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Migrants flood Budapest rail station as police leave; no trains to the West


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Considering most of these Migrants are economic Migrants,and have amassed large amounts of money,to pay to leave their own country, are a new breed,hell bent on forcing the Countries they invade to succumb to illegal entry of a Country to forcible make a Country yield to their demands, apart from the Moral issue,which is not easy to feel,sympathy for their self imposed plight, and not when you consider these people if let in to our Countries,judging by their present aggressive behaviour would not have any conscience in taking over your western Country with impunity! and don't expect any pleas "its my country" to fall on willing listeners ears! it will be too late then. Thailand understands this,and with their rigid ownership laws will never have to worry about losing their Country to Opportunist foreigners!,and Carpet Baggers!

And a final question,why has this massive influx occurred so quickly (in the last year or so) because they see the western world as weak and stupid countries who will be easy to take over,once they can infiltrate enough numbers by force ???

Do you have the figures of country of origin to support your claim that most are economic migrants? Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees.

The UNHCR have stated after nearly five years of war, their are currently approx 4 million Syrian refugees in bordering countries, mainly Lebanon, Turkey & Jordan. There are even more Internally Displaced Persons within Syria. The UNHCR representative stated initially feedback was the refugees were planning to return to Syria at the cessation of conflict, currently there is little hope for peace being achieved in the near future. So getting to the question of why such an uplift of Syrians (the majority by way of nationality) attempting to enter EU this year. UNHCR, with four months to go to the end of the budget year, has only received 37% of the necessary funding to support the refugee population, therefore they have had to reduce support services. Cutting support has led to the large increase of those Syrian refugees who have sufficient remaining funds (funds that were being used to supplement aid) to seek better outcomes in EU countries prior to the onset of winter; note most refugees are not legally permitted to work to gain an income to support themselves.

"Do you have the figures of country of origin to support your claim that most are economic migrants? Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees."

What is there to prove? it's been long established the Migrants pay thousands of pounds and Euros to secure their trips on the death trap vessels,now hardly broke,and more like the having the means of pursuing the rich life in the west.

There is no need to prove my claim,it's self evident,the funds have been paid for the trip,is more than proof enough! and don't count on Germany's figures from the Balkans "Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees."

The latest from Germany today is: they have agreed to allow 200,000 Migrants into Germany,look it up for yourself!

Yes if one makes a claim you need to back it up, otherwise nothing more than your usual venomous rhetoric.

Apparently reading comprehension is not your forte; EU 'must accept 200,000 refugees'


In fact the figure that the EU is going to accept , and not as I mistakenly quoted. as Germany is going to accept 200,000 refugees should have read the EU is going to accept.


The new report above is that: "it seems Germany might accept 800,000 Migrants this year" So it seems your reading skills are not so brilliant either!

Edited by MAJIC
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"Do you have the figures of country of origin to support your claim that most are economic migrants? Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees."

What is there to prove? it's been long established the Migrants pay thousands of pounds and Euros to secure their trips on the death trap vessels,now hardly broke,and more like the having the means of pursuing the rich life in the west.

There is no need to prove my claim,it's self evident,the funds have been paid for the trip,is more than proof enough! and don't count on Germany's figures from the Balkans "Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees."

The latest from Germany today is: they have agreed to allow 200,000 Migrants into Germany,look it up for yourself!

Yes if one makes a claim you need to back it up, otherwise nothing more than your usual venomous rhetoric.

Apparently reading comprehension is not your forte; EU 'must accept 200,000 refugees'


In fact the figure that the EU is going to accept , and not as I mistakenly quoted. as Germany is going to accept 200,000 refugees should have read the EU is going to accept.


The new report above is that: "it seems Germany might accept 800,000 Migrants this year" So it seems your reading skills are not so brilliant either!

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It is suggested a total 160k refugees to be resettled in EU, though very much up in the air as EU countries are not in sync on this matter. 'Migrants' refers to refugees seeking asylum of whom the majority will not be offered permanent resettlement.


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This is a giant ticking time bomb yet the EU either doesn't realise it or doesn't care and that includes the MEPs so enthusiastically applauding Junkers speech.

I suppose you can't see much when you're so busy patting yourself on the back for being humanitarian.

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