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Thai Police says removal of Thaksin's police rank underway


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Like this government hasnt got many more important issues to deal with in which they are a total failure but focus their time on this farce.

Soooo lame. Yeah, like this is monopolizing the entire government's resources and everyone's attention, is keeping it from doing absolutely anything else, and is totally paralyzing the government. Get real. If you want to see the man keep his rank, just man up and say so - instead of mindlessly parroting this rubbish about "the many more important issues to deal with"...

Do YOU think it is important that a wanted fugitive who left the country years ago still holding a rank in what is probably one of the most corrupt institutions in the world keeps or loses his rank??

Don't know if you noticed but there have been one or two quite important things going on in this country, trafficking, airports, dead slaves, fishing, bombs, corruption etc etc...

Personally I really don't care one way or another but the way the present Junta have been getting this back into the news at every opportunity makes me think that they are completely and utterly paranoid

You have to ask yourself why the paranoia? why the fear? don't they sleep easy knowing 97% of the population are on their side...

ROFL. 95% of the level of effort involved was the dredging for tactics to forestall the stripping of rank. Never in the history of the world has so much energy gone into mere foot-dragging. Hardly worth mentioning the minimal effort involved in actually DOING it! No paranoia. No fear. Certainly no 97%! Just a matter of having to deal with the nattering naysayers and nabobs. These twits love to go on about how obsessed some people are with seeing justice through to the end, and don't realize how they paint themselves as addicted cultists in the process.

Which part of me really not caring one way or the other is confusing you?

You did not answer the question, do YOU really believe that this is an important way to spend time and resources? is it really that important?

We all know the bogeyman and the RTP and many/most Thai institutions are corrupt and ineffective yet the present leaders have not concentrated on sorting out the corruption but have instead deflected attention by grabbing on to this need to completely erase the past

It matters not at all in the grand scheme if some on the run villain has an honoury rank from a well known corrupt joke of an organization but the fact the great leaders are so paranoid and scared about this none issue when the rest of the world are looking at them says a great deal about them

ps I think it was one of the Junta polls that said 97% of the population are behind them, could have been 93% cant really remember but seeing as the Junta said it is so it must be true...ttfn

Edited by mark131v
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I alone will deal with Thaksin rank issue, says PM

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said he has received a recommendation from the national police to strip ousted and fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra of his police rank - but has yet to sign it.

Prayut said Tuesday at Government House that he alone would decide on whether to sign and act in accordance with the recommendation and will hold no further discussion on the matter with the Cabinet.

"If I sign it, the proposal will then be submitted to His Majesty the King for Royal endorsement," the premier explained.

In a related development, a retired police office has filed a petition to the Administrative Court claiming that the Police Act, issued in 2014, used to pursue the stripping of Thaksin's police rank was unjustly used.

Pol Colonel Banjob Sudjai, president of the Retired Police Club, was accompanied by his lawyer to file the petition yesterday. Banjob added that according to the Police Act, the national police chief had no authority to issue a regulation regarding the stripping of police rank from an officer no longer serving the police force.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/I-alone-will-deal-with-Thaksin-rank-issue-says-PM-30267912.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-01


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With the stroke of a pen, end of.

I used to think The Waltons was a long running series.

I think it's quite quaint. Even the self appointed leader of a Junta, installed after a coup he led, and with absolute power, the scary article 44 and full military and establishment backing, still has to go through all these machinations, with foot dragging, avoided responsibility and whiners, just to get something as simple as this done. Something that any normal society would do automatically on conviction.

But we just don't understand Thainess. Anyway, what's one more crook with a police rank, past or present, matter to the RTP?

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Which part of me really not caring one way or the other is confusing you?

You did not answer the question, do YOU really believe that this is an important way to spend time and resources? is it really that important?

We all know the bogeyman and the RTP and many/most Thai institutions are corrupt and ineffective yet the present leaders have not concentrated on sorting out the corruption but have instead deflected attention by grabbing on to this need to completely erase the past

It matters not at all in the grand scheme if some on the run villain has an honoury rank from a well known corrupt joke of an organization but the fact the great leaders are so paranoid and scared about this none issue when the rest of the world are looking at them says a great deal about them

ps I think it was one of the Junta polls that said 97% of the population are behind them, could have been 93% cant really remember but seeing as the Junta said it is so it must be true...ttfn

For someone saying that they don't care one way or another, you are making some considerable effort discussing the issue. Actually the rank does matter, matters very much. Why? Because it is a flag-bearer, signifier of the government's progress/success in stripping out the power and control Thaksin had/has over the Thai police force which was the primary state institution in Thaksin's pocket. Not so long ago Thaksin's forum cheerleaders (welcome back!) were using similar arguments about Thaksin being stripped of his passport (it doesn't matter!, there are more important thing to think about! and so on). They all add up to a fresh attempt to wheel out that old warhorse 'Its not about Thaksin'. Been going on for years. No sale.

Edited by SheungWan
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Which part of me really not caring one way or the other is confusing you?

You did not answer the question, do YOU really believe that this is an important way to spend time and resources? is it really that important?

We all know the bogeyman and the RTP and many/most Thai institutions are corrupt and ineffective yet the present leaders have not concentrated on sorting out the corruption but have instead deflected attention by grabbing on to this need to completely erase the past

It matters not at all in the grand scheme if some on the run villain has an honoury rank from a well known corrupt joke of an organization but the fact the great leaders are so paranoid and scared about this none issue when the rest of the world are looking at them says a great deal about them

ps I think it was one of the Junta polls that said 97% of the population are behind them, could have been 93% cant really remember but seeing as the Junta said it is so it must be true...ttfn

For someone saying that they don't care one way or another, you are making some considerable effort discussing the issue. Actually the rank does matter, matters very much. Why? Because it is a flag-bearer, signifier of the government's progress/success in stripping out the power and control Thaksin had/has over the Thai police force which was the primary state institution in Thaksin's pocket. Not so long ago Thaksin's forum cheerleaders (welcome back!) were using similar arguments about Thaksin being stripped of his passport (it doesn't matter!, there are more important thing to think about! and so on). They all add up to a fresh attempt to wheel out that old warhorse 'Its not about Thaksin'. Been going on for years. No sale.

Read it again, how can I say this any clearer, I don not give a flying fork about whether Thaksin keeps or loses his rank..I really truly do not care, I think it is a complete none issue

Now the fact the present junta (your right I cannot stand them! hate hypocrites) seem to believe this is of major importance makes me wonder why

Is it deflection of more pressing issues?

Is it paranoia, perhaps they believe their time at the trough might be ending?

Fear, as above really?

Even the great leader himself is pussy footing around the issue, I thought he was all powerful after he seized power and awarded himself with judge jury and executioner powers with article 44, but still lacks the balls

The government polls sponsored by the Junta keep coming back with over whelming support so why the fear, why the paranoia...have they got guilty consciences??

Why do I care, well basically I don't I realize I cannot change what goes on here but I have got a bit of time on my hands so why not, if it annoys a few hypocrites along the way then that's a bonus...

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Somyot signs order to strip Thaksin of police rank
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang said Wednesday that he has signed an order to strip former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra of his police lieutenant colonel rank.

Somyot said he signed the order and passed it on the PM's Secretariat on Monday after a police committee submitted a formal finding that Thaksin had to face the penalty.

The committee recommended the police rank removal after Thaksin gave an interview to foreign media affecting a royal institution regarding to the coup last year.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Somyot-signs-order-to-strip-Thaksin-of-police-rank-30267966.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-02

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Why is it important? Because Thaksin is a dab hand at playing the sympathy card (I wonder how many times he's cried "Woe is me!"?). Since scuttling off overseas like the rat he is, the villainous one has often sobbed into his handkerchief in front of the world about how hard done-by he is, and many world leaders have bought his snakey lies. By stripping him of his plastic police rank, it denies him just that one little extra degree of legitimacy, while telling the world, "hey! this guy is a felon." - and by doing it the long, tortured way, they can legitimately claim they gave it maximum consideration and did not take the issue lightly. Thus, negating part of Thaksin's ability to market of himself as a victim. Well played by the junta, in my opinion.

For those who are trying to introduce the "erasing of history" element into the Thaksin equation - please explain how this is occurring? If you really believe that this is happening in this day and age, then I pity you your grasp of history. I doubt very few will forget Thaksin - OR, the stripping of his rank.

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Why is it important? Because Thaksin is a dab hand at playing the sympathy card (I wonder how many times he's cried "Woe is me!"?). Since scuttling off overseas like the rat he is, the villainous one has often sobbed into his handkerchief in front of the world about how hard done-by he is, and many world leaders have bought his snakey lies. By stripping him of his plastic police rank, it denies him just that one little extra degree of legitimacy, while telling the world, "hey! this guy is a felon." - and by doing it the long, tortured way, they can legitimately claim they gave it maximum consideration and did not take the issue lightly. Thus, negating part of Thaksin's ability to market of himself as a victim. Well played by the junta, in my opinion.

For those who are trying to introduce the "erasing of history" element into the Thaksin equation - please explain how this is occurring? If you really believe that this is happening in this day and age, then I pity you your grasp of history. I doubt very few will forget Thaksin - OR, the stripping of his rank.

You seriously think anything this Junta say's or does on the world stage is taken seriously? wow....

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Why is it important? Because Thaksin is a dab hand at playing the sympathy card (I wonder how many times he's cried "Woe is me!"?). Since scuttling off overseas like the rat he is, the villainous one has often sobbed into his handkerchief in front of the world about how hard done-by he is, and many world leaders have bought his snakey lies. By stripping him of his plastic police rank, it denies him just that one little extra degree of legitimacy, while telling the world, "hey! this guy is a felon." - and by doing it the long, tortured way, they can legitimately claim they gave it maximum consideration and did not take the issue lightly. Thus, negating part of Thaksin's ability to market of himself as a victim. Well played by the junta, in my opinion.

For those who are trying to introduce the "erasing of history" element into the Thaksin equation - please explain how this is occurring? If you really believe that this is happening in this day and age, then I pity you your grasp of history. I doubt very few will forget Thaksin - OR, the stripping of his rank.

You seriously think anything this Junta say's or does on the world stage is taken seriously? wow....

No, I don't really believe that the world will take the junta seriously, But there is the question of showing the world that Thaksin is not who he makes himself out to be. It's all a matter of degrees in the wash-up. Thaksin must not, under any circumstances, be given any respite because he's proven to be too treacherous - one day, he and the junta will be out of the picture permanently - :) - oops, hope that's not wishful thinking.

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Did somebody say Megalomaniac? Indeed but, which one?

Rumors, hearings, proclamations. The tension mounting like the lead up to Y2K!

What will He do? How will this end? Will He sign it?

The hush of the audience is deafening.... "Yes! I WILL SIGN IT!".

This could a screen play rivaling the Lord of the Rings. It will be called the The Scroll.

Act 1, Scene 1.

Close in view of a moving, leather satchel, slowly panning back to reveal it is strapped to the back of a young, handsome military courier with fabulous hair, battling against hurricane strength headwinds and driving rain, dodging cobras, soi dogs and dragons, ascending the great mountain shrouded in clouds. As he pulls himself over the cliff edge, he stands, straightens his uniform, dusts himself off as the camera pulls back and follows his head as he cranes his neck up, up, up - majestic music swells - revealing the massive gates of HQ creaking open. There, through the mist, inside the massive ramparts, wearing a fluorescent choker white Naval uniform, is Him. Him who is He.

The courier holds the satchel high above his head and begins to advance slowly through the parting ranks of soldiers, toward the broad marble steps at the base of the mount. He kneels before Him and says reverently, "P' Mass-Tuh, I have traveled long and far to deliver the sacred scroll, khrup". He looks down lovingly at the loyal servant and begins gently rubbing his ears and stroking his head whilst making the loving, coo'ing sounds of a Dove.

A servant on bended knee brings forth the quills but as He inks the tip, darkening skies gather, and bolts of lighting and deafening claps of thunder reign down suddenly all around the courtyard. He looks into the roaring skies, eyes squinted and hair mussed by the hissing winds, holds up the quill which begins to glow as a red hot ember, searing His hand as the ink turns to blood. - Powerful music swells - He groans in agony, and yells into the terrible sky in a slow, thunderous echo voice, "YOU SHALL NOT PREVAIL. BY THE POWER OF GRAY SKULL AND ARTICLE 44, BE GONE YOU!", drops His hand quickly and signs. -Screen snaps to black-.

The courtyard scene emerges, eerily quiet, only quiet whimpers of terrified soldiers and peasants cowering on the ground.

There on the mount, His head lolls like a child's doll and the quill drops from his charred grasp. - Camera zooms in tight - as He whispers, "It is done my people. Eternal happiness shall be yours", then He slumps to the ground.

Fade to black as servants and soldiers rush to his side.

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Strip him of his rank and move on. I am not sure what all the fuss is about. How can a convicted

criminal have so much pull. Replace the people who are dragging there feet. coffee1.gif

The fuss is about the fact that Thaksin (the convicted criminal) does have so much pull. However, first one must lean on those who are dragging their feet. Why? To encourage les autres to bend. If the only price of initial resistance is loss of job then heels will be dug in. This warfare is slow and deliberate. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

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For those who are trying to introduce the "erasing of history" element into the Thaksin equation - please explain how this is occurring? If you really believe that this is happening in this day and age, then I pity you your grasp of history. I doubt very few will forget Thaksin - OR, the stripping of his rank.

Removing any mention of him from schoolbooks?

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I would love to comment candidly on this subject...but this is Thailand and I fear being arrested for speaking freely...

Truth will not set you free here...the "free speech" police are ever vigilant...just ask those reporters recently convicted of speaking the truth as they know it...

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For those who are trying to introduce the "erasing of history" element into the Thaksin equation - please explain how this is occurring? If you really believe that this is happening in this day and age, then I pity you your grasp of history. I doubt very few will forget Thaksin - OR, the stripping of his rank.

Removing any mention of him from schoolbooks?

On the other hand, maybe there's longer-term value in having a quick bullet point overall summary in text books for future kids to see and reflect on a nasty and very selfish money politics episode in Thai history which delayed progress on numerous fronts.

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For those who are trying to introduce the "erasing of history" element into the Thaksin equation - please explain how this is occurring? If you really believe that this is happening in this day and age, then I pity you your grasp of history. I doubt very few will forget Thaksin - OR, the stripping of his rank.

Removing any mention of him from schoolbooks?

On the other hand, maybe there's longer-term value in having a quick bullet point overall summary in text books for future kids to see and reflect on a nasty and very selfish money politics episode in Thai history which delayed progress on numerous fronts.

Most certainly, if you wish to inculcate children with fascist propaganda.

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For those who are trying to introduce the "erasing of history" element into the Thaksin equation - please explain how this is occurring? If you really believe that this is happening in this day and age, then I pity you your grasp of history. I doubt very few will forget Thaksin - OR, the stripping of his rank.

Removing any mention of him from schoolbooks?

On the other hand, maybe there's longer-term value in having a quick bullet point overall summary in text books for future kids to see and reflect on a nasty and very selfish money politics episode in Thai history which delayed progress on numerous fronts.

Most certainly, if you wish to inculcate children with fascist propaganda.

What's fascist about it?

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"Royal Thai Police says removal of Thaksin's police rank underway

BANGKOK, 1 September 2015 (NNT) - The Royal Thai Police has finished examining the evidence and is deliberating the revocation of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatras police title."

And in a few days, it'll just be another... "JUUUUUUUUUUST KIDDING,......, talk about it next year, next 2 years, next decade, next 3 decades......

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Strip him of his rank and move on. I am not sure what all the fuss is about. How can a convicted

criminal have so much pull. Replace the people who are dragging there feet. coffee1.gif

Do they do it the French way rip off his chevrons and fruit salad and slap him in the face with a pair of white gloves. Opps sorry forgot he is not here. Maybe they could have a stand in for him and point at him and then drum him out.

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Somyot signs order to strip Thaksin of police rank

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang said Wednesday that he has signed an order to strip former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra of his police lieutenant colonel rank.

Somyot said he signed the order and passed it on the PM's Secretariat on Monday after a police committee submitted a formal finding that Thaksin had to face the penalty.

The committee recommended the police rank removal after Thaksin gave an interview to foreign media affecting a royal institution regarding to the coup last year.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Somyot-signs-order-to-strip-Thaksin-of-police-rank-30267966.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-02


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Which part of me really not caring one way or the other is confusing you?

You did not answer the question, do YOU really believe that this is an important way to spend time and resources? is it really that important?

We all know the bogeyman and the RTP and many/most Thai institutions are corrupt and ineffective yet the present leaders have not concentrated on sorting out the corruption but have instead deflected attention by grabbing on to this need to completely erase the past

It matters not at all in the grand scheme if some on the run villain has an honoury rank from a well known corrupt joke of an organization but the fact the great leaders are so paranoid and scared about this none issue when the rest of the world are looking at them says a great deal about them

ps I think it was one of the Junta polls that said 97% of the population are behind them, could have been 93% cant really remember but seeing as the Junta said it is so it must be true...ttfn

For someone saying that they don't care one way or another, you are making some considerable effort discussing the issue. Actually the rank does matter, matters very much. Why? Because it is a flag-bearer, signifier of the government's progress/success in stripping out the power and control Thaksin had/has over the Thai police force which was the primary state institution in Thaksin's pocket. Not so long ago Thaksin's forum cheerleaders (welcome back!) were using similar arguments about Thaksin being stripped of his passport (it doesn't matter!, there are more important thing to think about! and so on). They all add up to a fresh attempt to wheel out that old warhorse 'Its not about Thaksin'. Been going on for years. No sale.

Read it again, how can I say this any clearer, I don not give a flying fork about whether Thaksin keeps or loses his rank..I really truly do not care, I think it is a complete none issue

Now the fact the present junta (your right I cannot stand them! hate hypocrites) seem to believe this is of major importance makes me wonder why

Is it deflection of more pressing issues?

Is it paranoia, perhaps they believe their time at the trough might be ending?

Fear, as above really?

Even the great leader himself is pussy footing around the issue, I thought he was all powerful after he seized power and awarded himself with judge jury and executioner powers with article 44, but still lacks the balls

The government polls sponsored by the Junta keep coming back with over whelming support so why the fear, why the paranoia...have they got guilty consciences??

Why do I care, well basically I don't I realize I cannot change what goes on here but I have got a bit of time on my hands so why not, if it annoys a few hypocrites along the way then that's a bonus...

Why, esp. if you really don't care (yeah, right), do you keep yammering on about it being a major issue to the junta? Who says so? Newsflash. It's actually not. Thaksinistas are the ones keeping it alive. They're either defending him outright (gotta' give this faction at least little bit of credit for being forthright with their footdragging & obstruction tactics), or hiding like little girls behind this big fiction that it's the junta that's preoccupied with it. Just because it's finally being seen through despite the best efforts of its opponents to drag things out and exact as much pain as they possibly can doesn't mean it's at the top of the government's to-do list. (It just helps the apologists more if they keep insisting that it is.)

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Somyot shows he has a pair. I can hear the BBs clanking together. If Mr. T's people ever get power back, they will have far more to worry about than this tempest in a tea pot.

They won't, thank god!!! The charter re-write has seen to that.

They should strip him of his doctorate in criminology now as he used this to enrich himself through unlawful means, then they should forget about him and let him die in exile (with the rest of his vile family).

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Which part of me really not caring one way or the other is confusing you?

You did not answer the question, do YOU really believe that this is an important way to spend time and resources? is it really that important?

We all know the bogeyman and the RTP and many/most Thai institutions are corrupt and ineffective yet the present leaders have not concentrated on sorting out the corruption but have instead deflected attention by grabbing on to this need to completely erase the past

It matters not at all in the grand scheme if some on the run villain has an honoury rank from a well known corrupt joke of an organization but the fact the great leaders are so paranoid and scared about this none issue when the rest of the world are looking at them says a great deal about them

ps I think it was one of the Junta polls that said 97% of the population are behind them, could have been 93% cant really remember but seeing as the Junta said it is so it must be true...ttfn

For someone saying that they don't care one way or another, you are making some considerable effort discussing the issue. Actually the rank does matter, matters very much. Why? Because it is a flag-bearer, signifier of the government's progress/success in stripping out the power and control Thaksin had/has over the Thai police force which was the primary state institution in Thaksin's pocket. Not so long ago Thaksin's forum cheerleaders (welcome back!) were using similar arguments about Thaksin being stripped of his passport (it doesn't matter!, there are more important thing to think about! and so on). They all add up to a fresh attempt to wheel out that old warhorse 'Its not about Thaksin'. Been going on for years. No sale.

Read it again, how can I say this any clearer, I don not give a flying fork about whether Thaksin keeps or loses his rank..I really truly do not care, I think it is a complete none issue

Now the fact the present junta (your right I cannot stand them! hate hypocrites) seem to believe this is of major importance makes me wonder why

Is it deflection of more pressing issues?

Is it paranoia, perhaps they believe their time at the trough might be ending?

Fear, as above really?

Even the great leader himself is pussy footing around the issue, I thought he was all powerful after he seized power and awarded himself with judge jury and executioner powers with article 44, but still lacks the balls

The government polls sponsored by the Junta keep coming back with over whelming support so why the fear, why the paranoia...have they got guilty consciences??

Why do I care, well basically I don't I realize I cannot change what goes on here but I have got a bit of time on my hands so why not, if it annoys a few hypocrites along the way then that's a bonus...

Why, esp. if you really don't care (yeah, right), do you keep yammering on about it being a major issue to the junta? Who says so? Newsflash. It's actually not. Thaksinistas are the ones keeping it alive. They're either defending him outright (gotta' give this faction at least little bit of credit for being forthright with their footdragging & obstruction tactics), or hiding like little girls behind this big fiction that it's the junta that's preoccupied with it. Just because it's finally being seen through despite the best efforts of its opponents to drag things out and exact as much pain as they possibly can doesn't mean it's at the top of the government's to-do list. (It just helps the apologists more if they keep insisting that it is.)

And once again for the Hawker chap

'Why do I care, well basically I don't I realize I cannot change what goes on here but I have got a bit of time on my hands so why not, if it annoys a few hypocrites along the way then that's a bonus...

I have to keep putting it up as some of you obviously have comprehension problems

Thaksinistas, like that did you think of it yourself?

I personally (I know, opinions and stuff..) think it is the Junta keeping this alive, not because they intend to but because they are too stupid not to. You only need to look at all the news reports from the great leader and his cohorts to see in Thailand News to see this is true

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