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Anti Glare Monitor Filters Any Good Protecting your Eyes?


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Due to work I am looking at my Monitor screens for longer periods of time. I take regular breaks and have the monitor at the correct ditance away from me and have the brightness turned down on the monitors but recently have been suffereing with sore eyes at the end of the day. Has anyone bought the Anti Glare Protectors you can fit to your monitors to help protect your eyes, if so whats your opinion on them?

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Tried those screen filters, but found they are fine at times but were straining my eyes making other images too dark and those filters do attract dust.

Then a friend recommended a free software called f.luk. What this does is once installed it places a soft glow on the monitor, killing the glare that can be set to suit the eyes and deactivated at a click if working with images or viewing videos. The beauty of this is that everything is adjustable by using the software, no need to adjust the monitor settings or add filters.

Download and install onto your computer.



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Increase the scale of your fonts a few % - works better if you have a 23" or larger monitor. Just takes the edge off the eyestrain.

Browsers support CTRL + to do this in chrome or safari....give it a go.

Ok I will try this, thanks for the info

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