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Obtaining a UK CRB Check while staying in Thailand

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Hello everyone,

I am looking for an answer to a question that I have had for a while. Unfortunately, despite browsing through this forum and Dave's ESL Cafe I still cannot find a clear answer. The information provided online by the UK government and Disclosure Scotland (and their email departments!) has also been of little help.

How can I obtain a UK CRB Check while still living here? Does anyone have any real experience of doing this?

I have no one back home who can help me get this, plus I haven't lived there for three years now.

Is there a way of getting one through the Royal Thai Police headquarters? or maybe a way of sending off for one?

Thank you for your help

Kind Regards,


They're not called CRB checks any more, they're DBS checks.

You cannot apply for a full DBS check yourself, it has to be done by an employer, though you can get a basic check from Disclosure Scotland online.

You say the information provided is of little use, have you applied online? http://www.disclosurescotland.co.uk/basicdisclosureonline/index.htm

You can, or at least to be able to apply to the Met Police for a Subject Access Disclosure, that enables you to find what details are held of the PNC, Police National Computer. It's nearly ten years since I had any involvement in the process so I don't know if it's still available. http://content.met.police.uk/Article/Frequently-asked-questions/1400006036048/1400006036048

The RTP, as far as I recall, cannot get these disclosures.

As your question isn't relating to Visas to other countries, I'll move you thread to the Home Country Forum.


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