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Prayut stresses his new curriculum idea does not mean reduced learning time


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PM stresses his new curriculum idea does not mean reduced learning time


BANGKOK, 01 September 2015, (NNT) - Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has explained that his idea of reducing the duration of class periods in school, does not mean a shorter learning time, nor does it permit students to go home earlier, but rather it makes time to learn new skills and engage in creative activities

Gen. Prayut yesterday issued a clarification about his suggestion that the class period for pre-college students should end at 2 PM. He said the new shorter core academic period is meant to make room for other activities that would benefit students at school and at work in the future.

The Prime Minister stated that doing so would encourage students to have attained more than a diploma at the time of their high school graduation.

According to a survey conducted by Dhurakij Pundit University, students from the capital and its vicinity agree with General Prayut's idea, saying the move will reduce their stress.

A poll also indicated sports activities, studying a new language and learning to play musical instruments are the most popular extra-curricular activities among the poll responders.

-- NNT 2015-09-01 footer_n.gif

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It's a pity and a shame that the Thai education system has been neglected for so long and is now trailing behind some of its poorer neighbors.

Thais are not stupid or slow learners, I know this because I have seen Thais that have been to school in my country, that do very well in school and get high paying jobs in many industries

Yet it seems that the Thai system is designed to condition them to be ignorant, childish and immature...I find it very sad to say it this way too.

Having a culture of I am older that you so therefore I am smarter than you and Do as I say not as I do, will never help or advance the system and needs to be changed, where the kids can question and engage as equals with the all revered Ajaan and not just be dictated to all day long.

Getting the kids to finish school at 2 pm to look for extra-curricular activities has to be organised by the schools or a body associated with the schools with proper programs that will assist the children with preparing for going into the workforce, Not just learning to play guitar or playing some sport, or else as we know the kids will be off at the internet shop playing games and taking advantage of the situation or the parents will have them working on the family farm etc...

They need to be given an understanding of what extra subjects they should be studying and why and that it will assist them in a future career choice.

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I knew that the PM was an education expert as soon as he introduced the 12 values into the curriculum. I love to trick my niece by asking a question like "What is value number 9?", and the only way she can answer is to recite them all by rote until she gets up to the required number. What a wonderful new skill she has been taught !! And then comes the blank look when I ask her to explain or give some examples from the news.

Anyway, this new idea is sure to be a winner with teachers. Extra-curricular activities usually require extra charges, so expect to see a lot of headmasters in new cars.

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It's a pity and a shame that the Thai education system has been neglected for so long and is now trailing behind some of its poorer neighbors.

Thais are not stupid or slow learners, I know this because I have seen Thais that have been to school in my country, that do very well in school and get high paying jobs in many industries

Yet it seems that the Thai system is designed to condition them to be ignorant, childish and immature...I find it very sad to say it this way too.

Having a culture of I am older that you so therefore I am smarter than you and Do as I say not as I do, will never help or advance the system and needs to be changed, where the kids can question and engage as equals with the all revered Ajaan and not just be dictated to all day long.

Getting the kids to finish school at 2 pm to look for extra-curricular activities has to be organised by the schools or a body associated with the schools with proper programs that will assist the children with preparing for going into the workforce, Not just learning to play guitar or playing some sport, or else as we know the kids will be off at the internet shop playing games and taking advantage of the situation or the parents will have them working on the family farm etc...

They need to be given an understanding of what extra subjects they should be studying and why and that it will assist them in a future career choice.

I can't see why school time isn't 0830 to 1500 and these extra - curricular activities included in that time and give the students at all levels Sat & Sunday off so they can enjoy their music , sport , religious studies or what ever, like in the West.

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In the beginning I was pleased that the junta controlled government took over and was going to clean house and enforce laws and city ordances that were already on the books, lower crime, do away with bribe breathing police, and elevate this country into a higher standard of a developed country (having an IKEA... local teens glued on cell phones....or highways does not mean a country is reaching the status of a DEVELOPED country.gigglem.gif

Allowing freedom of speech and not being paranoid of what someone says (which could be insulting) represents a country that can take criticism (such as news articles about the human trafficking or slave labor for fishing or inadequate forensic training for the police in Thailand.) Leaders of democracies can handle a negative press domestically or internationally...and can look at these shades of grey to make the country better. None of us like criticism; however, we can make ourselves better by evaluating what is being said and this is so with a county.smile.png

A country such as Thailand is NEVER going to improve unless its young generation is educated to question, collaborate, work together on projects, and to think beyond the box. The education theory of most government schools is outdated; for it still emphasizes to memorize. It is a disaster that this powerful leader can only think that shortening the day will allow the students to be involved with extracurricular activities (I suppose he enjoyed the Boyscouts at his school when he was a student...) But General Prayut needs to go to the educational experts and ask them what can be done to make the future of Thailand competitive in the work force... thumbsup.gif

Anyone that hires Thais know that they just sit and will wait to take orders, not very independent thinkers or doers...not one to take control until told to do. This is not a slam...but the nature of the beast from an outdated century old curriculum. Look at the failure of democracy in Thailand...those who have attended school have never learned about the different kinds of government, world history (they think Hiltler is a funny character to dress up as for a party), or a civics class to show them what their duty is as a community citizen. NO wonder they keep voting in losers into office.facepalm.gif

Prayut has it all wrong and it is a disgrace that he does not get some educational experts in to revamp the school system; for, Thail students are failing compared to other students their age in Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, or Taiwan and soon the students in Vietnam will out smart the Thais. Shame on this government to have this great opportunity to change the future of Thailand but continue to stay in their little bubble and not collaborate on what is best for the students... My hopes back a year ago for a country I love have been over shadowed by poor decisionscoffee1.gif

Edited by toenail
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This will not effect those who can afford to send their children to non government schools. It will mainly impact on the poorer parents who's children only need to know the 12 core values.

This is all part of the reforms and reconciliation. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and to move forward in the reverse gear requires that the next generation of Thai citizens know a lot about sport and video games but have even less ability to think for themselves.

It's another win win project of the non elected government . No need to know a lot because with nepotism back in favour its going to be connections you need not ability.

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The pm is a great example of intelligence. I saw the interview of him on Aljazeera, so I can't see him getting input from anyone. He will be remembered in Thai history for moving the country down and backward. You would think some of these guys would start thinking about their legacy...

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More time for what general? Reciting your 12 values or other outdated, nationalistic nonsense? The Thai education system is an absolute shambles! It needs to be stripped and reworked from top to bottom (like most other government agencies) otherwise it is doomed to keep failing.

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'Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has explained that his idea of reducing the duration of class periods in school ... makes time to learn new skills and engage in creative activities.' Given the oft encountered difficulty of having teachers teaching the old skills, I'm hardly drooling at the thought of their passing on their knowledge of new ones.

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This will not effect those who can afford to send their children to non government schools. It will mainly impact on the poorer parents who's children only need to know the 12 core values.

This is all part of the reforms and reconciliation. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and to move forward in the reverse gear requires that the next generation of Thai citizens know a lot about sport and video games but have even less ability to think for themselves.

It's another win win project of the non elected government . No need to know a lot because with nepotism back in favour its going to be connections you need not ability.

I'm not aware that nepotism ever went out of favour - did it?

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It's a pity and a shame that the Thai education system has been neglected for so long and is now trailing behind some of its poorer neighbors.

Thais are not stupid or slow learners, I know this because I have seen Thais that have been to school in my country, that do very well in school and get high paying jobs in many industries

Yet it seems that the Thai system is designed to condition them to be ignorant, childish and immature...I find it very sad to say it this way too.

Having a culture of I am older that you so therefore I am smarter than you and Do as I say not as I do, will never help or advance the system and needs to be changed, where the kids can question and engage as equals with the all revered Ajaan and not just be dictated to all day long.

Getting the kids to finish school at 2 pm to look for extra-curricular activities has to be organised by the schools or a body associated with the schools with proper programs that will assist the children with preparing for going into the workforce, Not just learning to play guitar or playing some sport, or else as we know the kids will be off at the internet shop playing games and taking advantage of the situation or the parents will have them working on the family farm etc...

They need to be given an understanding of what extra subjects they should be studying and why and that it will assist them in a future career choice.

I can't see why school time isn't 0830 to 1500 and these extra - curricular activities included in that time and give the students at all levels Sat & Sunday off so they can enjoy their music , sport , religious studies or what ever, like in the West.

That'll be because the majority learn nothing from Mon to Fri, so some parents will pay more for them to learn nothing at the weekend.

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The pm is a great example of intelligence. I saw the interview of him on Aljazeera, so I can't see him getting input from anyone. He will be remembered in Thai history for moving the country down and backward. You would think some of these guys would start thinking about their legacy...

Moving backwards to pre-Thaksin times would be really good.

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It's a pity and a shame that the Thai education system has been neglected for so long and is now trailing behind some of its poorer neighbors.

Thais are not stupid or slow learners, I know this because I have seen Thais that have been to school in my country, that do very well in school and get high paying jobs in many industries

Yet it seems that the Thai system is designed to condition them to be ignorant, childish and immature...I find it very sad to say it this way too.

Having a culture of I am older that you so therefore I am smarter than you and Do as I say not as I do, will never help or advance the system and needs to be changed, where the kids can question and engage as equals with the all revered Ajaan and not just be dictated to all day long.

Getting the kids to finish school at 2 pm to look for extra-curricular activities has to be organised by the schools or a body associated with the schools with proper programs that will assist the children with preparing for going into the workforce, Not just learning to play guitar or playing some sport, or else as we know the kids will be off at the internet shop playing games and taking advantage of the situation or the parents will have them working on the family farm etc...

They need to be given an understanding of what extra subjects they should be studying and why and that it will assist them in a future career choice.

I got off at 3pm and when I got home I either help around the house, or headed out to make some money of my own. Cut grass, wash cars, paper route, shovel snow. Anything for a buck. I didn't need an 'allowance', I had business and personal skills at a young age. I liked being a teen. I sucked at school, but I'm pretty sure I was under-motivated, i.e., bored. Kids need to get out from under the protective wing of mommy and daddy, the state, and its educators. Want a motorcycle? Work, save, earn, be patient, and when you have the cash, buy it debt free. Stop coddling Thai kids.

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The pm is a great example of intelligence. I saw the interview of him on Aljazeera, so I can't see him getting input from anyone. He will be remembered in Thai history for moving the country down and backward. You would think some of these guys would start thinking about their legacy...

Moving backwards to pre-Thaksin times would be really good.

h90, please stop your shit, i bet your IQ is even lower as the one of a Thai general... and that's below 90......

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