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Migrants flood Budapest rail station as police leave; no trains to the West


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Migrants flood Budapest rail station; no trains to the West

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Migrants poured into Budapest's Keleti train station Thursday as police ended their blockade, but there were no trains running to Western Europe, the goal of many of the migrants.

The rail company said its stance was due to "railway transport" security reasons.

Police shut down the Keleti terminal to migrants on Tuesday, preventing those with valid tickets but no travel documents from boarding trains to Austria and Germany, many migrants' preferred destination.

There was no immediate explanation from police or other authorities of Thursday's decisions, which came hours before Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was to meet European Union leaders in Brussels to discuss the crisis.

On Wednesday, migrants had threatened to walk the 105 miles (170 kilometers) to the Austrian border if police would not let them board trains to their desired destinations in Austria and Germany.

Hungary tantalizingly opened the way Monday, allowing more than 1,000 migrants to pack westbound trains — and inspiring a migrant surge to the capital — before it withdrew the option 24 hours later.

Hungary, which for months had permitted most applicants to head west after short bureaucratic delays, now says it won't let more groups deeper into the European Union and claims EU backing for the move.

With an estimated 3,000 people camping outside the station, conditions have grown increasingly squalid despite the efforts of volunteers distributing water, food, medicine and disinfectants.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-03

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Having lived in a town in the UK where muslim immigrants have taken over, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. If Merkel is so keen to have refugees, they can all go to Germany, and live near her - she'll soon change her mind.
Why aren't any of these people welcome in other muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Qatar, etc ? They won't touch them with a barge pole, why should Europe have them ?

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Having lived in a town in the UK where muslim immigrants have taken over, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. If Merkel is so keen to have refugees, they can all go to Germany, and live near her - she'll soon change her mind.

Why aren't any of these people welcome in other muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Qatar, etc ? They won't touch them with a barge pole, why should Europe have them ?

It shouldn't.

But the European Union is run by people whose lives are all about feeling good about themselves right now, without regard for the future consequences of their actions. So their “solidarity” with the migrants is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded and inclusive of them all?”

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And the question the EU can't answer is: how many of these migrants are genuine refugees, fleeing persecution in their home country, and how many are economic migrants, fleeing poverty? As well, the idea of the Schengen Treaty is that migrants are offered asylum in the first EU country they enter, something that is now demonstrating the impracticality of the system.

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Serves them right! They can't go to America, but they can go to the next country down the list of countries responsible for the conflict that displaced them.

If they can spend billions destroying other countries, they might as well spend billions helping those displaced.

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These migrants sure have a sense of entitlement, don't they?

Perhaps instead of issuing demands to the Hungarian police, they might consider showing a bit of gratitude for the extreme tolerance of Europeans towards their forcing their way onto the continent.

Exactly why these cultures don't mix. Their attitudes suck so little wonder they ran their homelands into the ground. Since these people run their own countries into the ground, why not let them wreck other countries now. Seems fair. Seems reasonable.

I am sure they have a lot to offer their new homelands. Most are probably highly educated, skilled professionals. Won't it be marvelous having them. Think about all the contributions they will make in their new home countries.

It is not just these wonderful types seeking to bail. There are a whole lot of Easter Europeans right now trying to bail to the west. Many Russians are looking for exit strategies right now with the Ruble close to 70 and food prices rising. At least these Eastern Europeans have education and skills for the most part.

Things are tough everywhere. People need to start accepting responsibility for themselves and their own countries. Some cultures will simply never do this no matter where they are as things will still be the same for them. The problem is them.

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Serves them right! They can't go to America, but they can go to the next country down the list of countries responsible for the conflict that displaced them.

If they can spend billions destroying other countries, they might as well spend billions helping those displaced.

These countries were and have always been rat holes for the most part. The West did not make them rat holes. They did. Amazing how people in Europe and Asia were able to pick up the pieces, rebuild and do well after wars ripped their countries and people apart. The difference is the people. Not sure why some adapt, strive and do better while some cultures just flounder and cast blame for their floundering.

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If the worst enemy of European culture had been asked to devise a strategy to destroy the continent as quickly as possible, I would guess they would have come up with something pretty close to what we're seeing today and will see much more of in future.

Flood the place with people who are different in culture, mores, religion, language, and attitude until it is unrecognisable from the stable and prosperous place built gradually up over 1000 years.

Putin must be laughing his f**king head off.

Edited by RickBradford
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Some are asking themselves why the rich muslims-countries are not open for/help this refugees ..

The reason I think, it is muslims are driven like sheeps to slaughters...the goal... is Europe ..gratulate overtake Europe..

I think we have nothing seen yet... just the canari-bird send in the mine ...

I never forget what I did read Nastrodamus many years ago..

He said: "Muslims will flood over Europe, coming from the south"..

Nastrodamus did only predict something terrible happenings, in the future..

So just wait and see.....

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These migrants are well educated -- in the art of emotional blackmail if nothing else.

Now they are to be seen, clutching infants to their breast, lying on railway lines, defying Hungarian efforts to classify them, and desperately hoping that a BBC camera crew will turn up to publicise their story.

David Cameron could get himself a 20% surge in the polls overnight if he simply said: "Nobody who illegally forces their way into the UK will be given permission to settle here."

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The Hungarian PM Orban, the fascist, wants all refugees to stay in Turkey. Here in Turkey, which is a lot less prosperous than Hungary, we are already flooded with Syrian and Iraqi refugees; estimated to be around 2 million people. The situation has already caused a lot of tension between locals and refugees (note: only a small number of them is located at camps). The social and economic implications of this situation in Turkey will get worse and worse.

Why does Turkey have to bear most of this burden ?!

Orban and those who think like him should stop the frickin' religionism. Just because the heavy majority of refugees is Muslim and so is most of the Turkish population, it doesn't and shouldn't mean that Turkey should keep most of them !

Edited by JemJem
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As another poster pointed out - migration is a form of jihad known as hijra . Jihad by hijra, something that Gaddafi predicted and the EU paid him many times to crack down on.

They've been out-breeding us for decades in the UK.

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Send them all to London. My British friends have for decades been telling me that every human is entitled to "free movement," basic but good housing, food and (through their failing NHS) good health care.


I have listened to the sneers from the continent about how backward everyone else is. Now that it is crashing, all I can say is "I told you so".

When some of us want to control illegal immigration in the US these same types of people talk like we are horrible. If it doesn't get under control, again I'll have to say "I told you so".

People who with their ancestors worked hard and built developed countries have no obligation to let others waltz in and take over without having the culture to build it for themselves. But it's happening.


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Some are asking themselves why the rich muslims-countries are not open for/help this refugees ..

The reason I think, it is muslims are driven like sheeps to slaughters...the goal... is Europe ..gratulate overtake Europe..

I think we have nothing seen yet... just the canari-bird send in the mine ...

I never forget what I did read Nastrodamus many years ago..

He said: "Muslims will flood over Europe, coming from the south"..

Nastrodamus did only predict something terrible happenings, in the future..

So just wait and see.....

Nostradamus spoke in quatrains that were half Latin. Where did you learn that quote?

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Hungary opens door to trains for migrants, but only to camps
PABLO GORONDI, Associated Press
SHAWN POGATCHNIK, Associated Press

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Thousands of migrants surged into a Budapest train station Thursday when police ended their two-day blockade of its entrance, but the surprise move produced only a new swirl of confusion and anger as some migrants found themselves tricked into taking a train to a Hungarian camp for asylum seekers.

In the morning, excited migrants piled into a newly arrived train at the Keleti station in Hungary's capital despite announcements in Hungarian and English that all services from the station to Western Europe had been canceled. A statement on the main departures board said no more trains to Austria or Germany would depart "due to safety reasons until further notice!"

Many migrants, who couldn't understand either language and were receiving no advice from Hungarian officials, scrambled aboard in a standing-room-only crush and hoped for the best.

Instead, the train soon stopped northwest of Budapest in the town of Bicske, where dozens of riot police stood waiting to escort the human cargo to one of the country's major camps for asylum seekers — an overcrowded, open-door facility that many of the migrants already had left days before. The asylum seekers refused to leave the train, and refused offers of water and food as they demanded instead to be allowed to leave Hungary.

Police had hoped to entice many more of the estimated 3,000 migrants camping outside Keleti to leave Thursday. Conditions at Budapest's main international terminal have grown increasingly squalid despite the efforts of volunteers distributing water, food, medicine and disinfectants.

An Associated Press reporter saw one infant boy beside his sleeping parents crawling onto the pavement to eat breadcrumbs from the ground. Nearby, an unattended toddler walked to a pile of garbage and picked at discarded candy wrappers in search of a treat. Hundreds of migrants took turns washing their hair, clothes and feet and brushing their teeth at a five-faucet water supply with no sewage that was supposed to provide drinking water for the entire camp.

In Bicske, disappointed migrants started chanting "No camp!" in Arabic, some tried to flee on foot down the tracks, and one family sat down beside the tracks and appealed to journalists for help. When police told the media to move off the tracks and the family to move inside, the husband in apparent desperation lost emotional control. He threw his own wife and infant child onto the tracks, lay down beside them and started striking himself in the head as he shouted repeatedly, "We won't move from here!"

Police in helmets and body armor surrounded the prone family and lifted the man off of his wife and child. Officers handcuffed him with his chest pressed down on the pavement. Four officers carried him away as he wailed in tears. The woman and infant were escorted off the tracks but not detained.

Other migrants scuffled with police and forced their way back on to the train's carriages to begin a standoff in the sweltering sun. Police delivered water to the migrants, but many tossed the bottles back, expressing fears that police might have drugged the water in hopes of sedating them. Later, charity volunteers tried to offer the migrants food, but they also refused to eat it.

"We don't need food and water. Just let us go to Germany," one migrant said from an open train window.

The question of how to defuse the human gridlock in Hungary was being hotly debated Thursday in Brussels at a meeting between European Union leaders and Hungary's anti-immigrant prime minister, Viktor Orban. Hungary, which for months had done little to prevent asylum applicants from heading west, this week has declared it won't let more migrants deeper into Europe.

"We Hungarians are full of fear. People in Europe are full of fear, because we see that European leaders, among them the prime ministers, are not capable of controlling the situation," Orban said.

Orban principally blamed Germany as he confirmed his government's plan to send at least 3,000 troops to Hungary's southern border with Serbia, where police patrols, razor-wire coils and a 13-foot (4-meter) high fence already seek to deter new arrivals. Orban's top aide, Janos Lazar, said 160,000 migrants had reached Hungary this year, nearly 90,000 of them since July 6.

Orban said Hungary's problem with migrants was really "a German problem. Nobody would like to stay in Hungary. All of them would like to go to Germany."

He vowed that Hungary would defend its borders by fingerprinting, photographing and screening all migrants that cross into its territory. Once the proposed measures are passed in parliament, he said, migrants and smugglers alike would be warned of the tougher new deterrent measures in place, which would include increasing prison terms for smugglers and making it a crime to damage or break through the border fence.

Hungary's parliament is expected to vote on Orban's security and immigration reform measures Friday.

But Serbia's prime minister, Aleksandar Vucic, warned that if Hungary stopped accepting migrants who currently can walk through police-supervised gaps in the razor-wire defenses, this could create a dangerous public backlash or humanitarian crisis in Serbia, where many hundreds assemble daily before crossing to Hungary. Virtually none of the migrants claim asylum in non-EU member Serbia.

Vucic said the EU needed a region-wide plan to ensure migrants received care and support if Hungary sealed its border, "otherwise ... in 12 days we can face huge problems here."

Lazar urged Germany to help ease the situation at the Keleti train station.

"We would like Germany, where the migrants want to go, to pull its own weight," Lazar said, suggesting the migrants go to the German Embassy in Budapest and apply for a German entry visa.

German Chancellor Angela Markel declined to respond directly to Hungary's criticisms, but emphasized that all EU members should show the same care toward war refugees and observe the same obligations on handling asylum cases. She called for each EU nation to accept "a binding quota" of refugee applicants.

When asked by a reporter whether Hungary's migrant problems were really Germany's as Orban asserted, Merkel said: "Hungary is right when it says that we must protect our external border and we must register refugees and asylum seekers. That is undisputed ... but of course that's not the end of it.

"There is also an obligation to give protection to those who deserve protection. The Geneva convention on refugees applies not just in Germany but in every European member state," Merkel said during a visit to Bern, Switzerland. "The Geneva convention obliges us to take in refugees from civil wars when they are fleeing from fear, war and horror and give them protection. Germany is doing no more and no less than this ... and all countries must do this."

Associated Press reporters Petr Josek and Balint Szlanko in Bicske, Hungary; Jovana Gec in Belgrade, Serbia; Geir Moulson in Berlin, Lorne Cook in Brussels and Amir Bibawy in New York contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-04

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Considering most of these Migrants are economic Migrants,and have amassed large amounts of money,to pay to leave their own country, are a new breed,hell bent on forcing the Countries they invade to succumb to illegal entry of a Country to forcible make a Country yield to their demands, apart from the Moral issue,which is not easy to feel,sympathy for their self imposed plight, and not when you consider these people if let in to our Countries,judging by their present aggressive behaviour would not have any conscience in taking over your western Country with impunity! and don't expect any pleas "its my country" to fall on willing listeners ears! it will be too late then. Thailand understands this,and with their rigid ownership laws will never have to worry about losing their Country to Opportunist foreigners!,and Carpet Baggers!

And a final question,why has this massive influx occurred so quickly (in the last year or so) because they see the western world as weak and stupid countries who will be easy to take over,once they can infiltrate enough numbers by force ???

Edited by MAJIC
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Having lived in a town in the UK where muslim immigrants have taken over, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. If Merkel is so keen to have refugees, they can all go to Germany, and live near her - she'll soon change her mind.

Why aren't any of these people welcome in other muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Qatar, etc ? They won't touch them with a barge pole, why should Europe have them ?

It shouldn't.

But the European Union is run by people whose lives are all about feeling good about themselves right now, without regard for the future consequences of their actions. So their “solidarity” with the migrants is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded and inclusive of them all?”

These silly do gooders and PC devotees,know very well thehit-the-fan.gifwill hit the fan Long after they are dead. They are called NIMBYS,short for NOT IN MY BACKYARD!

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"German Chancellor Angela Markel declined to respond directly to Hungary's criticisms, but emphasized that all EU members should show the same care toward war refugees and observe the same obligations on handling asylum cases. She called for each EU nation to accept "a binding quota" of refugee applicants."

Someone should hang Merkel for treason. She's trying to sell give Europe down the drain to invaders. (They should hang her right after the AP learns how to spell Merkel, LOL)

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Considering most of these Migrants are economic Migrants,and have amassed large amounts of money,to pay to leave their own country, are a new breed,hell bent on forcing the Countries they invade to succumb to illegal entry of a Country to forcible make a Country yield to their demands, apart from the Moral issue,which is not easy to feel,sympathy for their self imposed plight, and not when you consider these people if let in to our Countries,judging by their present aggressive behaviour would not have any conscience in taking over your western Country with impunity! and don't expect any pleas "its my country" to fall on willing listeners ears! it will be too late then. Thailand understands this,and with their rigid ownership laws will never have to worry about losing their Country to Opportunist foreigners!,and Carpet Baggers!

And a final question,why has this massive influx occurred so quickly (in the last year or so) because they see the western world as weak and stupid countries who will be easy to take over,once they can infiltrate enough numbers by force ???

Do you have the figures of country of origin to support your claim that most are economic migrants? Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees.

The UNHCR have stated after nearly five years of war, their are currently approx 4 million Syrian refugees in bordering countries, mainly Lebanon, Turkey & Jordan. There are even more Internally Displaced Persons within Syria. The UNHCR representative stated initially feedback was the refugees were planning to return to Syria at the cessation of conflict, currently there is little hope for peace being achieved in the near future. So getting to the question of why such an uplift of Syrians (the majority by way of nationality) attempting to enter EU this year. UNHCR, with four months to go to the end of the budget year, has only received 37% of the necessary funding to support the refugee population, therefore they have had to reduce support services. Cutting support has led to the large increase of those Syrian refugees who have sufficient remaining funds (funds that were being used to supplement aid) to seek better outcomes in EU countries prior to the onset of winter; note most refugees are not legally permitted to work to gain an income to support themselves.

Edited by simple1
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The news on this subject is being managed everywhere, from news channels to message boards. The only allowable point of view is that the saintly "migrants" must get what they demand. If you object and question them, you are shut down and your ideas disallowed.

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"German Chancellor Angela Markel declined to respond directly to Hungary's criticisms, but emphasized that all EU members should show the same care toward war refugees and observe the same obligations on handling asylum cases. She called for each EU nation to accept "a binding quota" of refugee applicants."

Someone should hang Merkel for treason. She's trying to sell give Europe down the drain to invaders. (They should hang her right after the AP learns how to spell Merkel, LOL)

Unless they want to be swallowed up in a tsunami of foreign invaders, European citizens are going to need to resist their governments. Oops! Forgot. They can't. Their governments took away all their guns. Euros have no option other than to shut up and do what their righteous leaders tell them to do.

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The image of the dead baby is probably the worst "cannot be unseen again" kind of moving photo have seen my life, and its really sad to have to see the incompetent and egoist politicians all around the world to end this long conflict where so many people die everyday and desperately try to reach a better life. We all know the main reasons, why we have this situation today....

But have to say Hungary is doing the right thing by protecting its borders, culture and because its a Schengen country, it has the responsibility also to protect the values and laws of the European Union what they have signed up for after desperately trying to reach freedom from the 50years occupation of Russians. Don't forget Hungarians was who ended up the long communist system by opening its borders into Austria and its not about human rights issue today its about the responsibility have to take for further consequences when there will be millions poised to migrate to Germany because they have train ticket to suck out the remaining money left in the so called leftist beneficial system.

Hungary always been the protector of Europe and we have been invaded once already by the Turkish with a trojan plan for about 150years we never forget.

Im not a supporter of the Hungarian government in general and never was either left or right side but as a fellow Hungarian i believe we must offer immediate european humanitarian help near the main areas like Turkey, Greece, Italy, Jordan and try to find a way to help those conflicts so everybody can return to their motherland.

Every country have their crazy visa system, just look at Thailand if we overstay a day we already a criminal.... The official Hungarian borders crossings are open, safe can register as an asylum seeker legally, and then will be transferred to Germany soon as they figure out the plan.

But this people don't want to be registered in Hungary, they want to go to Germany illegally, and thats the problem.......

Obviously somebody should ask Merkel Mom to tell them what to do now or send a Big crusie ship in the Danube and rescue them....

Edited by huahinjoe
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These migrants sure have a sense of entitlement, don't they?

Perhaps instead of issuing demands to the Hungarian police, they might consider showing a bit of gratitude for the extreme tolerance of Europeans towards their forcing their way onto the continent.


It works.....and so they go to Germany....

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The Hungarian PM Orban, the fascist, wants all refugees to stay in Turkey. Here in Turkey, which is a lot less prosperous than Hungary, we are already flooded with Syrian and Iraqi refugees; estimated to be around 2 million people. The situation has already caused a lot of tension between locals and refugees (note: only a small number of them is located at camps). The social and economic implications of this situation in Turkey will get worse and worse.

Why does Turkey have to bear most of this burden ?!

Orban and those who think like him should stop the frickin' religionism. Just because the heavy majority of refugees is Muslim and so is most of the Turkish population, it doesn't and shouldn't mean that Turkey should keep most of them !

Your friend Erdogan was best friends with Assad. Remember this?


Turkey is in large part responsible for the mess that is Syria. Turkey supported Assad while he was torturing Syrians. Then Turkey facilitated ISIL terrorists. And now Turkey is dumping the migrants on Europe. Isn't it interesting how none of these migrants going to Iran or Russia. Why is that? It wasn't too long ago when these violent mobs took to their streets to protest the Satanic USA, to celebrate every time Hamas dropped a missile on Israel or to denounce England. Now they want to claim western social benefits.

Turkey said it was a regional leader. Fine. Now it can take the responsibilities that go along with it. Perhaps instead of launching another genocide against the Kurds, Turkey can turn to caring for the migrants. The only good thing so far, is that Turkey doesn't have time to launch another "peace" boat to Gaza in an attempt to pick a fight with Israel.

Turkey and its buddies in Iran, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia started this fiasco. They can take care of it. Have Erdogan call his friends in China and Russia. I'm sure China would have no problems taking 100,000 of these migrants since China is a beacon of freedom and is muslim friendly. Putin can help them find some cosy space in Chechnya.

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Considering most of these Migrants are economic Migrants,and have amassed large amounts of money,to pay to leave their own country, are a new breed,hell bent on forcing the Countries they invade to succumb to illegal entry of a Country to forcible make a Country yield to their demands, apart from the Moral issue,which is not easy to feel,sympathy for their self imposed plight, and not when you consider these people if let in to our Countries,judging by their present aggressive behaviour would not have any conscience in taking over your western Country with impunity! and don't expect any pleas "its my country" to fall on willing listeners ears! it will be too late then. Thailand understands this,and with their rigid ownership laws will never have to worry about losing their Country to Opportunist foreigners!,and Carpet Baggers!

And a final question,why has this massive influx occurred so quickly (in the last year or so) because they see the western world as weak and stupid countries who will be easy to take over,once they can infiltrate enough numbers by force ???

Do you have the figures of country of origin to support your claim that most are economic migrants? Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees.

The UNHCR have stated after nearly five years of war, their are currently approx 4 million Syrian refugees in bordering countries, mainly Lebanon, Turkey & Jordan. There are even more Internally Displaced Persons within Syria. The UNHCR representative stated initially feedback was the refugees were planning to return to Syria at the cessation of conflict, currently there is little hope for peace being achieved in the near future. So getting to the question of why such an uplift of Syrians (the majority by way of nationality) attempting to enter EU this year. UNHCR, with four months to go to the end of the budget year, has only received 37% of the necessary funding to support the refugee population, therefore they have had to reduce support services. Cutting support has led to the large increase of those Syrian refugees who have sufficient remaining funds (funds that were being used to supplement aid) to seek better outcomes in EU countries prior to the onset of winter; note most refugees are not legally permitted to work to gain an income to support themselves.

"Do you have the figures of country of origin to support your claim that most are economic migrants? Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees."

What is there to prove? it's been long established the Migrants pay thousands of pounds and Euros to secure their trips on the death trap vessels,now hardly broke,and more like the having the means of pursuing the rich life in the west.

There is no need to prove my claim,it's self evident,the funds have been paid for the trip,is more than proof enough! and don't count on Germany's figures from the Balkans "Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees."

The latest from Germany today is: they have agreed to allow 200,000 Migrants into Germany,look it up for yourself!

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The image of the dead baby is probably the worst "cannot be unseen again" kind of moving photo have seen my life, and its really sad to have to see the incompetent and egoist politicians all around the world to end this long conflict where so many people die everyday and desperately try to reach a better life. We all know the main reasons, why we have this situation today....

But have to say Hungary is doing the right thing by protecting its borders, culture and because its a Schengen country, it has the responsibility also to protect the values and laws of the European Union what they have signed up for after desperately trying to reach freedom from the 50years occupation of Russians. Don't forget Hungarians was who ended up the long communist system by opening its borders into Austria and its not about human rights issue today its about the responsibility have to take for further consequences when there will be millions poised to migrate to Germany because they have train ticket to suck out the remaining money left in the so called leftist beneficial system.

Hungary always been the protector of Europe and we have been invaded once already by the Turkish with a trojan plan for about 150years we never forget.

Im not a supporter of the Hungarian government in general and never was either left or right side but as a fellow Hungarian i believe we must offer immediate european humanitarian help near the main areas like Turkey, Greece, Italy, Jordan and try to find a way to help those conflicts so everybody can return to their motherland.

Every country have their crazy visa system, just look at Thailand if we overstay a day we already a criminal.... The official Hungarian borders crossings are open, safe can register as an asylum seeker legally, and then will be transferred to Germany soon as they figure out the plan.

But this people don't want to be registered in Hungary, they want to go to Germany illegally, and thats the problem.......

Obviously somebody should ask Merkel Mom to tell them what to do now or send a Big crusie ship in the Danube and rescue them....

Germany has been very strong financially for many years,which is why Mamma Merkel can get away with leading Germany down a blind alley! see how long she lasts when the finances tumble!

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Considering most of these Migrants are economic Migrants,and have amassed large amounts of money,to pay to leave their own country, are a new breed,hell bent on forcing the Countries they invade to succumb to illegal entry of a Country to forcible make a Country yield to their demands, apart from the Moral issue,which is not easy to feel,sympathy for their self imposed plight, and not when you consider these people if let in to our Countries,judging by their present aggressive behaviour would not have any conscience in taking over your western Country with impunity! and don't expect any pleas "its my country" to fall on willing listeners ears! it will be too late then. Thailand understands this,and with their rigid ownership laws will never have to worry about losing their Country to Opportunist foreigners!,and Carpet Baggers!

And a final question,why has this massive influx occurred so quickly (in the last year or so) because they see the western world as weak and stupid countries who will be easy to take over,once they can infiltrate enough numbers by force ???

Do you have the figures of country of origin to support your claim that most are economic migrants? Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees.

The UNHCR have stated after nearly five years of war, their are currently approx 4 million Syrian refugees in bordering countries, mainly Lebanon, Turkey & Jordan. There are even more Internally Displaced Persons within Syria. The UNHCR representative stated initially feedback was the refugees were planning to return to Syria at the cessation of conflict, currently there is little hope for peace being achieved in the near future. So getting to the question of why such an uplift of Syrians (the majority by way of nationality) attempting to enter EU this year. UNHCR, with four months to go to the end of the budget year, has only received 37% of the necessary funding to support the refugee population, therefore they have had to reduce support services. Cutting support has led to the large increase of those Syrian refugees who have sufficient remaining funds (funds that were being used to supplement aid) to seek better outcomes in EU countries prior to the onset of winter; note most refugees are not legally permitted to work to gain an income to support themselves.

"Do you have the figures of country of origin to support your claim that most are economic migrants? Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees."

What is there to prove? it's been long established the Migrants pay thousands of pounds and Euros to secure their trips on the death trap vessels,now hardly broke,and more like the having the means of pursuing the rich life in the west.

There is no need to prove my claim,it's self evident,the funds have been paid for the trip,is more than proof enough! and don't count on Germany's figures from the Balkans "Germany has claimed 30% of asylum applicants are from Balkan countries, nearly all will be rejected as economic refugees."

The latest from Germany today is: they have agreed to allow 200,000 Migrants into Germany,look it up for yourself!

Yes if one makes a claim you need to back it up, otherwise nothing more than your usual venomous rhetoric.

Apparently reading comprehension is not your forte; EU 'must accept 200,000 refugees'


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