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Anyone In Ranong?


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What brought you to Ranong? To me it is one of the most depressing places in Thailand! Constant rain and grim looking residents. Are you perhaps married to a local lady?

Well she's originally from NST, and she calls that province bandit country. Admittedly it rains a lot, but so does the UK. I am out in the country side, I hate cities. The locals are great. The scenery is beautiful.

The only problem I had was a poor internet connection, now solved with my satellite broadband. There is more to the place than Muang Ranong.

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Mosha Good to know someone is in Ranong. I will be going to live south of Chomphon in a year or so. How much are you paying for the satellite broadband? They don't even have line phones where I am going. I find it exciting looking at the map of the islands on the west coast of Myanmar. I come from British Columbia so that the sea and islands are quite appealing. My wife has some friends in Ranong so will be sure to be going there.

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Mosha Good to know someone is in Ranong. I will be going to live south of Chomphon in a year or so. How much are you paying for the satellite broadband? They don't even have line phones where I am going. I find it exciting looking at the map of the islands on the west coast of Myanmar. I come from British Columbia so that the sea and islands are quite appealing. My wife has some friends in Ranong so will be sure to be going there.

I'm paying approx 1,400/M. I must admit the telephone bit was hard at 1st. There are that many hills that without a home booster you can't get a signal for your mobile. That mean't a 20K round trip to phone "home". When we did get the line put in I had to do all my internet stuff before about 10:00, after that it was message 772 ( I think) receiving modem out of order. The number of times I felt like head butting the keyboard :o . Our nearest best beach is I think in Chumphon near the Prince of Chumphon shrine. In Ranong I have found out through experience, to take your own food. It's also very handy for my visa trips, though hopefully not too many more of them. Re the rain thing, in Ranong they are actually proud of being Thailand's wettest province. I think each Amphoe competes for the wettest part of Ranong title. They like to tell me round here that La Un is the wettest. Along the in land border with Chumphon is some brilliant scenery, it's nice driving even if some of the roads need repairs, as they are falling off the hill sides.

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Well 1,400/m sounds pretty good for the satellite. I was paying that for a poor internet connection when I first came to Bangkok. Sounds like visa trips are on the way out. I think we went through La Un on one of our trips. It is very pretty, but had a problem. Missed a turn in the town and took us a couple of minutes to get turned around. On one of the steep hills we passed a rice truck that had just gone in the ditch and his wife was thrown out. We took her to a clinic on the way home. He had missed a gear on the top of the hill and couldn't get it back in so ditched her. It was only a couple of minutes before we got there. I think if we hadn't missed that turn we would have met him on the hill and he went in the ditch on the wrong side and it was a steep drop off on the other. The roads are dangerous. Narrow, no grade breaks. So burnt a little incense over that one. I come from a forestry background on the west coast of British Columbia so know about rain. What are you doing there?

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What am I doing ? As little as possible :o 30 years for the same factory is enough I think. Mainly doing flightsim, I write a few flightplans that I publish. It keeps my mind occupied, and I get a small buzz seeing how many dls there has been from AVSIM.com. Just considering visa options. Retirement or support.

From the road you describe I think I know the one. Did you go pass the area with holes going right through the hill sides? If so, yeah those roads are pretty hairy, though we came through the other day, and repairs are being carried out.

As for the internet. My monthly phone bills were about 1700/M with the unreliable dial up. So with the unlimited access I have now it works out even. Also some files were just out of reach, I am DLing a 108MB now that would have taken me a week, now an hour or so.

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God, that flightsim is entrtaining isnt it? Have you tried London Control, the air traffic control sim? Cant keep off the bloody thing. Incidentally, I am sorry if my last post sounded a bit impolite. I did not mean it that way. All the best :o

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No worries, I've been asked before if I find living around here boring. The answer is a big no. I love it. I haven't tried London Control. I do tend to do most of my flying around SE Asia, with an occaisional flight from Leeds, my old nearest airport. :o

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