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Young Myanmar woman critical in Phuket hospital following acid attack

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Myanmar woman critical in Phuket hospital following acid attack *Graphic images*

Ta Zin Moe was tracked down at a rented home on Srisuthat Rd in Rassada.

PHUKET: -- A young Myanmar woman has been left blinded and her face and body severly disfigured following an acid attack by her best friend. The woman is still in critical condition at Vachira Hospital.

At 10 am yesterday (August 27) Kathu police arrested Myanmar national Ta Zin Moe, 24, on an arrest warrant issued for assault causing deathly injury after she threw formic acid at her friend, Ka Ta, 22, in front of unnamed restaurant in Soi Nanai in Patong in the early hours of Wednesday (August 26).

Ms Ka suffered severe burns to her face and torso. She has lost sight in both her eyes and both her ears have been maimed.

She was taken to Patong Hospital immediately after the attack by local resident. However, she was transferred to Vachira Hospital after she went into a coma.

Police learned from local residents that the suspect fled the scene of the attak on a Honda Scoopy.

“CCTV showed Ta Zin Moe waiting for Ka Ta at a restaurant that morning and then attacking her before fleeing on the mortorbike.

“We gathered information and got an arrest warrant from Phuket Provincial Court,” revealed Lt Col Suthichai Tienpo from Kathu police.

Police managed to track down Ta Zin Moe by her phone number which was stored on Ka Ta's phone and found her hiding at a rented home on Srisuthat Rd in Rassada.

“We arrived to find Ta Zin Moe packing her clothes ready to flee the country,” said Lt Col Suthichai.

Ta Zin Moe was taken to Kathu police station where she told police she attacked her best friend with formic acid because she believed she had something to do with her being fired from her job.

Ta is currently being held on charges of assault causing deathly injury.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/myanmar-woman-critical-in-phuket-hospital-following-acid-attack-graphic-images-53848.php

-- Phuket News 2015-08-28

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Shocking. So many sick people in this world. Worse than animals.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


What is it with South-East Asians and cowardly, vicious, OTT revenge? huh.png

No it’s a psychopath... Only about 1% of the population in Asia is psychopathic as opposed to about 5% in western countries and 8-10% in African countries. The poor defenseless child has suffered a fate worse than death at it’s hands.. sad.png Why? Because it thought she had something to do with it losing it’s job.. bah.gif


Over being fired from a job, not even sleeping with the boyfriend, just losing a job. I shake my head. blink.png


What is it with South-East Asians and cowardly, vicious, OTT revenge? huh.png

No it’s a psychopath... Only about 1% of the population in Asia is psychopathic as opposed to about 5% in western countries and 8-10% in African countries. The poor defenseless child has suffered a fate worse than death at it’s hands.. sad.png Why? Because it thought she had something to do with it losing it’s job.. bah.gif

Well, this sounds like BS.


Can we have a conversation about Asian behavior and culture without bringing America or the West into the conversation?

You Thai and Asian apologists need to find some new material...


Aren't Buddhists supposed to be peaceful, tranquil people?

Not all Myanmar people are Buddhists.

The MO in this case is very much associated with those of the Islamic faith of which there are quite a few (despised) in Myanmar.

The perpetrator could have picked a few tips from them.


What an evil piece of sh#t. That poor gorgeous young lady. She was beautiful prior to this unnecessary attack. Put this evil swine down. If it was my family she did it to, I am afraid, she would find there is always a reaction to an action.


So where did she get the formic acid from ? Not exactly a common purchase. Who on earth sells litres of the stuff, I assume more than a few mls were used in the attack ? Not exactly a spur of the moment purchase. The choice of formic acid ( max pain and severe damage) shows what a totally evil woman she is. It concerns me greatly the things that money can buy in Thailand that should not be available, or at least strictly limited to the general public.


Of all the sad, tragic stories I've read over the years on TV , this is one of the most sickening.

It would never occur to me to do this to my worst enemy let alone my "best friend", and over such a small thing - this woman is clearly sick and a danger to society.


My thoughts and prayers are with the victim.


What is it with South-East Asians and cowardly, vicious, OTT revenge? huh.png

No it’s a psychopath... Only about 1% of the population in Asia is psychopathic as opposed to about 5% in western countries and 8-10% in African countries. The poor defenseless child has suffered a fate worse than death at it’s hands.. sad.png Why? Because it thought she had something to do with it losing it’s job.. bah.gif

If you please K. Dlang, back up your post with hard facts. Where did you get your percentages? Who were the experts who made the determination?

I agree with your assessment of this poor defenseless woman.

thank you


The punishment is death sentence in most of the countries even in south east Asia but about Thailand I'm not sure. May god help the lady in pain which ever God thinks best for her at the moment


What is it with these SFPeople-were they hatched on a rock somewhere that they were never taught right from wrong or anything faintly resembling humane behavior.

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