectable science publication wanted anything to do with him.

Sadly, Wegener never lived to see the world agree that he was indeed correct .... he died long before he was vindicated.....proven right. Today... virtually every scientist agrees that we have continental drift/plate tectonics and that the continents move around the surface of the planet.

So now today the "consensus" is that that we are warming the planet to dangerous levels.... (How many people realize we are still in an Ice Age ? No... don't confuse Glacial Periods like 25,000 years ago to Ice Ages. )

Science done by consensus has the ability to be badly mistaken...

In Europe... the scientific consensus also used to be the the Sun revolved around the Earth..... until Galileo came along...

Our warming today is nothing to be concerned about. Climate always changes on this planet. Sometimes fast... sometimes slow.... sometime a little... sometimes a lot.

We just came out of the Little Ice Age approx. 1850...... and warming should be expected.. 0.85 degree C between 1880 - 2012 (I.P.C.C.) is well within the normal range of variability...

Ever wonder why the level of biodiversity on this planet increases as you go from the poles to the tropics ? It's because life prefers warmth and moisture.

It's the same reason why people that can afford it move to the hot tropics... and not to the Arctic Islands...

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

Quote by Jim Sibbison, environmental journalist, former public relations official for the Environmental Protection Agency: "We routinely wrote scare stories...Our press reports were more or less true...We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment."

Quote by emeritus professor Daniel Botkin: "The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Quote by Louis Proyect, Columbia University: “The answer to global warming is in the abolition of private property and production for human need. A socialist world would place an enormous priority on alternative energy sources. This is what ecologically-minded socialists have been exploring for quite some time now.”

Quote by Walden Bello, leftist and founding director of Focus on the Global South: "However it is achieved, a thorough reorganisation of production, consumption and distribution will be the end result of humanity's response to the climate emergency and the broader environmental crisis."

Quote by UK's Keith Farnish, environmental writer, philosopher and activist: "The only way to prevent global ecological collapse and thus ensure the survival of humanity is to rid the world of Industrial Civilization...Unloading essentially means the removal of an existing burden: for instance, removing grazing domesticated animals, razing cities to the ground, blowing up dams and switching off the greenhouse gas emissions machine."


Edited by Catoni
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Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age.
Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic, scientists say.

hottest july recorded so far...or at least close.

i think the world is heating up...for now. I know in Chiang Mai it is.

In the last 4.6 billion years??? hmmmmm I think not

"On Record" Means since records have been kept.

Dinosaurs did not keep records.

Most of us would just consider weather reporting/recording only goes back less than a hundred years. I am not including the last ice age, or the big bang.

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Local weather is vastly different than global climate. The scientific consensus...by those most qualified to have a say on the subject, like climatologists who actually make a living studying and analyzing global climate...agree with about a 97% majority that the earth (as a whole) is warming at an unusually rapid rate.

When I was in elementary school back in the 1950's, the scientific consensus was still that the continents did not move. They were fixed in place. It didn't become accepted until the 1960's.

The very few scientists that argued against that.... like Alfred Wegener...were laughed at and ignored...

Wegener was the scientist early in the 20th century that put forth the idea of Continental Drift leading to Plate Tectonics. Wegener and his few supporters were laughed out of the lecture halls... and were ridiculed and ignored by the established scientific institutions and community

... Wegener found it next to impossible to even get published. No respectable science publication wanted anything to do with him.

Sadly, Wegener never lived to see the world agree that he was indeed correct .... he died long before he was vindicated.....proven right. Today... virtually every scientist agrees that we have continental drift/plate tectonics and that the continents move around the surface of the planet.

So now today the "consensus" is that that we are warming the planet to dangerous levels.... (How many people realize we are still in an Ice Age ? No... don't confuse Glacial Periods like 25,000 years ago to Ice Ages. )

Science done by consensus has the ability to be badly mistaken...

In Europe... the scientific consensus also used to be the the Sun revolved around the Earth..... until Galileo came along...

Our warming today is nothing to be concerned about. Climate always changes on this planet. Sometimes fast... sometimes slow.... sometime a little... sometimes a lot.

We just came out of the Little Ice Age approx. 1850...... and warming should be expected.. 0.85 degree C between 1880 - 2012 (I.P.C.C.) is well within the normal range of variability...

Ever wonder why the level of biodiversity on this planet increases as you go from the poles to the tropics ? It's because life prefers warmth and moisture.

It's the same reason why people that can afford it move to the hot tropics... and not to the Arctic Islands...

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

Quote by Jim Sibbison, environmental journalist, former public relations official for the Environmental Protection Agency: "We routinely wrote scare stories...Our press reports were more or less true...We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment."

Quote by emeritus professor Daniel Botkin: "The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Quote by Louis Proyect, Columbia University: “The answer to global warming is in the abolition of private property and production for human need. A socialist world would place an enormous priority on alternative energy sources. This is what ecologically-minded socialists have been exploring for quite some time now.”

Quote by Walden Bello, leftist and founding director of Focus on the Global South: "However it is achieved, a thorough reorganisation of production, consumption and distribution will be the end result of humanity's response to the climate emergency and the broader environmental crisis."

Quote by UK's Keith Farnish, environmental writer, philosopher and activist: "The only way to prevent global ecological collapse and thus ensure the survival of humanity is to rid the world of Industrial Civilization...Unloading essentially means the removal of an existing burden: for instance, removing grazing domesticated animals, razing cities to the ground, blowing up dams and switching off the greenhouse gas emissions machine."


Had to smile at the point made about how the density of living creatures becomes more predominate as you move towards the equator. The only life that increases as you spread to the poles are canadians and penguins. Which makes me wonder.

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great looking forward to skiing in cm

Unless you mean water skiing opalred I am afraid you will be disappointed my friend. lol

Adaptation to Climate Change and Agricultural Sector in Thailand

"Annual Rainfall Projection

Rainfall in central area tend to decrease, while the

rainfalls in Northern and the north of Northeastern

Thailand tend to increase"

Sorry opalred no Apres snow skiing for you in the near future.

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Yep there it is again, its getting colder because its getting hotter, but the hotter is the problem, more grant money please..

Different scientists have different perspectives on what is causing the cold weather, the global warming industry likes to say it's co2 emissions and oh by the way they sell co2 emission reduction technology.

You can spin it anyway you want but the fact is the winters will continue to get colder. start earlier and end later, and you will still have these rivers and seas freezing especially when we get into the 2030's just like they did last time we had solar minimums, human caused warming will not offset these cold spells and then one day in the future, after the Maunder Minimum ends in the 2060's and the sun returns to solar maximums those severe cold spells will end assuming the solar maximums continue like they did from 1850 up until now and then the people in the future will call this era a 'mini-ice age'.

I understand it can be very confusing but with GLOBAL Warming you need to view the Earth GLOBALLY. I can fully understand during the Winter of 2014 Americans in the Central and East of USA up to their nether regions in snow and ice thinking "Global warming? someone's having a lend of me". I'd probably be thinking the same. It simply would not make sense. What you are seeing is 'WEATHER' if you want to witness Global Warming you have to look at Earth in its entirety not just Weather in one localised region like the USA.

NASA / Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) is the leading authority on Global Warming / Climate Change analysis.

Here is a snapshot of Earth during the Winter of 2014:


Photo by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

So you can see GLOBALLY the Earth is heating up like a boiled egg but you have this localised excursion of freezing cold air escaping from the Arctic. Normally this doesn't occur as the balanced heat from the equator keeps the icy cold air contained in the Polar Region. Global Warming creates hotspots and destabilises the Polar Region and the side of least resistance collapses and the icy air escapes. Now it passes over cold 'dry air' Canada without a great deal of impact but when it hits the warm humid air in the US it turns it into trillions of tons of snow and ice.

Look at poor old California while this is going on, baking to a crisp in a 1000 year record breaking drought. America is really getting whacked hard with the fallout from GW / CC.

Now overall US winters are getting milder not colder. So it isn't 'spin' but I do accept it is a perceived dichotomy.

It is so important not to conflate unrelated issues. The Earth is NOT in a Grand Solar Minimum similar to the Maunder Minimum and causing the Polar Vortex in Central and East Coast of USA. There is no link at all. What the Astronomers are suggesting is that Earth could be heading for a Solar Minimum similar to the Maunder Minimum BUT and it is a BIG BUT it will have little to no effect on GW / CC as shown using research by Feulner and Rahmstorf 2010 and combining the Maunder Minimum AND the Dalton Minimum it will have no effect whatsover with increasing Global temperatures:


There is NO connection between the Maunder Minimum and the 'River Thames Frost Fairs' (Also the Thames River does not flow through Central and East Coast USA).


I am at a loss how a Frost Fair on a frozen Thames River can be attributed to a Maunder Solar Minimum that occurred 37 years AFTER the first recorded Frost Fair.

The Mini Ice Age was caused by Volcanic eruptions and was restricted to a small regional area and did not effect Earth GLOBALLY.

I apologise for the length of the reply. For BM'ers who may be, quite rightly, scratching their heads a little on GW and massive snow storms I hope that helps by way of an explanation as to what is occurring and why.

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Are you serious? Like you didn't read the OP or the reply to this comment earlier.. PRIOR to the Maunder minimum was the Sporer Minimum and at least 1 other solar minimum, i talked about how the arst* article I posted on the OP misleads the reader like you are trying to do now, you ignor that and the 2nd time i called out that BS. ALSO THE mini ice age was not thsi even steven thing over 400 years, it had its ups and down with its most downs being during the MM.

the ash blasting volcanic eruptions have been linked to the solar minimums by some scientists who note that they always seem to increase when you have these solar minimums, for example we had 2 in 2014 .. and volcanoes that erupt during solar maximums like mtst helens and pilu do not cause noticable cooling and nothing more than an immediate weather disruption. The notion that a volcano can throw the world into a mini-ice and and its just coincidence that it always happens to be during a solar minimum is bullshit, a volcanic event is over ina week or so and most of the sun blocking ash settles, where as the solar minimum itself is causing increased cloud coverage all the time because it allows cosmic rays to reach the earths atmosphere.

as far as the studies you talking about well other scientists reject that human caused global warming is causing the cold. is it just coincidence that we are starting to feel these colder longer winters just about the time you would expect to be feeling them considering we have had 2 weak solar maximums in cycles 23, 24, and now 25 is forecast to be minimal with cycle 26 bottoming out for a MM starting around 2030? I dont think so

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Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age.
Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic, scientists say.

hottest july recorded so far...or at least close.

i think the world is heating up...for now. I know in Chiang Mai it is.

In the last 4.6 billion years??? hmmmmm I think not

"On Record" Means since records have been kept.

Dinosaurs did not keep records.

Most of us would just consider weather reporting/recording only goes back less than a hundred years. I am not including the last ice age, or the big bang.

I merely point out records are VERY short compared to the 4.6 billion years, even ice cores arent that old at half a million or so......half a million out of 4.6 billion, drop in the warming ocean

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SEE how i already responded to your 'no connection to mm' FOR THE SECOND TIME after i had already called out that lie in the OP, you then posted that bs again, that the LIA started before the MM and ignoring the fact that the sporer minimum occured before that.. will you read it this time?

also see here at 18 minutes..ipcc senate hearing

There has been no extreme weather trend over the last 60 years, there is NO scientific evidence that 'global warming' particularly the kind caused by humans is causing extreme weather events, so that part of your post is also wrong, hense the extreme colds of 2014 were caused by the solar minimums exacerbated by volcanic eruptions, NOT by 'global warming'.

There is no connection between the Maunder Minimum / Dalton Minimum and the 'River Thames Frost Fairs', As you can see the first recorded Frost Fair occurred in 1608 some 37 years prior to the start of the Maunder Minimum in 1645.

up2u2: PRIOR to the Maunder Minimum was the Sporer Minimum and another minimum, just like the dalton minimum was after the MM, I ALREADY covered that so please read the OP and the arstech article before making your comments. Also the Mini Ice Age was not an even steven event over 400 years, it had it's ups and downs with its most downs during the Maunder Minimum.

First of all when debating this we need to be on the same page as to what is a "Mini Ice-Age"?

IMO the MIA is a series of cold phenomenon like the frozen Thames river and frozen north seas and frozen Venice Italy and frozen Florida Everglades, and gulf of mexico waters, it doesn't mean there are no summers or that it doesn't still get hot.

These cold events that happened mostly during the MM will happen again even if some charts show that human activity is warming the planet using temperature readings at specific locations that have often seen urban sprawl. These cold events will still occur even if your charts show the warming is less superficial than that, it would be illogical to think that human co2 emissions will somehow prevent very cold conditions caused by the solar minimums.

The notion that human created global warming will prevent cold was just bursted in that 2014 polar vortex, that was the first polar vortex to hit the USA since 1985 and the one in 1985 was actually just over Maine, where as this one plunged through into Ohio and middle america, with the solar minimums more of the vortexes will come in the near future and they will get more powerful. tailpipes and black asphalt can't stop weather patterns like that.


This was also in 2014, a rare event, even Hamaii which is on the tropic of cancer, so cold phenomenon are already happening and we are only about 2% into these solar minimums.

There is no credible scientific institution entertaining the notion that we are about to see Global Warming reversed by ANY decrease in Solar activity and entering into an Ice Age. If you have a theory with relevant research data to back it, the world awaits your findings.

The states of the USA are not the entirety of the World. It is just one region.

The Polar Vortex that has occurred over the past 3 years on the Central and East coast of USA is a direct result of the Earth warming. Normally the cold air in the Arctic is kept in place with an even pressure from all sides of warm air from the equator. What is occurring is 'hot spots' due to Global Warming that are destabilising one side of the Arctic region which collapses and rushes down Canada and hits the humid air central and east coast of America where it dumps unprecedented meters of snow and Ice.

Global Warming = Climate Change = Extreme Weather Events including but not limited to Unprecedented Flooding, Record breaking Snow and Ice, record breaking Heat Waves, Super Hurricanes, Super record 1000 year droughts. As the Earth warms these weather events will become more extreme.

The US polar vortex is a result of extreme weather due to Global Warming not the onset of an Ice Age. Globally the Earth is warming not cooling. The more CO2 in the atmosphere the more the Earth will warm.

Edited by movieplay
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SEE how i already responded to your 'no connection to mm' FOR THE SECOND TIME after i had already called out that lie in the OP, you then posted that bs again, that the LIA started before the MM and ignoring the fact that the sporer minimum occured before that.. will you read it this time?

also see here at 18 minutes..ipcc senate hearing

There has been no extreme weather trend over the last 60 years, there is NO scientific evidence that 'global warming' particularly the kind caused by humans is causing extreme weather events, so that part of your post is also wrong, hense the extreme colds of 2014 were caused by the solar minimums exacerbated by volcanic eruptions, NOT by 'global warming'.

The 'Little Ice Age' for the most part was independent regional climate changes and confined to modest cooling of the Northern Hemisphere. There is no suggestion that the LIA was a Global Glaciation or that Low Solar Activity was the primary cause of the LIA. The forcings attributed to the LIA are Low Solar Activity, heightened volcanic activity, climate variability, decreases in human population.

As I am feeling generous I will throw in a Sporer Minimum and a Maunder Minimum, but wait there's more, I will toss in a Dolton Minimum to boot and it will have little to no effect on rising Global Warming due to increased Greenhouse gases. The only event that could knock out Global Warming would be an actual Global Glaciation the next one is due in about 40,000 years.

The video is 2 years old so can't really be attributed to the Polar Vortex in 2014. Pielke Jnr. is a 'Climate Contrarian' Global warming is occurring but no need to do anything about it. Roy Spencer is an idiot.

"the extreme colds of 2014 were caused by the solar minimums exacerbated by volcanic eruptions, NOT by 'global warming'." Thought bubble and wrong.

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Upu2 I would love to comment on your post but you seem to be all over the place.

Where is the evidence that the little Ice age was a northern phenomenon? I am not saying it wasn't but I would like to see that described somewhere.

When you say the forcings attributed to the LIA are low solar activity, heightened volcanic activity, climate variability, decreases in human population. Are you saying that these things are causes of the cooling or results of the cooling? I can see volcanic activity and low solar activity as causal but not a decrease in human population; that must have been a product of the cooling. As for climate variability? isn't the LIA an example of climate variability?

The global glaciation you have predicted in 40,000 years. What will be the cause of that?

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So if scientists don't agree with your agenda, their idiots, even when their briefing the senate from the ipcc. They clearly contradict what you said about these extreme weather events becoming worse and more often and it was presented as a mainstream view.. their are alot and an increasing number of scientists that have fell off the man made global warming bandwagon as it gets colder, and in fact the mainstream rarely uses the word global warming now, now it's always 'climate change', and their are scientists that have their own set of charts and data that show cooling since after 2000, like this researcher:

but no need to go into all that, I don't care about averages or means 1' hotter here, 1' colder there .. fact is we're seeing these cold events just about the time you would expect to see more cold after 2 below average solarcycles, and then your suddenly saying itwas the manmade global warming that did it? why didn't it do it 10 years ago when the global warming industry was telling us man made warming was out of control? The getting hotter so its getting colder thing just happens to take place exactly when we expect to start seeing the cooling effects of the solar minimums.

Saying we're not going to have these cold events as we get deeper into this era of solar minimums is illogical because then your saying that because we polluted the air with co2 (which is bad?) we actually 'tamed' the environment with this minor greenhouse gas, that's ridiculous, it's absurd to think that man can control the environment.

SEE how i already responded to your 'no connection to mm' FOR THE SECOND TIME after i had already called out that lie in the OP, you then posted that bs again, that the LIA started before the MM and ignoring the fact that the sporer minimum occured before that.. will you read it this time?

also see here at 18 minutes..ipcc senate hearing

There has been no extreme weather trend over the last 60 years, there is NO scientific evidence that 'global warming' particularly the kind caused by humans is causing extreme weather events, so that part of your post is also wrong, hense the extreme colds of 2014 were caused by the solar minimums exacerbated by volcanic eruptions, NOT by 'global warming'.

The 'Little Ice Age' for the most part was independent regional climate changes and confined to modest cooling of the Northern Hemisphere. There is no suggestion that the LIA was a Global Glaciation or that Low Solar Activity was the primary cause of the LIA. The forcings attributed to the LIA are Low Solar Activity, heightened volcanic activity, climate variability, decreases in human population.

As I am feeling generous I will throw in a Sporer Minimum and a Maunder Minimum, but wait there's more, I will toss in a Dolton Minimum to boot and it will have little to no effect on rising Global Warming due to increased Greenhouse gases. The only event that could knock out Global Warming would be an actual Global Glaciation the next one is due in about 40,000 years.

The video is 2 years old so can't really be attributed to the Polar Vortex in 2014. Pielke Jnr. is a 'Climate Contrarian' Global warming is occurring but no need to do anything about it. Roy Spencer is an idiot.

"the extreme colds of 2014 were caused by the solar minimums exacerbated by volcanic eruptions, NOT by 'global warming'." Thought bubble and wrong.

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