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World's Most Expensive Cabbage - Villa


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I was in Villa market in Pattaya a few days ago, I did not see the cabbage but saw other things which were 40 - 50% more than in Big C. I ended up not buying anything and I was the only customer there at that time - crazy strategy.

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Villa does have stuff you cant buy elsewhere so I quite like Villa.

But there are some really high price items.

I wanted to get some sweet potatoes and when I weighed one potato the price came to 500baht. The TGF quickly put it back and we bought it in the local markets for 80baht.

So you have to pick and choose what you want there but their fruit and veggies can be very expensive.

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not wishing to upstage this but last time I was in Tokyo some years ago a Cantaloupe melon in a wonderful downtown store was US$150 .............. and I kid you not. No doubt that was sold as Villa's savoy cabbage will have been

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Some things are horrendous prices,my wife and her friends know the price of a 10 Baht mango,but that doesn't stop them from paying £5,yes that's right £5 in the UK. and it's small to medium size! (250 Baht ) in Baht!

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I often wonder where all the expensive out of date stuff goes to.

Poor management for stocking such over priced items.

I'll tell you were I think it goes - back on to the rack with a new date stuck on.

I bought some organic broccoli there last week, which is wrapped up tight in foam and clear plastic, so you can't see it all. When I unwrapped it I discovered a few flowerets under the wrapper were starting to rot... yet the label claimed it should be good for many more days. That had been there for quite a while and should not have been sold.

You should have seen the price of the parsnips and the swedes. We're talking around 100 baht each for the small swedes. The parsnips were even more and I think they have been there for months... and there's no need to rush, they'll probably be there until Christmas.biggrin.png

Edited by tropo
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not wishing to upstage this but last time I was in Tokyo some years ago a Cantaloupe melon in a wonderful downtown store was US$150 .............. and I kid you not. No doubt that was sold as Villa's savoy cabbage will have been

The most expensive food item I've ever seen in Pattaya was frozen Japanese beef for 9999 baht per kilo. It was divided into 3333 baht packs. That was at Foodland. There's plenty of 4000 baht/kg Japanese beef at Villa if you have some spare cash.

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Villa does have stuff you cant buy elsewhere so I quite like Villa.

But there are some really high price items.

I wanted to get some sweet potatoes and when I weighed one potato the price came to 500baht. The TGF quickly put it back and we bought it in the local markets for 80baht.

So you have to pick and choose what you want there but their fruit and veggies can be very expensive.

I agree. It's a handy place for picking up goodies that you can't find anywhere else, but not really a place to do your regular weekly shop.

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It boggles my mind that people buy stuff at Villa that can bought for fraction of the price just around the corner at the local markets.

I was at the local market a couple weeks ago and picked up some squid for 180Bt/kg. Had to stop at Villa on the way home for a couple "delicacies" I cannot find at the market (avocadoes and spinach) and saw the same type of squid, sitting in the same type of ice water, for 1500Bt/kg - more than 800% mark up! And you know damn well it all comes from the same place.

There was another time I was one red onion shy for a recipe and ran into Villa to grab it. I had forgotten to weigh it so when the runner brought the 56Bt onion back to the till, the cashier told her it must be wrong (in Thai). The girls actually laughed about how much we pay for stuff.

I hate Villa but I've learned that there's always someone willing to take as much money are you're will to give. People, get over your fears of seeing meat sitting on ice and shop where the "locals" go.

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I once paid 400B for a Swede (the vegetable) to go with a rather pricey beef joint I'd bought and regularly buy fresh raspberries at 320B for a small punnet as the missus loves them and I'm partial.

Villa seems to be getting more pricey by the month, but as mentioned it's the only place to get many items, so I guess they have us by the short and curlies....The prices of fresh imported raspberries/cherries/peaches are a total scandal but I can't resist them....

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not wishing to upstage this but last time I was in Tokyo some years ago a Cantaloupe melon in a wonderful downtown store was US$150 .............. and I kid you not. No doubt that was sold as Villa's savoy cabbage will have been

The most expensive food item I've ever seen in Pattaya was frozen Japanese beef for 9999 baht per kilo. It was divided into 3333 baht packs. That was at Foodland. There's plenty of 4000 baht/kg Japanese beef at Villa if you have some spare cash.

Do not even try and compare a Japanese melon, where 90% are discarded to produce the very best 10% ( or less)

As for Japanese beef it is graded and at 9999 it was probably not A5 quality, so not the most expensive.

Is the price worth it, that is up to the buyer.

Is it any better? unless you have tried, you will never know, but I would stake good Japanese A5 beef with anything in the world.....name me another beef so tender you can cut with your eyebrows

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It boggles my mind that people buy stuff at Villa that can bought for fraction of the price just around the corner at the local markets.

There are other supermarkets in town. Would it boggle your mind that I absolutely detest shopping at open markets. Lucky for me though as I don't eat squid. It boggle's my mind that anyone would like eating something which resembles rubber LOL

(only joking - each to their own)

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I once paid 400B for a Swede (the vegetable) to go with a rather pricey beef joint I'd bought and regularly buy fresh raspberries at 320B for a small punnet as the missus loves them and I'm partial.

Villa seems to be getting more pricey by the month, but as mentioned it's the only place to get many items, so I guess they have us by the short and curlies....The prices of fresh imported raspberries/cherries/peaches are a total scandal but I can't resist them....

Have you tried Tops at Central? Fresher and cheaper (exotic fruit) usually, and they often have discounts available for 1-Card holders.

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not wishing to upstage this but last time I was in Tokyo some years ago a Cantaloupe melon in a wonderful downtown store was US$150 .............. and I kid you not. No doubt that was sold as Villa's savoy cabbage will have been

The most expensive food item I've ever seen in Pattaya was frozen Japanese beef for 9999 baht per kilo. It was divided into 3333 baht packs. That was at Foodland. There's plenty of 4000 baht/kg Japanese beef at Villa if you have some spare cash.

Do not even try and compare a Japanese melon, where 90% are discarded to produce the very best 10% ( or less)

As for Japanese beef it is graded and at 9999 it was probably not A5 quality, so not the most expensive.

Is the price worth it, that is up to the buyer.

Is it any better? unless you have tried, you will never know, but I would stake good Japanese A5 beef with anything in the world.....name me another beef so tender you can cut with your eyebrows

I think the main reason that Japanese food products are so expensive is because an average Japanese worker earns about double what someone in the west does.

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not wishing to upstage this but last time I was in Tokyo some years ago a Cantaloupe melon in a wonderful downtown store was US$150 .............. and I kid you not. No doubt that was sold as Villa's savoy cabbage will have been

The most expensive food item I've ever seen in Pattaya was frozen Japanese beef for 9999 baht per kilo. It was divided into 3333 baht packs. That was at Foodland. There's plenty of 4000 baht/kg Japanese beef at Villa if you have some spare cash.

Do not even try and compare a Japanese melon, where 90% are discarded to produce the very best 10% ( or less)

As for Japanese beef it is graded and at 9999 it was probably not A5 quality, so not the most expensive.

Is the price worth it, that is up to the buyer.

Is it any better? unless you have tried, you will never know, but I would stake good Japanese A5 beef with anything in the world.....name me another beef so tender you can cut with your eyebrows

Relax, if you're wealthy enough to spend that kind of money on beef, who am I to stop you?.... I'm also well aware of the quality of Japanese beef.

I was merely stating that this was the most expensive food I've ever seen sold in Pattaya.

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I love roast parsnips,so does my wife ,her sister and her kids?(they grew up) so at Xmas I go to villa and buy them ,last year I spent more on them than the bloody turkey,but ,its only once a year so what the hell

Edited by i claudius
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I have seen some Japanese Kohyo grapes and melons that go for hundreds of dollars.

In Pattaya?

no…in singapore….but the point was that there is some irrationally expensive foodstuff out in the markets.

To the average Joe it may seem irrational, but it's really not. There is a market for it and a reason why it is so expensive. It wouldn't be produced if there wasn't.

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