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Three million baht cash reward paid


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Their brazenness is overwhelming. I have copied the photo and the story and I am sending it to those same people around the world that I earlier sent the photo of the RTP outside the Suckers agogo bar. The world needs to know what goes on in Thailand and my friends are in need of a good laugh. With a bit of luck it will come to the attention of the diplomats of those countries which provide foreign aid to Thailand and they will then start scratching their chins.

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So the lady who tipped them off, gets nothing, the landlord gets nothing but the incompetent and openly corrupt Police Force gets 3 million for doing the job they are already paid for. NO WONDER every foreigner on here thinks the Police are incompetent, bad and downright greedy as well as being too quick on the money. Not even a conviction OMG This is Thailand. The PM should be cheered for showing that even the Police understand THAINESS .

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"The national police chief said of the three million baht cash reward, one million baht was from his own purse, and the rest from other friends."

Have I read that right?


I'm not even going to speculate on where that money may have come from.

We have several Police living in my village, and their houses are worth around 20 MIL THB

Who knows were the money came from.

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They keep on proving what we are not allowed to talk about.

Usually we have a word for this, like thainess, but this one is way beyond that.

I wonder what Thai folks have to say bout this. Probably : up to him.

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Unbelievable. What a wrought. The police were doing the job they are paid to do, however inadequate that pay may be. A reward only goes to persons outside of the police force whose information leads to the arrest of persons responsible for the crime. This sets a very bad precedent where no police will even attempt to solve a crime until a substantial reward is offered. As for the police chief paying 1 million from his own pocket I'm rolling around laughing, he is obviously guarenteed of paying nothing, it goes back to his department. All rewards offered must surely be from the police department, not any individuals. If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious how they keep putting their foot in it and making themselves laughing stocks not only in their own country but in the rest of the world.

That precedent was set a long time before this...

It's common for police to do nothing if a foreignor reports a crime,

have been a victim myself of an unprovoked violent attack with a weapon and went to the police for help in Koh Samui,

couldn't find time to investigate but did ask for payment of 10,000 baht to get things rolling..

Turns out the bloke who committed the crime had more expensive cops from Bkk who managed to get my 10,000 baht Samui cops to shut up..

Then I decided it was time to leave these scum to their own devices forever..so damned crooked..

Now their rewarding the cops before the guy has even been charged???

I like the line how they said they don't know how they will distribute the funds yet as if it's something new to them...I won't be back after living there for 20+ years, and will be sure to warn others of the perils...no wonder the are no more tourists....

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This really shows us the absolute truth about the mindset of these greedy individuals who did not locate anybody

They were tipped off and they just flicked the person off and pocketed the cash,,

! mill of your own money whaty are you doing with 1 million and what is your mate doing with sprawling penthouses in BKK... Gee man your a cop not a doctor LOL

Also it is a disgrace that you express this to Thai people as they will only disrespect you even more than they do now

Disgrace god save you

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Seriously? The reward was given to the police? Why does that not surprise me.

The police should never be allowed to benefit.

If police can pay themselves, they should give back all the salary they ever made as police man. Isn't catching bad guys their job?

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I can't believe they can get through the news conference with a straight face. So, they paid themselves the money for doing all the hRd lifting of setting someone up?

The world is watching the Thai police. Everyone will soon learn through this and the ko Tao murders that the Thai police don't solve crimes, they serve up fall guys.

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This story is breaking worldwide, I hope the Thai Police Chief is proud tonight, because the whole world is watching and laughing at this f***ing idiot.

I picked this story up tonight on Sky News, and thought I had misunderstood, then the UK news anchor almost burst out laughing. World reaction on the allocation of the cash is going to be interesting.
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This story is breaking worldwide, I hope the Thai Police Chief is proud tonight, because the whole world is watching and laughing at this f***ing idiot.

Yep when is the top brass going to learn the rule of holes , when you are in one stop digging. The BIBs cleared the bomb site almost straight away , then things went downhill day by day. Finally out comes a big wad of cash to pay the local plod for a fine job not done. We still don't know who the perps are , no one has admitted the terrible crime , now just supposing the perps hate the BIB , next week for this very reason another bomb might go off in BKK., Heaven help us all if that happens .

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Hundreds of thousands starving Thais on the street with serious disability and the nlovely Thai Police decided to pay themselves

How thoughtful of you all... :)

Leading by example and showing us what you are

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I are also not even 100 % convinced he even is the bomber and would suggest that you have simply pulled another target out of the bank

That would answer the non co operaitive saga right... he has no tongue

Thailand you can never truly believe what you here

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A bit premature handing out rewards when there are possibly other perps and bombs out there, and if there are I don't think that there will be any more tips from the public after this effort, and the dirtbags will be a bit smarter as far as mobile phones and cctv goes.

It's never too soon to give a reward to yourself.

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They're too stupid and ignorant to hire a top class media relations officer to handle ALL press releases and Somyot is too arrogant in believing he can handle the media. Someone needs to sew his lips shut because everything that comes out makes him and thailand look more foolish and incompetent everyday. I will say it makes a great sitcom though, homer simpson couldn't have dreamed this up.

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wow, the dog and pony show just keeps getting better and better.

now we are handing out money in plain site and not in brown bags.

in most country's it is illigel for police to accept cash donations. but forgive me, i forgot this is Thailand and common sense laws do not count. wow, payoff a cop for "doing" his appointed job.

the money if it is given away should not happen untill the accused has been convicted and sentenced. some where the acused will be found not guilty because it is the wrong people or the police botched the investigation as the evidence was swept up in the trash. the excuses will fly and the money will have been spent.

what a joke!!!!

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