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Imagining Thailand in the next 50 years


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Personally I don't believe Thailand will be increasingly competitive to it's neighbors or the rest of the modern world in any area of concern. The reason being, there are NOT many Thais who love Thailand enough to put their country's well being ahead of their own self serving interests. I would love to be wrong.

I don't agree.Thailand needs a stable democratic government, a better educated workforce (technical skills ) and a bit of luck with the global economic climate.The biggest driver will be the animal spirits of mainly Sino Thai domestic capitalists - who have delivered remarkable prosperity to Thailand over the last half century.Self serving interests have delivered prosperity to Thailand.Those who profess to "love" their country have brought it to the brink of disaster.

Sino Thais businesses in oligopoly are now the problem not the solution.

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This is a tough one to predict because Thailand is at this very moment at the crossroads that can drastically change it's fortune...

Big question is will Thailand chose to take the right turn or continue on the down hill road.

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Personally I don't believe Thailand will be increasingly competitive to it's neighbors or the rest of the modern world in any area of concern. The reason being, there are NOT many Thais who love Thailand enough to put their country's well being ahead of their own self serving interests. I would love to be wrong.

I don't agree.Thailand needs a stable democratic government, a better educated workforce (technical skills ) and a bit of luck with the global economic climate.The biggest driver will be the animal spirits of mainly Sino Thai domestic capitalists - who have delivered remarkable prosperity to Thailand over the last half century.Self serving interests have delivered prosperity to Thailand.Those who profess to "love" their country have brought it to the brink of disaster.
Sino Thais businesses in oligopoly are now the problem not the solution.

It's one of the problems certainly.At the same time I doubt whether you would deny the Sino Thai business community as a whole has been tremendous engine for growth.

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Personally I don't believe Thailand will be increasingly competitive to it's neighbors or the rest of the modern world in any area of concern. The reason being, there are NOT many Thais who love Thailand enough to put their country's well being ahead of their own self serving interests. I would love to be wrong.

I don't agree.Thailand needs a stable democratic government, a better educated workforce (technical skills ) and a bit of luck with the global economic climate.The biggest driver will be the animal spirits of mainly Sino Thai domestic capitalists - who have delivered remarkable prosperity to Thailand over the last half century.Self serving interests have delivered prosperity to Thailand.Those who profess to "love" their country have brought it to the brink of disaster.
Sino Thais businesses in oligopoly are now the problem not the solution.
It's one of the problems certainly.At the same time I doubt whether you would deny the Sino Thai business community as a whole has been tremendous engine for growth.

They have delivered great amounts of growth. However, they have done so in very protected businesses which now need reform and more competiton.

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Interesting scenario to play with. I agree education is the most important thing. A well educated and critical population is necessary to drive the country forward.

But with the current people in place at the Education Ministry it will not happen. As with the RTP they should get rid of them all and start from zero.

The country does hold a huge unlocked potential in my opinion, but it requires someone admitting to its current flaws.

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I was actually here almost 50 years ago and stayed for three years. At that time I figured Thailand would be the next Singapore or Hong Kong for the whole country was alive with high spirit and business was booming. I would have never guessed that today so many years later that other than some show case development and high ticket items that the majority of the Thai people would still be so poor and uneducated outside of Bangkok. Many places can't get the roads fixed much less paved and keeping a constant supply of electricity seems to be more than the country can handle.

It is always easy to point fingers when stuff goes wrong... a mark of intelligence is taking care of stuff before it goes wrong IMO.

Singapore has to be more open and imbued with multiculturalism...... I am not sure that ever works unless you are talking about respect or the new arrivals (or even old residents of a different faith) want to make their host country their home because they like the people and life style/customs...

To many leave a crap hole and then want to turn the new host country into a mirror image of the mess they just left.. I would say on many levels multiculturalism is failing in Europe and is not a bed of roses even in many cities in the states..

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Nice article, well done Kavi Chongkittavorn!

Unfortunately Singapore has always had a look ahead, before the 50th Anniversary it had outline schemes & concepts for the New City beyond Marina Bay, which even itself is reclaimed land, up to 2050. Nothing new of related to the Anniversary.

Thailand has a plethora of geographical, social and economic challenges and would test the best of Urban planners.

Need more people to think in this direction, otherwise the 2065 plan will resemble waterworld!

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Here's a possible and likely scenario IF some truly far-seeing, altruistic,. benevolent, and wise people don't do what's needed: In 50 years, more than half of Thailand's businesses will be owned by Chinese, Burmese, Singaporean, and Cambodian businessmen. The 20-somethings of today will be seeing their kids and grandkids working as maids and gardeners, prostitutes and labourers, for foreign ASEAN nationals, while these same foreign ASEAN nationals will be taking income away from Thai businessmen. It will get so bad, that Thailand will try to adjust laws, and try to escape out of it's ASEAN agreements. But too little, too late.

The only way to move forward is to get some Western experts to design an education system and curriculum, and to adhere to it. Without properly educated children, this nation will surely fail.

I say Western experts, because the Thai education system has failed for decades, and there are no Thai experts willing or able to do the job. If there are...pay them well and get them to work.

Corruption, too, of course, needs to be stamped out completely. Corruption is holding the country back. An enlightened citizenry will help a lot in this regard.

Yes, right!! I say bring some of the American educators, maybe those who recently restrained and handcuffed the 8-9 years old boy and girl who "violently attacked them".

And also bring some security experts to install and man the metal detectors at the school entrance like in most US public schools.

Fact is that in most countries in the world - although everyone knows and agrees that the kids are the future of the world - education is never given enough resources. Reforms are always suggested but never actually happen. There is always something more important to deal with for immediate effect - it might be the bad economy that need stimulants, or the national security that takes a big chunk of the budget, or bailing our corrupt and failing banks and other major companies as in the US of A

Any springboard can be used for vendettas against any country for any reason and at anytime. A troubled mind often lashes out in a manner that negates any meaningful communication.

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Thailand in 50 years:

Tourists still complaining that they are being ripped off in Jet Ski Scams at Pattaya.

Russians and Chinese dominate the Jet Ski rental market.

TV has its own subsection on the issue celebrating its 50th birthday.

Those Brits who retired long ago to Thailand on a state pension, surviving on a bowl of rice or noodles a day, as their pension is still not linked to inflation, and they thought they would have enough.

Chiang Mai real estate market is completely dead, with Chinese owning most of the condos

Many new Moo Baans, with for sale or rent signs which have been empty for 50 years ( Somchai still thinks it was a good investment and that he will get his price eventually)

The Bangkok Sky Train now extends to the Cambodian border and Koh Chang is commuter distance to the big Mango.

The Thai military is still a caretaker government, but promises elections soon.

The Phuket government is still having meetings to decide what 10% of beach local vendors can use.

TV members still disagree whether it is better to buy or rent, and some remise about windows 10 and others that it still has bugs

The latest Thai fashion is optical implants so they can watch there favourite soaps 24/7


Yep. What you said KNJ, (quite eloquently I might add).

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Take your average Thai, what are they good at besides sleeping? Nothing comes to mind. Ok what does this country produce and export with pride besides its women? Nothing. For Thailand to have a future it needs be doing something tangible now besides being run by goons. Thailand will always be a corrupt cesspool, just with more people. Comparing it to Singapore was hilarious.

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