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Found some cleaners at Autobacs, most were too oily though and didn't clean well, I did find one that did well but never found it again, there were some US brands there, quite expensive but worked well, it's been a few years for me, check them out maybe they have new inventory. If it's an individual part and not the engine bay directly, I've found oven cleaner works really well, and so do brake parts cleaners also available at Autobacs, also mineral spirits which can be had at most hardware stores is also good and much safer then gasoline but a bit more expensive, all the same chemicals as most heavy duty cleaners.



Found some cleaners at Autobacs, most were too oily though and didn't clean well, I did find one that did well but never found it again, there were some US brands there, quite expensive but worked well, it's been a few years for me, check them out maybe they have new inventory. If it's an individual part and not the engine bay directly, I've found oven cleaner works really well, and so do brake parts cleaners also available at Autobacs, also mineral spirits which can be had at most hardware stores is also good and much safer then gasoline but a bit more expensive, all the same chemicals as most heavy duty cleaners.




You're welcome, give an update so the board can know if the info is still relevant in terms of Autobacs if you check them out? The other info is generic and can apply almost anywhere.


I download a picture of everything I want and often take the old or broken part with me. My success rate is improving! Somewhere up around 20% now. And what I can't get here I get online or ebay.

It's a strange country!


Most car wash people do a great job cleaning your engine. I don't know what they use but it works well. I don't do that often because I don't like the idea of high pressure washers spraying delicate parts and electronics even though they are usually well sealed.

If I could I would nip down to Halfords and buy a few cans of Gunk but the air-fare is a bit heavy.

Is there a good equivalent in LOS.?

What exactly are you contemplating cleaning? Cans of engine cleaner here are about 120 baht. It washes off with water just like Gunk. If you have a parts washer then Gunk is the stuff, but then the supplier of said parts washer should know what they use.

Purely technically, PMC is the importer http://pmcthailand.com.d1.host.applebred.net/?cat=71〈=en


You're welcome, give an update so the board can know if the info is still relevant in terms of Autobacs if you check them out? The other info is generic and can apply almost anywhere.

Found Sonax Engine Cleaner does make it a bit easier. Not cheap. 120 a can.


Yes, but where? Autobacs? FYI I never do THAT sort of cleaning on the engine out of the vehicle as I can't start and run it afterward, I do the wholesale cleaning before pulling it as then I can blow dry it with a blower and then start it and run it to temp to burn off the rest of the moisture and make sure all is good with no new issues like misses or whatever and then I pull it. That way I have no surprises when I put it back in and I can also work on a cleaner engine to begin with, but that's just me. Or is it an engine that's to be installed and came all gunked up? That's always a though one, especially if you have no history on the engine.


Yes, but where? Autobacs? FYI I never do THAT sort of cleaning on the engine out of the vehicle as I can't start and run it afterward, I do the wholesale cleaning before pulling it as then I can blow dry it with a blower and then start it and run it to temp to burn off the rest of the moisture and make sure all is good with no new issues like misses or whatever and then I pull it. That way I have no surprises when I put it back in and I can also work on a cleaner engine to begin with, but that's just me. Or is it an engine that's to be installed and came all gunked up? That's always a though one, especially if you have no history on the engine.

Local spares and bits shop, haven't come across Autobacs near me.

Engine is out as its one of a couple of total rebuild jobs I'm doing. I can't see the point of completely rebuilding a car and putting a dirty engine back in even though its a very good unit, rebuilt a couple of years ago and runs well.


You can find Gunk in Thailand from Lazada.co.th as well as Big-C and Tesco.. it will be hit or miss finding some on the shelf but I have purchased it from the before mentioned shops.


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