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Jealous Thai stepmother confesses to strangling sleeping stepson, aged 6

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From my experience with Thai nurses, this story doesn't surprise me one little bit.

Please elucidate. Are Thai nurses known to be nasty and if so why?

Let's put it this way. If there were some sort of mental health screening for those planning a career in nursing, only those passing Hare's Checklist for psychopathy would be eligible.

Met a 30 something Thai female...after several conversations...it was apparent to me she was totally detached from reality...when I insisted that she see a mental health worker...she replied she could not...she was a clinical psychologist...wai2.gif


All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

Because murder is murder whatever the age of the victim or whether it is state sanctioned or not.

The post on the first page from the guy saying he'd publicly crucify her....

That would make him just as much of a savage and a murderer. The irony seems lost on these people.


...a country of sociopaths...the product of at least one generation of dysfunctional families...maybe due to socio/cultural shock of 'progress'...

...100% employed...many with 'titles' and 'degrees'...'uniforms'...'ranks'.....all hiding the sickness underneath...

...my wife complained of the same thing...and they were her children....

...now she wants them...not out of love...but to stick it to the foreigner...to get ALL the assets...because she treats my daughters as possessions...


From my experience with Thai nurses, this story doesn't surprise me one little bit.

From my experience with TVF, your comment does not surprise me either.

Am not even going to ask you to elaborate, because it would be bs as well. thumbsup.gif


WOW!!!! This today, and just yesterday's news about the Thai husband who went berserk in a Samut Prakan mall and knifed his wife to death after she had told him to wanted to leave him.

And the news a week or so back about the teenage school girl who died after being beaten/abused by her jealous classmates.

A troubling picture of domestic life here in Thailand (not that LOS has any exclusive on these kinds of tragedies).

these people watch and emulate too many of the brainless soap operas they are so fixated on....life imitating art?..if you can call it art...

and then what..if they confess, they are forgiven


From my experience with Thai nurses, this story doesn't surprise me one little bit.

Please elucidate. Are Thai nurses known to be nasty and if so why?

A mate of mine was seeing for a month or so, before calling it off.

The messages that followed weren't pretty. The last one before he changed sim card and address was that she was going to the police to file charges of rape against him.

Of course this sort of melt down is common among Thais when dumped and rejected, so is more a common aspect of Thainess that nurses obviously aren't immune from.

As for this creature in the OP. Perhaps the same could be done to her.



All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

I'd drag her to the nearest tree with rope in hand.

Public Crucifixion comes to mind also.

Wow, another Islamist supporter of sharia law on this forum! Who would have thought there were so many of them!


...a country of sociopaths...the product of at least one generation of dysfunctional families...maybe due to socio/cultural shock of 'progress'...

...100% employed...many with 'titles' and 'degrees'...'uniforms'...'ranks'.....all hiding the sickness underneath...

...my wife complained of the same thing...and they were her children....

...now she wants them...not out of love...but to stick it to the foreigner...to get ALL the assets...because she treats my daughters as possessions...


Someone has been burnt and now wants to blame the whole population for his personal failures.

From your tone it seems assets are the important thing to you and not the daughters. (by the way the daughters are her possessions...you were merely the sperm donor - sorry for being so blunt).

The west has had multiple generations of dysfunctional families...actually there are generations now that are the product of something that doesn't even resemble a family in the traditional sense.

Single grandmothers with single daughter/mothers with single daughter/mothers/granddaughters without a wedding ring between them all sucking on the public teat.

We are such a shining example to the developing countries..


In defence of Thai nurses, I have met many as a patient, both in- and out-. I have always found them friendly and helpful, and have never come across one with psycopathic tendencies.

Agree. Maybe some people had a bad experience with their nurse and a suppository as a child and it scarred them for life. But regardless of her occupation, she needs topping.


They should use her as the Poster Face to promote medical tourism to stupid foreigners wanting to come to Thailand for treatments! Lol!

I hope you don't get a lot of likes for joking about a little kid being murdered.


In the last couple of years I have been hospitalized several times, in that time the nurses I have met have been caring, intelligent and very professional.

No once have I encountered one with an attitude or arrogance, like nurses in just about every other country on this planet they are underpaid and undervalued, to generalize about them as some have done previously is disgraceful and says more about them and their moronic opinions.

This child's death is a tragedy beyond my comprehension, in my "normal" world I cannot imagine what was going through this woman's head.

Sad so very, very sad...

One of the few sensible and humane posts I have read about this sad incident, (with Lildragon's). Now leaving the topic, having realised how many very unpleasant people post on TV.


All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

I'd drag her to the nearest tree with rope in hand.

Public Crucifixion comes to mind also.

Wow, another Islamist supporter of sharia law on this forum! Who would have thought there were so many of them!

Not a clever comment. It's just ppl emotionally lashing out that's it. It is considered the lowest form of crime, but this will be dealt with amongst her peers.


All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

Because murder is murder whatever the age of the victim or whether it is state sanctioned or not.

It's called punishment. And it deserves to be hard.

If not state sanctioned then it needs to be done on a personal level.


WOW!!!! This today, and just yesterday's news about the Thai husband who went berserk in a Samut Prakan mall and knifed his wife to death after she had told him to wanted to leave him.

And the news a week or so back about the teenage school girl who died after being beaten/abused by her jealous classmates.

A troubling picture of domestic life here in Thailand (not that LOS has any exclusive on these kinds of tragedies).

No worse than US with regulare mass shootings, road rage and gangs of motorcycle thugs terrorizing families.


All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

Because murder is murder whatever the age of the victim or whether it is state sanctioned or not.

It's called punishment. And it deserves to be hard.

If not state sanctioned then it needs to be done on a personal level.

So what do the suggest? Public stinkings and the like?


From my experience with Thai nurses, this story doesn't surprise me one little bit.

Please elucidate. Are Thai nurses known to be nasty and if so why?

Let's put it this way. If there were some sort of mental health screening for those planning a career in nursing, only those passing Hare's Checklist for psychopathy would be eligible.

I agree, but don't believe the screening should be limited to only "those planning a career in nursing".

Of course you meant failing (getting a low score) Hare's Checklist, right? biggrin.png


It's those crazy Thai soap shows with all the violence in them that is causing this country to go to sh!t, with a little help from the government.

I was just telling my son last night about this exact thing.

to avoid women that are addicted to Soap Dramas on TV.

they see life through the eyes of a fake TV Soap Drama.

Yes, that will really give him a secure and happy outlook on life to grow up with. This is another very sad story we should not mock too much.

I wasnt quite sure if you were supporting or against my comment.

(if against, please be more specific).



All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

i support it for people like this


They must be Burmese. No Thai could ever harm another Thai

Give it a rest already. It's neither original or amusing......


All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

Because murder is murder whatever the age of the victim or whether it is state sanctioned or not.

It's called punishment. And it deserves to be hard.

If not state sanctioned then it needs to be done on a personal level.

She should be punished for her crime but murder is not punishment.

Murder is not justice.

State sanctioned or not, murder is wrong.


All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

Because she is mentally unbalanced and despite her heinous crime, I don't believe anyone else has the right to take her life.

I also feel anyone who is not directly involved should not be wishing death on complete strangers.

It is an emotive and dividing topic and we are all products of varying upbringings and mental outlooks, mine says I do not have a right to condemn strangers to death, ot those I know for that matter. I can understand those closely associated with such victims feeling otherwise, but revenge should not be part of justice.


All those that don't support the death penalty should read this story and then explain why this one deserves to go on living.

Because murder is murder whatever the age of the victim or whether it is state sanctioned or not.

It's called punishment. And it deserves to be hard.

If not state sanctioned then it needs to be done on a personal level.

She should be punished for her crime but murder is not punishment.

Murder is not justice.

State sanctioned or not, murder is wrong.

Do u have kids?


...a country of sociopaths...the product of at least one generation of dysfunctional families...maybe due to socio/cultural shock of 'progress'...

...100% employed...many with 'titles' and 'degrees'...'uniforms'...'ranks'.....all hiding the sickness underneath...

...my wife complained of the same thing...and they were her children....

...now she wants them...not out of love...but to stick it to the foreigner...to get ALL the assets...because she treats my daughters as possessions...


Someone has been burnt and now wants to blame the whole population for his personal failures.

From your tone it seems assets are the important thing to you and not the daughters. (by the way the daughters are her possessions...you were merely the sperm donor - sorry for being so blunt).

The west has had multiple generations of dysfunctional families...actually there are generations now that are the product of something that doesn't even resemble a family in the traditional sense.

Single grandmothers with single daughter/mothers with single daughter/mothers/granddaughters without a wedding ring between them all sucking on the public teat.

We are such a shining example to the developing countries..

I agree Muddy, some of the comments on this forum are obviously penned by people who had a bad relationship/marriage with a Thai lady and now they are taking it out on the whole country.

I have been in Thailand long enough to know that not all these break-ups are the girls' fault, some of these foreigners caused their relationships "back ome" to fail and are doing it again in another country.

You are correct when you talk about western society, it is not a good example of good families bring up good children, far from it.

I felt so sorry to read about the poor child in the op, nobody deserves what he received, a brutal and savage death indeed.

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