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Islamic State conflict: Two Britons killed in RAF Syria strike


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Islamic State conflict: Two Britons killed in RAF Syria strike

LONDON: -- Two British Islamic State jihadists who died in Syria were killed by an RAF drone strike, David Cameron has said.

Cardiff-born Reyaad Khan, 21, and Ruhul Amin, from Aberdeen, died last month in Raqqa, alongside another fighter, in the first targeted UK drone attack on a British citizen, Mr Cameron told MPs.

Khan - the target - had been plotting "barbaric" attacks on UK soil, he said.

The "act of self defence" was lawful, despite MPs previously ruling out UK military action in Syria, the PM said.

Khan was killed in a precision strike on 21 August by a remotely piloted aircraft, "after meticulous planning", while he was travelling in a vehicle.

Full story http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-34178998

-- BBC 2015-09-08

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UK drone strike kills 3 Islamic State fighters in Syria
GREGORY KATZ, Associated Press

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister David Cameron revealed Monday that British forces had used a drone strike over Syria in August to kill three Islamic State fighters, including two Britons.

He told Parliament that the attack was legally justified because the militants were plotting lethal attacks against Britain and the fighters could not be eliminated any other way.

"There was a terrorist directing murder on our streets and no other means to stop them," Cameron said, adding that the decision to launch the attack hadn't been taken lightly.

The prime minister said the deadly Royal Air Force strike was permissible because of Britain's intrinsic right to self-defense and had been approved by the attorney general.

The Aug. 21 attack on a car in the Syrian city of Raqqa, an IS stronghold, represents an escalation for Britain, which had not participated in military actions in Syria. Cameron said the threat made action mandatory.

Under questioning by Labour Party interim leader Harriet Harmon, the prime minister said the attack marked the first instance in modern times that a British asset has been used to conduct a strike in a country where Britain was not involved in a war.

Cameron said that after "meticulous planning" British nationals Reyaad Khan and Ruhul Amin were killed along with another IS militant who was not identified.

Khan was from Cardiff, Wales, and had taken part in an IS recruiting video.

He said Britain took action after determining that Khan and another Briton identified as Junaid Hussain were "British nationals based in Syria who were involved in actively recruiting Isil (IS) sympathizers and seeking to orchestrate specific and barbaric attacks against the West, including directing a number of planned terrorist attacks right here in Britain, such as plots to attack high profile public commemorations, including those taking place this summer."

He said it was their intention to murder British citizens. There was no information indicating that Hussain, the other British national cited by the prime minister as planning attacks, had been injured or killed.

The prime minister said the threat from Islamic State fighters was more acute than ever before and that the drone attack was the only "feasible means" of dealing with the danger in this case.

No civilians were killed in the strike, which was carried out independent of coalition military activity taking place in the region, he said.

Parliament was not consulted in advance. Cameron said the government reserves the right to take future action without prior approval when there is a "critical" British interest at stake or when a "humanitarian catastrophe" is imminent and can be averted.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-08

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OK, I did a little look up because the RAF has been flying US Reaper drones, controlled from London for quite some time now. I am surprised at the claim that this is the first killing.

This was a US Reaper flown out of London by remote control. The drones are maintained and serviced in the ME but controlled from London.

Reports say that this jerk was planning a bombing to blow up the Queen.

The Times (UK)

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OK, I did a little look up because the RAF has been flying US Reaper drones, controlled from London for quite some time now. I am surprised at the claim that this is the first killing.

This was a US Reaper flown out of London by remote control. The drones are maintained and serviced in the ME but controlled from London.

Reports say that this jerk was planning a bombing to blow up the Queen.

The Times (UK)

Who cares if it is the Queen or Mrs. Harris in Blackpool. Capture or kill these Daesh vermin, I don't care which.

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Great news to start the day.

What happened to the Magna Carta?

Haha. Silly man. You reference a document, but have no knowledge of its content. Only 3 provisions of the last version of the Magna Carta remain in English & Wales law.

1. As these 2 dead chaps did not recognize the authority of the Church of England, nor were supporters of the Church, nor believers, I don't believe this section applies.

2. Nor were the 2 very dead terrorists engaged in commerce in the city of London. Hence, this provision does not apply.

3. The last section is in respect to basic civil liberties for law abiding non combatants. As the formerly living cherubs had left England to take up arms against the English people, this section did not apply.

The Magna Carta and its application to basic rights and liberties in England is a lovely myth. Successive generations changed the provisions Also, the folks back in the 1200s did not have islamic jihadis in mind when they drafted the Magna Carta.

I say, let the heavens rain down fire and brimstone on these savages:

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Good News, thumbsup.gif

Yet we still have idiots in UK saying we may have violated their human rights. bah.gif​ One was a woman dressed in a blouse with hair nicely touched up.....Lady Wake Up & Smell The Coffee!!!! If these people have their way you will not be in a position to say what you think...you will have no opinions, no job, no education, no rights, and you will be dressed in a full fitted sack, and used purely to procreate.ohmy.png

Sorry all, rant over, but the stupidity and shortsightedness of these people make me sick.sad.png

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I find it very interesting that just a few months back there were threads with vicious condemnation of the US drone program. Now it seems that when the shoe is on the other foot it is a good move.

In spite of the inherent dangers of drone strikes, the precision saves countless lives. Imagine a manned flight dropping bombs to take out a target.

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OK, I did a little look up because the RAF has been flying US Reaper drones, controlled from London for quite some time now. I am surprised at the claim that this is the first killing.

This was a US Reaper flown out of London by remote control. The drones are maintained and serviced in the ME but controlled from London.

Reports say that this jerk was planning a bombing to blow up the Queen.

The Times (UK)

The first .................. and hopefully not the last!

Time the RAF took a few more out.

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I find it very interesting that just a few months back there were threads with vicious condemnation of the US drone program. Now it seems that when the shoe is on the other foot it is a good move.

In spite of the inherent dangers of drone strikes, the precision saves countless lives. Imagine a manned flight dropping bombs to take out a target.

Indeed. Pakistan has been one of the most ardent critics of US drones killing Taliban in the Pakistan Unincorporated Territories. Now Pakistan is using its homemade drones to attach the Taliban there.

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Really British with names like these. Also, the family really became integrated to have spawned offspring who want to murder indiscriminately in the country which took in their ancestors.

The old question comes to mind....If a dog (bitch) gives birth in a stable, are it's offspring horses?

Taking in more muslim refugees/immigrants, compounding the already massive problem, or what?

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Good News, thumbsup.gif

Yet we still have idiots in UK saying we may have violated their human rights. bah.gif​ One was a woman dressed in a blouse with hair nicely touched up.....Lady Wake Up & Smell The Coffee!!!! If these people have their way you will not be in a position to say what you think...you will have no opinions, no job, no education, no rights, and you will be dressed in a full fitted sack, and used purely to procreate.ohmy.png

Sorry all, rant over, but the stupidity and shortsightedness of these people make me sick.sad.png

I'm OK with it as long as it isn't in the hands of blithering idiots.

KABUL — An airstrike by international forces killed at least 11 members of Afghanistan’s counternarcotics police force and wounded four others in southern Afghanistan on Sunday, according to Afghan officials.

The attack unfolded in the Garmsir district of Helmand province during an anti-drug operation involving government forces, officials said, but details were not immediately available. Helmand is a hotbed of Afghanistan’sthriving poppy production.

If the reports are confirmed, the strike would be among the deadliest friendly-fire incidents in recent years.

“Seems it was an attack without coordination,” said Najib Danesh, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry.

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OK, I did a little look up because the RAF has been flying US Reaper drones, controlled from London for quite some time now. I am surprised at the claim that this is the first killing.

This was a US Reaper flown out of London by remote control. The drones are maintained and serviced in the ME but controlled from London.

Reports say that this jerk was planning a bombing to blow up the Queen.

The Times (UK)

Allegedly first planned killing of UK nationals in Syria by UK controlled drone. As you say UK controlled drones flying for quite a long time. From Jan to June this year alone total of 457 UK Reaper missions in Syria and Iraq. UK had used drones, including Reapers, in Afghanistan since 2008.



Edited by simple1
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It has been reported that this guy had boasted of bring involved in several executions and had enjoyed watching what he described as the longest decapitation he had ever seen. What exactly goes on in these people's minds? How on earth can you take pleasure from appalling suffering- all because of some sky fairy.

At the moment I think I am quite happy to be away from Europe.

From the beginning there was concern that the civil war in Syria was flow over to neighbouring countries- because of Russia's support of Assad- the UN was paralysed . The red line was crossed in the chemical weapon affair- Obama did nothing.

As many have commentated - this is probably the worse crisis in Europe since the War .

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