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Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim


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The Washington Post discusses Trump's off the wall tweeted claims of polling. The link is below as the community prohibited my posting any charts or graphs of the various polling data in the Post article.

The long and the short of it is that Trump will get away with whatever he can get away with claiming or doing. The support of minorities claim is the same as the rest of his claims, as the Post points out.

A poll shows Donald Trump doing well with black voters. About thathttp://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/09/09/about-that-poll-showing-donald-trump-doing-well-with-black-voters/
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I would really, really like to see a poll/polls, who/what was responsible for them and how they were worded that says Trump has 25% of African Americans and 31% of the Hispanic voters too. Have a link or a names? I envision 0% of Americans with more than one working brain cell would vote for the leader of the clown bus.

It says black voters. What percent of blacks and or Mexicans vote? Old white people 100% vote. Trump is throwing away the minority and illegal and Muslim vote in favor of cloudy day (not rainbow) Americans. My wife just asked me who was going to win and do Americans really not mind Iranians shouting death to Americans. Trump by a small margin because Americans really don't like Iranians shouting death to America and the flood of illegal immigrants across the border. This may be the last election that is controlled by people actually born in America.

Edited by lostoday
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Old white people do not vote 100%, don't know where you got that lie. I probably would be considered "old" now and I have never nor never will vote for a Republican, neither will many others I know. So even "old people" do not all vote for the worst of the 2 evils. Minorities, the poor, college students vote, although their vote has been greatly suppressed by gerrymandering and voter suppression by the Republicans because they tend to vote for Democrats. Republicans have admited that. There is no voter fraud, no illegals voting, none, nada, zero, zip, never has been, just another right wing lie. Publicas thanks for that polling info, very suspect that one poll that the Donald is using. The entire clown bus contains some of the most dangerous people in the US today, hope the Donald runs it and the entire wacko traitorous teabaggin party of the cliff, a very high cliff.

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Old white people do not vote 100%, don't know where you got that lie. I probably would be considered "old" now and I have never nor never will vote for a Republican, neither will many others I know. So even "old people" do not all vote for the worst of the 2 evils. Minorities, the poor, college students vote, although their vote has been greatly suppressed by gerrymandering and voter suppression by the Republicans because they tend to vote for Democrats. Republicans have admited that. There is no voter fraud, no illegals voting, none, nada, zero, zip, never has been, just another right wing lie. Publicas thanks for that polling info, very suspect that one poll that the Donald is using. The entire clown bus contains some of the most dangerous people in the US today, hope the Donald runs it and the entire wacko traitorous teabaggin party of the cliff, a very high cliff.

I didn't say old people vote Republican. I said all old people vote. biggrin.png I'd call you some names too but I'm not a democrat and don't resort to that kindergarten stuff.

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I didn't call you names, and you don't want to play in my "kindergarten". I said all old people (don't) vote and where ever you got that lie from it is just that, a lie. Yours is a typical right wing response, change the subject and attack the poster. There have been some indications that the muslim/Obama hater was a "plant". Not proven and that is yet to be determined. One way or the other, the Donald has exposed for all the world, that didn't already know, just how ugly the Republican party is. Drive Donald, drive, pedal to the medal and take the clown bus and all it's supporters with it over a very high cliff.

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I didn't call you names, and you don't want to play in my "kindergarten". I said all old people (don't) vote and where ever you got that lie from it is just that, a lie. Yours is a typical right wing response, change the subject and attack the poster. There have been some indications that the muslim/Obama hater was a "plant". Not proven and that is yet to be determined. One way or the other, the Donald has exposed for all the world, that didn't already know, just how ugly the Republican party is. Drive Donald, drive, pedal to the medal and take the clown bus and all it's supporters with it over a very high cliff.

Trump is largely representative of the Republican party and their voters.

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Arabic numerals, also Hindu-Arabic numerals, are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and are the most common symbolic representation of numbers in the world today.

Another case of Arab cultural appropriation. The system in place today is an Indian based numeric system, which the Arabs borrowed. Like much of the philosophy, medicine, and science they claim to have invented but which in fact was appropriated from Byzantine and other Christian lands.

As I made clear in a previous post, the Indian system had already been "borrowed" off the ancient Egyptians but none of the systems previous to the Arabic system are actually anything like what is in place today, we just know that was the evolutionary path.

I thought the Byzantines just passed on ancient Greek knowledge to the Arabs and translated Islamic science, maths and astronomy into Greek? What did the Byzantines invent?

The same standard of living as Thai generals.
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The right-wing are fond of saying that Muslims who don't speak out about Islamic extremism are supporting it by staying silent.

This means, unless they apply a double standard, that in their view Trump supports this redneck and his provocative lie and attitude.

Trump speaks for the Americans who don't like some religious leader shouting death to Americans while the current administration is giving them succor.

Edited by lostoday
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The right-wing are fond of saying that Muslims who don't speak out about Islamic extremism are supporting it by staying silent.

This means, unless they apply a double standard, that in their view Trump supports this redneck and his provocative lie and attitude.

Trump speaks for the Americans who don't like some religious leader shouting death to Americans while the current administration is giving them succor.

According to the OP, he supports (by not speaking) that what is wrong with America is Muslims, that there are camps of Muslims plotting to kill Americans, and that Obama is a Muslim.

I don't recall any mention of Iran. I doubt that the redneck who made the statements even knows where Iran is.

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The right-wing are fond of saying that Muslims who don't speak out about Islamic extremism are supporting it by staying silent.

This means, unless they apply a double standard, that in their view Trump supports this redneck and his provocative lie and attitude.

Trump speaks for the Americans who don't like some religious leader shouting death to Americans while the current administration is giving them succor.

According to the OP, he supports (by not speaking) that what is wrong with America is Muslims, that there are camps of Muslims plotting to kill Americans, and that Obama is a Muslim.

I don't recall any mention of Iran. I doubt that the redneck who made the statements even knows where Iran is.

Trump speaks for Americans who are tired of giving succor to Muslims at home and abroad when so many of that religion have an avowed goal to kill Americans, Western people and are trying to start another holy war. Trump is against the treaty with Iran as are most Americans who vote. I don't approve of Obama the same as 47% of Americans. 43% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim/CNN poll. I don't know how many voting Americans think Obama is a Muslim but I suspect it is the majority.

I think what Trump is doing makes sense to get him elected. Right or wrong makes little difference. He can do what he wants after the election. Presidents have a long history of changing after elections. Look at LBJ and the great society. He would never got elected if the country knew about that ahead of time.smile.png

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The AP is really desperate to re-pimp this one.

Joe 6-pack hardly makes an intelligent point much less one that demands a rebuttal. Trump realized his first question was coming from a Barney Gumble clone. Let him run out of steam, issue a Hillary Clinton non-answer answer, and move the hell on! Next!

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43% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim/CNN poll. I don't know how many voting Americans think Obama is a Muslim but I suspect it is the majority.

Nope. The CNN poll claimed 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim.

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43% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim/CNN poll. I don't know how many voting Americans think Obama is a Muslim but I suspect it is the majority.

Nope. The CNN poll claimed 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim.

You are correct but I really don't like you editing my posts because you are a sneaky fella. So In the future please quote my whole post because quoting small parts might change my meaning (especially to me)

So, it's not 43 it is 29. According to a CNN/ORC poll released Sunday, 29% of Americans polled think Obama is a Muslim, and 13% think he was born outside the United States.

Forty-three percent of the people polled who identify as Republicans said Obama is a Muslim, while only 15% of those who identify as Democrats agreed he is Muslim.

Of those who identify as Republicans, 20% of them said Obama was born outside the United States, while only 10% of those who identify as Democrats said he was born outside the United States.

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I don't think Trump thinks Obama is a Muslim didn't he say,"I don’t think Barack Obama is a Muslim. There, I said it. I do however think he is deeply anti-Christian, anti-American and indeed anti-Western. These are traits, I believe, that emanate from his socialist beliefs, rather than any Islamic ones."
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Heilemann Confirms: It Was Hillary Who Started Rumor Obama Not Christian

John Heilemann was a rather reluctant witness. But when called on to testify, so to speak, Heilemann confirmed a stunning fact: that during the 2008 presidential race, it was Hillary Clinton who started the rumor that Barack Obama might not be a Christian.


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Hussein is an ARABIC name and NOT a MUSLIM !!

Today most Arabs are Muslim, with a minority adhering to other faiths, largely Christianity, but also Druze and Baha'i. Arabs are generally Sunni, Shia or Sufi Muslims, but currently, 7.1 percent to 10 percent of Arabs are Arab Christians.

I reckon in his heart Obama is a Muslim.

Edited by uptheos
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Why do you keep posting articles from leftist publications expecting people to read that nonsense. It's nothing more than left-wing propaganda?

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Why do you keep posting articles from leftist publications expecting people to read that nonsense. It's nothing more than left-wing propaganda?

KOS is an obscure word that means False Propaganda ... :)

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Ah the old right wing tactic. attack the person or the source. My sources are good, no matter if you consider left wing or not, I don't. What's the matter, can't handle the truth? Trump is an idiot and a dangerous one at that along with the rest of the clown bus. Some people have fallen for right wing extremist propaganda, but there will never be enough to make one of the Republican clown car president. Trump couldn't get elected dawg catcher in a one dog town. Those that think Obama is a Muslim and/or born in Kenya have lost the plot. Newsbusters, oh crap, a creation of right wingnut Leo Brent Bozell III, just more right wing lying propaganda.

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It's one thing getting the popular vote of discontentment now, it's a whole different matter getting it on polling day.

The CNN debate saw a much wider participation by the other candidates, some with very polished speeches.

Trump has certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons.

I think Carson is alining himself with Trump. What a ticket that would be.

If nothing else, it was woken a sleeping giant in the electorate. Lets see if the momentum continues.

What happened to the Republican party? They always get some crazy person who likes to make outrageous comments and belittle minorities then wonder why they lose the presidential election. Last year they had Mick The Dick and now Donald The Trump Duck who can't seem to keep his big fat flap shut. Can you imagine a guy like Trump with the nuclear codes? I'm praying he is their nominee. Another landslide Democratic victory. Maybe Fox News anchor will be high on ganja this time...

Get used to it ... Trump will be the next President of the United States...

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