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Why have equal rights for women? They are an inferior race.

Why do men have positions of power when women stay at home doing household chores?

Why do men offer a women a seat on a bus? Are they cripple?

Why don't women pass wind when needed?

Life can be so cruel.

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I suspect a troll, but will answer anyway.
1/ Jack Nicholson was raised by all women. He then said: "Women are smarter than men" I often times must agree.

2/ That is a cultural thing and not true in the US and western world. Is true in Thailand however and goes to prove Jack Nicholson was right.

3/ I offer my seat up for pregnant women, or quite older than me, whether they are men or women. So: up to you.

4/ I, for one, am happy that the do not. If you do, stay away please. Especially when you are drinking.

5/ Live can also be great. Depends how you look at it.

Have a good day!

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Sorry guys, much as I would like to see the responses by our lady members I'm closing this as a troll.

Of course if the ladies would like it re-opening in order to throw their rocks they are free to PM myself or any other Mod.

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