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Thai pedophile teacher arrested after tip off from US feds


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crickey .......... BIB are on the ball !

but the officer is pointing to the ceiling ..... he probably hasn't done the PR photo shoot training coarse yet ... whistling.gif

I don't know why this is so amusing with every identity photograph. In courtrooms in the states the victims are also required to point to the offenders in the courtrooms. No one in attendance bursts into laughter.

Because in a court of law it is done to establish the fact that the accused is able to identify the person they are testifying against and thus strengthen the prosecutions case.

No pictures are allowed to be taken in the courtroom and splashed all over the front pages of the press the next day before any guilty verdict has been reached. (At least I think that's the case).

Here it's just a photo op where the accused is named and shamed before any sort of trial has taken place.

"I think"?. So you don't know something for sure but feel the need to engage in debate? You sound stupid. It's their process to take a pic and point. There is nothing funny about crime and victimization. You should be quiet when you don't "know" what you are taking about.

Ok. I assert that is the case...good enough for you?

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"Ok. I assert that is the case...good enough for you?"

No. You assert, believe, think, suppose...none of which qualify you to speak on this with any authority. Are you deliberately being obtuse or do you suffer some disability?

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"Ok. I assert that is the case...good enough for you?"

No. You assert, believe, think, suppose...none of which qualify you to speak on this with any authority. Are you deliberately being obtuse or do you suffer some disability?

Disability? Oh dear, says a lot about your lack of thought process.

Nothing obtuse about what I wrote while sober.

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Agree most of the child abusers in the UK are white,though not surprising when you consider that most of the population is also white.

What I took exception to was your distortion of the truth regarding Rotherham.

You stated

75 suspects ,absolute bull shit.

10 white, again bull shit.

5 Caribbean ,again bull shit.

Why do you make this figures up?

Now in your latest post you again insinuate that not all the perpetrators were Muslim, again you are wrong, at least in regards to those convicted and are know about and are still being investigated into the events in Rotherham.

So your answer is to call me an Islamophobic, perhaps you have not read today's Guardian, were there is an article regarding sexual abuse within south Asian families in the Uk ( again read Muslim) so you will now be calling the Guardian Islamophobic. Best of luck with that one.

And the only reason they got away with it for so long was because people inc police did not want the big racist card thrown at them, but they knew all along,

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why does he get to have his face blurred ?

the taxi driver rapist was shown to the public just yesterday as he was been accused ??

1 rule for some ........eh ?

it is an American Thai, his pic is not blurred here:


"'It' is an American Thai"

Well spoken, it is not human!!

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Whilst I agree with the sentiment directed towards this individual I do not think we can blame Thai society. The last few years have seen many reports of paedophile rings and abuse in Western culture/society. Belgium had a very highly organized system several years ago, UK has had the recent abuse cases in Rotherham plus the historical events committed by 'celebs' some 20-30 years ago; and Austria's family in the basement was not too long ago.

It is an indication of the need to constantly protect children no matter where or who you are, and I am pretty sure that 99.99% of any population have that goal. The remainder are sexual predators who not only know they are wrong but also work out how to beat the system and feed their perverted desires.

Its ALL about the SIC Thai society mate ! No doubt that this "teacher" is a powerfull guy with a lot of connections. Why else would the parents and coppers kept silent for a decade !?

Feed them more of those daily brainless soaps where people learn that the SHIT on that is part of the culture in Thailand... Isnt it becoming time that the PM keeps the Thai people happy in a CIVIL way instead loading them every week with a bunch of crap ? coffee1.gif

Poor people. Girls going to be a comfort provider anyways. Might as well get a head start.

You people from the west living poor in the vilaage is no cup of TEA.

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And not one parent went to the Police. Says it all really about Thai families doesn't it, anyone can be bought...and cheaply at that.

Or perhaps it says more about the general lack of faith of the local population in the justice system and the ability of the rich and powerful to avoid

punishment. As a parent they may think they have absolutely no chance of achieving justice for their child as the perpetrator will, on many occasions, buy a way out of the charges and not face the court. People may reach the inescapable conclusion that the best they can hope for is compensation.

Tragic I agree, but when you have no hope what are you to do?

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  • 5 months later...

In the USA, the likelihood of abusing children, sexually and otherwise, follows this race ranking...American indians...Blacks...are much more likely to abuse children than all other races...despite being a minority, Black children are about 50% more likely to be abused than their White peers...

for hispanics...the rate of child abuse is equal to their representation in the population...

Whites are about 50% less likely to abuse...

and Asians are the least likely to abuse...

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In the USA, the likelihood of abusing children, sexually and otherwise, follows this race ranking...American indians...Blacks...are much more likely to abuse children than all other races...despite being a minority, Black children are about 50% more likely to be abused than their White peers...

for hispanics...the rate of child abuse is equal to their representation in the population...

Whites are about 50% less likely to abuse...

and Asians are the least likely to abuse...

do you have a scientific link or is this just your opinion?
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