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Late payment of uk pension


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Pension arrived Monday 9th November 2015. Three days late. At least it arrived earlier than last month. I've heard a rumour that Iain Duncan Smith has been asked to impose more cuts on the welfare system. 10 or 20% and apparently he's said if they're imposed he's thinking of resigning. If he did then, that would be good, because he's hated and detested by many in the UK. One wonders if his replacement would be any better than him.

And of course the Chancellors and the prime minister have got their knickers in a twist because the House of Lords has rejected the bill that would have abolished "In work tax credits"

Osborne's already got various government departments to accept a 10 or 20% reduction in their budget. But apparently the NHS and foreign aid budget are not to be touched.

So, I wouldn't be at all surprised that in the coming months new nasty surprises await us expat pensioners. I do hope most sincerely that I'm completely wrong.

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I've heard a rumour that Iain Duncan Smith has been asked to impose more cuts on the welfare system. 10 or 20% and apparently he's said if they're imposed he's thinking of resigning. If he did then, that would be good, because he's hated and detested by many in the UK. One wonders if his replacement would be any better than him.

If IDS goes because he's not prepared to make any deeper cuts, you can bet your life that his successor wouldn't be any better, in our eyes, Cameron would simply parachute somebody in who is prepared to make the cuts to further their career.


  • 2 weeks later...

Pension was due today, credited to my account about 09.30 this morning, as has been the norm for the last 3 years. Fail to understand why there is variations in payment time.

Would have thought that the recent 'changes' would have resolved any processing issues.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well here we are now in December. My pensions was due last Thursday 3rd December 2015. No sign of my pension and it's Monday 7th December. Boy, would I love to meet the pillock who's causing this problem !


Well here we are now in December. My pensions was due last Thursday 3rd December 2015. No sign of my pension and it's Monday 7th December. Boy, would I love to meet the pillock who's causing this problem !

I believe it's a Bank Holiday today, so I don't think that any credits from overseas will be credited to your account today.



Well here we are now in December. My pensions was due last Thursday 3rd December 2015. No sign of my pension and it's Monday 7th December. Boy, would I love to meet the pillock who's causing this problem !

Monday 7th December is a bank holiday in Thailand. Though you can withdraw money from the ATMs and pay it in through some ATMs the actual banks are closed. Anything like a pension payment will not be processed until the next working day.

It has nothing to do with your pension payment from your country and everything to do with bank holidays in Thailand.

Friday may also be a bank holiday as it is "Bike for Dad day.

links to next year 2016



Be careful of Songkran next year as the banks will be closed for 5 days from 13th to 17th April. If you need money from the ATM get in early.


Well here we are now in December. My pensions was due last Thursday 3rd December 2015. No sign of my pension and it's Monday 7th December. Boy, would I love to meet the pillock who's causing this problem !

Monday 7th December is a bank holiday in Thailand. Though you can withdraw money from the ATMs and pay it in through some ATMs the actual banks are closed. Anything like a pension payment will not be processed until the next working day.

It has nothing to do with your pension payment from your country and everything to do with bank holidays in Thailand.

Friday may also be a bank holiday as it is "Bike for Dad day.

links to next year 2016



Be careful of Songkran next year as the banks will be closed for 5 days from 13th to 17th April. If you need money from the ATM get in early.

I prefer the UK bank holidays, get paid a day early on the Thursday. Happened recently with the August bank holiday.

  • 2 weeks later...

I posted before 3 months ago that my pension was paid on time.

My pension is paid every 13 weeks. This time pension due 3rd of december, it was paid 1 week late why?

Forget about speaking to Newcastle as all you get is a load of bulls..t.

Speak to Krung Thai bank mai roo is all you get from them.

Good job i am not needing my pension to cover every day expenses.

  • 2 weeks later...

I get my pension paid every 4 weeks. I was paid last Friday Xmas day and reached my Thai bank account this morning, on time as usual.

Now I get paid every 4 week and this year 2015 it was at week 4, 8, 12 etc.

In 2016 it should be paid starting 28 days from 25th December which would be 22nd January, 19th February, 18th March (2016 is a Leap Year) and 15th April etc. As usual it will be delivered on the Tuesday following.

However 13 to 15 April is Songkran for anybody whose pension is due during that week.

  • 3 weeks later...

My pension is due on a Friday and came about 09.15 this morning as usual. Rate not so good, about 2K baht down on the last few months.

Mine was paid on the 5th and was about 300 baht down


What I don't understand is why folk don't simply get the DWP to pay their pension into their British bank account and then transfer funds to Thailand when necessary online according to a protocol which they know will always work.

Why dont i get my pension paid in UK then transfer it?

Easy it costs me more money.

Get DWP pay straight to my Thai bank, no transfer fees/ good exchange rate.

Only have to contact 1 bank not 2 if there is a problem.


My pension is due on a Friday and came about 09.15 this morning as usual. Rate not so good, about 2K baht down on the last few months.

The Kbank exchange rate has dropped about 2 thb per GBP this month so far.

I think most banks have done as well. The rates are much the same across all of the banks.

This link can be set up for most currencies and the correct currency type is TT.



My pension is due on a Friday and came about 09.15 this morning as usual. Rate not so good, about 2K baht down on the last few months.

The Kbank exchange rate has dropped about 2 thb per GBP this month so far.

I think most banks have done as well. The rates are much the same across all of the banks.

This link can be set up for most currencies and the correct currency type is TT.


Not looking good for the pound. GBPUSD Range for January 1.36-1.45

Will the pound go higher?
January 15, 2016
Well dear readers, the pound has fallen considerably in 2016. According to Bank of England data the Pound Sterling TWI (Trade Weighted Index) has fallen by over 10% this year. Looking at all the events up ahead this trend could easily continue as other currencies find favour and investors dump the pound.

My pension is due on a Friday and came about 09.15 this morning as usual. Rate not so good, about 2K baht down on the last few months.

Mine was paid on the 5th and was about 300 baht down

I watch the forex chart and yesterday I got 52.11 against 52.25 showing on forex, this morning forex is showing 51.82.

Last month I got 54.37. In the same period the GBP/USD has dropped from 1.49 to 1.4256.


My pension is due on a Friday and came about 09.15 this morning as usual. Rate not so good, about 2K baht down on the last few months.

Mine was paid on the 5th and was about 300 baht down

I watch the forex chart and yesterday I got 52.11 against 52.25 showing on forex, this morning forex is showing 51.82.

Last month I got 54.37. In the same period the GBP/USD has dropped from 1.49 to 1.4256.

I get a pension paid on Monday and I will let you know the exchange rate then.


My pension is due on a Friday and came about 09.15 this morning as usual. Rate not so good, about 2K baht down on the last few months.

Mine was paid on the 5th and was about 300 baht down

I watch the forex chart and yesterday I got 52.11 against 52.25 showing on forex, this morning forex is showing 51.82.

Last month I got 54.37. In the same period the GBP/USD has dropped from 1.49 to 1.4256.

I get a pension paid on Monday and I will let you know the exchange rate then.

I actually got the pension on Tuesday a day later than normal and the rate I got was 51.208.

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