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Legal experts see no criminal trouble for Clinton thus far


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Let's see which of his tired, hackneyed catchphrases our resident liberal windbag will repeat regarding this perspective, that it's the President gunning for Ms. Cankles..... "rightwing media is gearing up"....."by hook or by crook"....
"Has the Clinton counterattack against President Obama begun?
The Clintons have never taken a political hit lying down. But given their weak and panicky reactions to Mr. Obama’s current, well-orchestrated hit on her — the FBI investigation into her alleged mishandling of classified material as secretary of state — they have appeared to passively absorb the escalating attack. Until now.
As he presses his attack, Mrs. Clinton has two choices. Option one: fold early and negotiate a mild end to the investigation in exchange for dropping out of the race. But Mr. Obama is not a forgiving sort, and now that he’s drawn blood, he’s likely to go for the kill."

Pulp fiction in search of an audience.

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We begin to see what happens when the right finds out it can't bamboozle the public in to accepting the false claim there is a legal case, because there isn't any legal case. There's no prosecutor, no grand jury, no charges, no target of any investigation, no trial, no nuthin.

And as we see, idle hands are the devil's playground. wink.png

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