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Thai police officially confirm main suspects carried out Bangkok bombing

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If you're going to support the people who think the Thai police just arrested a couple random foreigners, hooked a car battery up to their nutsack or waterboarded them until they confessed to a crime thy had nothing to do with then please explain the photo with the four faces on the first page of this thread.


To me the guy on the left looks just like the video of the guy in the yellow shirt who planted the bomb. The photo on the right is a current photo of the guy in custody who confessed after they no doubt showed him video of him planting the bomb, leaving the scene, going into a toilet, changing clothes, walking out looking in the video just like the 2nd photo. The 3rd photo I think is when they arrested him.

I'm sure they showed him other evidence linking him to the crime too. They arrested people at an apartment where they found bomb-making materials including hundreds of ball bearing the same size as the ones used in the shrine bombing. It that a coincidence? How many people in Thailand have mass quantities of ball bearings in their apartments? They guys they caught in connection with the bomb-making ratted out the guys who planted and detonated the backpack bomb. They said said they never met the bombers in person but I'm sure they have some evidence linking them. I'm sure they ratted out the guy they gave the backpack to who gave it to the bomber and I believe he's been arrested and probably gave evidence against the bombers.

With all this evidence against him, why is it you so many of you think this guy is just a patsy?

There may be limited freedom of the press to criticize the government here but there's sure no shortage of it on Thai Visa. 80-90% of the comments are unfounded criticism and attacks on the police based on what they used to do, not based on the facts of the case. I'm guessing the majority of the Thai police bashers also think every Thai woman is a lying gold digger and any Thai merchant will rip you off if they had the chance. Those groups make up a majority of Thai people, how is that not racially motivated if they have stereotypical opinions against the majority of a country's citizens?

It seems to me that they have solid evidence against these two. With all the broken cameras and history of corruption to overcome the police have impressed me with being able to locate and capture a couple of the main participants.

I'm sure I'm in a minority though so let the Thai-bashing, second-guessing and sh1t-talking begin...

You were right, I counted only 1 post after yours that were not Thai bashing .

I wouldn't call it Thai bashing, I would refer to it as a justifiable scathing critique of the incomprehensible actions of the RTP.

I concur. Thai bashing would be based on racial motivation. Criticism that is warranted or justified based on incompetence or corruption is not bashing. Unfortunately, there is no free press in Thailand and criticism by Thais against their own government and law enforcement personnel is muted. For those that dare to criticize, a 'readjustment' session is promptly 'scheduled'. Free speech, freedom of association, freedom of information, and the rule of law are being quashed in Thailand. Such rights foster accountability by those who have the power to govern. Unfortunately, those in power have no accountability -- and amnesty to boot!

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It's Thai bashing and all the fancy words on earth doesn't change that.

Say the word and I will post some comments from Thai bashers FOR EXAMPLY "Once again...a story pack full of lies" with absolutely nothing to back that up how could anyone describe a statement like that as constructive critisism?


The news reported the main guys escaped. Now Thailand has to show they solved the crime ASAP. I think they are still not calling this terrorism. I'm sure they want this out of the papers but the Chinese know their Thai counterparts are inept and didn't solve this. Chinese are many things negative but are an intelligent people.

I believe the search continues for the "Leader" who left the country the day before.

You say the Thai Police are inept but never solved this but don't back up what you are saying

Pray tell if they never caught the man who planted the bomb and the one who detonated it who did?

I hope you can tell us because I'd hate to think an intelligent poster like you was resorting to a bit of Thai Bashing with nothing to back it up.


I have served in two Police forces, the Metropolitan Police in London and the Port of London Police, and had contacts with many more. I do not know of any force, other than Thai, that rewards it's officers for doing their job. The job they are paid for doing. However, that being said, in The Port of London Police we were rewarded, not for catching a criminal but for a percentage of anything they were trying to smuggle out of the dock gates. In the two plus years I spent with them I only arrested one person for trying to smuggle out some cigarettes and I got about ten shillings based on the value of the cigarretes. Nothing for any of the other arrests I made. In the Met Police a good arrest only counted towards your promotion prospects.


The connection to human trafficking, just does not convince me!

There is little publicity given to human trafficking networks being smashed.

I trust they will produce a credible flow chart of the links between HT networks and the bombers.

Agreed. The "human trafficking" connection is a diversionary tactic created so that the real reasons for this atrocity remain hidden. The guys now accused are simply fall guys - no better than those incarcerated here for being drug mules for example. Whether they did it or not is not of the essence. I am still interested in the fact that Jonathan Head (the BBC correspondent in BKK) was just around the corner when the blast happened - he was also the first to make the connection with Uryghurs and human trafficking. This I find very suspicious. When we look at who the people were who were sent back from Thailand a few months ago we discover that they appeared to be terrorists on the way to Turkey to engage in the US's proxy war in Syria. There are far too many connections with global politics for the police here to simply dismiss this as a 'revenge' attack. To do so plays into the hands of those who have an agenda which has already caused devastation in the Middle East. Or perhaps they know this but it is strategically opportune for them to play this card at the moment.


It's Thai bashing and all the fancy words on earth doesn't change that.

Say the word and I will post some comments from Thai bashers FOR EXAMPLY "Once again...a story pack full of lies" with absolutely nothing to back that up how could anyone describe a statement like that as constructive critisism?

Why does it have to be constructive ?


What's the benefit of all the negativity?

Two things come to mind when I read posts on forums like this:

The first my mom taught me, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all".

The second attributed to Buddah, "Before you speak, always ask yourself; Is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?"


What's the benefit of all the negativity?

Two things come to mind when I read posts on forums like this:

The first my mom taught me, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all".

The second attributed to Buddah, "Before you speak, always ask yourself; Is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?"

And here is something Thailand told me, in my many years here: never take anything at face value, that the RTP or the Army say!

But please, feel free to return to the forum, if you have something good and nice to say...maybe about people, who didn't leave their brain at immigration and have formed an informed opinion, even an opinion, critical of the status quo!


Just a quick route to justice skip the trial and just lock them and if they are innocent it will just be a waiting game for the real perpetrators to come forward and confess otherwise at least someone is locked up for life for this terrible crime and we can all say what a wonderful efficient honest police force Thailand has, always get their man in the end and leave no stone un turned catch the criminals.


What's the benefit of all the negativity?

Two things come to mind when I read posts on forums like this:

The first my mom taught me, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all".

The second attributed to Buddah, "Before you speak, always ask yourself; Is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?"

sounds rather boring to me but to each his own. As Oscar Wild once said, ''Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality''


I don't take everything at face value, I look at the data I have and make informed opinions based on that. I think it's ludicrous that people disregard video evidence and claim the police just picked a random foreigner, who happens to look exactly like the bomber and has other links to the bombing and tortured a confession out of him.

I'm skeptical by nature and didn't leave my brains at the border. A lot of the news coming out about this is laughable, like the police testing 20 baht bills from a motorcycle taxi four days after the incident for DNA. I can't believe anyone released that information with a straight face, but when credible evidence is released that if it came out with in a western country, most reasonable people would look at it and agree that it makes sense and the police are probably right, the Thai police bashers here are the ones who look foolish when they bring up this tired bs about the police just did it to save face or the suspects didn't have enough dosh to fill a brown envelope, I think it's either the whiskey talking or maybe they've been her too long, gotten too cynical and would be doing everyone a favor if they pissed off back to wherever they came from where eveything is perfect, nobody makes mistakes and the police are angels.

What's the benefit of all the negativity?

Two things come to mind when I read posts on forums like this:

The first my mom taught me, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all".

The second attributed to Buddah, "Before you speak, always ask yourself; Is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?"

And here is something Thailand told me, in my many years here: never take anything at face value, that the RTP or the Army say!

But please, feel free to return to the forum, if you have something good and nice to say...maybe about people, who didn't leave their brain at immigration and have formed an informed opinion, even an opinion, critical of the status quo!


I'm not here to defend the cops, God knows what's going on in this investigation, but if they were as vile, corrupt etc. as they are constantly described here, half of you guys would be sitting in the pokey. It's one thing to be dubious but another to just start fabricating scenarios that are strictly from your imagination.

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