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I've annoyed the wife


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I'll keep this short: her indoors is erupting like a volcano. I've really done it this time. Last night I took a relative out for his 21st. It all started with a few ales in a British Pub before we moved on to Soi Cowboy. That's where it all went belly up. After enjoying the entertainment at a few places I decided to take him to a lady boy bar as a joke. He got drunk and took one of the ladies home. The wife was not amused when he rolled up rolling drunk with her. She's skulking out back talking about me with the relatives. The mother in law keeps giving me devils. I am also more than a shade hungover. What's the best way to say sorry to a Thai lass. I'm staying away from the balcony for a while. You never know...

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It will last 4 to 7 days. You can shorten this slightly by financial sweeteners. The subject of your carousing will be brought up when required to be used in evidence against you by the wife for years, possibly for ever.

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I assume part of her annoyance is that you went to such bars and the fact your relative took a LB might make her think you were also up to no good

Maybe some reassurance you were a good boy and just taking your relative out for some fun

It could also be she has trust issues with bar workers being in her home. Maybe relative apologising for his insensitivity may help later too

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I remember my TGF telling me I had to sleep on the couch, in my house. I laughed. She did it once.

If you let them control you, they will.

If you can't get through the power struggle stage of the relationship, you won't make it together. Have fun dancing.

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I hope you understand that the major error was "when he rolled up rolling drunk with her" (at your home, I assume). It may be tolerable to do that IF he had gone to hotel with him/her, but bringing home brings such huge loss of face for her and family among neighbors that I totally understand her attitude. If you come from a Western country, you would probably get the same treatment. Both of you acted like idiots: relative for bringing home, and you for not advising to take to hotel when you saw that where it was headed.

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I hope you understand that the major error was "when he rolled up rolling drunk with her" (at your home, I assume). It may be tolerable to do that IF he had gone to hotel with him/her, but bringing home brings such huge loss of face for her and family among neighbors that I totally understand her attitude. If you come from a Western country, you would probably get the same treatment. Both of you acted like idiots: relative for bringing home, and you for not advising to take to hotel when you saw that where it was headed.

Perfect analysis. If only you and her knew, she could judge for herself. What you did was humiliate her in front of her family, who already had expressed their doubts about her marrying you. You cannot repair that damage. However, depending on the family, you could make a visit to their preferred wat with the wife to make merit. An apology to her mother may also help.

As for those talking about power struggles and holding your ground, I do not think that applies in this instance. Sure, if you went out with a couple buddies and came home drunk, and she had a fit, then that is a case where you might stand your ground. But in this case, I believe your wife has a legitimate grievance. She needs to know that you understand why she is so upset.

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Don't go on the defensive... Tell her to shut up and to bring you a cold beer... If she complains, tell her that she can be replaced in short order... If she persists, take a holiday to Pattaya, making sure she knows where you are going... She won't like it, but she knows it's true...

Either you are a man or a mouse... Up to you...

Edited by Loptr
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If you had a problem with her she would ignore it, that seems to be the Thai way, i would carry on regardless after a few days if she still pissed and you need a woman for a few hours just go buy one...problem solved.

This not how I would handle it in the west but then you would be in deeper shit.

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I remember my TGF telling me I had to sleep on the couch, in my house. I laughed. She did it once.

If you let them control you, they will.

If you can't get through the power struggle stage of the relationship, you won't make it together. Have fun dancing.


Who's your daddy ... ;-) :-p

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A bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolate and a gold necklace for her and all will be forgiven.

A couple of aspirin and a large bottle of chilled Gatorade for you and you will be functioning

perfectly. thumbsup.gif

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I love this topic. Its just so good mates.

An old British guy I knew died in April this year, and somehow I got involved with helping the Thai Widow write to the various Departments in the UK who had been paying his pensions. Note that plural there. Anyhow recently letters to the widow wipe out three options for funds and she is still waiting on the UK SS Pension. Obviously she was disappointed in our letter writing but nothing much anyone can do about the "rules" of each pension like fund. Of course she phones me and asks what I can do.

However, the issue is my wife, a Defacto wife of ten years, she is obsessed with the idea I may run off with this older, less presentable woman and is so insecure about it she follows me everywhere. As well she does the Volcano stuff. There is no placating her. I have to give up helping the Widow. This is sad.

I understand the problem with the OP

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If you had brought a ladyboy home and snuck her into your marital bed, I cold understand her attitude.

But you did not, your relative did. He is a big boy and if she wants to be pissed with someone, she should have a go at him, not you.

His best defense would be to say he is gay and she is prejudice.


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