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Persecuted Pakistani trick to obtain money?


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Last night I was approached my a Pakistani couple whilst checking out of Tesco and they were very keen to become friends with me and my wife asking where we lived and what Country we are from. Within seconds they were inviting us to their house for food and asking for our numbers. At first, they could me by surprise and I was caught up in their seemingly friendly nature and agreed to give out my LINE to them. They have messaged me saying how they are Christian Pakistani's forced to leave their own Country due to persecution.

I have started to feel a bit suspicious about their forwardness and openness. Has anyone here heard about any tricks made by such people? I did read up a bit and read that some Pakistani's in Bangkok have been tricking people into letting them see their foreign and local money and then taking it. Does anyone here have any experience/knowledge of this? Maybe I am being overly cynical, who knows, either way I don't think I will be taking up the invitation.

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Who knows ?.....I wouldnt meet them anywhere private. Or lend them money.......I error on the side of caution. But a few times I met some very nice people.

What I would have done is to leave and circle back to see if there working it with other people.

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I'm very trusting, thankfully my wife gave me the wake up call and we didn't stick around them for too long.

Come to think of it, I think you might be right. When they were talking to us I didn't see them actually buying anything. Also, she followed us to get our number near to the door but he was still near the tills and she had to call him over to confirm their number as correct. I don't know why they weren't together, maybe he was pulling the trick on other people. They did have a little kid aged 1 with them who was wearing eye liner, which made me feel a little suspicious at first but then dismiss it as me being too judgmental. The fact that they were Pakistani's dressed like westerners (superman shirt etc) who are persecuted by their own people, but still adopt exclusive parts of that culture just didn't seem "real" to me. It didn't add up. I think they were staying illegally, low on cash and probably used the persecution idea to suggest otherwise. I will block them on LINE. Thanks for the heads up as I didn't know it was a "common" scam.

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I think there s been man uprise in confidence tricks. Not just on farang. My wife's friend has been corresponding with a supposed farang who says he works offshore. Without meeting, he started talking marriage and kids and a big future with her. Then he carried on with wanting to put 1 mill pounds in her bank account in order to buy property in Thailand. She was keen untill we had a word with her.

There's been a few instances of the Nigerian email scam directed at Thais so i would be wary of anyone being over friendly.

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Absolute BS and lies, these Foreigners who approach on the street or in stores. I have heard the Christian thing before.

First thing you tell them is there is no God and "your beliefs are an absurd fantasy of the human mind". They will soon move on to the next pigeon, sucker, or simp.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkfss

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Recently had a girl at my office who was corresponding with a guy she met on online. She was in love and he was coming to stay with her at Christmas and she was going to quit her job to travel for 3 months with him and take him to the village...not sure if there was any scam going on...yet.

I saw her showing his photos in the office and he was a good looking guy, and she's...well...a bit hefty...so to speak. I asked to see the image on her computer.

I showed her how to use Google Images to search for an image, and she was heartbroken to find his images all over some fitness models website...and not the guy's name she was speaking with.

Then I got blamed for ruing the relationship.

Next time, I'll just shut my mouth.

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Interesting, last Christmas day me and a few friends were having a picnic at the park behind Paradise mall on Sinarkarin Rd when we were approached by a Pakistani man claiming the same thing. Slight difference he was there with his wife and 3 young kids.

To be fair he did not ask for anything but did go on to tell us about having to flee Pakistan due to them facing persecution as they were Christians and had claimed political asylum in Bangkok , i kid you not, i thought that was what the UK was for.

Anyway we ended up giving them a load of food and my rather generous Aussie friend gave each kid some Baht..... Scam or not ???

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Maybe not....ther are a fair few christians there and im sure they have an uneasy existence....living as unbelievers among the only ones god has seen fit to walk the earth.

Having said that giving them a few hundred baht or a meal will not break the bank and cant be termed a scam...i would not go beyond provide basic assistance....

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Maybe not....ther are a fair few christians there and im sure they have an uneasy existence....living as unbelievers among the only ones god has seen fit to walk the earth.

Having said that giving them a few hundred baht or a meal will not break the bank and cant be termed a scam...i would not go beyond provide basic assistance....

Indeed, Muslims are on the rise and their brief is to kill non believers.

Thais call it Tamboon when you give to make merit.

So, since we have so much (compared to them), maybe it doesn't hurt to give a little now and again.

In situations like this, it is kinda hard not to jump to conclusions and not to judge..... Benefit of the doubt but don't give away identity detail, some Baht sounds OK though.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Maybe not....ther are a fair few christians there and im sure they have an uneasy existence....living as unbelievers among the only ones god has seen fit to walk the earth.

Having said that giving them a few hundred baht or a meal will not break the bank and cant be termed a scam...i would not go beyond provide basic assistance....

Well I would point out a little bit of charity is not a bad thing but look whats happening in Europe right now when you hand out too much " charity"

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Interesting, last Christmas day me and a few friends were having a picnic at the park behind Paradise mall on Sinarkarin Rd when we were approached by a Pakistani man claiming the same thing. Slight difference he was there with his wife and 3 young kids.

To be fair he did not ask for anything but did go on to tell us about having to flee Pakistan due to them facing persecution as they were Christians and had claimed political asylum in Bangkok , i kid you not, i thought that was what the UK was for.

Anyway we ended up giving them a load of food and my rather generous Aussie friend gave each kid some Baht..... Scam or not ???

Interesting indeed.

This happened next door to Paradise Mall at the Tesco in Seacon Square. It may well be the same family. They also did not ask for any money but were quite pushy about us going with them. It sounded like they wanted us to follow them but changed to organising dinner for another time when my wife said we were busy.

The woman was quite chubby. This is the man in the photo, minus the mustache. Same guy?


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I have met a similar couple. Story is they fled Pakistan due to persecution of Christians and are in Thailand whilst UN assesses their case & final settlement destination- which will take 1-2 years. The wife was looking for work as a maid. I believe they were in limbo financially as not legally allowed to work in TH. They seemed genuine to me and didn't ask for anything, just shared their story.

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There are genuine Christian Pakistani refugees living in Thailand. There is one family living in the local town. They are registered with the UN refugee agency and are witing to have their status confirmed and perhaps onward travel to a country willing to take them. They are trying to do it legally unlike the hundreds of thousands entering Europe illegally. One of the men has got a job teaching at a local school, probably without a work permit therefore illegally, but under the circumstances quite understandable. These people are not con artists but I've no doubt that some do exist.

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Interesting, last Christmas day me and a few friends were having a picnic at the park behind Paradise mall on Sinarkarin Rd when we were approached by a Pakistani man claiming the same thing. Slight difference he was there with his wife and 3 young kids.

To be fair he did not ask for anything but did go on to tell us about having to flee Pakistan due to them facing persecution as they were Christians and had claimed political asylum in Bangkok , i kid you not, i thought that was what the UK was for.

Anyway we ended up giving them a load of food and my rather generous Aussie friend gave each kid some Baht..... Scam or not ???

Interesting indeed.

This happened next door to Paradise Mall at the Tesco in Seacon Square. It may well be the same family. They also did not ask for any money but were quite pushy about us going with them. It sounded like they wanted us to follow them but changed to organising dinner for another time when my wife said we were busy.

The woman was quite chubby. This is the man in the photo, minus the mustache. Same guy?

Hard to tell if it's the same guy but his story matched what realfunster posted. As others have said no harm in giving a little if you want to, but if they were pushy as you suggested I would have left and given nothing.

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Interesting, last Christmas day me and a few friends were having a picnic at the park behind Paradise mall on Sinarkarin Rd when we were approached by a Pakistani man claiming the same thing. Slight difference he was there with his wife and 3 young kids.

To be fair he did not ask for anything but did go on to tell us about having to flee Pakistan due to them facing persecution as they were Christians and had claimed political asylum in Bangkok , i kid you not, i thought that was what the UK was for.

Anyway we ended up giving them a load of food and my rather generous Aussie friend gave each kid some Baht..... Scam or not ???

Interesting indeed.

This happened next door to Paradise Mall at the Tesco in Seacon Square. It may well be the same family. They also did not ask for any money but were quite pushy about us going with them. It sounded like they wanted us to follow them but changed to organising dinner for another time when my wife said we were busy.

The woman was quite chubby. This is the man in the photo, minus the mustache. Same guy?

Hard to tell if it's the same guy but his story matched what realfunster posted. As others have said no harm in giving a little if you want to, but if they were pushy as you suggested I would have left and given nothing.

She was very forward about us going with them, they didn't ask for many. In fact, they only mentioned about being persecuted Christians by LINE later that evening. They haven't messaged since. Maybe it was genuine. It should all felt a bit intense and made me feel uncomfortable. They said that they haven't met many people who can speak English in Bangkok, and don't have many friends. They should go to Nana, it is full of indians there.

I don't think we'll be going to their home for Curry (as she said), but good luck to them if they are indeed genuine asylum seekers.

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That is all great but I would imagine they are scammers、what does it matter, you have to hand them money in the street?

How many well dressed farangs in he street can there be who just "need a few hundred baht to get home". Or persecuted so called "Christians". Or Ukrainian women who need food for "their baby". Lies, all of it. It is not like this kind of scam is easy but I have pointed out many people simply will not WORK for a living. Many of them become crooks, crims and grifters. Many of them come to Thailand to ply their trade. I give money to bums on the street who don't ask for it but I will never be suckered by these liars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkfss

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Stay as far away from them as possible, don't give them your phone number or email address. Today it's easy to hack modern phones and access your information. My iPhone got hacked and I started to receive calls from my own number, was then advised to block that number and it stopped

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Exactly the same thing happened me in the Mall Bang Khea. I was in the children's area with my 2 year old daughter

when they approached me. They were a Pakistani couple in their mid forties and told me their refugee story. They

came across as believable and well educated. They did the same thing asking for my line and phone number.

This made me very wary and I fobbed them off and gave them 200 baht and told them to buy something to eat

with it.

I didn't think much more about it until reading your story. I

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The christians persecuted part is BS, I have pakistani christian friends, havent heard anything from them like that.

Then you should do a little research.Christians have been persecuted horribly in Pakistan, and there have been several incidents of murder.

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Last night I was approached my a Pakistani couple whilst checking out of Tesco and they were very keen to become friends with me and my wife asking where we lived and what Country we are from. Within seconds they were inviting us to their house for food and asking for our numbers. At first, they could me by surprise and I was caught up in their seemingly friendly nature and agreed to give out my LINE to them. They have messaged me saying how they are Christian Pakistani's forced to leave their own Country due to persecution.

I have started to feel a bit suspicious about their forwardness and openness. Has anyone here heard about any tricks made by such people? I did read up a bit and read that some Pakistani's in Bangkok have been tricking people into letting them see their foreign and local money and then taking it. Does anyone here have any experience/knowledge of this? Maybe I am being overly cynical, who knows, either way I don't think I will be taking up the invitation.

Was the wife a looker?

If do, meet her for a knee trembler

Is there that desperate she'll be game on

If not, ignore them

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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