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Thailand Coup Leaders: Sexy Dancers Forbidden Near Tanks


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Thailand coup leaders: Sexy dancers forbidden near tanks

Thailand's military coup leaders may be losing their sense of humor.


BANGKOK: -- Five days after instructing soldiers to keep smiling, the ruling council decided Wednesday that there is a limit to how much fun soldiers should have.

They ruled that sexy dancers were forbidden near tanks and tourists were no longer permitted to handle weapons when posing for photographs with troops still deployed in Bangkok.

The military toppled Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a bloodless coup Sept. 19. As soon as the danger of violence subsided the troops mingled freely with residents and foreigners and their tanks became an instant tourist attraction. Hundreds had photos snapped of themselves posing with the soldiers.

At first the ruling generals turned a blind eye when a troupe of go-go dancers with naked midriffs and sexy camouflaged pants performed in front of the tanks to be followed the next day by dancers in traditional attire.

But on Wednesday, Deputy Supreme Commander Gen. Boonsang Niempradit said the go-go dancing was "not appropriate."

"We have to maintain the seriousness of the coup," said Lt. Gen. Palangoon Klaharn, a military spokesman. "The police should ensure that provocative performances are kept at a distance from soldiers while they are on duty."

Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. Saprang Kanlayanimatr, one of the major players in last week's coup, ordered the closure of the radio stations. He also ordered several former lawmakers and local politicians from Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party to report to him after the coup.

Maj. Gen. Thaweep Netniyom, a spokesman for the council, said a temporary constitution would be presented to King Bhumibol Adulyadej for approval "probably on Saturday evening," and the announcement of an interim prime minister would follow, probably on Sunday.

Former army commander Surayud Chulanont, a member of the king's inner circle of advisers, is considered a leading candidate for the job.

Asked Wednesday if he had been asked to take the premiership, Surayud told reporters, "No, not yet. But if they contact me, I would have to think about it because I am concerned about the political situation." He did not elaborate.

Surayud was a highly respected professional soldier who, after retirement, made it clear he had no political ambitions. But given his background, the appointment might be viewed by the international community as evidence the military wanted to steer the direction of the interim government.

On Tuesday, the military rulers announced they had written a draft of the temporary constitution appointing themselves advisers to any interim government, and hinted they might replace the ousted premier with an ex-military man.

The comments by coup leader Gen. Sondhi Boonyaratkalin were the first indication that military rulers do not plan to withdraw entirely from the political process _ a prospect that critics condemned as another blow to democracy.

The ruling military council has ordered political parties to halt all activities, warned media not to distribute news that could disturb the peace, and banned public gatherings of more than five people.

In an apparent attempt to appease its critics, the ruling military council late Tuesday named dozens of prominent civilians as its advisers _ although, in a public relations debacle, some said they hadn't been informed.

"I have not been consulted whatsoever. I have said that the coup is wrong. How can I serve on its advisory board?" said Chaiwat Satha-anand, who teaches political science at Bangkok's Thammasat University.

Asked why some appointees had not been contacted, military council spokesman Lt. Gen. Palangoon Klaharn said, "It is not necessary. Some matters are urgent."

Sondhi accused the former government of corruption and causing divisions in Thai society, and said at the time of the coup that a new civilian leader would be installed within two weeks - or by Oct. 4.

Sondhi said on Tuesday the council - which has shortened its English name to Council for Democratic Reform, dropping the earlier "under Constitutional Monarchy" - was narrowing down its candidates for premier, and suggested that former soldiers were also being considered.

--AP 2006-09-27

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Gen. Sondhi Boonyaratkalin noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say: “That's not it” and put it down again. This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested. The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from the army. The soldier picked it up, smiled and said: “That's it.”


Edited by englishoak
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I can see the logic in this.

They don't want all the guns on the tanks to be pointing skywards :o


the soldiers must stand to attention at all times and stay firm,

what use is a limp soldier

A fine upright body of men ... hope none lets off a round by mistake. :D

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I'm glad to see the Thai military insisting on respect for the coup. There's no reason why everything has to be a joke.

If military overlords decided it was time for the country to move to a new level of maturity, they might even shut down the go-go bars, it would just take 10 troops and 5 rolls of barbed wire to seal off Patpong, NEP and Cowboy. I wouldn't like that myself, - but still you never know.

I hear the bars were Police-controlled - well the Police seem to have largely been left out of this new deal, so sensitivity to shutting them would reduce commensurately.

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They ruled that sexy dancers were forbidden near tanks and tourists were no longer permitted to handle weapons when posing for photographs with troops still deployed in Bangkok.

That sounds like common sense to me .

Are the sexy dancers allowed to handle the troops weapons as long as they keep away from the tanks? :o

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I would imagine the post near soi cowboy would be a bit difficult between 6 and 7 pm as a parade of bar girls makes their way to work. It could result in some latent paralysis from frequent rapid movement of the neck.

Well maybe.But don't forget the bar girls in Soi Cowboy would not be considered attractive or sexy by the average Thai male.

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I would imagine the post near soi cowboy would be a bit difficult between 6 and 7 pm as a parade of bar girls makes their way to work. It could result in some latent paralysis from frequent rapid movement of the neck.

Well maybe.But don't forget the bar girls in Soi Cowboy would not be considered attractive or sexy by the average Thai male.

Well I suppose they want to keep the Coup D'etat a serious business otherwise it might descend into a farce ?

The tourist holding the M16 didn't have an ammo-clip in the gun so the only thing he could have done was shout BANG ! :o - sorry for the pun. Dozy Daily Express journalist kept banging-on about the automatic rifle being a Kalashnikov AK-47. In the Royal Thai Army ! Both weapons are fairly distinctive. Nothing like accurate journalism is there ?

Why would a Thai male not find a Soi Cowboy girl attractive ? Skin too dark ?

Edited by Hermano Lobo
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I would imagine the post near soi cowboy would be a bit difficult between 6 and 7 pm as a parade of bar girls makes their way to work. It could result in some latent paralysis from frequent rapid movement of the neck.

Well maybe.But don't forget the bar girls in Soi Cowboy would not be considered attractive or sexy by the average Thai male.

Well I suppose they want to keep the Coup D'etat a serious business otherwise it might descend into a farce ?

The tourist holding the M16 didn't have an ammo-clip in the gun so the only thing he could have done was shout BANG ! :o - sorry for the pun. Dozy Daily Express journalist kept banging-on about the automatic rifle being a Kalashnikov AK-47. In the Royal Thai Army ! Both weapons are fairly distinctive. Nothing like accurate journalism is there ?

Why would a Thai male not find a Soi Cowboy girl attractive ? Skin too dark ?

Too short, too dark, too Isaan, too poorly educated, too bad mannered and ill spoken, too obviously prostitutes.Get the picture?

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Why would a Thai male not find a Soi Cowboy girl attractive ? Skin too dark ?

Too short, too dark, too Isaan, too poorly educated, too bad mannered and ill spoken, too obviously prostitutes.Get the picture?

Those "too short, too dark, too Isaan, too poorly educated, too bad mannered and ill spoken girls" are only for farang!

Have you ever noticed how many farang that actually are living in Odan, Issarn? Wonder why... :o

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Too short, too dark, too Isaan, too poorly educated, too bad mannered and ill spoken, too obviously prostitutes.Get the picture?

Too much, mark mark lair-o. :D

Too sad, too bad. :o

Lair-o, lair-o, daylight come and me want to go home.

Who are you? Harry Belafonte?


Excellent and good humoured reply to a little teasing.I knew what you meant by the way!

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QUOTE(younghusband @ 2006-09-28 11:29:04) *

Soi Cowboy Bargirls

Too short, too dark, too Isaan, too poorly educated, too bad mannered and ill spoken, too obviously prostitutes.Get the picture?

They screw farangs for money to look after their poor families and possibly make a better life for them selves.

and the difference is..............

Thaksin Shinawatra & Corrupt Thai politicians.

Too short, too light, too Chinese Thai, too well educated, too bad mannered and ill-spoken, too obviously politicians, get the picture?

They screw Thai people and farangs for money to enrich themselves and their already wealthy families in order to make even more luxurious lives for them selves.

Who is better?. :o

Edited by ratcatcher
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Well maybe.But don't forget the bar girls in Soi Cowboy would not be considered attractive or sexy by the average Thai male.

Too short, too dark, too Isaan, too poorly educated, too bad mannered and ill spoken, too obviously prostitutes.Get the picture?

Are these two quotes the most naive and ridiculous of the week ? :D You'll be saying that Thaksin is a nice man and badly misunderstood next !

Does anybody have any worse quotes than this ? Answers on a postcard to First time in Thailand Box No.......

All those Thai girls in Soi Cowboy have Thai boyfriends or didn't you know that Mr Naivety?

It is quite dark in those bars and perhaps you did not see them too well through the bottom of your 20th beer glass ? :D

Perhaps you should look for girls in Disneyland, the ones with the MinnieMouse ears? :D

:D younghusband = :o

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