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Turkey says no cooperation from Thailand in bomb probe


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Turkey Says No Cooperation from Thailand in Bomb Probe
By Khaosod English

Officers raid a Min Buri apartment building earlier this month on a tip that a bombing suspect had been there. They found chemicals used to make drugs but not bombs.

BANGKOK — Turkish officials refuted claims from Thai police that the two nations were cooperating in the investigation of last month’s bomb attack in Bangkok.

Turkey’s embassy in Bangkok yesterday denied that Thai police have reached out to Turkish authorities about a key suspect who reportedly fled to Turkey, contradicting claims by Thai officials the two nations were cooperating on the matter.

“Up to now this Embassy has not been contacted by Thai authorities in this respect, and we do not have information concerning the investigation,” read yesterday’s statement from the embassy.

A spokesman from Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also quoted saying Thailand has ignored requests for information regarding suspects who reportedly fled to Turkey or were Turkish nationals.

“We have not officially received any information about this subject from Thailand," Tanju Bilgic said in a weekly press briefing yesterday in Ankara, Turkey, according to Reuters.

Thai officials have been uncomfortable acknowledging the increasingly international links the investigation has turned up, including a roster of foreign suspects including Turkish and Chinese nationals.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1442396032

-- Khaosod English 2015-09-16

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Keystone Cops.

Embarrassment at obvious incompetence blendss seamlessly into outright lies.

That's the way to get foreign countries to help you...

Oh, Sorry. Typo.

That's the Thai way to get foreign countries to help you...

Edited by AnnieT
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This is again anther kick in the nether regions for Thailand.

Unless of course Turkey is lying and what the authorities have been telling the public has in fact been the truth.........................rolleyes.gif

Seems like somebody's finger has slipped off the pulse somewhere along the line.

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This is the Facebook page of the Turkish Embassy. They haven't even been contacted once about the suspect who allegedly fled to Turkey. We've done our part, we issued an official note asking for the identity of the suspect, they haven't even provided that. Thailand is a joke! You say that the bombers have ties to Turkey but you refuse to cooperate, this is koh tao v2

Edited by Lukecan
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Why the surprise?

This is standard operating procedure for the BiB. issue a statement, the local media will run with it with no verification. If they do check and find it is in error, then they "granjie" the authority figures and do not say anything about it. As it is this took the Turkish embassy making a statement and likely not all Thai media will report it.

Doubt and unpleasant worries are not a part of Thailand's Fourth Estate!

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Thai authorities obviously want this case blamed on a farang who can't be caught then closed because if these people didn't do it, the alternatives will cause trouble.

If it is really Muslims from the South, it is a big change from the current situation which would demand some action which will start a series of escalations.

If they blame the red-shirts, the propoganda machine will churn out the 'elite lies' patter, the gullible masses will believe it, coaches will be paid for and some paid thugs (probably more mercenary's) will be issued with M79's. The more extreme of those here keep telling us about their communist revolution - coming soon - and people behind these things always engineer an "event" like this to use as their excuse.

Best to pin it on some farang then stick the head back in the sand. It will all go away once reforms are complete and elections are held. Not.

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Keystone Cops.

Embarrassment at obvious incompetence blendss seamlessly into outright lies.

That's the way to get foreign countries to help you...

Oh, Sorry. Typo.

That's the Thai way to get foreign countries to help you...

Don't worry! They will make some press release about not signing some official request or some other BS to justify why they lied about seeking help already. Look out folks here comes "The Blame Game"
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The international community appears to have chewed through its muzzle. They might be able to control the press in country, but outside of the borders? Yeah... inquiring minds won't be silenced.

I'm all for letting them work their way through the investigation, but it seems to be nothing but panem et circenses right now.

Edited by Bellacissa
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I'm sure this all a misunderstanding. After all, Somyot, RTP and the border immigration officers would never try to stifle an investigation in exchange for the payment of some tea money, would they? 2 weeks and counting for Somyot's retirement. I'm certain he just needed one last large payout to finance his retirement at a Poipet casino.

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Thai authorities obviously want this case blamed on a farang who can't be caught then closed because if these people didn't do it, the alternatives will cause trouble.

If it is really Muslims from the South, it is a big change from the current situation which would demand some action which will start a series of escalations.

If they blame the red-shirts, the propoganda machine will churn out the 'elite lies' patter, the gullible masses will believe it, coaches will be paid for and some paid thugs (probably more mercenary's) will be issued with M79's. The more extreme of those here keep telling us about their communist revolution - coming soon - and people behind these things always engineer an "event" like this to use as their excuse.

Best to pin it on some farang then stick the head back in the sand. It will all go away once reforms are complete and elections are held. Not.

Turks aren't really "farang".

A bombing committed by a "farang" in Thailand? You've got to be kidding me,

The actual evidence is clear. It's been clear all along when the first theories came out. Uyghurs (Chinese nationals) and Turks, who declare their country as the supposed "homeland" of the Uyghurs.

Nothing to do with "farangs" in the slightest, unless you are implying that the term "farang" means foreigner in general.

Doesn't look like you've done much reading of the news to still be coming up with these other theories.

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Kudos for the Turks for bringing this most embarrassing of facts to light. By revealing this, they are demonstrating the kind of courage Thailand lacked when they repatriated the Uighurs. Again, a foreign nation showing Thailand how to man up. Nice. Only black eyes and repeated humiliation on the world stage will bring about real progress and effective change here. Not the false and fake progress Little P. keeps ranting about

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Let me guess: the RTP is much too afraid the Turkish authorities might be compromitting their truckloads of loose theories, and, maybe, who knows, point at the 'local' (I mean Thai) links without which the bombings, would not, could not, have happened... And, further up, the inexcusable deportation of the Uighurs back to the Chinese human rights' heralds (NOT!), instead of making an 'arrangement' with Turkey (the, actively courted, 'big brother''s name is China...). More so, that when Turkey would get involved, it might in its stride divulge the names of, other, 'big brass', both green and brown, and 'influencial people' who were/are involved in human trafficking! This should, of course, be avoided, as the, utterly perverted and corrupt, 'system', running this country, must be kept in place, at all cost! All only IMO, naturally...

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It has been many days now since we first read about the Turkish suspect (maybe a real Turkish national or a non-Turkish guy using a fake Turkish passport) with a Thai wife. Has Thailand formally asked for Turkey to send this guy to Thailand ? Has the help of Interpol been requested ?

And, what about the bomber (the guy with the yellow t-shirt ) ? Is he one of the people detained ? I guess the answer is no. Well, has he been identified at all ? Any clues to where he might be now ?

Why has there been no claim of responsibility at all ?

So many questions to ponder on.

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Perhaps the Thai Embassy in Turkey contacted the government there, as they might be able to provide assistance, rather than the Thai government contacting the Turkish Embassy in Thailand, which probably can't help in an investigation in Turkey.

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