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Anyone live in chiang khan or visiting

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Hi , need some info if anyone lives in chiang khan and if they know if a internet cafe next to noodle resturant

Is being refurbised

My wife who lives in uk with me keeps sending money to chiang khan to her brother who onws that shop or cafe and the money is supposed to be for doing up the shop

Can anyone tell me if this is what is happening

Any help would be greatly helpful


Could be right this 50/50 share of bussiness came out or the blue , and he seems to be doing quite well with his tree t-shirts shops

And just had swimming pool done or maybe his shops not doing so well in low season


and the last time I was there the internet shop was quite busy young lads playing game

also she said it is quite because of low season !!!

my answer was they don't have low season in internet shops!!! iam right in saying this ?

thanks for your comments


maybe someone is in trouble ? too be honest she has been fine for the last five yrs its just the last 10 months since coming back for her home

in Thailand

her step mum who she don't like asked to borrow money wife said no . anyway recently step mum has gone to Australia for 1 yr to visit her daughter

there is no way my wife would fund that but she has been sending money regular since our last visit even more so the last two months

just don't add up OH FORGOT TO MENTION !! WIFE HAS LEFT ME because I questioned where all the money has gone got all sorts

of excuses think she has LOST FACE

I also found out she is borrowing of friends in uk £500 yesterday and sent £200 to her dad SHE just cant afford this

must be some serious shit going on in Thailand

just to add again her step mum used to gamble but has stopped now rolleyes.gif


Bit more than that ha ha i agreed to her sendind £100 per month thats £7000 in 6 yrs ...10 months of this year = £1000 she had sent so far £5000

Like said cant find out whats going on in thaland probably wont

She is a good woman its just that HER FAMILY will always come FIRST me SECOND !!!

She also had. Daughter here in uk i feel sorry for her in fnal year at school and had to put up with all this shit

Got knowt in there new house not even internet or pc how she going to do here school stuff

Hope them f**kers in chiang khan have some karma

  • 3 weeks later...

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