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WHY live in thailand

big carl

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When you live in a place for almost 50 years like I have you can see the progression of a country from when you came to the present. In addition, as one ages and has more and more experiences- you judge life and things based upon those experiences. I will always remember my first wife's words when first married. I would go on and on about how wonderful Thailand was and I could find nothing I disliked. She said: "Once you learn to speak and understand Thai, You won't like Thailand as much." And she was partially right. In addition, length of time and becoming more familiar with the culture and how things really work, change one's perspective. In fact, when we lived in the United States, she actually liked America better than Thailand. She perceived America as having a way of life that was based on fairness and equity, something she never found in Thailand. I, on the other hand, as the years passed, found America to be a land of greed, huge corporations living off the misery of the poor and a failed political system. I actually feel more comfortable in Thailand probably because I am frustrated by things in the States and not in Thailand, where I don't have to deal with the same issues.

I honestly do not like Thailand as much as I did when I first came, but one thing has always remained constant- the majority of Thai people are great to deal with; will go out of their way to help someone, and don't take life so serious. Most of the things I complain about in Thailand I cannot change so I grin and bear it.

Many of the things people complain about on the Board, I also complain about but usually not in public nor to any Thai people. I try to remember I am still a guest and a good guest tries to adjust to the surroundings.

However, some of those that complain use very uncomplimentary terms and use invective that is personal. There are a lot of angry people in the World now and this board has its share. They might want to adopt a more Mai Pen Rai attitude.

Of topic I know but one hears so much about corruption in your experience 50 years I believe you said has

it got worse, better or just the same. I have nine years experience and have seen it up and down.

At the present I see a real effort at slowing it down.In my short period of time I feel more peace than at any other time.

I have only been here 40 years but in my experience corruption has changed over that time period. A lot of the petty stuff has gone but it never bothered me that much. It seemed a rather cheap and efficient way of greasing the wheels.

The skimming which takes place on bigger projects, from some reports, seems to be within a similar percentage range but the Baht amount is probably larger due to the size of investments these days.
No one has requested a bribe from me personally for many many years and I am not very interested in forcing others to do things my way, so corruption is not even on my radar.
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I think the point is being missed here . Wherever people live there will be something to bash . When i lived in uk there were lots of things i did not like . Now i live in thailand and if there is something i do not like i say so. I have to live somewhere and there is no perfect place .

I have lived in a village in issan for 8 years have a house son and teacher wife iand i love it here . What i do not like is the child deaths , mostly by accident ,the murders and rapes esp of children which happen frequently all over thialand but a lot of tv members live in farangland and never see or know it goes on . 3 children raped in my village last year , 14 yr old , 9yr old and 6 yr old . Nobody went to prison , all paid about 10,000 to the family .The 9yr was raped for a year and when asked why she never told someone she said she told her teacher . When my wife asked the teacher why she did nothing she replied "not my child ,not my problem ". I have seen teenagers killed in front of me at drunken fights at the temple concerts , nobody goes to jail.

If i state these things on tv am i thai bashing , should i go home ?

I do not like the woman at udon immigration asking me for money or she would not give me my visa . I do not like it that thais are crazy and drunk on the roads . Should i like it so as not to thai bash ?

Touche dazzz. Well said!

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Many expatriates lived poorly in their home country. They criticized again and again.

And now they have chosen a new homeland what are they doing? They still criticize and again.

They think take value to showing what's wrong with their expert eyes. Often they cite their native country as reference.

And me I think they are the problem ...

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Many expatriates lived poorly in their home country. They criticized again and again.
And now they have chosen a new homeland what are they doing? They still criticize and again.
They think take value to showing what's wrong with their expert eyes. Often they cite their native country as reference.
And me I think they are the problem ...

Just curious, do you live in Thailand?

You sounds as one of those that envy them who does..

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Oh this displeases you that somebody show how much expatriates who spend their time criticizing their new country are ridiculous,

Sorry but,

It's not out 'new country', as you said we're expats ......... not immigrants.

The Thai government doesn't want white foreigners living here full time, on any basis.

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Oh this displeases you that somebody show how much expatriates who spend their time criticizing their new country are ridiculous,

Sorry but,

It's not out 'new country', as you said we're expats ......... not immigrants.

The Thai government doesn't want white foreigners living here full time, on any basis.

Not my experience. Your source please.

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Oh this displeases you that somebody show how much expatriates who spend their time criticizing their new country are ridiculous,

Sorry but,

It's not out 'new country', as you said we're expats ......... not immigrants.

The Thai government doesn't want white foreigners living here full time, on any basis.

the reason of fearing foreigners. if farangs have access to own land, it' s the end for Thai people.

Thailand will become the puppet of the USA & European banks.

prices will go up, and we will all become modern slaves of corporatism.

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Oh this displeases you that somebody show how much expatriates who spend their time criticizing their new country are ridiculous,

Sorry but,

It's not out 'new country', as you said we're expats ......... not immigrants.

The Thai government doesn't want white foreigners living here full time, on any basis.

the reason of fearing foreigners. if farangs have access to own land, it' s the end for Thai people.

Thailand will become the puppet of the USA & European banks.

prices will go up, and we will all become modern slaves of corporatism.

Another one of those "if I had a nickel for every time someone repeats this"... What total nonsense. Legislatively created and regulated enclaves or zones in which foreigners would be able to own land, for personal residential use only, could easily be created so that there'd be no competition with local buyers. Outside these zones, and for any other purpose than their own residential use even within these zones, foreigners would still be unable to own land. Simple. This would both allow the Thai economy to benefit from foreign residential investment flows, and protect the Thai people from being outbid for land ownership generally.

But no. Better to keep everything on an eighteenth century basis. Just keep repeating the same old xenophobic nonsense over & over again. This is how Thailand expects to compete in the global community.

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Oh this displeases you that somebody show how much expatriates who spend their time criticizing their new country are ridiculous,

Sorry but,

It's not out 'new country', as you said we're expats ......... not immigrants.

The Thai government doesn't want white foreigners living here full time, on any basis.

the reason of fearing foreigners. if farangs have access to own land, it' s the end for Thai people.

Thailand will become the puppet of the USA & European banks.

prices will go up, and we will all become modern slaves of corporatism.

Another one of those "if I had a nickel for every time someone repeats this"... What total nonsense. Legislatively created and regulated enclaves or zones in which foreigners would be able to own land, for personal residential use only, could easily be created so that there'd be no competition with local buyers. Outside these zones, and for any other purpose than their own residential use even within these zones, foreigners would still be unable to own land. Simple. This would both allow the Thai economy to benefit from foreign residential investment flows, and protect the Thai people from being outbid for land ownership generally.

But no. Better to keep everything on an eighteenth century basis. Just keep repeating the same old xenophobic nonsense over & over again. This is how Thailand expects to compete in the global community.

Do you really think foreigners would be content with regulated zones. The Thais have got it right. Give the foreigners an inch and they'll want the whole pie. Just look at all the countries around the world being overrun with unwanted foreigners. Let us get a foothold in Thailand and we'll surely screw it up all to hell.

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Personal attack removed:

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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I admit, I have a strange way to compare countries but I compare the metro. I once took the dirty full of graffiti metro in Paris, dominated by gangs scaring and ripping off other passengers. Same in London, less in Moskou ( probably the most beautiful one in the world). In Bangkok the metro is clean, the people friendly, never felt a threat whatsoever. Sure things are not perfect and yes there are many things to criticize but for me the Thai scale still tips to the positive side.

The gangs are there, the threats are there, you just don't have the knowledge to see them.

Many foreigners have a false sense of security in Thailand, but the houses all have bars on the windows, and the younger women never go out alone at night.


You are 20x more likely to die on a trip to Thailand, than a trip to Europe.

I think that would depend on what sort of trip, on a road trip in Thailand driving a car or motorbike, I would agree, but on a backpacker trip, or using public transport and staying over night in hotels, then I would not agree.

Thailand gets savaged when one bad incident occurs, but bad incidents happen in every country in the world.

When I go back to Scotland I carry a weapon with me when I go out, I don't care about the law as my personal safety comes first.

No matter where I go in Thailand, whether it's Bangkok or Pattaya etc, there is no need to carry any weapon, as my safety has never been compromised.

Very true. I consider the statistical statement about the chances of dying here to be ridiculous babble. The most dangerous aspect is the roads. If you manage to stay safe on the roads and don't start a fight with some dumb kids or drunks, you are far, far safer than in the UK, the US, Oz, or many other places.

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I admit, I have a strange way to compare countries but I compare the metro. I once took the dirty full of graffiti metro in Paris, dominated by gangs scaring and ripping off other passengers. Same in London, less in Moskou ( probably the most beautiful one in the world). In Bangkok the metro is clean, the people friendly, never felt a threat whatsoever. Sure things are not perfect and yes there are many things to criticize but for me the Thai scale still tips to the positive side.

The gangs are there, the threats are there, you just don't have the knowledge to see them.

Many foreigners have a false sense of security in Thailand, but the houses all have bars on the windows, and the younger women never go out alone at night.


You are 20x more likely to die on a trip to Thailand, than a trip to Europe.

I think that would depend on what sort of trip, on a road trip in Thailand driving a car or motorbike, I would agree, but on a backpacker trip, or using public transport and staying over night in hotels, then I would not agree.

Thailand gets savaged when one bad incident occurs, but bad incidents happen in every country in the world.

When I go back to Scotland I carry a weapon with me when I go out, I don't care about the law as my personal safety comes first.

No matter where I go in Thailand, whether it's Bangkok or Pattaya etc, there is no need to carry any weapon, as my safety has never been compromised.

Very true. I consider the statistical statement about the chances of dying here to be ridiculous babble. The most dangerous aspect is the roads. If you manage to stay safe on the roads and don't start a fight with some dumb kids or drunks, you are far, far safer than in the UK, the US, Oz, or many other places.

Both the Australian government and the British foreign office have specified 20x more likely to die.

I'm sure you can find the stats for yourself.

If you wish to think, "it can't happen to me", just ask Hannah, or the guests of the Downtown Inn in CM.


Deaths of Britons in Thailand from all causes average 360 per year (out of 4,000 deaths abroad).

10% of all Britons murdered abroad, are murdered in Thailand, but only 0.6% of British visitors visit Thailand.


Strangely, deaths from murder, and deaths from all causes are around the same x17 more in Thailand.

(using 360 deaths in Thailand from 4,000 British deaths worldwide)

(using 10% of murders happen in Thailand from 0.6% of British visitors)

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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the reason of fearing foreigners. if farangs have access to own land, it' s the end for Thai people.

Thailand will become the puppet of the USA & European banks.

prices will go up, and we will all become modern slaves of corporatism.

Another one of those "if I had a nickel for every time someone repeats this"... What total nonsense. Legislatively created and regulated enclaves or zones in which foreigners would be able to own land, for personal residential use only, could easily be created so that there'd be no competition with local buyers. Outside these zones, and for any other purpose than their own residential use even within these zones, foreigners would still be unable to own land. Simple. This would both allow the Thai economy to benefit from foreign residential investment flows, and protect the Thai people from being outbid for land ownership generally.

But no. Better to keep everything on an eighteenth century basis. Just keep repeating the same old xenophobic nonsense over & over again. This is how Thailand expects to compete in the global community.

Do you really think foreigners would be content with regulated zones. The Thais have got it right. Give the foreigners an inch and they'll want the whole pie. Just look at all the countries around the world being overrun with unwanted foreigners. Let us get a foothold in Thailand and we'll surely screw it up all to hell.

MORE nonsense! Just laughable. If foreigners have no say or control over the prohibition in land ownership now - as they most assuredly do not - why would you even suggest they'd have any more control over prohibition on land ownership outside the zones??!! Pure xenophobic nearsightedness. 'Doesn't matter a twit what foreigners would or wouldn't be "content with", as they obviously don't make the laws in Thailand. Of all places on earth, they probably have the least influence over any domestic affairs in Thailand FPS!

Using that phobia logic, Thailand shouldn't be allowing any foreign visitors in Thailand at ALL!

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doesnt matter. I don't want Pattaya to become like Miami.

I don't want farangs buying land and building expensive hotels and take the best spot in Thailand and having poor Thai people forced to move inside the country with pigs and farms because they can not find any decent place at any decent price.

I don't want Thailand to become a place just for the multi millionaire who just want more and more and never give anything back to thai people.

we all know that very rich farangs will pay corrupt politicians to get what they want.

so no land for you. if you don't like it, leave. go buy land in Florida to live the American dream.

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the reason of fearing foreigners. if farangs have access to own land, it' s the end for Thai people.

Thailand will become the puppet of the USA & European banks.

prices will go up, and we will all become modern slaves of corporatism.

Another one of those "if I had a nickel for every time someone repeats this"... What total nonsense. Legislatively created and regulated enclaves or zones in which foreigners would be able to own land, for personal residential use only, could easily be created so that there'd be no competition with local buyers. Outside these zones, and for any other purpose than their own residential use even within these zones, foreigners would still be unable to own land. Simple. This would both allow the Thai economy to benefit from foreign residential investment flows, and protect the Thai people from being outbid for land ownership generally.

But no. Better to keep everything on an eighteenth century basis. Just keep repeating the same old xenophobic nonsense over & over again. This is how Thailand expects to compete in the global community.

Do you really think foreigners would be content with regulated zones. The Thais have got it right. Give the foreigners an inch and they'll want the whole pie. Just look at all the countries around the world being overrun with unwanted foreigners. Let us get a foothold in Thailand and we'll surely screw it up all to hell.

MORE nonsense! Just laughable. If foreigners have no say or control over the prohibition in land ownership now - as they most assuredly do not - why would you even suggest they'd have any more control over prohibition on land ownership outside the zones??!! Pure xenophobic nearsightedness. 'Doesn't matter a twit what foreigners would or wouldn't be "content with", as they obviously don't make the laws in Thailand. Of all places on earth, they probably have the least influence over any domestic affairs in Thailand FPS!

Using that phobia logic, Thailand shouldn't be allowing any foreign visitors in Thailand at ALL!

Now, that wouldn;t make good $en$e, would it. And, they're better able to keep their own countries customs alive. I had a layover in Heathrow so took the train out for a look, not knowing where I was hopped off for a bite and I might as well have been in Dubai or Bahrain. Go to the states with 12 plus million illegals and anyone of them can buy any property anytime if they have the money, no questiuons asked.

Laugh all you want.

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Not to be misleading what I am really referring to is the people who have nothing good to say about Thailand and bash the Thai's at every opportunity. It has always been a point of interest to me. Just seems to make no sense unless they are employed by a foreign company and are told Thailand or no job. That I understand.

One reason I have considered was they were unacceptable where they came from and the Thai's accept them here. Any one got other thoughts on the subject. Mine is just an idea and can only be answered by the people them selves which is highly improbable.

wish I worked for a company that would pack me off to BKK [emoji106]
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  • 3 weeks later...

Because I can, I am currently back in Sydney working and when I tell people I live in Thailand they say I am living the dream, in fact one young lad I am working with has said he wants to retire to Thailand when he is 40 and he has never been to Thailand.

I never liked the word retirement. If this young guy wants to visit Thailand he should do it now. He may be dead tomorrow. Do it today.

Thailand is a great place to visit. I don't know about living here though. I was in Bangkok for almost a year, and I was glad to move away at the end of my stay. Now, I'm back in amazing America. The land of the home and free.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

Edited by benj005
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Ditto re Bangkok

It's a bit too much after a while imo. I was a bit rose tinted and thought Ekkamai would be a good compromise but it's all a bit hiso and faceless where I live. Add the traffic and general Bangkok air quality and I'm longing for a bit of Island life or perhaps Ayutthaya, to be close to Bkk

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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There are just as many reasons as there are people. You want common reasons as to why people live here and slag off Thailand.

I suspect one common reason people complain is due to the fact that they may not of understood Thailand before they arrived, since Thailand is so good at packaging.... controlling the press releases... Maintaining an image, now matter how far removed from reality... _________________________ (insert common reason here)

Once they've arrived and the haze is off, reality sinks in, and they begin to do the love/hate thing until they get fed up w/ the place.

If fact if you look at the myriad of blog posts and articles, over the years, about long term expats who gave up on Thailand, they all have a common thread.

They get tired of the culture, scams, lies, ever changing rules, racism, xenophobia.

Reasonable people are going to get tired of this anywhere they go. coffee1.gif

People understand Thailand. ITS bargirls and how much they cost. 2nd is Thailands world famous corruption.

I dont really get where Thailand is viewed as a Paradise. Before i got here i knew what it was about.

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I disagree with the notion that it is normal to bitch or go off on a rant about anything. It is extremely counterproductive, reinforces a negative feedback cycle and changes your neural pathways . The more you bitch the more negative you and your life become. I can’t help but believe, if I can live happily in Thailand for 40 years, others can too with a little effort.

I agree VF. Interestingly the few westerners I have met in my travels that are established are extremely content(as am I). IMHO if you stay off forums(or at least out of certain sections) you are less likely to be jaded by the relentless negativity nonsense posted. I enjoy dropping by TV infrequently as it can be fun reads but I typically do not have time to sit around on TV all the time and when I am on you have to have a very good "Filter" taking into account the posters personal disposition.

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I disagree with the notion that it is normal to bitch or go off on a rant about anything. It is extremely counterproductive, reinforces a negative feedback cycle and changes your neural pathways . The more you bitch the more negative you and your life become. I can’t help but believe, if I can live happily in Thailand for 40 years, others can too with a little effort.

I agree VF. Interestingly the few westerners I have met in my travels that are established are extremely content(as am I). IMHO if you stay off forums(or at least out of certain sections) you are less likely to be jaded by the relentless negativity nonsense posted. I enjoy dropping by TV infrequently as it can be fun reads but I typically do not have time to sit around on TV all the time and when I am on you have to have a very good "Filter" taking into account the posters personal disposition.

Ahhhhh. Yessss! 'Nothing like a good "be-more-like-me" trip. And what fun is it if you can't make a good mass ad hominem out of it!

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I disagree with the notion that it is normal to bitch or go off on a rant about anything. It is extremely counterproductive, reinforces a negative feedback cycle and changes your neural pathways . The more you bitch the more negative you and your life become. I can’t help but believe, if I can live happily in Thailand for 40 years, others can too with a little effort.

I agree VF. Interestingly the few westerners I have met in my travels that are established are extremely content(as am I). IMHO if you stay off forums(or at least out of certain sections) you are less likely to be jaded by the relentless negativity nonsense posted. I enjoy dropping by TV infrequently as it can be fun reads but I typically do not have time to sit around on TV all the time and when I am on you have to have a very good "Filter" taking into account the posters personal disposition.

Ahhhhh. Yessss! 'Nothing like a good "be-more-like-me" trip. And what fun is it if you can't make a good mass ad hominem out of it!

All depends on your personal disposition doesn't it? I behave the way I do because its how I am. I am not soliciting anyone to be like me nor is it some sort of "trip". The varying personalities on this site are interesting. However you can quickly single out the bitter, disgruntled, pissed off ones. That's the filter I mention.

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Better than a chip-on-shoulder-as-large-as-a-house trip

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, not much bling factor there, huh. Oh well, I gave up on being a fashion tree about 20 lbs ago. Now those inch-thick rose tints of yours DO make a fashion statement, don't they! thumbsup.gif

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