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Islamic State conflict: Two Britons killed in RAF Syria strike


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Part of me feels a tad uneasy about the deliberate targeting and killing of people by the state, whatever their nationality, race, religion or politics, as it smacks of execution without trial.

Remember the trouble the UK government got into over it's alleged 'shoot to kill' policy in Northern Ireland and the killing of three IRA suspects in Gibraltar by the SAS in 1988?

But most of me feels that these men chose to go to a war zone and fight for a cause inimical to all that the UK stands for, so if they get killed in that fight that's no one's fault but their own.

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Good! They knew the danger of becoming a member of a rogue organization bent on destroying people, property and history...and they paid the price...good for them...

We need to see much more success in the future...IS fighters are fighting for world dominance for their militant brand of Islam...destruction is what they know and do..."live by the sword...die by the sword...or an air-strike will suffice".

Come all you nut cases and join IS...so the world can collect all of you in one spot and remove this bloody-stain of humanity from existence...

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Part of me feels a tad uneasy about the deliberate targeting and killing of people by the state, whatever their nationality, race, religion or politics, as it smacks of execution without trial.

Remember the trouble the UK government got into over it's alleged 'shoot to kill' policy in Northern Ireland and the killing of three IRA suspects in Gibraltar by the SAS in 1988?

But most of me feels that these men chose to go to a war zone and fight for a cause inimical to all that the UK stands for, so if they get killed in that fight that's no one's fault but their own.

I am a little bit with you on the uneasy feeling, but I am not going to lose any sleep. If these drone strikes start happening in areas of London, then I'll be quite uneasy.

The big difference is that they are in an active conflict zone and all bets are off in those areas.

There are always trade-offs, but in this case, any risk was worth it.

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Justified, now the do gooders are trying to say it was illegal, then the families will say they want answers and compo, they were scum bag terrorist, lets not try and justify what it is not, they deserved it, they were the enermy, now we have to listen to all the sob stories and the Muslim community trying to say it was not justified, <deleted>

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Great news to start the day.

What happened to the Magna Carta?

Haha. Silly man. You reference a document, but have no knowledge of its content. Only 3 provisions of the last version of the Magna Carta remain in English & Wales law.

1. As these 2 dead chaps did not recognize the authority of the Church of England, nor were supporters of the Church, nor believers, I don't believe this section applies.

2. Nor were the 2 very dead terrorists engaged in commerce in the city of London. Hence, this provision does not apply.

3. The last section is in respect to basic civil liberties for law abiding non combatants. As the formerly living cherubs had left England to take up arms against the English people, this section did not apply.

The Magna Carta and its application to basic rights and liberties in England is a lovely myth. Successive generations changed the provisions Also, the folks back in the 1200s did not have islamic jihadis in mind when they drafted the Magna Carta.

I say, let the heavens rain down fire and brimstone on these savages:

Firstly I do not know why Cameron sounds almost apologetic. I also don't know why he classifies the drone attacks as 'defensive'. They were justifiably offensive and it seems that with excellent intelligence the guys hit their mark and took out 2 terrorists. Good job!


Gotta love this para

The Magna Carta and its application to basic rights and liberties in England is a lovely myth. Successive generations changed the provisions Also, the folks back in the 1200s did not have islamic jihadis in mind when they drafted the Magna Carta.

I agree, but using your same flawless logic neither did the Forefathers back in the 1700's have in mind that school teachers and Dads and Mums in MacDonalds would be carrying side arms during their normal working day when they said that there was a 'right to bear arms' when they drafted the constitution. Same same,not even slightly different.

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Really British with names like these. Also, the family really became integrated to have spawned offspring who want to murder indiscriminately in the country which took in their ancestors.

The old question comes to mind....If a dog (bitch) gives birth in a stable, are it's offspring horses?

Taking in more muslim refugees/immigrants, compounding the already massive problem, or what?

Only a 'massive' problem to inveterate labelers and pigeonholers like yourself.

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Although I won't be losing any sleep over this particular case; I can see further down the line where maybe the drone is on the other side so to speak. Pretty much anyone can get hold of a drone and it is starting to not look pretty at all. This could also set a precedent for governments using drones against their own people. It is said that whole migrant issue could be designed to cause chaos and give govts the pathway for greater control over their people. We should be watchful.

Edited by Scott
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Really British with names like these. Also, the family really became integrated to have spawned offspring who want to murder indiscriminately in the country which took in their ancestors.

The old question comes to mind....If a dog (bitch) gives birth in a stable, are it's offspring horses?

Taking in more muslim refugees/immigrants, compounding the already massive problem, or what?

Only a 'massive' problem to inveterate labelers and pigeonholers like yourself.

Can you elaborate?

It does not matter how you wrap it up the facts are that the immigration policy in the UK has become a 'massive' problem for the nation.

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Wow! The Brits have been engaged in this war for over a year and finally killed a total of 3 people! And that tea sniffer David Cameron wants to throw a parade?

Alas, methinks 'tis time that the Queen's Finest partake in combat course from real fighters like the Hez'bollah and YPG.

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OK, I did a little look up because the RAF has been flying US Reaper drones, controlled from London for quite some time now. I am surprised at the claim that this is the first killing.

This was a US Reaper flown out of London by remote control. The drones are maintained and serviced in the ME but controlled from London.

Reports say that this jerk was planning a bombing to blow up the Queen.

The Times (UK)

I think wrong information from somewhere, I live near Waddington Lincolnshire in the UK , the drones have been flying from there for years , along with the pilotless fighter

planes/Drones. The pilotless planes were tested in Australia, One hit a wind turbine and damaged a blade, which started a rumor that a UFO had hit it. That incident was at

A Place on the East coast of the UK called Conisholme in Lincolnshire.

Edited by Thongkorn
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In Times of War the penalty for Treason is death, have dash, desh, doosh or whoever you want to call them not declared war on all others?

So good news, hope lots and lots more to follow, must be nice to know you can be taken out anytime if you choose to live by the sword and not respect basic humain law and the peaceful life of others. All those friends of these two traitors now asking for questions to be answered maybe should be answearing a few questions themselfs? if you do not like our laws and way of life then ship out - simple choice really

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Really British with names like these. Also, the family really became integrated to have spawned offspring who want to murder indiscriminately in the country which took in their ancestors.

The old question comes to mind....If a dog (bitch) gives birth in a stable, are it's offspring horses?

Taking in more muslim refugees/immigrants, compounding the already massive problem, or what?

Only a 'massive' problem to inveterate labelers and pigeonholers like yourself.

You forgot one name tag you could call me............TAXPAYER!!!!! (for 60 years)

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I find it very interesting that just a few months back there were threads with vicious condemnation of the US drone program. Now it seems that when the shoe is on the other foot it is a good move.

In spite of the inherent dangers of drone strikes, the precision saves countless lives. Imagine a manned flight dropping bombs to take out a target.

....or having Chuck Norris and Sylvester Styllone parachuted out, each with a machete in one hand and a grenade in the other.

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That drone cost $28 million and it carries $320,000 worth of munitions. That Hellfire AGM missile cost $70,000. Link

Then there's the excruciating cost of deployment and operation. Someone has to mean business to pull the trigger on that. I'm glad they did.

$28 million?! that's too much. I recall as a kid I read an article saying a fighter jet would cost $1 million, and I thought at the time that was very expensive. Nowadays, ha ha ha, you probably can't even buy the ejection seat parachute for a million. Military should have more open bidding process. Surely some firm can build a workable drone with a bomb for less than $28.3 mil.

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