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Australian father hires former commando’s to grab his daughter in Thailand

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"The mother hardly "abducted" the child. Abduct means "to carry off by force". I am fairly sure that the infant was not carried kicking and screaming out of the house"

would a child not trust their parent? do you think the mother told her they she would not return to their home, her father, her playmates?? your statement because the child was not carried away kicking, and screaming therefore it is not an abduction is astonishing.

Very simple concepts are involved here and then you close by telling other forum members they have not thought this one through. i thought about sticking a needle into my arm to make sure i am really awake and not asleep in a dream.

PS; 12drinkmore, did you drink more today?

Yes, the concepts are quite simple.

- The mother traveled legally to Thailand with her daughter.

- The legal systems of Thailand and Australia did not support the father's case for having the daughter live with him.

- The lonely Dad (read the article) employed a gang of international vigilante kidnappers to illegally kidnap the child in a foreign country.

- I like to live in a world where laws and justice prevail.

We do not know about the relationship of the mother and father. I find it totally unfair that the mother is presumed guilty by hurling stereotypes at her, and the father the Knight in Shining Armour.

Thankfully TV'ers are unlikely to ever find themselves on a jury. I doubt if a fair hearing could ever be had.

I am drinking less nowadays, and trying to stop altogether. But is is proving a little difficult. Thanks for asking.

Do you live in Thailand? If yes, why? There is no law nor justice here for normal people.

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And now the little girl wakes up every day and wonders "Where is mommy?" Mebe Mommy can contact CARI and get the kid back?

My ex got up one morning after I had gone to work , told my son she was unwell and that a neighbour ( her friend)( Thai girl) would be taking him to school .

Sent me a text from the airport saying - tell your daughter to pick YOUR son up from school .

Has never contacted her son since, 40 years old and left without a care as per many villages in LOS .

I would say the father has done what he knows is best.

Thais will go home if they can't obtain the correct tasting som tam !!


How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.

Yeah I would agree with you in principle except mom just dumped her in the village with grandma and is doing who knows what. Hard to say I don't know enough facts but sounds like a fair bit of spite coming from mom and a good result for a very worried/frustrated father. I know if it was my daughters I would do anything to get them back.


So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

The story suggests the Natasha was living with her maternal grandmother. That usually means that mother was absent and working elsewhere in the "hospitality" industry to provide living expenses. If that was the case she wasn't being "mother" anyway.

On this forum there are two camps: one camp will defend Thailand and thainess to their last breath while the other camp will ridicule the "thainess gang".

Even if there was proof that the woman dumped the daughter at her mothers place and was a "tourist guide" in Phuket/Hua hin/Pattaya/etc the "thainess gang" would still defend that and think that the Australian man would not be fit to take care of the daughter and the only reason for that is because he isn't thai.


"The mother hardly "abducted" the child. Abduct means "to carry off by force". I am fairly sure that the infant was not carried kicking and screaming out of the house"

would a child not trust their parent? do you think the mother told her they she would not return to their home, her father, her playmates?? your statement because the child was not carried away kicking, and screaming therefore it is not an abduction is astonishing.

Very simple concepts are involved here and then you close by telling other forum members they have not thought this one through. i thought about sticking a needle into my arm to make sure i am really awake and not asleep in a dream.

PS; 12drinkmore, did you drink more today?

Yes, the concepts are quite simple.

- The mother traveled legally to Thailand with her daughter.

- The legal systems of Thailand and Australia did not support the father's case for having the daughter live with him.

- The lonely Dad (read the article) employed a gang of international vigilante kidnappers to illegally kidnap the child in a foreign country.

- I like to live in a world where laws and justice prevail.

We do not know about the relationship of the mother and father. I find it totally unfair that the mother is presumed guilty by hurling stereotypes at her, and the father the Knight in Shining Armour.

Thankfully TV'ers are unlikely to ever find themselves on a jury. I doubt if a fair hearing could ever be had.

I am drinking less nowadays, and trying to stop altogether. But is is proving a little difficult. Thanks for asking.

Your premise is completely wrong in law.

Considering what has occurred, the only way she took her daughter to Thailand legally would be for her to inform the father that she was taking the child and not coming back. He would then need to consent.

That obviously did not happen and is therefore illegal.

I suggest you look at a similar case where 4 children where taken by the mother from italy to australia for a holiday. The mother then refused to return and mde complaints of domestic violence etc. the courts ordered the children be returned to the father in italy. It is now up to him if he allows the mother to visit.

Google...italian children returned to father....sad but interesting and obviously on legal point to this story.


I don't see where it said that the father had sole custody of the daughter and if he didn't then the mother didn't technically illegally abduct the child, but like everybody else here I don't know the facts so I can't make an informed comment on that. While it's natural that we as farangs would have more of an affinity for one of our own, there really are always at least two sides to a story and we should consider this before slapping all concerned on the back.

Two wrongs don't often make a right.

both parents have equal parental rights, shared custody at residence of domicile.. may be wrong but if a parent removes the child from the residence of domicile with the intent-plan to not return nonetheless goes to a different country it is more than normal parental custodial right.

i dont think it is affinity for ones own but knowledge about how the thai system (does not) work(s)


Well done, probably exhausted all the multiple money sucking routes in Thailand and just got upset with the whole situation. Personally i think a lot more Commandos and Special forces people should come over and investigate the multiple murders and other crimes that are casually brushed under Thailands "Lose no face" carpet........ The girl will now have an education and a future, as opposed to probably a half wits few years of brainwashing and a future in a bar selling her dignity........


Good for him. Treat the Thai legal system with the contempt it deserves. As a Falang he was onto a loser anyway. At least now his daughter will have a chance at a decent education in a free thinking democratic environment, with real laws to protect the poor and innocent. If the Thai authorities/ex wife wish to pursue legal actions against the father, at least they will be dealt with in a country with real laws for all of it's citizens, applied equally.


Another few years and the child will be looking after him.Single pension with dependant isn't much money in Oz and how much money can a retired hurdling coach have after paying off ex-commandos.


So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

Rightly or wrongly, the guy has committed an international crime. If some Thai, backed by hired militia abducted a child from Australia, what would your opinion be?

Did you read the story? the woman abducted the daughter from Australia. The husband tried legal channels (thai and Australia) to get her returned. who committed the original crime?

So when legal channels didn't work he committed a crime,the same crime as his wife,who left Oz legally.


His wife took the child illegally from oz,australia is a signatory to the hague convention so is thailand,but thailand doesn't enforce it.he tried legally through the right channels to get his daughter back without success,he then contacted"carrie or carry" not sure about name but an international child abduction org based in london and staffed mainly by ex australian sas personel. the child is very happy according to the media here, her english has improved and is regarded as above average according to her school.

What!Did they get a refo boat out of Oz or did they legally go through immigration in Aust and Thailand.I would say the latter.


How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.

THE KEY HERE which lost ALL SUPPORT for the Mother is the fact she dumped the kit at the maternal Grandmother in some shithole of a village and we all know what that means, at that point the Mother gets no cred at all.

If the child had been living with the mother in a home in a normal place then OK she may get some pity and I would question it more but to let a little girl grow up in OZ then take her and dump her with her grandparent sorry she is better off with Daddy.

Maybe the mother had to work so left them with grandparents which is quite normal in Thailand.What happens to kids in Aust.when parent/parents go to work.left with the olds or child minding centre.Same same.


And now the little girl wakes up every day and wonders "Where is mommy?" Mebe Mommy can contact CARI and get the kid back?

Nah, you didn't read the article - the kid was left to be raisedwith her grandparents. She won't be missing her mum. She's back with her father and her school and her friends. Good way for her to be.

And left her school,grandparents and friends, behind in Thailand.As she left when she was 4 she only went to kindy.



Maybe the mother had to work so left them with grandparents which is quite normal in Thailand.What happens to kids in Aust.when parent/parents go to work.left with the olds or child minding centre.Same same.<<

Not same same as they get to see the mother every night and weekend .


all saying that the father is guilty of a crime read the hague act on the protection of children and what he had to go through before he had to resort to this. the oz government under the act does the legal work for free after exhaustive checking and would not do that if they believed the father was a ratbag.


How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.

Good point, well made. As someone said earlier, there must be more to this story. There are always two sides to every story.

Often much more than two, actually.

Does anyone here remember one extraordinary movie called Rashōmon (by Akira Kurosawa in 1950) where a guy is murdered and the various versions are presented to us in succession ?

Naturally all the stories contradict one another in almost every detail, and the movie reaches pure genius in the last episode, where the dead guy himself appears as a ghost and tells how he died, of course differently from all former accounts.

When he's done, the people listening to him are in total awe (on account of him being a ghost and all) and one of them says :

- Well, here we are, finally we've heard the truth.

- How can you be so sure ? says another, even dead people can lie !

Thais and the way they treat kids ... well ...books could be written about that. I'm sponsoring a kid in Esarn who was first abandoned by his father when he was 3 (guy ran off with another girl) and then his mother when he was 6 (she took off with a Southern man who wouldn't have anything to do with the kid). The child ended up in his paternal grandma's house, a remarkable woman with a big heart and a very small wallet. Up to now she does everything she can to ensure his well-being. When the mother learnt that the kid had a Western sponsor she came back to see if she could in any way benefit from that situation. I never even met her but she was told to go to hell by her ex-mother in law, in no sweet words I believe.

So, it's hard (as always) to generalize, and we do not know why the mother left and took the child with her.

I would venture that, being in a foreign country and (probably) uneducated, she would have had no idea how to deal with an unbearable situation (if that was the case) in a legal way. She might also assume that to go see the police was not the right move, because in her own country, the police tend to be biased against foreigners.

The fact that the guy 'dealt' with the situation in Rambo fashion seems to please a lot of TV posters, which doesn't surprise me, but incidentally it also says something about him and his way of 'handling' problems. Of course he might also have been a very sweet, loving, and caring husband, for all I know.

Hollywood movies often like to present Rambos as good husbands/fathers too, but the thing is, real life does not happen in Hollywood, does it ?


And now the little girl wakes up every day and wonders "Where is mommy?" Mebe Mommy can contact CARI and get the kid back?

Nah, you didn't read the article - the kid was left to be raisedwith her grandparents. She won't be missing her mum. She's back with her father and her school and her friends. Good way for her to be.

And left her school,grandparents and friends, behind in Thailand.As she left when she was 4 she only went to kindy.

Yes, the caring mother kidnapped her from her surroundings and her biological father in Australia and because she cared so much for her daughter and loved her so much, promptly dumped her in the jungle with grandparents. You're all heart and your name is very apt.


How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.

Any parent worth their salt is going to understand a child needs two cooperating parents.

That being said, what she did to the father, leaving without any warning or discussion about the child's best interests, is dysfunctional. It's cold, and calculating. On that basis alone, congrats to him for his success!


Heartbroken, loving,caring,Father desperate or rescue daughter

And provide good life on Oz


Angry, hateful,abusive,drunk wanting to get revenge on wife for

Leaving him, and get back at wife by abducting their child????



Lots of people assume that the mother broke the law in bringing her daughter to Thailand. Yes, she didnt tell the dad, he just came home to an empty house. That is a crazy thing to do but she hasnt broken the law if she just took her own daughter to the airport and over to Thailand. The person who has broken the law is the father and his accomplice(s) who have kidnapped the child and taken her to Australia. As pointed out by some, Australia is likely to have laws in this regard. The mother may be able to go to Australia and legally get her child returned. I am a dad with a young daughter whom I adore and I do not blame him for doing what he did. But it may come back to haunt him.

How do you come to that conclusion. If the mother didnt break the law by taking the child then how did the father break the law by doing the same thing?

Good analogy. It would seem carter is baffled by and unable to relate to even his own logic


The father must have arranged travel documents with the Australian immigration people or they would not have been able to get her on the plane. If this did not have the backing of Australia then he would have been arrested on arrival in Australia.

They crossed the river into either Laos or Cambodia without passport control so they have turned an eye as well.

I smell fish in all of this.

you need to watch a few chuck norris delta force movies and chill out, but i commend you on a not unreasonable assumption.


I agree with your conclusions however I disagree with your theory about the fine line between the two thainess camps I think there is more middle ground in this forum than you are suggesting. Many here are merely making comments based on their own experiences and personal opinions and not necessarily on their own particular strong camp biases.

So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

The story suggests the Natasha was living with her maternal grandmother. That usually means that mother was absent and working elsewhere in the "hospitality" industry to provide living expenses. If that was the case she wasn't being "mother" anyway.

On this forum there are two camps: one camp will defend Thailand and thainess to their last breath while the other camp will ridicule the "thainess gang".

Even if there was proof that the woman dumped the daughter at her mothers place and was a "tourist guide" in Phuket/Hua hin/Pattaya/etc the "thainess gang" would still defend that and think that the Australian man would not be fit to take care of the daughter and the only reason for that is because he isn't thai.


Listening to both arguments and to be honest you can look at both ways. However he is only doing exactly what she did. She chose the path and made her methodology clear by taking her behind his back.


Lots of people assume that the mother broke the law in bringing her daughter to Thailand. Yes, she didnt tell the dad, he just came home to an empty house. That is a crazy thing to do but she hasnt broken the law if she just took her own daughter to the airport and over to Thailand. The person who has broken the law is the father and his accomplice(s) who have kidnapped the child and taken her to Australia. As pointed out by some, Australia is likely to have laws in this regard. The mother may be able to go to Australia and legally get her child returned. I am a dad with a young daughter whom I adore and I do not blame him for doing what he did. But it may come back to haunt him.

How do you come to that conclusion. If the mother didnt break the law by taking the child then how did the father break the law by doing the same thing?

Good analogy. It would seem carter is baffled by and unable to relate to even his own logic

100% correct, mum took the child from Australia presumably without permission of the father, who in turn has reversed the roles - therefore the score is 1 - 1.

If they had the child's passport or the father had applied for a new one in her name it could be used to exit thailand legally and enter the next country legally and board a flight home legally.

Mission complete - as to the rights or wrongs - not mine or anybody else.


Another few years and the child will be looking after him.Single pension with dependant isn't much money in Oz and how much money can a retired hurdling coach have after paying off ex-commandos.

Infinitely better than ending up in a Go Go in Pattaya.

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