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Grace raided

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The Infamous "Grace" coffe shop/pick up joint was raided again last night by the crime suppression police, i.e. no chance of the local constabulary tipping off customers a raid was on the way, - around 2:30 am about 20 police arrived, all exits sealed, everyone inside, Thai/European, male/Female, were required to give a urine sample, tested on site, any showing positive to any drug use, [ and many were] herded into police vans and driven away -  just keep in mind before venturing to a nightspot in thailand !
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Here is an eyewitness story about last night at Grace:

Drug tests at grace last night

     23/04/2003 05:09  

Well, last night they did it again. At 03:15am the music turned off and the lights turned on. Police officers entered the grace coffee-shop with a bunch of tv(!)- and newspaper-reporters. Some guys wanted to leave the shop immediately, some simply made trouble (they didn't want being filmed or photographed and were asking for the film). They were well taken care of. Everybody had to make an urine-test before he was allowed to leave the shop. One lady felt unconscious (what I have seen).

ID-check: Thais were asked for their id-card, while the foreigners were waved through (after the test of course). I heard some ladies asking their "boy-friends" for support ("Give me money, I don't have id-card. You pay."). Others were saying: "I showed them my brother's id-card. No problem".

However, the test had not to be taken under the eyes of any police officer. So, everybody who was in doubt, could very well have been able to manage a deal with somebody else. I have not any information, if anybody fails the test.

ps: The grace-guards were very rude to some people before they were handed over to the police (after the guys were making trouble).

pps: I have never been so happy for a stamp in my live (the one that stamped me drug-free).

- Peter1964, nanaplaza dot com

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I'll probably get my head bitten off for saying this, but you must be pretty stupid to use any sort of drugs in Thailand. I'm not a kill-joy either! This weekend I'm in Amsterdam, where soft drug use is openly tolerated (although not technically legal). Yes, I'll be sitting in one of the coffee-shops exercising my lungs with the healthy atmosphere - for sure!!

But why on earth does anyone want to risk fines, jail and maybe worse by taking drugs in Thailand?!  It's like waving a very large red flag in front of a very angry bull!!

The Thai authority position on drugs (both hard and soft) is well-known. Sure, local police may turn a blind eye to soft drug use, but you cannot complain if the authorities actually enforce whatever laws are in place.

My suggestion. If you want to take drugs then get on a plane to Amsterdam tomorrow.  I'm sure many Thai and expats in Thailand will be happy to see you go.

(And no..I did not get out the wrong side of bed today!)

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What concerns me , is that I am currently in a liberally lawed country where grass can be smoked without criminal conviction.... after some heavy partying over the easter break, I am about to go to Thailand. I have no plans on taking any banned substances in a foreign country , but am concerned that what if I have traces in my system already and end up in a situation a la Grace .....

What is the residency time of grass in the system? What happens to me , if I have traces ?.... Sounds like its might be wise not to go ... as if SARS is not bad enough ...

Does anyone know of how this urine test works ?

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Don't take drugs when you stay in Bangkok and everything should be fine. Last time it was Lucifer, now Grace. It's a question of time before they start doing this in the "go-go" places.

I have heard that Ko Samui is a good place for kanja  :o

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Misha, you should not worry to much, even if you're a hard core all day long smoker, it shall not remain longer than 4 weeks in your system, most probably only 2weeks.

On the other side, it's not that you 'll have to undergo a urin test by entering Thailand, just be careful with such wellknown places like Grace.

Butterfly,years ago I was sooo pleased to read in some travel books about our island, that you can have great fun, while going dancing in the Regea Pub you can enjoy smoke also.

Can you imagine how it is now?

The times you can burn a spliff on the beach are gone(especially Chaweng), if you

want to take that freedom for you, please have 50 k B in your pocket also, that's the amount one will need to pay off the cops, even for 1 spliff only! Otherwise it goes the legal way.

Better be careful with tips like that. :ghostface:

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  • 2 months later...

I am a reporter at The Times looking for people who know Stephen James Bristow, a 39 year old British man from Basingstoke who has been in Bangkok for over a year. He has just been arrested on allegations of drug dealing in Bangkok's Grace Hotel. If you know him and are happy to chat with me about Stephen please get back to me urgently. Perhaps you are a friend, and know him from the UK. Could you forward this on to all your expat contacts in Bangkok?

Thanks for your help

Maria Ahmed

The Times

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