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"not to lump everyone together who has a weight problem"

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I couldn't agree more.

Fat shaming is evil.

Obesity is a complex problem.

Have compassion.

Don't assume if it's easy for YOU to never get fat or to get from fat to not fat that you have the same issues as other people that have it FAR FROM EASY.

People dealing with weight issues ALREADY KNOW. They don't need idiot BULLIES to tell them something they already know. VERY FEW people want to be that way. If it was so easy not to be that way, it wouldn't a be a growing global EPIDEMIC.


How much is our weight really in our control?

Michael Jensen, a professor of endocrinology, diabetes, metabolism, and nutrition at the Mayo Clinic, told me that most of his patients are aware their weight is a problem. Yet even with that awareness, they struggle to lose the pounds. “Some have surgery and they still can’t make the behavior changes they need to,” he said. “But that means there could be something [else] going on there: behavioral, hormonal, or psychological.”

Notably, Jensen said he’s seen other patients who have a much easier time losing weight. So what’s the difference between the two groups? “I’d love to know the answer to that question,” he told me. Until science provides those answers, he advises “not to lump everyone together who has a weight problem.”

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Question: How does "compassion" help "them" make the necessary change to lose fat/weight?

If your Momma didn't teach you the value of compassion towards other human beings facing problems as opposed to bullying, I'm sure I can't. coffee1.gif


For people who are really overweight, like 25 kg or more overweight they don't deserve respect. At those levels there is always room for improvement. Of course its hard for people to loose weight but you got people dining in all kind of fastfood restaurants and then complaining about their weight problem.

You can't expect everyone to be slim but people should not be more as 10-15 kg overweight. Recent studies shown that some people burn more but that would only count for 5-10 kg max. if you get above that you got yourself to blame. Some people just want don't want to change and that is fine. Their life but don't moan about your weight then.

I will not shame anyone been 25kg overweight and now kept it off for over 4 years so i got right to speak. People who are overweight by choice (keep drinking alcohol and dining at the wrong places) will not be shamed by me unless they start complaining about their weight and are not willing to make changes.

Nobody ever said it would be easy its a life long commitment once you got the weight off, so I got utmost respect for those that lost their weight and kept it off. Everyone can do it as long as they are willing to change, they might not become super slim but they will improve on themselves. The moaners who think its all to hard and then don't do anything or use these kind of articles to do nothing get no respect from me.


What a load of rubbish.

If you see a heavy person on the street, you know NOTHING about their personal struggle.

Bottom line, yes I know there are lots of heartless mean spirited bullies out there and for the most part they don't have the slightest interest in "helping" overweight people. They clearly do enjoy feeling SMUG and SUPERIOR that they don't have the same problem. It happens to be a socially sanctioned kind of bullying and discrimination and it shouldn't be.

But for the small minority of fat shamers who actually do care about the health of overweight people and are bullying to be "helpful", there is no evidence that bullying helps them and lots of evidence that it hurts them and contributes to social isolation and even more weight gain. So don't do it. EVER.

I see this robblok character openly ADMITS he DOES shame overweight people who are above the limits that HE sets up in his own mind. Like he's a God of acceptable heaviness limits or something. WOW. That deserves to be condemned in the strongest terms possible.

I am not surprised, but that attitude has no place on a health forum intended to be supportive to people dealing with HEALTH problems.


I only shame those who complain about their weight but won't do anything about it. Seems logical to me. Otherwise no shaming involved. The kind that complains about how hard it is and does nothing.

People who choose to be fat and don't fuzz about it.. you won't hear me about those.

You are over sensitive and always post this kind of articles seems like you have an agenda.


I only shame those who complain about their weight but won't do anything about it. Seems logical to me. Otherwise no shaming involved. The kind that complains about how hard it is and does nothing.

People who choose to be fat and don't fuzz about it.. you won't hear me about those.

You are over sensitive and always post this kind of articles seems like you have an agenda.


Pot kettle black.

I do post articles that explore the many COMPLEX factors that are involved in people developing weight problems and in attempting to overcome the weight problems. Guilty as charged. Scientists have made great advances in recent years in understanding this better but there is still a long way to go. Such information fits very well on a HEALTH FORUM on these matters. Bullying people, shaming people ... DOESN'T.

A lot of the findings of this kind of research can already be put to use by many us dealing with weight control issues. Such as the findings that using artificial sweeteners actually promotes obesity rather then diminishes it ... we would never know that without these studies.

The social aspect, the pervasive STIGMATIZATION of people with weight problems is one of those complex factors. This kind of bullying makes things worse for overweight people, so calling it out is totally on topic.


I only shame those who complain about their weight but won't do anything about it. Seems logical to me. Otherwise no shaming involved. The kind that complains about how hard it is and does nothing.

People who choose to be fat and don't fuzz about it.. you won't hear me about those.

You are over sensitive and always post this kind of articles seems like you have an agenda.


Pot kettle black.

I do post articles that explore the many COMPLEX factors that are involved in people developing weight problems and in attempting to overcome the weight problems. Guilty as charged. Such information fits very well on a HEALTH FORUM on these matters. Bullying people, shaming people ... DOESN'T.

Your articles are excuses for those that don't want to change. Seems counter productive to me.

You start from a its impossible point, its good to give balanced information but the way you bring it its always in a certain way.

My opinion, yes there are differences but they don't explain the fact that someone is 25 kg heavier as someone of the same stature. That is because of bad diet choices. I have read the articles too.. they show differences but they also show that real obese can always loose weight.


So according to robblok, information that sheds light on the many complex factors involved with weight control should be kept away from people as they will always be used as an excuse. You can't control how people will use information. It can be used in positive or negative ways. But bullying and shaming are always NEGATIVE ... by definition.

Bottom line, when people with a weight issue decide to take positive action in dealing with it, it comes from INSIDE them ... and then when they make that decision they want as much support as possible. When you see an overweight person on the street, don't assume that you know where they are on their path.


So according to robblok, information that sheds light on the many complex factors involved with weight control should be kept away from people as they will always be used as an excuse. You can't control how people will use information. It can be used in positive or negative ways. But bullying and shaming are always NEGATIVE ... by definition.

So according to me you should use information to set realistic goals not to discourage people or make them accept their weight as its hard to change.

You love putting words in someones mouth but when I do that with you you start to cry like a girl. I never said that its bad to give extra information. But actually there was no information in the stuff you posted just excuses. Maybe there was more in the link but what you posted did not look promising at all. Just an other doctor making excuses. If people cant change their own behavior then they must be sick cheesy.gif

From the article.. people know there is a problem but they can't make the behavior changes and then the good Dr says its a disease no personal responsibility what so ever.

The doctors want obesity to become a disease so they can get to the big money from insurance companies. And when its a disease there is no own responsibility just pop in a few pills and we are good to go.

Sounds a lot like the eternal unemployed who never look for faults but blame everyone but themselves.

“The thing that has changed in the last 40 years is environment,” said Lisa Neff, a professor of endocrinology, metabolism, and molecular medicine at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Neff is referring to the introduction of sedentary lifestyles coupled with a rise in cheap, fast, processed foods, which together have created a perfect storm of conditions contributing the obesity epidemic.

So it seems people are to blame because they are not changing their life to combat this. They want to eat their bad foods and still be slim. It just does not work like that.


I have never ever said that personal responsibility isn't part of this. Of course it is. But that varies between individuals based on the specific case of obesity and the causative factors for that person. You see a stranger, you don't know how much is personal responsibility and how much isn't so it's really mean to assume it's 100 percent personal responsibility for every obese person you see. You also don't know if they've already lost half their weight.

Bullies and fat shamers ... worry about your OWN body size. That's your business. The stranger on the street ... that's his business. Now in relationships, for people who are bullying their mates and think they're helping ... wow, hard to believe anyone would actually think that would be helpful.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think obesity is attractive or healthy and I'm sure the majority of obese people agree it isn't attractive or healthy. Of course many bigger sized people are still good lookers, so that's a rough generality. It's just that impetus to make changes needs to come from WITHIN the individual. I think many of us are familiar with how that happens.


I have never ever said that personal responsibility isn't part of this. Of course it is. But that varies between individuals based on the specific case of obesity and the causative factors for that person. You see a stranger, you don't know how much is personal responsibility and how much isn't so it's really mean to assume it's 100 percent personal responsibility for every obese person you see. You also don't know if they've already lost half their weight.

Of course it varies between people but if you see a morbid obese guy in a fast food restaurant its not hard to see his own responsibility there.

It takes a long time to get real overweight and at any time people get signals (having to buy bigger jeans larger belts) I feel that at some point if they don't respond they are responsible themselves.

And if you think I go out and laugh at fat people make jokes about them your wrong, never done that with strangers. I did do it with my brother who was a life time skinny person till he stopped smoking and kept eating a lot. It helped, he changed a few things in his diet and he lost weight. But this was a case where I knew the reasons. (besides he did the same thing with me before). Good old dad who lost loads of weight now too.. also was teased a bit (but he teased other and me on other on many things too). Not all teasing is counter productive or mean.

Of course doing it the wrong way can be damaging, but to do that to strangers or friends is just cruel and should not be done.


Anyway, for people who want to hate on obese people and feel morally superior, go ahead and bully and shame them, it's socially acceptable to do that so you can have your meanie fun times ... but don't try to sell the BS that you're doing it to help.

People who want to help them, don't do that, because it doesn't help. Instead, it hurts and is likely to contribute to making the problem WORSE.


Myth No. 3: Shaming Fat People Shows Them We Care

Arbour makes the argument that she is only shaming fat people because they are hurting themselves and others who care for them by making poor diet and exercise choices. However, advocates against fat-shaming, such as Lindy West, have called this attitude “concern-trolling,” because people aren’t likely to quiz thin people about their eating habits and workout routines, even though they may be very unhealthy. A 2012 study by American and European researchers also shows that people who were obese but metabolically healthy have a 38 percent lower risk of early death and that people who were overweight but fit didn’t have a higher risk of death compared to people with a normal weight.

And although Arbour makes fun of the idea that doctors are being mean to fat patients, there is evidence that although doctors may not be outright hostile to fat patients, they don’t treat with them as much empathy as they would thinner patients. A 2014 study also shows that not only does discrimination and shaming not help people lose weight, it actually makes them gain weight because they may respond to stress with comfort eating.

The truth is that Arbour doesn’t care about the health of fat people. She does care about dehumanizing fat people and making them feel uncomfortable in their own bodies.


Anyway, for people who want to hate on obese people and feel morally superior, go ahead and bully and shame them, but don't try to sell the BS that you're doing it to help.

People who want to help them, don't do that, because it doesn't help.

Myth No. 3: Shaming Fat People Shows Them We Care

Arbour makes the argument that she is only shaming fat people because they are hurting themselves and others who care for them by making poor diet and exercise choices. However, advocates against fat-shaming, such as Lindy West, have called this attitude “concern-trolling,” because people aren’t likely to quiz thin people about their eating habits and workout routines, even though they may be very unhealthy. A 2012 study by American and European researchers also shows that people who were obese but metabolically healthy have a 38 percent lower risk of early death and that people who were overweight but fit didn’t have a higher risk of death compared to people with a normal weight.

And although Arbour makes fun of the idea that doctors are being mean to fat patients, there is evidence that although doctors may not be outright hostile to fat patients, they don’t treat with them as much empathy as they would thinner patients. A 2014 study also shows that not only does discrimination and shaming not help people lose weight, it actually makes them gain weight because they may respond to stress with comfort eating.

The truth is that Arbour doesn’t care about the health of fat people. She does care about dehumanizing fat people and making them feel uncomfortable in their own bodies.

I just given you 2 examples where it helped so its no B.S its fact. It does depend of course on how you do it and should not be done with random people or strangers.

You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe JT. Though i certainly don't advocate shaming random strangers but if its a family member where you know the reasons then I see absolutely no problem (if done in a constructive way).

Fact remains in the end obese people have to make the changes themselves and there is no magic pill for them. Its harder for some but all can improve on their current situation (if real obese)


You can have the last word.

I wanted to telegraph an anti-bullying message and I have already done that.

It's been in the news lately because of that viral bullying video, called Dear Fat People.


Everyone should be kind to each other and being fat is not a crime. As long as you don't bother someone or take away their rights or increase their expenses I have no problem with how heavy people are. Many Fat people however I find to be lazy and wanting special treatment and that does bother me. They need to do what ever it takes to get to a manageable weight. I think Health insurance, airline seating, all you can eat places etc etc should adjust their prices to reflect weight so those who stay within normal weight don't have to pay for those who don't. The more pounds the more expense. I mean really, why do they let someone weighting 130kg book a normal seat on a plane, they should have to fly business class or take a boat, train or drive. You pay for extra baggage weight when you fly so you should also pay for extra body weight. I am sure some people have medical reasons for being over weight but for those who just let themselves go perhaps they need to be shamed and pay more.

Why is it that every time I see a fat person they are eating or drinking something.... no self control.

Sorry if I offended anyone but I am just saying what I hear almost everyone say and think and I agree too.


Question: How does "compassion" help "them" make the necessary change to lose fat/weight?

If your Momma didn't teach you the value of compassion towards other human beings facing problems as opposed to bullying, I'm sure I can't. coffee1.gif

You haven't answered the question, and unlike your response, this is a serious one.

I do have people I call friends who are overweight and some even obese, and I don't see how feeling pity for their condition is/would be helping them in any way.

I do have friends who have made the commitment to change, and they get my full support. Same for people I know who made the commitment to stop smoking or drinking.

So, I repeat my question to you: How does "compassion" help "them" make the necessary change to lose fat/weight?


  1. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
    "the victims should be treated with compassion"
    synonyms: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude,sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance,kindness, humanity, charity
    "have you no compassion for a fellow human being?"

Empathy is a better word. Offering support to those who are dealing with this is exactly what is called for. But people won't be bullied into taking action.


Everyone should be kind to each other and being fat is not a crime. As long as you don't bother someone or take away their rights or increase their expenses I have no problem with how heavy people are. Many Fat people however I find to be lazy and wanting special treatment and that does bother me. They need to do what ever it takes to get to a manageable weight. I think Health insurance, airline seating, all you can eat places etc etc should adjust their prices to reflect weight so those who stay within normal weight don't have to pay for those who don't. The more pounds the more expense. I mean really, why do they let someone weighting 130kg book a normal seat on a plane, they should have to fly business class or take a boat, train or drive. You pay for extra baggage weight when you fly so you should also pay for extra body weight. I am sure some people have medical reasons for being over weight but for those who just let themselves go perhaps they need to be shamed and pay more.

Why is it that every time I see a fat person they are eating or drinking something.... no self control.

Sorry if I offended anyone but I am just saying what I hear almost everyone say and think and I agree too.

I'm sure you'll get likes but your post is littered with ignorant stereotypes. An obvious lie too. There is no way that every time you see an obese person they're stuffing their face. A classic example of smugness making instant morality judgments about every heavy person that they see. Not offended. Not surprised. Ignorance like that is socially sanctioned.

Obese people need to eat every day just like all humans. It's no wonder that so many hide themselves away when you realize the morality judgments they are subject to just eating in public. Shame on the shallow judgers. That's where the shame belongs here.


So according to robblok, information that sheds light on the many complex factors involved with weight control

If you eat less and/or exercise more, you will weigh less.

It isn't complex.

My waist measurement was 44"....... earlier this year 32" ......... fairly soon I will be seeing 30".

Much more exercise, not less food.


Empathy is a better word. Offering support to those who are dealing with this is exactly what is called for. But people won't be bullied into taking action.

  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

While we can imagine the warm feeling of being understood ... how is it going to help people to initiate the changes that are needed?

To change, people need to find their current situation too unconfortable, and Empathy is not addressing this.

Bullying is not the solution, but neither is "Fat Acceptance" ... people, who are stuck in their situation, need to be challenged.


Empathy is a better word. Offering support to those who are dealing with this is exactly what is called for. But people won't be bullied into taking action.

  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

While we can imagine the warm feeling of being understood ... how is it going to help people to initiate the changes that are needed?

To change, people need to find their current situation too unconfortable, and Empathy is not addressing this.

Bullying is not the solution, but neither is "Fat Acceptance" ... people, who are stuck in their situation, need to be challenged.

Again, the motivation needs to come from WITHIN the person who wants to make a change in their life. I didn't start this thread to discuss "Fat Acceptance" and don't really want to. Perhaps start a new topic if that interests you.


Again, fat shaming and bullying fat people does not help. It hurts.


If, somehow, you think shaming overweight or obese people helps them lose weight, here's a news flash: It doesn't.

A new study from University College London evaluated the question: Are people who experience discrimination or negative interactions based on their weight actually encouraged to lose the extra pounds?

The answer, according to their findings, is a clear no.


“Stigma and discrimination are really stressors, and, unfortunately, for many people, they’re chronic stressors,” Puhl told me back in 2013. “And we know that eating is a common reaction to stress and anxiety — that people often engage in more food consumption or more binge eating in response to stressors, so there is a logical connection here in terms of some of the maladaptive coping strategies to try to deal with the stress of being stigmatized.”


Our study clearly shows that weight discrimination is part of the obesity problem and not the solution. Weight bias has been documented not only among the general public but also among health professionals; and many obese patients report being treated disrespectfully by doctors because of their weight. Everyone, including doctors, should stop blaming and shaming people for their weight and offer support, and where appropriate, treatment.

... [ Content Cut ] ...

While we can imagine the warm feeling of being understood ... how is it going to help people to initiate the changes that are needed?

To change, people need to find their current situation too unconfortable, and Empathy is not addressing this.

Bullying is not the solution, but neither is "Fat Acceptance" ... people, who are stuck in their situation, need to be challenged.

Again, the motivation needs to come from WITHIN the person who wants to make a change in their life. I didn't start this thread to discuss "Fat Acceptance" and don't really want to. Perhaps start a new topic if that interests you.

Motivation gets you going, but not necessary starting, and motivation also can be both internal and external.

Again, you are unlikely to make the decision to change, if you are in "a confortable/status Quo" situation.

This decision can take place if:

  1. You acknoledge that the current situation is not acceptable or no longer bearable
  2. You acknowledge that your situation is a result of your behavior
  3. You believe you can change your behavior

Motivation (internal/external) will ensure that you then carry out the decision that was taken.

I still don't see where Empathy is helping people taking this life changing decision in any significant way.

Somehow, this is what I'm hearing:

"Please don't force me into taking the necessary decision that would improve my health and life in general ..."

To what I would seriouly reply: "what are you afraid of?"


I get a bit tired of the push to make obesity a disease, the reasons are obvious on the doctors part it would mean big checks from insurance companies and on the part of the obese it would mean no more guilt as a disease is not something one can control. Win win, but not for the normal people financing it who do exercise and eat right.

What is next are we going to call low IQ a disease too, some people study easier as other people others have to work harder to get the same thing done. Nobody in their right mind would call that a disease. But the fact that some obese people can't eat as much as they like or eat as much of the crap as they like they want to label it a disease. In their mind because someone else with better genes can eat more means they should be able too.

They are not thinking that they just have to change more as others, that would make it unfair. Life is unfair and if we would call all the advantages some people hold over others a disease it would be crazy.

People just have to accept that they are the problem, and change and accept that someone can eat two donuts and not get fat and they don't.

I understand that this is hard for a foodie with countless restaurant reviews who loves to eat, but if you know you got a problem you have to accept it and accept you can't get away with things others can.

I am one of those guys who gains fat easier and has a hard time loosing it, instead of accepting that I am doomed I just stand on the scales often and adjust what I eat and my exercise. I have always been like this, when my friends in the gym had an easy time getting great abs it was near impossible for me. On the other hand my muscles came out better as theirs. We just have to accept our lot.

But its not strange that obesity is so prevalent in the USA if you look at he size of the portions of food there and the sedentary lifestyle its only normal. But instead of changing that, they want to call the effect a disease because that would make loads of money for people making pills and lift the guilt from those who overeat.

Thailand is also changing, because of the food so its quite clear food is the problem. You cant just eat nice foods all the time and expect there won't be consequences.


I will add this excellent article here even though I do feel it is important enough to merit a totally new thread. I suggest people read it. Every word and not ONLY the snippets. Let it soak into your brain. No not closed minded people who think obesity is purely about SIMPLE MINDED math, calories in vs. energy used or is purely a MORALITY issue. Science knows better now. No, this isn't about so called excuses. It's about understanding this problem better in the context of a global obesity EPIDEMIC:

It’s gotten harder to lose weight and not for the reasons you think

Losing weight is hard — and it’s getting harder.

That’s not an excuse, a group of researchers say, it’s science.


It’s a lesson to all of us, Kuk said, a reminder that our weight is not entirely in our control.

“There’s a huge weight bias against people with obesity,” Kuk told theAtlantic. “They’re judged as lazy and self-indulgent. That’s really not the case. If our research is correct, you need to eat even less and exercise even more,” just to weigh what your parents did at your age.



The only way I can lose weigh is to become totally obsessive about exercise and diet. I get tired of being totally obsessive and go back to eating and living like a average person and the weight comes back. If I ate like some of my thinner friends I would become enormous.

I get Robblock thinks he understands how it works for everybody because he has had success, but part of his success is he has remained obsessive.


The only way I can lose weigh is to become totally obsessive about exercise and diet. I get tired of being totally obsessive and go back to eating and living like a average person and the weight comes back. If I ate like some of my thinner friends I would become enormous.

I get Robblock thinks he understands how it works for everybody because he has had success, but part of his success is he has remained obsessive.

Yes I remain obsessive, meaning I cook my own foods and make sure I exercise enough (3 times a week of heavy lifting). make no mistake I have seen my weight go up at times too (recently marriage was falling apart, now I accept that I will get divorced, but during that time I did eat more exercise less and saw my weight go up). Then acceptance came and I went back at it and it slowly went away again. We all have those problems its how we handle them that makes the difference between success and failure.

It would be a lot harder if I was as food obsessed as JT, but that is a choice he made. (no insult just stating facts)

Thing is the problem is the foods that you eat, you just can't eat like everyone else (neither can I). That is something you either accept or get fat. Its the foods that are available and eaten (and alcohol) that cause the problem. Some can handle it others can't.

Not a disease at all.. just bad genes and can be overcome if you really want it but it takes effort.

The average person in my age category of friends have gotten quite a bit fatter since when they were young because of the foods they eat. That is a choice, the choice of easy nice tasting food, staying lean requires an other choice, preparing your own foods knowing what is good for you and doing some exercise.

Its not just me who has success but others too who put their mind to it, the ones who fail are the ones that are unwilling to change their food intake and think that the average diet is good. (i do eat out too at times just not often). I have over the years learned a lot about food and my own body and now can keep in shape though it will never be 100% easy.

Its frustrating to see some of the thinner people eating more as you (I know the feeling all too well), but its like intelligence, height , looks for a large part determined by genes. Nobody would dare to call short people sick or less intelligent people sick, they just have to live with what they got. So do we.

In your case, I would advise not being too obsessive (or only for a limited time) and then go to a food program that you can maintain. The hardest part is loosing the weight, once you lost it maintaining is a bit easier and you can relax a bit more. It will mean that you can't eat what you like. If that is not what you wan't then don't Nobody is forcing anyone.,

JT accuses me of fat shaming because I have teased my dad and brother (they did the same with me). I would not call that bullying or fat shaming but motivating. It depends on how it is done and should not be done with strangers or people who are emotionally not strong. It can help them to get started with their weight loss program. I would only do this with family or close friends, because then you know how someone would respond. In my life I have never bullied anyone, when younger I was bullied because I was the smart kid with glasses and not skinny and not born in the small town I grew up(not real fat either certainly not compared with kids today)

I just don't like to accept my lot if I can do something about it, there are people who have conquered far harder things as fat loss, and its amazing what humans can do if they really want it.


Science does not know better, at least from this article, here is the actual conclusion of the "study":


Factors other than diet and physical activity may be contributing to the increase in BMI over time. Further research is necessary to identify these factors and to determine the mechanisms through which they affect body weight.

So, what they are saying is basically:

  • Diet and Physical activity are factors in BMI increases, and there may be other factors ... but we have no clue what they are."

Their definition of Physical activities looks to be limited: "leisure time physical activity" ...

It's a bit light to exonerate people of their responsabiliy of sticking to their poor lifestyle choices, which is the primary cause of their weight issue.

How much time did people spent on the internet in the 70s?

I will add this excellent article here even though I do feel it is important enough to merit a totally new thread. I suggest people read it. Every word and not ONLY the snippets. Let it soak into your brain. No not closed minded people who think obesity is purely about SIMPLE MINDED math, calories in vs. energy used or is purely a MORALITY issue. Science knows better now. No, this isn't about so called excuses. It's about understanding this problem better in the context of a global obesity EPIDEMIC:

It’s gotten harder to lose weight and not for the reasons you think

Losing weight is hard — and it’s getting harder.

That’s not an excuse, a group of researchers say, it’s science.


It’s a lesson to all of us, Kuk said, a reminder that our weight is not entirely in our control.

“There’s a huge weight bias against people with obesity,” Kuk told theAtlantic. “They’re judged as lazy and self-indulgent. That’s really not the case. If our research is correct, you need to eat even less and exercise even more,” just to weigh what your parents did at your age.


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