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I know this is trivial, but does anyone remember in about the early 90's in

the Bangkok Post someone writing in some really funny letters in the Post Bag

under a name, that's the part I'm trying to remember, that sounded kind of like

a haughty old British aristocratic women? She would always ask completely

absurd questions bordering on the bizarre. Anybody remember. If somebody

tells me the name, I will know it instantly; it's one of those weird names.

Thanks, Mbkudu.


Sorry, Monday morning is too early to start my brain working.

Wasn't it Mrs. Clapton, her maid Hazel and the never ending story of a not functioning electric toothbrush?


C'mon Chon, what's up with the old grey matter these days? Too much Chang or are you supping a decent pint back in blighty right now? :D

Edith Clampton (Mrs) is the name you're looking for perchance, mbkudu? If not, it may be the other old woman of the Letter Box- Mike Hawkins (Dr), but definitely not the hands-down winner of "column space kamoy" - Burin Kantabutr (Khun). :o


You guys are f***ing brilliant! Plachon got the name right, Edith Clampton, and

Axel got the electric toothbrush antics correct.

Thanks so much, now I can sleep at night.


Edith Clampton can be found in paperback

A collection of letters to the Bangkok Post's Post Bag column by an enigmatic, self-opinated "lady" whose comments create different reactions from Post readers. While some find her views extremely rib-tickling, others find them distasteful. Like it or not, Edith Clampton has somehow become identified with the Post's correspondence page.

ISBN 974-202-043-4

Paperback. 184pp. 1996.

Bt195.00 US$7.50

A sample.

No faith in Philippines

SIR: I was shocked to read in the Bangkok Post that the Philippines will be launching its own satellite in 1996. With all due respect and with traumatic experiences behind me, I can honestly say that country is not technically advanced enough to be setting off its own rockets. I have written to the President of the Philippines, Cardinal Sin, and asked him to stop this nonsense. They should be seeking the assistance of another country to help launch their satellite.

If they do insist on firing rockets into space, I hope they give us plenty of warning so that we can build air-raid shelters. The last thing I want is to be on the receiving end of a Philipino rocket.

Edith Clampton (Mrs)


This book sounds right up my alley - if anyone actually goes looking for it, would they mind picking me up an extra copy? I'd gladly pay for postage etc.

No bookstores on my little island here. No stores at all, for that matter, for about 100 miles.

Please PM me anyone who is going to buy that book!


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