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The results of this year’s much-improved grade 12 national exams have left some with less to celebrate than others, as government data showed a continued large disparity between male and female performances as well as across provinces.

According to detailed results released on the Ministry of Education’s website, 60 per cent of girls taking this year’s test passed, while just 44 per cent of boys could say the same.

Overall, girls outperformed their counterparts in all but four provinces Boys performed at an even more dismal rate in Kampong Speu, where less than 36 per cent of male candidates passed the exam, and only slightly better in Koh Kong, with a 38 per cent pass rate.

read more: http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/girls-outdo-boys-again


I remember being joked about when I was a kid, as a girl that walked with my grandfather and myself to school was much taller than me. Didn't make me feel good. In later years I towered over her in height, which makes me wonder if male/female mature at different ages, and if so, then I would question the validity of statistics such as the above.

  • 5 months later...

I remember being joked about when I was a kid, as a girl that walked with my grandfather and myself to school was much taller than me. Didn't make me feel good. In later years I towered over her in height, which makes me wonder if male/female mature at different ages, and if so, then I would question the validity of statistics such as the above.

There are significant gender and race differences that impact the rate of typical development. Your observations are correct.

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