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Stay Away From Politics, Army Warns

Jai Dee

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Stay away from politics, Army warns

The Third Army Region reiterated to former MPs, mayors and chairmen of provincial administrative organisations of 17 northern provinces the junta's order that prohibits political activities, including efforts to organise underground campaign against the junta.

The urgent meeting was organised after leaflets against Council of Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy (CDRM) were found widespread in many northern provinces. Third Army Region's Commander Lt Gen Saprang Kalayanamitr chaired the meeting.

Thai Rak Thai's former MPs, including Laddawan Wongsriwong, Dr Thotsaporn Sereerak, Payap Shinawatra who is brother of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra attended the meeting.

An army source said that the meeting was aimed at creating understanding among local and former politicians on CDRM's order which ban on any local political movements. The order was issued after the CDRM received confirmed reports that some local politicians in Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and Payao were trying to gather people to campaign against CDRM.

Local villagers were informed that they would not be able to get loans from government's funds and they would have to return all the money.

Source: The Nation - 25 September 2006

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Local villagers were informed that they would not be able to get loans from government's funds and they would have to return all the money.

Source: The Nation - 25 September 2006

That sounds like a TRT tactic. :o

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"junta". good word.

i have a couple of questions; forgive me if they are stupid ones:

1) why do all these poor people suddenly have to return money that they borrowed from the from the gov't.?

2) why have those loans (seemingly) suddenly been cancelled altogether?


3) what does it have to with the rest of the article?

just wondering...

Edited by newworks
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Local villagers were informed that they would not be able to get loans from government's funds and they would have to return all the money.

Source: The Nation - 25 September 2006

That sounds like a TRT tactic. :D

Well, this evenings' TV-News reports that the CDRM have no such intention, so I guess that confirms that this is just a TRT lie.

They just can't resist still trying to fool the people. :o

Wonder what spin they will put on Mrs Thaksin's departure, for the UK, last night ? :D

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I always feel so sad for the average Thai. They live in a beautiful country, and yet, without adequate education in the rural areas, so many are duped by political and business leaders, who have nothing but their own self-serving interests to pursue.

I do so much hope that, during the present lifetime of HM The King, Thailand will become a less corruptible place, with the police and civil servants being paid a proper wage without having to resort to second, third and even 'illegal' activities to 'make ends meet!'


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Some local TRT leaders told villagers the million baht revolving fund would have to be returned to the central government, in addition they said the local council อบต. and the local medical volunteers อสม. would be disbanded.

All lies.

And if Thaksin comes back there will be twice a year christmas and if he can not come back Santa Clause only brings for the rich in Bangkok.....

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Last Updated: Monday, 25 September 2006, 10:38 GMT 11:38 UK

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"But if there is evidence proving that the suspects are trying to move or transfer assets before a court ruling, we will seek court approval to seize their assets," he added.

The Thai press has speculated that Mr Thaksin managed to take some assets out of the country before the coup.

Airline officials told the Associated Press he had travelled with more than 100 cases and trunks when he flew to New York for a UN meeting last week.

But Group Captain Montol Suchookorn, a spokesman for the Royal Thai Air Force, told the French news agency AFP: "The amount of luggage was not unusual."

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so, thaksin arranged for this alleged "preemptive" confrontation between the forestry dept. and the anti-thaksin protestors to happen while he was out of town, and also prepared for the possibility of it being unsuccessful and him being overthrown, and so that's why he had all the suitcases with money in them? ######, he IS sneaky!

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