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Hi Aussie_21,

I got a tourist visa approved for my gf in December 1999 after knowing her less than 3 momths. I had some evidence of telephone calls between us, photos and letters from the company boss and my parents saying the relationship was genuine. Above all else she was leaving her son here and owned some land so she had reason to return.


For a tourist visa it's not so much about the relationship. Of course, do everything you can to show it is genuine. Second to returning to Thailand, the embassy will want to know your gf has the means to support herself while she is in Oz. This means she must have funds at her disposal independent of you. Normally I would think a minimum of US$500 for each week she will be in Oz.

As her sponsor the embassy will be very interested in your financial situation and ability to provide for her while she is there. BUT, they will ask what happens if you split up while she is there/ If you are holding all the money how will she take care of herself ? Therefor there needs to be a sizeable sum in her Thai bank account before she will have any chance of getting a visa.

Sorry, but this is how it is. Could I suggest you deposit around 400,000Bt in her account as soon as possible. Then, after she gets the visa, see if she actually turns up in Oz. If she doesn't, consider that it only cost you 400,000Bt to find out her true nature. That's a lot less than it costs many others.

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Hi Aussie 21

Looks like you need all the help you can get with this one!

Reading through this thread, I think one point in particular has been overlooked.

If your girl is under 20 years old, then she needs formal permission from her parents to leave the country.

She needs to go to her District Office with her parents and get an official letter giving their consent to travel abroad.

This letter should then be translated to English, and legalised at the Thai Foreign Ministry.

I believe this is an essential part of the visa application package for any Thai under 20 years of age.

Best of luck with your application.

If this is the case where does she need to go so I can explain it to her? Is her mother able to do it alone? Where is the Thai Foreign Ministry?



Sorry, but this is how it is. Could I suggest you deposit around 400,000Bt in her account as soon as possible. Then, after she gets the visa, see if she actually turns up in Oz.

Possibly the worst piece of advice I have ever read.


Well, Thaddeus, it's not advice I would take myself. However, knowing the the items on the embassy's "hit list", there's no way around the independent funds requirement.

Once it's in her bank account it's in her control. Sure, Aussie_21 can come to Thailand and "escort" his gf onto the plane.

Or, he could take a gamble to see if she really does want to stay with him. If she sucks his bank account dry for 5 years then leave him the 400,000Bt will be a big saving.

But then again, she might think if it's this easy to get 400,000K, lets see how much more I can get. Whatever he ends up putting in her account, for 3 months visit it's going to be substantial. I suggest he check up on how much of it stays in her account, and for how long.


I love her very much but your joking me right? I am certain that if we were to break up I would assist her as much as possible by getting her back safely in Thailand whatever the cost.


Aussie_21, I suggest you inquire from your end or in BKK what the requirement for "independent funds" is. It's not that the embassy doesn't want to trust you in looking after your gf's welfare, it's just that they are not permitted to stick the Australian taxpayer with the cost.

From my experience your sponsorship goes some way to guaranteeing all her costs will be met, but does not satisfy the "independent funds" aspect because she does have direct access to those funds.

Best tell the embassy how long she is going and ask them what amount they would consider appropriate.

Edit-in 1999 for 2 months it was 120,000Bt.

I love her very much but your joking me right? I am certain that if we were to break up I would assist her as much as possible by getting her back safely in Thailand whatever the cost.

no one is doubting that you care for her. They just worry because many have seen your situation before.

19, no job, kid, etc. The mom is probally thrilled her daughter is going with a Farang.

I had a friend who was 20 and had a kid, was getting her BA and worked at her family's laundry mat. They were well off. But even I had my trusted Thai friends get to know her before I made a move. I got some interesting feedback and didn't persue that route.

This is not about Thai girls being corrupt or you being young. I think it is about older people speaking from experience, we all know there are exceptions, but it is easier from an outside perspective that we are not willing to bet on those percentages.

Well, Thaddeus, it's not advice I would take myself. However, knowing the the items on the embassy's "hit list", there's no way around the independent funds requirement.

Pray tell, what is on the Embassy's 'hit list'?

Explaining a single large input into a Thai bank account will be one of them.

Yes I do consider myself lucky to have been to Thailand 6 times in just 1 year 3 months. I am not a troll and am well known on other Pattaya boards.

Well, what do they say on those other Pattaya boards? Wish you good luck and predict an eventful union?



Sorry, but this is how it is. Could I suggest you deposit around 400,000Bt in her account as soon as possible. Then, after she gets the visa, see if she actually turns up in Oz.

Possibly the worst piece of advice I have ever read.

I have to agree with Thaddeus on this point.

A one off deposit of 400,000 baht into the girls bank account wouldn't convince any official at the Australian Embassy that the girl had regular independent income.

If any applicant is applying for a tourist visa on their own merits, they would need to prove that they have sufficient funds to be able to support themselves whilst in Oz. They would also need to provide a valid reason for returning to Thailand at the completion of their visa.

Not only do you need to convince the Embassy but you may also need to convince Immigration upon arrival in Australia.

An applicant who is relying upon a sponsor to fund their trip, would only need to provide a valid reason to return to Thailand. It is up to the sponsor to prove that sufficient funds are available to support the applicant whilst in Oz.

If there was a requirement for Thais to have a substantial bank account balance before a visa could be issued, there would be hardly any Thais in Australia. :o

Proving a genuine relationship is not a requirement for a tourist visa, but if you intend to pursue the relationship towards permanency, then providing the proof now may assist your subsequent Spouse Visa application later on.


Dear MM and Thaddeus,

the independent funds is to demonstrate that the traveller has enough money to take care of themselves and cover their travel expenses while in Australia. After all, they are a tourist. What country accepts tourists with no money ? In some countries you have to prove you have money at immigration. In this case, it's prove it to get the visa.

In some way this protects against exploitation and people trafficking. Consider the scenario: Thai woman travels to Australia with no funds on the guarantee of a "boyfriend" who, on arrival, or shortly after, ditches her. Even worse, confiscates her pasport, detains her against her will and forces her into slavery. Without money what can she do ? Read the newspapers and you'll know this happens.

The funds are not "income" and don't have to be shown as income. Please stop confusing Aussie_21 on this issue. Simply, the funds must be sufficient for the duration of her travel plans and be under her control. Yes, the embassy will ask where the money came from and it wouldn't matter if her boyfriend showed the money came from him because for a tourist visa there's no need for the funds to be shown as regular income.

MM is correct that as sponsor you give certain undertakings regarding the avaialbility of funds, however the embassy much prefers to see the funds in the hands of the visa applicant.


Look mate, stop stressing and just apply.................................

I met a girl Thai girl on the internet 2 years ago. We had made constant contact for only 2 months. We then decided it would be cheaper for her to visit me in Oz, rather than me taking time of work to come to BKK to visit her. I had no idea about visa's back then, I didnt even know what a visa was. She had no money and had no proof of our relationship. All I did was send her an e-mail saying I would take FULL financial responsibility for her whilst in Australia ( I didnt know what else to do and thats all she asked me to do ) She applied for her tourist visa and got the 3 month tourist visa 1 week later, no interview, no questions, they didnt even need to look at her bank book ( which was empty !). So yes, it was that easy. However, she was in uni and her uni gave her a letter as proof she would return. Anyway, we had the best 2 months of our lives in Oz and decided we would stay together. I have been living with her in BKK ofr the last year, we got married 4 months ago, she just did her last uni exams and if she passed, we will soon be applying for her visa to migrate to Oz ( We are still considering staying here )

So I would just apply...................at least you will have an answer. It seems like when my wife ( GF back then ) applied for her tourist visa it wasnt even looked at, they just approved it. We were also 21 and 20 at the time. So think positive, get your doccuments together and apply as soon as possible.

When you meet her you will get a first impression of her ( some say first impressions count )

Always remember your first impression of her, how she was acting, how she was dressed, how she reacted to you ( this will help you decide if she is a goodie or not ) Then she how she changes acting over time, see if your impression of her changes, but always remember the first impression.

If your girl comes walking down the arrival ramp at the airport wearing a mini skirt and she looks juke she just escapped from patpong, be carefull.

I think you have enough commonsense to decide if she is good or not, but you must meet her! So apply for the tourist visa and get the ball rolling..............

the independent funds is to demonstrate that the traveller has enough money to take care of themselves and cover their travel expenses while in Australia. After all, they are a tourist. What country accepts tourists with no money ? In some countries you have to prove you have money at immigration. In this case, it's prove it to get the visa.

This all depends on which visa you have applied for. In this thread we are discussing a tourist visa.

The requirements are that the tourist has ACCESS to funds, not necessarily ACTUAL funds in their bank account. (unless they have applied for the T/V alone)

This is what Immigration state:

Financial requirements:

You must have access to sufficient funds to cover all costs for the duration of your stay in Australia, including health insurance if required. You may be asked to provide evidence of your funds.

Examples: personal bank statements, pay slips, audited accounts, taxation records, credit card limit.

If the tourist is being sponsored, the sponsor must prove that he has sufficient funds to cover the applicants costs.

The funds are not "income" and don't have to be shown as income. Please stop confusing Aussie_21 on this issue.

You're suggesting then that the applicant could be unemployed, go out and rob a bank and fill her bank account with huge amounts of money in a single deposit and the Embassy would accept this?

Simply, the funds must be sufficient for the duration of her travel plans and be under her control.

My g/f had three tourist visa issued to her. I was her sponsor. I proved that I had sufficient income/funds to support her visits. Her bank balance would not have been enough for her to stay for a couple of weeks, let alone six months. She had ACCESS to my money but it certainly wasn't under her control.

Yes, the embassy will ask where the money came from and it wouldn't matter if her boyfriend showed the money came from him because for a tourist visa there's no need for the funds to be shown as regular income.

Employment details are asked for on the application form.

Click on this link. It will take you to the tourist application form, then read question 30. It asks for details of the person providing financial support.

MM is correct that as sponsor you give certain undertakings regarding the avaialbility of funds, however the embassy much prefers to see the funds in the hands of the visa applicant.

Please provide evidence of your (underlined) claim.


aussiestyle1983 said it best....just apply.

Solve each problem (if any) if and when they occur. From what's been said on this thread you've a good idea of what could be a problem and can be prepared. If you get a knock back you'll be told why and can reapply after sorting it out.

By the way, I believe Thais can now get a one year working tourist visa (similar to UK citizens) where they can work while in Australia subject (I think) to a maximum number of hours per week and no more than 3 months in the same job. Might be useful for your gf to stay longer in Australia. No doubt details will be on the govt. website.

Good luck.



You are confusing the issue with incorrect information....

If the applicant is being sponsored they do not need to show funds in their bank account, nor do they need control over any money....they can be unemployed with no funds in the bank as long as the sponsor has sufficient income to support the applicant....If the applicant is unsponsored then they certainly will need to show sufficient funds to cover their stay here.

The 12 month working visa is only available to people with a uni education behind them, to an undergrad level I believe and is restricted to a certain age group, It is not available to the general population.

The point he was trying to make was that regardless of tourist visa destination, his ladies tourist visa was refeused because there was not enough proof she would return to Thailand.

Aussie21's lady also has a baby here, so by leaving the child here, she would have a reason to come back to Thailand. Reason to return because of a child is very strong evidence from the embassy's point of view, so if Aussie21's lady left her child here, im sure the embassy would not refuse her visa due to lack of proof to return.

The Oz embassy makes it very clear that leaving a child in Thailand is not considered reason enough to return.

The reason to return clause is ambiguous to say the least, I think sometimes that it provides an "out" for the embassy when refusing visa applications.


The age problem was something I had forgotten about....my mate got a visa for his 18yo sister in law to come here...she was stopped by immigration at the airport because she did not have a letter from her mother giving permission for her to travel....she had to go back to Korat get the letter and fronted the next day for another flight....fortunately Thai Airways changed her ticket so a new ticket was not needed to be purchased.

So I would suggest that such a letter be obtained just in case it is needed.

Thanks to the poster who pointed this out.


The point he was trying to make was that regardless of tourist visa destination, his ladies tourist visa was refeused because there was not enough proof she would return to Thailand.

Aussie21's lady also has a baby here, so by leaving the child here, she would have a reason to come back to Thailand. Reason to return because of a child is very strong evidence from the embassy's point of view, so if Aussie21's lady left her child here, im sure the embassy would not refuse her visa due to lack of proof to return.

The Oz embassy makes it very clear that leaving a child in Thailand is not considered reason enough to return.

The reason to return clause is ambiguous to say the least, I think sometimes that it provides an "out" for the embassy when refusing visa applications.

Good point. I bet alot of tourist visas are refused due to this because im sure they would be able to request some more evidence that some couples could not provide.

Just get her the letter giving permission to travel and when the rest of your doccuments are together, just apply. Then if it gets refused, it will be in writing, and you will know what you need to provide next time.


Hey, only telling it as I experienced it. Maybe there was a lot of focus on people trafficking at the time, but it was made clear to me during the visa interviews (sounds like these aren't done all the time now either) that a girl with no money of her own (specific amount not stated) stood little chance of getting a tourist visa, sponsored or not.

Don't mean to be misleading, guess times have changed, hopefully for the better.


Thanks again for the replys. I think I now have everything that I need and just need to have her complete the application form and get some more photos next month

Am I able to complete the application and then she can just sign or is it better for her to complete it with my help?

I just took another look at the VFS site and it only says applicants under the age of 18 need the mothers permission to travel out of the country. Link

My GF will get the travel letter but im thinking it would just be needed at the airport when she checks in for the flight.

Her mother has also agreed to write a letter of support for the application saying that she will miss her and will also be taking care of the baby. Is this a good idea?

Would it be a good idea to include on my covering letter/stat dec that I will also be sending money back to the family each month to help take of the baby?

Lets just hope for the best now.


Aussie 21, It doesn't matter who fills in the application form just as long as she signs it and fully understands the answers given to each of the questions.

In the interview, some of these answers may be subject of scrutiny from the case officer.

A letter of support from her mother needs to be translated into English. Perhaps the mother can provide a compelling reason for her daughter to return to Thailand. If so, include the letter as an attachment to the application.

In your covering letter you can give information about financially supporting the baby if you wish. It would show that you have accepted some responsibility about providing for her family members and this can only help.


Ooops !!!

I just remembered that this thread is for a tourist visa, so disregard my interview comment in my last post.

Having said that, any information contained in a tourist visa application may be referred to again by the Embassy for the follow up Spouse Visa.....that's if the Embassy file them, and I imagine they would.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, my girlfriend and I picked up the visa yesterday afternoon and it was successful on the first attempt. I wrote in my covering letter that Ive known her since the 8th of September so that's just over 2 months.

It was applied for on the 6th and approved on the 10th and then picked up yesterday afternoon. It's valid for a single trip of 3 months and needs to be used prior to the 10/02/07 and im now in the middle of rebooking my flight and getting her's booked for tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help that you guys have given me and I don't think I could have done it without the board.




Congratulations. I'm sure your g/f will have a great time Down Under.

The details that you supplied are a good yardstick for others to follow:

* There is no length of time that couples should be together before applying for a tourist visa.

* It takes about 4 days from time of application submission to application approval.

* For your T/V, the visa must be activated within a 3 month period.

It may also confirm that multiple entry tourist visas are a thing of the past. :o ....but I'd like to see more evidence of this before I'm convinced.

Anyway Aussie21, use the time together in Oz as an opportunity to gather additional information/proofs etc. for your next tourist visa, and of course, for the spouse visa later on. :D

Good luck.


I was once a spritely 21 year old from Melbourne also who hooked up with a 20 year old thai girl with baby in tow - took her to Australia, married etc etc........All I can say is..........................

DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was once a spritely 21 year old from Melbourne also who hooked up with a 20 year old thai girl with baby in tow - took her to Australia, married etc etc........All I can say is..........................

DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yea but wouldn't any one of us swop places with him now, if we could?

Dont worry about the posibility of mistakes, think about the fun and exitement

Good luck to you Aussie, maybe you will report back in years to come like others have.

Enjoy yourself


I was once a spritely 21 year old from Melbourne also who hooked up with a 20 year old thai girl with baby in tow - took her to Australia, married etc etc........All I can say is..........................

DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yea but wouldn't any one of us swop places with him now, if we could?

Dont worry about the posibility of mistakes, think about the fun and exitement

Good luck to you Aussie, maybe you will report back in years to come like others have.

Enjoy yourself


goodluck Aussie21, and congratulations.....

for not listening to those nay sayers.....

better to have been in love than never been at all......

and good on you, mate.....you have done the right thing.......



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