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Lawyer who represented churches in China is missing


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Lawyer Who Represented Churches in China Is Missing
The New York Times

HONG KONG — A lawyer who energetically represented Christian churches whose crosses were torn down by the Chinese government has disappeared, probably into police custody, a colleague and supporters said on Friday.

The lawyer, Zhang Kai, is based in Beijing but went missing on Tuesday night in Wenzhou, a coastal city in eastern China where Christians have opposed a government program to demolish church crosses, Yang Xingquan, a colleague of Mr. Zhang’s at the Xinqiao Law Firm in Beijing, said in a telephone interview.

“We’ve heard no official information about his whereabouts,” Mr. Yang said. “He was in Wenzhou when he disappeared on the 25th, but since then we’ve heard nothing from him or about him.”

In a statement on Wednesday, Mr. Yang urged the government in Wenzhou to release Mr. Zhang and his assistant, Liu Peng, who is also missing. Police officers in Lucheng District, Wenzhou, where the two men were last seen, either refused to say anything or said they did not know anything when called.

Full story: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/28/world/asia/lawyer-who-represented-churches-in-china-is-missing.html

-- The New York Times 2015-08-28

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The bogeyman got him.

There are an estimated 100 million Christians in the CCP China and 86 million members of the Chinese Communist Party. While the CCP is the largest political party of the world, it is scared to death of seeing the Christian cross anywhere, anytime. It's almost as if a CCP disintegrates and dissolves on seeing a cross atop a church or right there in front of him.

So in the face of a great resistance by worshippers, the CCP moved the crosses off the rooftops of churches. CCP said to put the crosses on the face of the building. Now the CCP is destroying crosses and abducting Christian lawyers.

What started out as a simple CCP statement that they are in charge has now developed into an intense resentment of their crude authority and authoritarianism. One gal I worked with there fulfilled her dream to get married on Christmas Day. Unlike US evangelical Christian fanatics, Chinese Christians mind their own business and only want to live in their communities of peace.

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China is making a very big mistake with these continual bullying campaigns. I remember many times going to a fundamental Christian service in Chongqing while I lived there. The church was always full past standing room and I never saw another guiloa (caucasian) there. There were no crosses ( inside or out) and no fanaticism - only quiet prayer, meditation and worship. There were always several men standing in the back, wearing identical black suits.

Although the people all quietly left after the service, I know that many of them met in smaller groups during the week for bible study, prayer and fellowship. All in all, they were a tight knit, faithful and dedicated group - each fiercely loyal to their faith and their fellow Christians. This was not a group that I would want to make my enemy.

Edited by tigermonkey
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The Christian church and Christians have become the whipping-boy of the world...intolerant behavior and harassment by governments and non-Christian citizens are aimed at creating fear in the Christian community...love is not in the air...

This kind of treatment has been spoken of by Christian ministers for years as it was forecast in the passages of the Bible...another sign of the end of the world as we have known it is quickly approaching...

Those with a foundation in Christian faith will be better prepared to survive the calamity soon coming...IMHO

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Americas Govt.motto on the greeenback is "in God we trust".That has become a joke.Remember when in the 50's America was mounting that huge campaign against communism,(The radio program-I was a communist for the FBI etc.etc.)Now America has practically embraced all of the communist principles and given up God, eg.equality between men and women,no God in schools etc.etc. Russia still abhors gays at least while America has gone right down the tube on morality,in fact America has ruined the world I would venture to say with their lurid movies and TV.porn programs.

However on the subject of religion I do believe that all religions should be abolished because if their is a God,and personally I do believe that their is a supreme person, and power, behind it all,then there is only one God,one supreme being, so why do we have to tolerate so many sqabbling non-sense religions.OK believe in God but obviously it is all the same God ,which no-one has monopoly on.We all know the principles of religion like honesty-cleanliness-kindness etc.so make it simple,believers this side-non-believers the other side.

Nowadays we have all these religions competeing for money to sustain themselves and their wealthy leaders in many cases,and most of their cheating schemes go unregulated by the Governments.The Governments should be seeing that the dum fks of the world are not being cheated.Why do not these religious people go about just preaching about God rather than preaching politics-that is trying to change people from one religion to another.The reason is that they do not have any clear idea who God is(except maybe the Hare Krishnas)and really these zealots are factually more interested in making themselves God,or their leaders rich and famous than in Glorifying God himself.They know very little of God but still they are adamant about their silly sectarean religions.How did people ever become so stupid,anyone who could swallow the silly notion that Jesus is the only way,and died for you so you can go on sinning and not be held responsible muyst be exceptionally stupid.Or look at the stupidity of the extremist muslims who tteach that they have the right to kill everyone else.I believe it is high time to deal firmly with these issues and abolish religions while allowing unified glorigfication of God.We are in hell so we do have to allow the non-believers their little place in ignorance,but at least drop the ignorance of sectarean religions,that would be a great start to a sane and peaceful society. Put that in your pipe and smoke on it.

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Maybe he has met his supposed God.


The large question is whether man meets his maker or God meets his.

And which one speaks the line, "Thank you for creating me. And in your image besides."

No reliable firsthand reports thus far. I suspect however there's a sensible reason for it.

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