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Two arrested for sexually assaulting two Chinese Tourists on Pattaya Island

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A Thai did this , no foreigners are to be blamed . Now you can all take a deep breath.

You're wrong. If the foreign Chinese hadn't been there, it wouldn't have happened. In Thai eyes, this was definitely because of foreigners!

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they'll be out of prison within a few days

I bet they get 500 bath fine and a slap on the wrist, because as we all know: "thai males never raping women".

Good luck to the Chinese women that they didn't get killed and dumped in the sea.bah.gif


These reports always amaze me as sex is readily/inexpensively, available on every street

corner anywhere in Thailand so why rape ?

Cannot stumble around a corner w/o tripping over a cutie, that will likely be happy to love you long time.....or short time. Up2U.

Some folks just like rape though... Charming.


Very unlucky to cross paths with these two but also lucky the women weren't killed.

What is rather odd is that every thai rape case seems to have a pattern - " she was flaunting herself" etc

I wonder whether the police or lawyer 'suggest' they say this


Yet again,

".... the two suspects blame their action on the two victims sexy photoshoot at the beach which caused them to feel sexual urges."

(These two women are lucky to be alive and not missing at sea)

Disgusting isn't it? And largely, Thai society accepts these kinds of explanations for heinous crimes.. Enough, Thailand... Get it together.

Stay away from Islands at night ladies, and don't you dare do anything that could be considered less than modest... Many men here can't contain themselves.

I think that a lot of this behaviour is caused by the way that Thai mothers dote on pamper, and worship their sons at the expense of daughters. Just look at some of the mothers who post on FB idolizing their spoiled little brats. Sometimes it really is sickening with some mothers, post after post of their beautiful boys when really no one else gives a toss.


Yet again,

".... the two suspects blame their action on the two victims sexy photoshoot at the beach which caused them to feel sexual urges."

(These two women are lucky to be alive and not missing at sea)

Disgusting isn't it? And largely, Thai society accepts these kinds of explanations for heinous crimes.. Enough, Thailand... Get it together.

Stay away from Islands at night ladies, and don't you dare do anything that could be considered less than modest... Many men here can't contain themselves.

I think that a lot of this behaviour is caused by the way that Thai mothers dote on pamper, and worship their sons at the expense of daughters. Just look at some of the mothers who post on FB idolizing their spoiled little brats. Sometimes it really is sickening with some mothers, post after post of their beautiful boys when really no one else gives a toss.

So you believe that a crime like this is uniquely Thai?


Two men arrested for sexually assaulting Chinese tourists


PATTAYA: -- City police yesterday arrested two speedboat employees and charged them with rape.

The arrest came just less than 48 hours after two female Chinese tourists filed complaints with Pattaya City Police Station that they were raped by speedboat operators.

The suspects admitted that they were inebriated and was sexually aroused when they saw the women taking photos in seductive poses.

Surachai Harnching-chai, 22, and Pima Ranoh, 29 were arrested by the Pattaya City and the Pattaya City Tourist Police after two Chinese tourists reported that they were raped by the two men while taking a speedboat trip on August 31st, 2015 to Koh Larn.

The two men were the speedboat operators and the women told police that they were threatened with screw-drivers while in the Pattaya bay and were raped.

Investigators have asked the Pattaya Court to issue warrants for the arrest of the two men for charges of rape.

As for the suspects they have admitted to the crime saying that they were drunk at the time and decided to commit the rapes when they were sexually aroused when the women posed in seductive poses while taking photographs.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/two-rapists-arrested-for-sexually-assaulting-chinese-tourists


-- Thai PBS 2015-09-04

"decided to commit the rapes" So it was'nt spontaneous, they discussed and 'decided' to rape.


These two are just low class scum, bringing shame to Thailand..coffee1.gif

Unfortunately there are also a lot of high class scum that bring Shame to Thailand too!

I presume that you are grading "high class" by the bank balance !


Yet again,

".... the two suspects blame their action on the two victims sexy photoshoot at the beach which caused them to feel sexual urges."

(These two women are lucky to be alive and not missing at sea)

Disgusting isn't it? And largely, Thai society accepts these kinds of explanations for heinous crimes.. Enough, Thailand... Get it together.

Stay away from Islands at night ladies, and don't you dare do anything that could be considered less than modest... Many men here can't contain themselves.

I think that a lot of this behaviour is caused by the way that Thai mothers dote on pamper, and worship their sons at the expense of daughters. Just look at some of the mothers who post on FB idolizing their spoiled little brats. Sometimes it really is sickening with some mothers, post after post of their beautiful boys when really no one else gives a toss.

So you believe that a crime like this is uniquely Thai?

NO! but err, are't we talking about events in Thailand right now .facepalm.giffacepalm.gifblink.png


So you believe that a crime like this is uniquely Thai?

NO! but err, are't we talking about events in Thailand right now .facepalm.giffacepalm.gifblink.png

Of course. But the way some people post you'd think Thai people are somehow uniquely evil! I guess the realisation that Thailand isn't a crime-free paradise is difficult for some to come to terms with.


Sexual urges, indeed!

One would think that quite normal looking guys would get some 'attention' from Thai gals without having to resort to this kind of behavior. This kind of behavior is not excusable under any circumstances.

Although, reminds me of talking to a Thai who's richer and older lover used to beat the shit out of her and bring prostitutes to their rented room. She tried to object but his answer was what one can expect:

I do because I can! I do because I want!

This attitude is VERY prevalent among Thai males. I have witnessed it in working life and other dealings with them also.

Attention from Thai gals ? Maybe not because the Thai girls know how "normal" these two and all the rest

of the local lowlifes are in Pattaya.


Was there alcohol involved????? as usually alcohol can and does change all too many men's perspective when in the company of women and out of sight from other people seeing anything that happens.

Unfortunately the incident happened...but on a positive note....at least they admitted their conduct and did not try to lie through it and possibly they are sincerely apologetic about what they did ...possibly...Maybe??



Was there alcohol involved????? as usually alcohol can and does change all too many men's perspective when in the company of women and out of sight from other people seeing anything that happens.

Unfortunately the incident happened...but on a positive note....at least they admitted their conduct and did not try to lie through it and possibly they are sincerely apologetic about what they did ...possibly...Maybe??


What difference does it make if alcohol was involved ??????. Tell the girls about your positive notes that they admitted what they did. This is the sorriest thai apologist on record. You know what you can do with your cheers.


Men are the animals of eyes.they can't resist temptations of the flesh .whenever there was an opportunity they just took it. Dressing decently is a smart idea.

What a hypocritical bull shit!

And tomorrow you support with the same words

mass rape on Walking Street,

because the girls aren't dressed decently ???


The reason these guys (and many others) admit the crime is the sentence on the table is usually halved with a confession I have been told. And if a capitol offense they may avoid execution. I do not know if this is 100% true but I believe the person who told me.


Men are the animals of eyes.they can't resist temptations of the flesh .whenever there was an opportunity they just took it. Dressing decently is a smart idea.

Thailand must be a very lonely place for you. Don't worry, 99% of men you see probably have little to no interest in knowing you anyway. They come here for the temples.. This is a code word because they find peace and relaxation alongside a smiley, happy go lucky Thai lady.. this is the western mans paradise and there is nothing you can do to change that for us smile.png much nicer than a westernized (or even worse, western) woman. You are the least of their interests, and they probably can't stand you either. It has nothing to do with the looks, and everything to do with the mindset. Remember that the next time you judge us all based on the actions of two men on a boat in the gulf of Thailand.

The individual men are disgusting for what they did, but this is not the attitude of all men - some of my best friends are Thai men and I have only ever seen them treat the ladies with respect - and turn their backs on women that treat them the way you have spoken about all men. Congratulations, you just alienated half of the worlds population based upon the actions of two men who are the lowest of the low, no matter what sex they are.


Was there alcohol involved????? as usually alcohol can and does change all too many men's perspective when in the company of women and out of sight from other people seeing anything that happens.

So what if alcohol was involved?

Is alcohol a legitimate defense for rape in your country? How would you feel if that defense was used with a female relative of yours?


Was there alcohol involved????? as usually alcohol can and does change all too many men's perspective when in the company of women and out of sight from other people seeing anything that happens.

So what if alcohol was involved?

Is alcohol a legitimate defense for rape in your country? How would you feel if that defense was used with a female relative of yours?

Of course being under the influence is no defence and should not be. One is responsible for ones actions irrespective.

However, if the 'female relative' in your case used alcohol as her defence, my sentiments enter a gray area.

This particular case seems clear.

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