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Urinating Brits visit Pattaya Police station following viral Facebook video

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But it seems that even Chinese tourists world famous for being the worst (according to Thaivisa) have more manners as these two and don't do stupid things like that here in Thailand.

`But it seems ..`

According to who? Another TV expert called robblok! clap2.gif

I have yet to read of Chinese pulling stunts like this in Pattaya, so it is confirmed that these 2 guys are worse as Chinese tourists.

Always fun to read about how Chinese, Indians, Arabs are so bad and then we have two white guys here from a county that used to be renowned for its good manners, outdoing them all in a show of bad manners.

I am no expert, I just believe that every country has his idiots and many Thaivisa posters are far to nationalistic and blind for the faults of their own.

Weren't there some threads about Chinese / Asian tourists pissing, crapping in the street and even in temples? And washing their feet and privates in public toilet wash basins?

India - where a significant percentage of the population crap in the street and the government are resorting to paying people to use a public toilet as part of the education not to do it.

Every country does have its idiots and lowlifes for sure. But, Chinese and Indian "accepted" behavior is very different to what most Westerners would find acceptable.

Blowing snot out into the ash trays or wast bins in public - even right next to someone else is a Chinese habit that springs to mind.

Yes there were reports about them leaving the toilets dirty but nothing like what these guys did.

What people in India do is irrelevant they don't do it here but these guys did.

These guys were the worst so far, and it just shows that Caucasians are just as bad as the rest. All that misplaced pride in our own and bashing of others is just stupid as we all got idiots.

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`But it seems ..`

According to who? Another TV expert called robblok! clap2.gif

I have yet to read of Chinese pulling stunts like this in Pattaya, so it is confirmed that these 2 guys are worse as Chinese tourists.

Always fun to read about how Chinese, Indians, Arabs are so bad and then we have two white guys here from a county that used to be renowned for its good manners, outdoing them all in a show of bad manners.

I am no expert, I just believe that every country has his idiots and many Thaivisa posters are far to nationalistic and blind for the faults of their own.

`Seems` like you have a bit of an axe to grind.

`I have yet to read ...` I think the Thais of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai would have a story or many for you regarding Chinese tourists but surely you`ve read about many incidents already, right?

What they did is disgusting and really there`s no excuse for it.

However, as some have said, throw alcohol into the mix and any nationality, even the Dutch play up from time to time.

You keep reading that Indians and Arabs are bad. Really? I haven`t had the pleasure so can`t comment on that one.

`two white guys here from a county that used to be renowned for its good manners`

What county might that be? Newcastle, Manchester, Surrey perhaps.

One of the guys was Scottish, right? When has Scotland be renowned for good manners? Funny one that.

`every country has his idiots`

Yes every country does have its idiots, that I agree with.

Yes I got an axe to grind, as I get tired of the nationalistic attitude here on Thaivisa. The Dutch act up too.. plenty of Dutch idiots, when i still lived there I have seen plenty of them.

Reason I did not mention their nationality is because else I will again be attacked for bashing Brits while my whole point is that people seem to have a lot of problems accepting that people sharing their nationality are just as bad as those from an other nationality.

I get tired of the nationalism instead of taking pride in your own accomplishments people seem to take pride only in their country and seem to think they can do nothing wrong.

If you read on the forum you will see how some people love to bash Thais or Indians, Arabs, Germans Chinese ect but cant take it when their nationality is seen in a bad light.

I really don't understand that as I could not care less about my county its good or bad deeds as its not something I did. not everyone from a country is the same, we are all individuals judge people by their deeds not where they are from.

Rant over


@ Baerboxer

Agreed about accepted behaviour.

About 4 years ago, I took my son to a hot spring in Chiang Rai, forget the name now but it was just pass the elephant village about 20-30 kms out of town. Anyway, as my son and I had already finished our dip in the hot spring pool, got changed and were walking out, you could see some western and Chinese tourists dangling their feet in the foot bath (a long-like trough people can sit on the edge of). I`ll never forget the looks on the westerners faces as a young Chinese boy, around 5 or 6, started to pee in the trough. Needless to say, the `honkies` quickly wipped their feet out as I stood there, half laughing and half in amazement as the mother didn`t stop him doing it. Boys will be boys, I thought!

This year, last March, I took the family to Koh Kood. One beautiful afternoon, we ended up having lunch at a restaurant near a mangrove river, very picturesque. Half way through our meal, a Chinese couple come and sat at the table in front of us, right next to the waters edge. No lie, the guy pulled out some nail clippers and proceeded to cut his finger and toe nails! I was gobsmacked. Who does this in a restaurant?

Seems to me there are lads on the piss making a complete arse out of themselves everywhere. There are also those that haven`t a clue how to behave.


They later told Police Colonel Sukthat at Pattaya Police Station that they were not aware that urinating in a public place would cause so much offense.

...and they were presumably not drunk when they said this. When you piss in a VERY public place and flaunt it then that is a hell of a lot different than a motorbike taxi guy pissing on the side of the road in some trees or bushes.


I travel on Thai highways every day and see Thai men urinating on the side of the road and no ashed about it. Why do Thais always so out foreigners. Maybe they like what they see!


They should be thrown out of Thailand and have their passports stamped "never" to be

allowed back

The "Jocks" behaviour doesn't surprise me, you only have to look at him to see what kind of creature he is.......and he would be better keeping that excuse of a "penis" out of sight......that proves what a small brained "<deleted>" he is....

It is little wonder that people think we Brits are ALL problem makers with baffoons like this breathing Gods air

Clear off you "Low Lifes" you are not wanted here (or anywhere for that matter)

I think you are overreacting a little bit. After all this is pattaya. If a similar thing happened in Las Vegas you would suggest a similar punishment?

I would recommend it anywhere somebody thinks it ok to behave in this manner.......especially in broad daylight

As for the flowers.....the policeman should have stuck them up the Jocks backside.......

Although I do not condone what they have done, At least they had owned up to it and went to publicly apologize. They aren't the first drunk tourists to do something like this. I find interesting that you focus on the fact the he is a "Jock".

I assume you live in Thailand and possibly in Pattaya? If either is true, then I am a little surprised you have the stance you do. I would think most people that live here have a little more liberal view on what a suitable punishment would be. Its widely known that Thailand is pretty lax on enforcement of the laws. If you wanted to live in a society that was tough on laws, I would expect you to live somewhere else.


From the video it appears the guy urinated right outside the woman's shop/stall, I've certainly never seen any Asian doing that.

You must be Asian or go to bed before 9 o,clock!


It's NOT O.K.in Britain ! Where did you get that idea from ,Chiang Mai?

Repeated instances reported in the UK "quality" newspapers on at least a weekly basis where somebody has pee'd on a war memorial, down an alley near somebody's front door or even taken a dump on a grass verge in daylight hours..






I don't see how the links you've provided say that it's ok to pee in public in the UK?

The first link debates whether its ok to pee out in the countryside with no-one around to see you (so hardly in public).

The next three links all make it clear that it's not acceptable.

The last link is complete garbage and despite the "britainweekly" domain name was never written by a Britsh person.

Here's the first paragraph:-

"Police have expelled CCTV images of people they contend committed eremitic poise in West Alley (Picture: Hertfordshire police)

If you’ve had a diminutive in open recently we might be in trouble."

Looks like someone used google translate to write it.

I don't say that it's OK but from the evidence there's a large section of the population who seem to think it is OK.


The football hooligan having to give the policeman flowers is punishment enough. Imagine him having to face his mates back home after that! The shame!


Being a man ure fan thought he would b from southern England 5555

No, Japan. We call them plastic supporters. Anyway its Man City the kings of Manchester las few yrs. All u see plastic supporters wearing now is Chelsea, M.City shirts. Oh an occasional Spurs.


Of course Thais never urinate at the side of the road in broad daylight.

Oh actually it's a national pastime.

Side of the road in the bushes ect is a bit different then on a street in full view of everyone. Here I seen Thais too pee against a tree or bushes but they made sure they were not in full view of everyone.

I have done the same back home but never in a street.

Something with apples and oranges.


Intoxication is no excuse! Clearly these morons thought it a big joke on the day, the ONLY reason these gutless excuses for men fronted up, was that they were completely busted by social media and feared being sent home with a fine and a stamp! I would imagine if they did this sort of thing in their hometown, it would be dealt with promptly, locally, and they would be having a night or so in hospital, rather than buying flowers and continuing on their merry, pissed, disrespectful tour de Pattaya! Note: the shaking buffoon holding the flowers, DT's and missing his mummy! burp.gifpassifier.gif


It's NOT O.K.in Britain ! Where did you get that idea from ,Chiang Mai?

Repeated instances reported in the UK "quality" newspapers on at least a weekly basis where somebody has pee'd on a war memorial, down an alley near somebody's front door or even taken a dump on a grass verge in daylight hours..






I don't see how the links you've provided say that it's ok to pee in public in the UK?

The first link debates whether its ok to pee out in the countryside with no-one around to see you (so hardly in public).

The next three links all make it clear that it's not acceptable.

The last link is complete garbage and despite the "britainweekly" domain name was never written by a Britsh person.

Here's the first paragraph:-

"Police have expelled CCTV images of people they contend committed eremitic poise in West Alley (Picture:

Hertfordshire police)

If youve had a diminutive in open recently we might be in trouble."

Looks like someone used google translate to write it.

I don't say that it's OK but from the evidence there's a large section of the population who seem to think it is OK.

Wot utter Garbage, its Illegal to urinate in public in England. Same as dropping litter.

Mind u don't know bout Scotland, Wales. But certainly in London an home counties.


This woman could follow a few motorbike taxi drivers around who do this sober! (or are they?)

Two wrongs dont make a right, totally unacceptable, they are the guests.

seen hundreds of thais doing the same thing.

From the video it appears the guy urinated right outside the woman's shop/stall, I've certainly never seen any Asian doing that.

@ChiangMai: you have never seen any asians urinating in broad daylight in the street ?

take a look at Japan!!!!!

Seriously: i used to live there and the MEN (office workers included), when drunk, will urinate in the busy city street pavment (in-front of anyone), not even down a side-alley!

and I have even seen this at Asoke, (directly outside Soi 12, on sukhumvit street pavement). 2 Japanese Tourists, drunk a bit and just urinated on the pavement with EVERYONE walkiing by!!!) and these are REGULAR japanese guys.. (looking semi respectable.... until they urinated!).

- and also: i do regularly see Thai Taxi drivers pull up and urinate on roads.. (though NOT outside a shop in the daytime)...

actually I am surprised that they bothered to go into the police station and put names to their faces!


Of course Thais never urinate at the side of the road in broad daylight.

Oh actually it's a national pastime.

Side of the road in the bushes ect is a bit different then on a street in full view of everyone. Here I seen Thais too pee against a tree or bushes but they made sure they were not in full view of everyone.

I have done the same back home but never in a street.

Something with apples and oranges.

Wasn't so long ago your lot made the headlines at home.



If I were going down to the cop shop to apologize (and hope to keep from being deported), I'd have dressed a little better.

That's the normal dress code for Pattaya Police Stn.

Anything different an u will look out of place.


It may not be proper, but Thai men do it all the time and everywhere and in public. Why are they not castigated?

This bigotry gets re-posted and re-posted.

The urination was a meter from the shop owner's merchandise !!&^*#!.

Does this alter the perspective or does it have to be all about what someone has seen a Thai do on a highway??


Gee, I guess they are pissed off? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Damn, get it together, dogs shit in the Rai? People whom work the farms do the same, so it there like a problem with this? Seems to me it has been going on for years.

I live in Las Vegas, and yes Thais come to my house and when they see the dogs, they do not want the harvest. Does a bear shit in the woods? Get over it. My wife is trying to become PC/ I just give her a hint, you can go back anytime! Just a thought? How pure one can become.... Already told the wife if you do not like it, I know how to buy a one-way-ticket....

Great things about dogs? They have unconditional LOVE. wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

Strange post, Ru feeling ok?


Of course Thais never urinate at the side of the road in broad daylight.

Oh actually it's a national pastime.

Side of the road in the bushes ect is a bit different then on a street in full view of everyone. Here I seen Thais too pee against a tree or bushes but they made sure they were not in full view of everyone.

I have done the same back home but never in a street.

Something with apples and oranges.

Wasn't so long ago your lot made the headlines at home.


Must have been the Brits on holiday though! facepalm.gif


Does not put us Brits in a good light - but of course one was Scottish .

Yesterday popped in to seven in Jomtien at 10 in the morning- Brit outside so p*ssed could barely stand - wandered in- wanted beer. Staff were actually quite patient- directed him across the road to one of those booze wholesalers.

I like a glass of wine- and apart from one wedding reception- have never been as drunk as this guy .

So of course they did not realise that peeing in the street is wrong.


Surprise surprise from the North of England.

As usual giving us decent Brits a bad name in Pattaya,

Usually on a daily basis, Drunk, Drugs , Fighting, Property scamming.

I will stop there as my breakfast is getting cold.

Yeah right. One was from Scotland the other Northern England. Makes a change from all the tattooed Essex boy chav types, wannabee gangster druggies; or the older ex SAS, foreign legion or whatever Walter Mitty's; or the creepy looking pervy types you hear talking loudly on the plane about the whores - all 3 sexes, they've had in Pattaya.

Yes, Pattaya really knows how to attract the quality tourists and expats - from Europe, US, Aussie and Kiwi land.

Just two more examples - presumably pissing in the street in full public view is something they do back home too.

Enjoy your cooked breakfast. Mind where you tread if you go for a walk afterwards!

Oh its bac, the northerner defending his pals. As I told u before I'm not from Essex, so u can slate them as much as u like.

Oh BTW I think u will find northerners having much more tattoos than Essex guys. U even see Northern tarts with tattoos all over their oversize body. Haha.

Anyway bac to ur bar stool.


Of course Thais never urinate at the side of the road in broad daylight.

Oh actually it's a national pastime.

Side of the road in the bushes ect is a bit different then on a street in full view of everyone. Here I seen Thais too pee against a tree or bushes but they made sure they were not in full view of everyone.

I have done the same back home but never in a street.

Something with apples and oranges.

Wasn't so long ago your lot made the headlines at home.


So ?

First off disgusting behavior but the reason they do it is because people can't see them do it. Not the same as in full view of everyone peeing on a street. You still don't get it or maybe you even feel some misplaced shame.. who cares they hold the same nationality as you.

Unless it was you peeing there what is the point in all those deflections


Though I understand at times there is a need to relieve oneself and if there is no public convenience then some desecrate place is the best alternative, but what these lads did there is no excuse.

As for what would have happened back home, even going out of sight can lead to £80 (4,000THB) fixed penalty... doing what they did would probably lead to more serious charge of indecent exposure which could lead to a prison term of two years.

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