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very large lizard


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found this yesterday in the concrete drain behing the house. must have been there some time but not longer than 6 months as this place is newly built. we never noticed any smell of decay, perhaps it was covered by building sand. we had big rains the last few days.

anyway, i am used to seeing large lizards and goannas in oz but i have never seen anything like this here in the north east river country. the gf and the kids are petrified. the older boy is facebooking about a dinosaur in his backyard!

anyone got any thoughts on this one, please? can we expect a life one in our kitchen sooner or later?post-222491-0-95322300-1441435157_thumb.

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Yes Water Monitor. A large one crossed the road in front of us in Phimai a while ago

That is bad luck.

You need to through some fish sauce over your shoulder to cancel it out.

I could sell a lucky stone for 2000 Baht

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we have them that size here too, bloody huge one over the back fence that we see occasionally, reminds me very much of the goana's back in oz, similar colouring. Actually saw some burmese workers trying to skin one a few years ago at the local port that would have been over a metre long.

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I agree, probably a water monitor.

But not a large one.

This one was well over a meter in length.


I would not worry much.

They are pretty shy and difficult to get very close to.

thank you to every one for replying. i am not worried, lizards are cool unless you are dead or stand still for other reasons. my thai family has a problem with this 'thing'.

they now know it is not a dinosaure and the y DO know it might come into the kitchen soon - don't know how to balance that, but??!!

they eat just about everything, but snake - like things seem to be off- topic. penis anxiety?

good night

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The shape of the skull is wrong for a lizard. It looks more like a cat. Although the tail looks a bit long for a cat. The teeth would help confirm. Lizard teeth tend to be the same size throughout the mouth whereas cats have the large frontal incisors.

Edited by attrayant
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Previous comment about teeth, if u can lift the skull with a stick, will make ID much easier. From what I can see of the skull though, and looking at the tail and legs, I'm gonna say, "rat".

thank you for this pointer, i did, and i am afraid you are perfectly right. rodent, possibly tree rat (Chiromyscus chiropus). the dark matter under must be the fur.

strangely this has completely reversed the comfort positions here at my home. everyone is ok and almost happy with 'rat', the girl already wants to find more and sell them at the market. i myself would have preferred the lizard option.

but seeing these creatures live in trees perhaps they keep the tree snake population down a bit. we have got heaps of them here, too.

a very good sunday to everyone.



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The shape of the skull is wrong for a lizard. It looks more like a cat. Although the tail looks a bit long for a cat. The teeth would help confirm. Lizard teeth tend to be the same size throughout the mouth whereas cats have the large frontal incisors.

Agree, I suggest civet. It's far too big to be a rat, and it's not a cat (they have more spherical skulls) but it is not lizard-like at all

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Previous comment about teeth, if u can lift the skull with a stick, will make ID much easier. From what I can see of the skull though, and looking at the tail and legs, I'm gonna say, "rat".

thank you for this pointer, i did, and i am afraid you are perfectly right. rodent, possibly tree rat (Chiromyscus chiropus). the dark matter under must be the fur.

strangely this has completely reversed the comfort positions here at my home. everyone is ok and almost happy with 'rat', the girl already wants to find more and sell them at the market. i myself would have preferred the lizard option.

but seeing these creatures live in trees perhaps they keep the tree snake population down a bit. we have got heaps of them here, too.

a very good sunday to everyone.


That photo does it as far as it NOT being a lizard, a rat, or a cat.

Interesting hind leg bones in the OP...almost kangaroo-like in proportion to the front legs.

I stick with my civet suggestion.

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I agree, probably a water monitor.

But not a large one.

This one was well over a meter in length.


I would not worry much.

They are pretty shy and difficult to get very close to.

I worry...Have over 100 Koi Fish + 10 dogs. believe that is what I have, but not sure, 2 Thai friends say's they are young Alligators.. [we have had lots around here over the years some very big]

have 3 that live under the house, 1x about 1 meter long the other 2 about 60 cm long. months ago have put nets around the Fish ponds, Do they eat Fish ?

I have seen at least the 2 smaller ones climb up my trees to the very top 4+ meters high, cannot work out what they eat, have seen them with plant and roots in there mouth..

They have dug holes to come out from under the house all around, at the front will block the holes, they will move the solid breeze heavy block or just dig another hole by the side of the block..

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