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Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim


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It's the name his parents gave him. He had no say in the matter, just like the rest of us. His choice of faith however he did have a say in. You seem to be as bigoted as Trump, scoring some cheap political/personal points on the strength of a man's given name.

Who wants this racist to be leader of the free world?

Getting angry and lashing out is not the hallmark of a gentleman….did you miss your bingo game today…or some medication perhaps….I never said obama is a muslim…show me if I did….I said anyone with the name Hussein somewhere in their name should be prepared to answer a question about whether they are muslim or not.

That is a fact that few but the extremely blinkered will deny.

No need to be rude.

Yes, you are responsible. You wrote it, and the inference was perfectly clear.
Obama has answered the question many times. He's a Christian. So why do you keep asking the question? What is your purpose..the same as Trump's?..the same as the bigoted man at Trump's rally?
More to the point, if one day there were a Muslim POTUS, how does it matter?
One of the admirable achievements of the founding fathers was the separation of state and religion. That's why the Pilgrim Fathers fled Britain..to escape religious persecution. Trump seems to want to reignite it, by scapegoating his way to the Presidency, jumping on the racist bandwagon making Muslims, a mere 0.8% of the US population, the boogeyman.
Edited by dexterm
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It's the name his parents gave him. He had no say in the matter, just like the rest of us. His choice of faith however he did have a say in. You seem to be as bigoted as Trump, scoring some cheap political/personal points on the strength of a man's given name.

Who wants this racist to be leader of the free world?

Getting angry and lashing out is not the hallmark of a gentleman….did you miss your bingo game today…or some medication perhaps….I never said obama is a muslim…show me if I did….I said anyone with the name Hussein somewhere in their name should be prepared to answer a question about whether they are muslim or not.

That is a fact that few but the extremely blinkered will deny.

No need to be rude.

Yes, you are responsible. You wrote it, and the inference was perfectly clear.
He has answered the question many times. He's a Christian. So why do you keep asking the question? What is your purpose?
More to the point, if one day there were a Muslim POTUS, how does it matter? One of the admirable achievements of the founding fathers was the separation of state and religion. That's why the Pilgrim Fathers fled Britain..to escape religious persecution. Trump seems to want to reignite it, by scapegoating his way to the Presidency.

Enough…..you need to go back and read my post #27.

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Obama's birth father was a Muslim who at the age of six converted to Christianity, eventually declaring himself as an atheist. After divorcing Obama's mother, later married a Jewish woman in the US.


Obama: ‘My Father Was Born A Muslim


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I've been waiting for the correct response, but it appears no one here has a memory longer than their "johnson"...

Trump was the person that badgered the Obama administration until they released a copy of Obama's birth certificate... You know, the one that was proven to be a forgery in the first 15 minutes after it was released... Trump has his doubts about Obama's origins, like many, but it appears his handlers have finally gotten him to think before be blurts out his true thoughts in front of a camera... At this point it matters little where Obama came from as he is a lame duck and will be out of office soon enough... Unfortunately his legacy will be felt by those he swore to protect for years to come...

EDIT: Add link showing where Obama's own attorney admits the birth certificate was a forgery...


Edited by Loptr
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" a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim "

We have members here who assert the same falsehood.

He's been the best POTUS of most of our lifetimes.

Is he hated and called the worst POTUS ever? Sure. There was a crow that hated LBJ for giving civil rights, another that hated Eisenhower for enforcing Brown v. Board of Ed and there were plenty of those that hated Lincoln for Emancipation Proclamation. So this is nothing new.

When they can't beat him (they tried twice), they just call him names. It's part of being a loser!

I would really like to understand your thought process on why he is the best POTUS in your lifetime... On one point alone he is a disaster, which is the national debt... When he took office, US debt was roughly $9 trillion USD... Today, it is over $18 trillion USD, which is a greater expansion of national debt than by all previous presidents combined... If that is your measure of success, then I assert your priorities are way out of whack...

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It's the name his parents gave him. He had no say in the matter, just like the rest of us. His choice of faith however he did have a say in. You seem to be as bigoted as Trump, scoring some cheap political/personal points on the strength of a man's given name.

Who wants this racist to be leader of the free world?

Getting angry and lashing out is not the hallmark of a gentleman….did you miss your bingo game today…or some medication perhaps….I never said obama is a muslim…show me if I did….I said anyone with the name Hussein somewhere in their name should be prepared to answer a question about whether they are muslim or not.

That is a fact that few but the extremely blinkered will deny.

No need to be rude.

Yes, you are responsible. You wrote it, and the inference was perfectly clear.
Obama has answered the question many times. He's a Christian. So why do you keep asking the question? What is your purpose..the same as Trump's?..the same as the bigoted man at Trump's rally?
More to the point, if one day there were a Muslim POTUS, how does it matter?
One of the admirable achievements of the founding fathers was the separation of state and religion. That's why the Pilgrim Fathers fled Britain..to escape religious persecution. Trump seems to want to reignite it, by scapegoating his way to the Presidency, jumping on the racist bandwagon making Muslims, a mere 0.8% of the US population, the boogeyman.

The infamous Joseph Goebbels understood why this particular lie is kept going.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

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first Obama is attacked because of a sermon his Pastor at the Trinity United Church of Christ made , which Obama denounce,

when this did not stick, they made him a Muslim. So which is it. Christian? or Muslim?you cant have it both ways And Trump did not hear what the man said to him?

He heard it good enough to reply, he only missed the Muslim and the not american part,cheesy.gif just because his following are idiots, he must think we are all idiots. Personally I cant wait for him to be president because He said " when he is president we will have many victories, so many victories, that we will get tired of victories, and they will be good victories"cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

wait,wait cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Trump if he ever wins to be POTUS would absolutely be the next idiot on world stage and bring the foreign relations of USA to a new low

What a loser and typical show bashing loud mouthed American ..stick to TV shows

typical show bashing loud mouthed American .

A far out post from a far away state of mind.

One-third of all registered voters are Republicans and Trump has varying degrees of support among one-third of those. There's an ancient word of wisdom about not jumping to conclusions.

Yes, Trump supporters are essentially America's fenqing but then no other country quite have the fenqing the CCP China have. (粪青)

The two-party system in the USA will sort this out in the longer term which means that sooner or later the rational mainstream democratic society will prevail, thx.


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well you are gonna be inviting such questions if you write your name as Barack Hussein Obama

You're going to be inviting questions whether you write your name as...

Barack H. Obama

B.H. Obama

Barack Hussein Obama

B. Hussein Obama

The only real question is how others respond to it. So those who start throwing stuff against a wall to see what might stick are immediately suspect.

I first heard of Senator Barack Obama of Illinois. The rest of my accurate and true knowledge was acquired only after I starting hearing splats against a wall. Which means I came to immediately recognize the splats for what they are, i.e., shit.

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I share many of the priorities on your top 10 list, but you didn't answer the question, which was why you think Obama is the best POTUS in your lifetime...

1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon

2. Equal Rights for LBGT

3. Obamacare works beautifully for my spouse

4. My 401k is a lot better today than it was in October 2008.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

6. The economy. His gamble on TARP and his plan is working.. the economy is recovering.. slowly but surely compared to Europe/ China/ Russia/ Brazil.. they would kill to be in the United States shoes right now. We're definitely not losing 750,000 jobs a month.. we're adding 200k or more consistently.

7. Anti-War Stance and getting out of Iraq

8. Opening Cuba

9. The alternative is just obstruct obstruct obstruct and do nothing except preaching trickle down economics which convincing suckers at the bottom of the economic pyramid they can make money when the only one's making anything are those at the top, kill food stamps, pell grants, medicare, medicaid, privatize social security, education, pensions, get cronies to run it into the ground, lower taxes for the 1% while raising sales taxes, tolls, fees and then rail on and on how government doesn't work.

I would like the next POTUS to continue progressive policies and try to be even better than Obama has been.

Hopefully it's Bernie Sanders!

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" a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim "

We have members here who assert the same falsehood.

Obama isn't a Muslim in the same way that Blair wasn't a Catholic.

Neither could hold their position if their true religion had been made public.

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It doesn't matter whether Obama is a Muslim or not ... Donald Trump has no obligation to correct an attendee at a political rally .. If that was the case how any other subjects would arise that a Political candidate is supposed to correct something someone says in a Town Hall political rally .. total hit piece rubbish.

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I've been waiting for the correct response, but it appears no one here has a memory longer than their "johnson"...

Trump was the person that badgered the Obama administration until they released a copy of Obama's birth certificate... You know, the one that was proven to be a forgery in the first 15 minutes after it was released... Trump has his doubts about Obama's origins, like many, but it appears his handlers have finally gotten him to think before be blurts out his true thoughts in front of a camera... At this point it matters little where Obama came from as he is a lame duck and will be out of office soon enough... Unfortunately his legacy will be felt by those he swore to protect for years to come...

EDIT: Add link showing where Obama's own attorney admits the birth certificate was a forgery...



I feel like I just watched another Trump rally where his hard core was able to ask more questions from their twilights with the gods. blink.png

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Well, I thought being a muslim was just a nice, good, ordinary typical thing. No harm in that. So why would anybody be offended? That is what Obama keeps preaching. You would think from the reaction on this thread that being called a muslim is like being called a child molester or something. Hmmm. That couldn't be because it is, is it?

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Why should Trump defend Obama?

Is being a Muslim a crime?

Would my neighbor defend me, if another neighbor claims I am Buddhist?

Good point! Do the liberals jumping on the indignation bandwagon realize they are tacitly implying Islam is more problematic than any other religion. If so they have got something right, for once.
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It doesn't matter whether Obama is a Muslim or not ... Donald Trump has no obligation to correct an attendee at a political rally .. If that was the case how any other subjects would arise that a Political candidate is supposed to correct something someone says in a Town Hall political rally .. total hit piece rubbish.

Sen John McCain in 2008 corrected a wingnut tea party old woman at a town hall style gathering who took the microphone to say he didn't trust Sen Obama, that she'd heard he is an "Arab." (Horrors laugh.png )

Sen McCain immediately corrected the dingbat. That is the responsible and proper course of action which Trump fell down on completely and entirely. Trump fell down on it because this fellow crackpot at the rally is Trump's own creation as a loud and strident Birther. These are at the core of Trump's support in this political campaign so Trump needs these rightwingnut lunar modules who because they share his extremist views are his political base of support. Trump is a self-styled whore.

That the Republican party establishment is upset and in a tizzy over the Trump campaign's successes makes Trump the monster the R party fed while Trump was running around the country saying Barack Obama was born in Kenya, not the United States. To paraphrase, the Republican party's turkeys are coming home to roost and the Republican party are themselves getting stuffed.

Which is why the Republican party next election will lose and it will lose big time.

Edited by Publicus
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It doesn't matter whether Obama is a Muslim or not ... Donald Trump has no obligation to correct an attendee at a political rally .. If that was the case how any other subjects would arise that a Political candidate is supposed to correct something someone says in a Town Hall political rally .. total hit piece rubbish.

John McCain behaved differently. He stood up for what he believed in despite the audience boos and I greatly admire his decency for doing so, because he could see the ugly racist intent of the questioner. Trump did not because he shares that ugly racist intent.The man is despicable.

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Why should Trump defend Obama?

Is being a Muslim a crime?

Would my neighbor defend me, if another neighbor claims I am Buddhist?

Good point! Do the liberals jumping on the indignation bandwagon realize they are tacitly implying Islam is more problematic than any other religion. If so they have got something right, for once.

It is not the Muslim religion per se, which is what the coordinated right is missing here in a sudden burst of posting and mutual praise.

The guy at the rally said Muslims have training camps where Muslims are training to kill Americans.

The Trump supporter lunar module asking the questions wanted to know further what The Donald wuz going to do to shut down the camps. What The Donald was going to do to deal with the offending (supposed) Muslims in their (alleged) camps.

This is in fact the only point in the lunatic guy's statement the Trump campaign acknowledges and addresses. The Trump campaign is saying The Donald is against Muslim training camps if they exist, where Muslims if they are Muslims are training to kill Americans if that is what Muslims might be doing in any such places that may exist. And that Trump wuz going to look into it is all Trump said.

There is no discussion here of Islam either way and much less of Buddhism or Christianity etc.

The thread is about the crackpot Trump rightwing lunatic and his madhouse remarks against supposed Muslims in supposed training camps etc etc The rightwing crackpot did not identify on camera any locations of such camps, nor did he cite a source which almost surely would be a well funded mass of rightwing media source.

This is not a discussion of Muslims per se or of Islam per se. Do try to keep up over there on the ideological agenda driven anti-Muslim right.

Edited by Publicus
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Well, I thought being a muslim was just a nice, good, ordinary typical thing. No harm in that. So why would anybody be offended? That is what Obama keeps preaching. You would think from the reaction on this thread that being called a muslim is like being called a child molester or something. Hmmm. That couldn't be because it is, is it?

The thread is about Trump and his national brigade of tinfoil hat, hard-eyed crackpot tea party extremists and other lunar orbiting rightwingers who want to build a wall to create their warped fortress America inside of which the trains will run on time to deport 11 million people whose language and ethnicity they disapprove of forcefully, to include deporting or otherwise purging from the land other Americans of a certain religion, Muslims.

This is not about being a Muslim.

It is about rightwing crackpot Trump supporters and that Trump was the highest profile Birther of 'em all, the guy who wants to be the nominee of the Republican party for POTUS. And about the Republican party.

That's what.

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" a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim "

We have members here who assert the same falsehood.

Obama isn't a Muslim in the same way that Blair wasn't a Catholic.

Neither could hold their position if their true religion had been made public.

and what is their true religion? Edited by micmichd
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Many months ago, readers began asking me whether Barack Obama is Muslim. Since he identifies as a Christian, I said, “no,” and responded that he was not raised by his Kenyan father.

But, then, I decided to look further into Obama’s background. His full name–as by now you have probably heard–is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali’s son–Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim.

And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that’s not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he’s a Christian, but they do not

By Debbie Schlussel

Yeah, because Debbie Schlussel knows all about Islam, unfortunately for her she now looks a complete fool as anyone who knows about the religion knows that in order to REMAIN a Muslim they have to pray Salat and it would certainly be easier to stop being a Muslim than continue as stopping does not actually require doing anything at all!

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