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Thailand won't be decriminalising marijuana anytime soon


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I didn't comment against drugs. I said I am fine with it but I am basically getting tired of the archetypal dipsh!t hippies that drugs seem to attract in this area. You seem to admit that these people refuse to pay the money they owe people and run out on their bills. If that is the case as a business owner why would I want what lures them like moths to the flame to be sold anywhere near me legally?

i hope that the area where I live starts cracking people with fines of $500 it is the only way they leave anything to the economy.

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Thailand's anti marijuana laws were strongly influenced by the U,S DEA.

since recent changes in Thai government, the relation with the US are not what they always were before the change.

I doubt the the US relaxing laws against marijuana now will have much influence here.

Does anyone know what Thailand's new friends, China and North Korea's, policies are on the use of marijuana?

Indeed, Uncle Sam pays numerous countries a small fortune to 'toe the drug line' and always has.

Tricky dickys WoD, long the darling of authoritarian and conservative control freak 'Asian values' types, will change (in all of Asia) when they start to see the tax revenue dollars the legalizing US states start crowing about, once recreational weed really gets into er, high gear.

It will, as always, be about the bucks. They'll soon find ways to U turn on policy once they wake up to the true sums they're handing over to organized crime, and blowing on a lost cause. Which will happen right after the second bigger badder uglier GFC, which they pretend they don't know is coming, and can't afford to avert, or fix.

It will all come to pass, and soon, you read it here first.

PS: interesting fact, weed is legal in DPRK, but not in China.

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I didn't comment against drugs. I said I am fine with it but I am basically getting tired of the archetypal dipsh!t hippies that drugs seem to attract in this area. You seem to admit that these people refuse to pay the money they owe people and run out on their bills. If that is the case as a business owner why would I want what lures them like moths to the flame to be sold anywhere near me legally?

i hope that the area where I live starts cracking people with fines of $500 it is the only way they leave anything to the economy.

Because (without trying to sound like, I'm explaining this to a five-year-old) legalization would bring all the responsible high rolling stoners you don't believe exist, into town, as well as the hippies.

What is it about drugs never going away, and billions of dollars of juicy revenue never going into the legitimate economy, or government coffers, that people don't understand?

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You obviously haven't been paying attention to what is going on here. The push is becoming more towards prohibition of most things.

Are you talking about Thailand, Asia, or the world?

All of Asia eventually does what the west does, sometimes they do it better (China and capitalism).

The world may be a mess, but I think it is safe to say that liberalism, in the west at least, is prevailing.

It has been since the suffragettes 100 years ago, and now, gay marriage, and weed, slowly gaining legal ground in many nations and states.

Yeah, I know that scares a lot of you buttoned up boys shitless, but don't worry, I understand you have more chance of being beheaded by those monkeys in IS, than butt raped by your high, gay married neighbors.

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Revenue is the only argument to legalize it. Without trying to talk down to you in a condescending manner, life isn't all about money. One day anything ingested through smoking it will be considered crazy. I am a smoker but I know that the days of it are waning. Anybody that thinks the world is better off with drugs whether it be alcohol, nicotine, ganja or whatever you use is on the losing side of the argument. Cigarettes are legal almost anywhere but becoming socially less acceptable to use.

They are all bad for health and are undesirable for people to use in most circumstances. If you believe smoking anything is medicinal you are mistaken. All smoke is carcinogenic. I do not believe in harsh penalties of any kind for any sort of drugs but if you think they are good for the economy you are mistaken.

Why can't self absorbed pot smokers not understand why people do not want to share their company? Even most alcoholics understand on some level that it isn't the norm.

It is because drugs will never be more the legitimate economy anymore then they already are. Do you think buying your weed from Phillip Morris makes it any more legit? Many people in the USA which has liberal pot laws now lament that nothing has really changed. All these pot heads I meet always start talking about how evil pharmaceutical companies are and now you are suggesting we hand them the tools to monopolize weed?

If you want to buy weed from L&M and see little producers be prosecuted for producing unlicensed products by all means make it legal. The price will not go down as seen in places where it is legally available. So your choice now is to give to small time growers because the cartels are out of business as far as weed goes. The alternative is to pay the government. If you are one of these 'stick it to the man' types then legalization is counter productive to your goal.

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maybe the next governement comes up with a new deal to make the farmers really happy & richer

allow them one crop per year , after the rice harvest, of cultivating legaly cannabis ...

can also help in retaining water & good top soil

grows fast , almost anywhere & good crop $$$

Now THAT is what I'd call 'returning happiness to the people!'

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You obviously haven't been paying attention to what is going on here. The push is becoming more towards prohibition of most things.

Are you talking about Thailand, Asia, or the world?

All of Asia eventually does what the west does, sometimes they do it better (China and capitalism).

The world may be a mess, but I think it is safe to say that liberalism, in the west at least, is prevailing.

It has been since the suffragettes 100 years ago, and now, gay marriage, and weed, slowly gaining legal ground in many nations and states.

Yeah, I know that scares a lot of you buttoned up boys shitless, but don't worry, I understand you have more chance of being beheaded by those monkeys in IS, than butt raped by your high, gay married neighbors.

Gay marriage and weed are not even comparable. I am talking about the fact you said it would someday by legal in Thailand and to mark your words. It is nonsense no matter what side of the issue one is morally. I am not anti-weed, and not calling for unfair penalties just think that maybe countries places like the Netherlands where it isn't completely legal have it right. This means it can be controlled more easily and it doesn't get too corporate.

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Reefer Madness - The propaganda movie still being use to demonize evil ganja

Movie trailer to just get a taste (but don't inhale)

Full movie

Yes, best watched with friends when baked as a sea biscuit.

'Reefer Madness' the title pretty much sums up most Governments approach to legalization at present.

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You obviously haven't been paying attention to what is going on here. The push is becoming more towards prohibition of most things.

Are you talking about Thailand, Asia, or the world?

All of Asia eventually does what the west does, sometimes they do it better (China and capitalism).

The world may be a mess, but I think it is safe to say that liberalism, in the west at least, is prevailing.

It has been since the suffragettes 100 years ago, and now, gay marriage, and weed, slowly gaining legal ground in many nations and states.

Yeah, I know that scares a lot of you buttoned up boys shitless, but don't worry, I understand you have more chance of being beheaded by those monkeys in IS, than butt raped by your high, gay married neighbors.

Gay marriage and weed are not even comparable. I am talking about the fact you said it would someday by legal in Thailand and to mark your words. It is nonsense no matter what side of the issue one is morally. I am not anti-weed, and not calling for unfair penalties just think that maybe countries places like the Netherlands where it isn't completely legal have it right. This means it can be controlled more easily and it doesn't get too corporate.

You've not answered my question, and I used gay marriage to illustrate that more than just drug law has changed in ways we all never imagined possible, PARTICULARLY in the USA where it all began (the War on Drugs). Extrapolating that to Asia, as I have already explained, is therefore not too great a leap. Singapore did a u turn on gambling, why? $$$ Sure they severely restrict locals access to it, but they still did a u turn. If they can be 'bought' into a u turn, anyone can. Of course the biggest u turn of all was the Commies embracing Capitalism and beating the US at their own game! To say therefore weed will never be legal here is the true nonsense. I think we're done. :)

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Remember things like gay marriage aren't even being considered here along with many other things. You seem to think that Thailand is some bastion of liberal values. Thailand in particular is not getting anywhere closer to embracing the western values that you so rightfully point out are gaining traction rapidly in the USA. Give it twenty years and get back to me. I agree with you now about one thing however, we are done here.

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Revenue is the only argument to legalize it. Without trying to talk down to you in a condescending manner, life isn't all about money. One day anything ingested through smoking it will be considered crazy. I am a smoker but I know that the days of it are waning. Anybody that thinks the world is better off with drugs whether it be alcohol, nicotine, ganja or whatever you use is on the losing side of the argument. Cigarettes are legal almost anywhere but becoming socially less acceptable to use.

They are all bad for health and are undesirable for people to use in most circumstances. If you believe smoking anything is medicinal you are mistaken. All smoke is carcinogenic. I do not believe in harsh penalties of any kind for any sort of drugs but if you think they are good for the economy you are mistaken.

Why can't self absorbed pot smokers not understand why people do not want to share their company? Even most alcoholics understand on some level that it isn't the norm.

It is because drugs will never be more the legitimate economy anymore then they already are. Do you think buying your weed from Phillip Morris makes it any more legit? Many people in the USA which has liberal pot laws now lament that nothing has really changed. All these pot heads I meet always start talking about how evil pharmaceutical companies are and now you are suggesting we hand them the tools to monopolize weed?

If you want to buy weed from L&M and see little producers be prosecuted for producing unlicensed products by all means make it legal. The price will not go down as seen in places where it is legally available. So your choice now is to give to small time growers because the cartels are out of business as far as weed goes. The alternative is to pay the government. If you are one of these 'stick it to the man' types then legalization is counter productive to your goal.

Revenue is not the only argument, kids are being busted for pot, go to jail and come out REAL criminals. Jail is University for crime. Plus it costs billions to jail someone for self abuse? Please! No one said drugs make the world a better place, dealing with it as a health issue, like cigs and booze, is a logical, well proven response, see Portugal and Czech Republic who have not legalized, but decriminalised all drug use (but not dealing). It's less than I want. But it's worked brilliantly, even HIV is down in both countries, and HIV easily spreads from addicts to non users, so there's another good reason to change the approach.

You have some weird ideas, and I'm hardly a 'normal thinker' pot smokers are not in any way remotely like alcoholics, for starters, pot is non addictive. It can be kicked cold turkey by anyone who so desires. Also it can be eschewed at will, try doing that with your cancer sticks. Also it can be eaten as a food, or vapourised, so your second hand smoke argument is nonsensical, and pot smokers never 'impose' on others, drunks almost always do, you really know nothing about this do you?

Big tobacco and weed is something you've brought to the argument, but frankly, I'd rather they made reefers than cigs, or even guns for that matter. For your information, Philip Morris own a sizeable chunk of the world's data networks, I know because I helped provision some of it. They've been diversifying for decades.

I only bother with 'the man' when the man bothers me or people who can't fight back. More ignorance from you in this statement as well. Legalising or decriminalising weed means anyone could grow their own, unlike tobacco. The profits and taxes would still need to be sensible, or people would just grow their own, or use the black market, like now.

I think those cigarettes may have clogged more than your lungs, you should have opted to smoke something that gives much more than it takes from you, in the first place, good night!

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Remember things like gay marriage aren't even being considered here along with many other things. You seem to think that Thailand is some bastion of liberal values. Thailand in particular is not getting anywhere closer to embracing the western values that you so rightfully point out are gaining traction rapidly in the USA. Give it twenty years and get back to me. I agree with you now about one thing however, we are done here.

I have no idea where you get the idea that I think Military ruled Thailand is a bastion of liberal values!

I said their 'values' which are conservative, nonsensical, and antiquated at best, are likely to be swayed by MONEY. As are, don't kid yourself, most of the lawmakers in the USA who have voted for change. You likely won't be around in 20 years, nicotine is a bitch, and so am I.

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The Question should be "Is it moral or ethical to use state sanctioned violence against peaceful people who are not violating the rights of others?"

That answer is fairly clear, but as we all know, the state has no moral high ground and is not a fit arbiter of what is "good" and what is "bad". This particular issue is a clear indication that "the law" is not some decree from the Gods, but rather an opinion with a gun. Proof enough that legislators do not have the best interests of the people in mind, and are rather motivated by greed and control. As usual when other countries are moving forward, SE Asia remains stubbornly backward.

Just think, these are the same people that want students to learn critical thinking...bit of a contradiction isn't it? They will continue to bleat on and on that cannabis is dangerous while Muay Thai events that are supposedly "against drugs" are sponsored by alcohol companies. Meanwhile their own kids are probably toking it up in their gated community mansions. Critical thinking is just a dream here... and true morality is sorely lacking in the corridors of power.

Moral? Narcotics are good business, suppressing them keeps the profit high......There are lot of connections between drug mafia and politics......Not with this government but with a different one and as well in many other countries.....

It may be in the realm of conspiracy theory but i am certain there is a connection between the narcotic and illicit drug industry and the arms industry,as it requires massive amounts of cash , easily obtained and using similar networks , to fund most of the guerilla or terrorist conflicts that are happening around this globe at the moment. . Next time you pull a bong or take a hit of a pipe of meth, or whatever is your poison of choice, and as the bliss hits just think of the blood that is also on it. Whilst the whole industry is illegal it will be controlled by greed , blood and politics.

What if, and it may be in the realm of conspiracy theory, we stopped glorifying war, pointing the finger, squabbling over shit, destroying each other's countries, then after a few years of murdering each other's sons and daughters, we shake hands, and find out that our enemies are really just other people with similar dreams? And, and, and, THEN legalized, and researched, and found out how to enjoy nature's substances and LSD creatively and responsibly? And the whole world turned to Rastafarianism, thereby ending this bullshit debate about my version of god being better than your version of god? No? I thought not. Right then, tea break over, back in your machine gun pit you must go...

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You insinuated that weed would be legal more quickly than any of us would think. You are dead wrong. Pardon my sarcasm.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I use the dynamics of power and greed, past and current events, to tease out probable future outcomes. You on the other hand babble as if you're the one on drugs, and seem pretty damn sure of yourself for someone who has proved they keep their mind in a matchbox. You're really not in these here woods for the huntin' are ya son?

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I didn't comment against drugs. I said I am fine with it but I am basically getting tired of the archetypal dipsh!t hippies that drugs seem to attract in this area. You seem to admit that these people refuse to pay the money they owe people and run out on their bills. If that is the case as a business owner why would I want what lures them like moths to the flame to be sold anywhere near me legally?

i hope that the area where I live starts cracking people with fines of $500 it is the only way they leave anything to the economy.

Because (without trying to sound like, I'm explaining this to a five-year-old) legalization would bring all the responsible high rolling stoners you don't believe exist, into town, as well as the hippies.

What is it about drugs never going away, and billions of dollars of juicy revenue never going into the legitimate economy, or government coffers, that people don't understand?

Omg. Washington State, Colorado, Denmark, and North Korea must be buckling under the weight of free-loading, dope-smoking, Greatful Death listening, tie-dyed wearing slackers.

Trouble is, the last time I left Seattle, it didn't look that way. Therefore, I really don't know what the morally self-righteous, anti-ganja crowd are talking about, because their worries of a stoner paradise are about as baseless as constantly complaining that Thailand is going to hell in a hand-basket because of all the drunken, sex-crazed sexpats staggering across Silom and Asoke, blocking traffic, and making a bad name for Hi-So, "quality" farang.

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Marijuana is a very dangerous drugs in my opinion. It's very mellow without serious side effects and that makes people hooked easily. There are millions of smokers who smoke on a daily base, as its delicious and seemingly very low profile. But, and here's the caveat, it completely kills your ambitions and after years of use, smokers tend to get paranoia. Of all the shenanigans in my life, marijuana was the most damaging.

But as with any substance, who are others to determine what I can put in my body or not. Legalize everything, except guns!

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I didn't comment against drugs. I said I am fine with it but I am basically getting tired of the archetypal dipsh!t hippies that drugs seem to attract in this area. You seem to admit that these people refuse to pay the money they owe people and run out on their bills. If that is the case as a business owner why would I want what lures them like moths to the flame to be sold anywhere near me legally?

i hope that the area where I live starts cracking people with fines of $500 it is the only way they leave anything to the economy.

Because (without trying to sound like, I'm explaining this to a five-year-old) legalization would bring all the responsible high rolling stoners you don't believe exist, into town, as well as the hippies.

What is it about drugs never going away, and billions of dollars of juicy revenue never going into the legitimate economy, or government coffers, that people don't understand?

Omg. Washington State, Colorado, Denmark, and North Korea must be buckling under the weight of free-loading, dope-smoking, Greatful Death listening, tie-dyed wearing slackers.

Trouble is, the last time I left Seattle, it didn't look that way. Therefore, I really don't know what your talking about, because your worries of a stoner paradise are about as baseless as constantly complaining that Thailand is going to hell in a hand-basket because of all the drunken, sex-crazed sexpats staggering across Silom and Asoke, blocking traffic, and making a bad name for Hi-So, "quality" farang.

Vang Vieng Laos. Drug induced mayhem. They finally had to change things a bit. This has happened in the country I now reside and I really don't want to see it repeated. Anyway it doesn't matter what we think as we all know there isn't a snow ball in hells chance of Thailand legalizing weed.

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Remember things like gay marriage aren't even being considered here along with many other things. You seem to think that Thailand is some bastion of liberal values. Thailand in particular is not getting anywhere closer to embracing the western values that you so rightfully point out are gaining traction rapidly in the USA. Give it twenty years and get back to me. I agree with you now about one thing however, we are done here.

The USA is nowhere near embracing the Thai values of giving da*m what a person's sexual orientation is when it come to such things at high profile employment. How many transvestites do you see employed in high-profile, customer service jobs like airline stewardess, models, department store employees, and government employees in the USA. They may talk the talk, but try getting a job when your boobs are silicon, you female hormones are injected, and your 'junk' is still attached. But I see it here!

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Whatever floats your boat. Gay marriage is nowhere close to being recognized here. The fact that you find ladyboys working the cosmetics at Robinsons while admirable doesn't stack up against actual legislation confirming the rights of gay people in the USA. Anyway the topic is weed and we should probably just go back to that.

Maybe we could have a poll made on if people think weed will be legalized in Thailand? That way we could see what the majority of people think and let it speak for itself. Can we get a poll mods? Obviously should it be legal and will it be legal are two different questions.

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The Question should be "Is it moral or ethical to use state sanctioned violence against peaceful people who are not violating the rights of others?"

That answer is fairly clear, but as we all know, the state has no moral high ground and is not a fit arbiter of what is "good" and what is "bad". This particular issue is a clear indication that "the law" is not some decree from the Gods, but rather an opinion with a gun. Proof enough that legislators do not have the best interests of the people in mind, and are rather motivated by greed and control. As usual when other countries are moving forward, SE Asia remains stubbornly backward.

Just think, these are the same people that want students to learn critical thinking...bit of a contradiction isn't it? They will continue to bleat on and on that cannabis is dangerous while Muay Thai events that are supposedly "against drugs" are sponsored by alcohol companies. Meanwhile their own kids are probably toking it up in their gated community mansions. Critical thinking is just a dream here... and true morality is sorely lacking in the corridors of power.

Moral? Narcotics are good business, suppressing them keeps the profit high......There are lot of connections between drug mafia and politics......Not with this government but with a different one and as well in many other countries.....

It may be in the realm of conspiracy theory but i am certain there is a connection between the narcotic and illicit drug industry and the arms industry,as it requires massive amounts of cash , easily obtained and using similar networks , to fund most of the guerilla or terrorist conflicts that are happening around this globe at the moment. . Next time you pull a bong or take a hit of a pipe of meth, or whatever is your poison of choice, and as the bliss hits just think of the blood that is also on it. Whilst the whole industry is illegal it will be controlled by greed , blood and politics.

What if, and it may be in the realm of conspiracy theory, we stopped glorifying war, pointing the finger, squabbling over shit, destroying each other's countries, then after a few years of murdering each other's sons and daughters, we shake hands, and find out that our enemies are really just other people with similar dreams? And, and, and, THEN legalized, and researched, and found out how to enjoy nature's substances and LSD creatively and responsibly? And the whole world turned to Rastafarianism, thereby ending this bullshit debate about my version of god being better than your version of god? No? I thought not. Right then, tea break over, back in your machine gun pit you must go...

I personally think every government attempting to limit what you choose to put in your own body are completely crazed. And...bringing ganja into this forum is like bringing up alcohol in a Women's Christian Temperance Union meeting during the US booze prohibition. God forbid that you bring up the subject of other botanicals such as ayahuasca, peyote, or <gasp>, magic mushrooms and kratom that grow profusely throughout Thailand if you know what you're looking for. No one should think for a second that we still don't live in a period of time where 'prohibition' is still alive and well, sanctioned and supported my the 'moral' and the 'mighty' who hold sway in the highest positions of power. But once out of sight of the public's prying eyes, the moral and the mighty are just as likely to be the most debauched folks in town. "Do as I say, not as I do!" Right! But in this day and age of mass communication and Internet, it's difficult for 'public figures' to hide their behavior from the unwashed masses and 'little people' whom they wish to control, although they do attempt to push the scandals under the rug with the help of corporate main-stream media with whom they are in bed with, literally and figuratively.

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Marijuana is a very dangerous drugs in my opinion. It's very mellow without serious side effects and that makes people hooked easily. There are millions of smokers who smoke on a daily base, as its delicious and seemingly very low profile. But, and here's the caveat, it completely kills your ambitions and after years of use, smokers tend to get paranoia. Of all the shenanigans in my life, marijuana was the most damaging.

But as with any substance, who are others to determine what I can put in my body or not. Legalize everything, except guns!

I suggest you go to NA. However, not everyone has your problem. If you have a problem handling your marijuana, you should quit and get help. Just like someone who has a problem with alcohol, over-eating, or habitual shopping. They should evaluate their own lives and seek help. But just because you have a problem with one (or more) of the above, doesn't mean that everyone else in the world does. You're speaking for yourself but are projecting your problem on to everyone else. It doesn't work that way.

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My buddy made an omelet with weed juice one day in Pattaya decades ago (cooked the weed in some butter & used the butter to cook the eggs).

He only ate half then took off to play golf. His GF woke up & ate the other half.

Said he got home & 4 or 5 of her friends were all worried, as she was passed out cold.



I used to love the stuff as an 18-20 year old, but I outgrew it.

I still have nothing against weed, & think it is stupid to criminalize a wild plant, as long as one is not driving under the influence.

The not driving part is critical. That is where many of the advocates miss the mark. Well said.

I've a sibling that can't take asprin and function afterwards and they are professional in medicine since they were 12 as a candy striper. To a semi-retired physician. Over 58 years total.

Part of the above was bragging. No, I wasn't in the Woodstock Army.

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