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Bangkok Bomb Suspect Arrested

Lite Beer

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RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


100% fake.

there are 2 date of expiry lines

The first line reads: 'Düzenleme tarihi' which translates as 'Date of Issue' - SO it's the English translation which is not correct.

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To add, because the Turkish connection would be politically the least messy for the Thai government, especially compared to south Thailand or red shirts, that does add another aspect of skepticism.

So there was bomb making equipment. Hmm. Assuming that find it legit, there were future bomb plans? If not, why keep such damning evidence around?

You are close, with your wording, future plans.

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Judging by how the RTP had the "right guys" in the Koh Tao case and how bulletproove their case was, I will kepp my applause for a few days.

I really hope, they got him...but with these bumbling fools, I wouldn't bet my money on it!

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To add, because the Turkish connection would be politically the least messy for the Thai government, especially compared to south Thailand or red shirts, that does add another aspect of skepticism.

The Turkish "connection" has already had a huge amount of deniability overkill from the Turkish government when the Turkic / Uighur deportation retribution scenario was initially floated by (what passes for) the investigative media. It was even given a degree of acknowledgment by Prayuth and/or Somyos.

So there was bomb making equipment. Hmm. Assuming that find it legit, there were future bomb plans? If not, why keep such damning evidence around?

Maybe, like so many TV sleuths and critics, he subscribed to the common misconception that the RTP couldn't find their own ar5es with both hands and a flashlight.

Edited by NanLaew
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Sounds promising. Lets wait and see how it pans out. Sad to see so many negative comments but I suppose that is to be expected with around 90% of expat Thai Visa members being negative about every news story on this site. If you stay in Thailand please go home if things are so bad.

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From BBC, reporting that General Chaktip said "We found dozens of passports inside his room."

In the second photo of the suspect today, his angular cheekbones and jaw, and slightly rounded nose look almost identical to the guy in the CCTV dropping off the bag. Most normal people don't have dozens of passports or bomb-making things in their room. I think they've got the right guy.

If this is the right guy, I offer my humble congratulations and thanks to the Royal Thai Police for locating this murderer and preventing further atrocities.

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Arm Chair critics. The majority of these post are blatantly bias, derogatory and racist. You call it Thainese - I call it Thainese bashing.

As a westerner I'm pretty appalled and disgusted with what I read on this forum.

The majority of you should return to your native countries as you have no consideration, compassion, understanding or respect of your host / adopted country.

I do believe the country you call home is not what you remember if it ever was what depict it to be. If it was SO good why are you in Thailand ?

How many of you ARE former Police Detectives or Agents of special services of and for your native country ??

Only those that are can offer expertise opinion.

The rest of you watch to much CSI; The Bill; FBI or the Bourne Identity trilogy to base your vast worldly knowledge of outspoken ill informed opinion on.

Your posts are if not more than a pathetic indictment of your pathetic and sorry miserable lives but plausible for a poor excuse of entertainment.

I'm glad I don't know any of you as I would much rather call a Thai a friend than any of you.

If I was a special agent I wouldn't tell U would I.

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Oh yeah, the area north east of the airport is largely populated by muslims. Tons of mosques around there and lots of muslim communities. That's the area they caught that SEA terrorist kingpin as well a few years back, can't remember his name.

That's true, and if that theory follows, those possible sponsors also saw to it that he stayed in what appears to be a relatively remote Muslim area, as on TV it showed a number of women residents wearing hijabs.

No it is not where they caught Hambali, that is where Hambali was frightened to stay because he feared the people would turn him in. So he went to Ayutthaya, where he was caught.

Nong Chok is the "ghetto" for Shiites, and the organising place for pro-Iran, "wipe out Israel" and "Hamas is wonderful" rallies you see in Bangkok occasionally - plus the anti-US ones.

And it is NOT where they caught Hambali (or any other terrorist of any kind).

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we do not judge a whole country and its people on one man , at least not the majority of us...

"The majority"...cheesy.gif ...the TV faithful judge the whole Thai nation on daily basis after bar fining a Thai slapper the night before

The majority of TV posters are not judgemental clap2.gif ....may I humbly suggest you read TV a bit more....Thai's, Chinese, Russians, Indians all targets of TV tolerant ,impartial, non bigoted membersrolleyes.gif

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Wot is wrong with u people. He does look Turkish. Obviously u not travel very far.

Not to a Turk maybe as a Turkish poster pointed out, but they would distinguish differently.

The Uyghurs are a Eurasian (mixed ancestry) population with Eastern and Western Eurasian anthropometric and genetic traits. Uyghurs are thus one of the many populations of Central Eurasia that can be considered to be genetically related to European and East Asian populations.


That is where I would be putting my money....

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You guys probably dont judge a country based on one man, but Thais surely do. I went a hotel with my Israeli friend, we were denied a room because he had a Israeli passport. Apparently that hotel doesn't allow Israelis because some Israeli tourist stole some items from the room and fled without paying before. And this is just one example.

And plus, I reitirate my stance, the guy is not Turkish

Can you see the irony of what you're saying?

Judging all Thais because of one Thai hotel receptionist.clap2.gif

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To add, because the Turkish connection would be politically the least messy for the Thai government, especially compared to south Thailand or red shirts, that does add another aspect of skepticism.

So there was bomb making equipment. Hmm. Assuming that find it legit, there were future bomb plans? If not, why keep such damning evidence around?

Perhaps the "bummer" was incompetent ! biggrin.png

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You guys probably dont judge a country based on one man, but Thais surely do. I went a hotel with my Israeli friend, we were denied a room because he had a Israeli passport. Apparently that hotel doesn't allow Israelis because some Israeli tourist stole some items from the room and fled without paying before. And this is just one example.

And plus, I reitirate my stance, the guy is not Turkish

Can you see the irony of what you're saying?

Judging all Thais because of one Thai hotel receptionist.clap2.gif

This is just one of the many examples I have.

Thais love racial profiling in general.

For example Indians are not allowed in some clubs whenever an indian tries to get in mixx they say its a private party.

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Well they were under pressure to arrest somebody... anybody. Now they just have to plant and fabricate evidence. Case solved.

Dont be so insulting to the dead

Your obviously Thai and been educated not to think and just follow your superiors. The only insult to the dead is the incompetence of the investigation but you wouldnt realise it.

I'm sorry, but if you have this little respect for Thai people, then you should really find a different place to be. Please do.

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So he's not the bomber but may be the bomb maker. (Prawut said the suspect was not the bomber but might belong to the movement as police found bomb making materials in his room) Or he may not be connected to the bombings at all. So far he's just a guy with fake passports and some common household items that rented 5 rooms in a lo so Thai area and he had ball bearings.

Edited by waza
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