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German government agrees new measures to cope with the migrant influx


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German government agrees new measures to cope with the migrant influx

BERLIN: -- Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet has agreed a package of measures to help German towns cope with the influx of asylum seekers amid Europe’s migration crisis.

With the focus on those fleeing conflict, it has backed a tightening of rules for asylum seekers from the Balkans that would make it easier to deport applicants from countries like Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro, which the government has now declared ‘safe ‘.

For Syrian and other refugees, there are steps to provide more housing and support for unaccompanied minors and to speed up the asylum process.

Overcrowding at some refugee camps has fuelled anger and fights among the new arrivals.

On Sunday, 14 people were injured in a clash at refugee accommodation in the German state of Hesse.

Trouble is said to have flared when one migrant jumped the queue at a food counter.

“There is no space for 6,000 people inside the camp,” said one migrant living there, complaining that he was unable to get food because of violent disputes there.

On each of the last four days, between 8,000 and 10,000 asylum seekers have entered Germany according to official figures.This is despite Berlin’s reintroduction of border controls with EU neighbours to try to stem the flow.

With her conservatives dipping to a one-year low in a new opinion poll, critics claim that Angela Merkel has fuelled the influx by effectively giving asylum seekers the green light to come.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-30

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Free housing for tens of thousands of muslim refugees in Germany. Thats nice of them. Free food,medical, child allowances, family allowances ,education and public transport all on the way no doubt.

Merkel will be thrown out at the next election. She is partly responsible for the increase in popularity of

right wing parties in that country.

Theyre going to regret this just like Sweden.

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Germany should make plans for housing and feeding refugees instead of threatening them.

Germany has a constitution which allows them to expropriate house owners and landlords if necessary. Many poor Germans are afraid that they will have to pay the bill in the end, so German government should make clear laws to assure the rich will contribute. Especially those who had taken advantage of the economic and military disasters in the "third world".

Otherwise Europe will import the war against the poor from the South and East, and they will lose that war. Probably even the poor Europeans will not be willing to fight and die for a system that is permanently cheating them. So, this might turn out to become an international class war.

Good luck, Angela Merkel, this might be your last chance to avoid war in Europe.

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the local population has been slowly poisened and fake promisses made of pensions ...

locals almost don't make children anymore ... 1, maybe 2

those healthy immigrants will come to repopulate the nations

but they will also take the country's social security down at the same time

muslim invasion ... in 2 max 3 generations, the locals will be a minority

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the local population has been slowly poisened and fake promisses made of pensions ...

locals almost don't make children anymore ... 1, maybe 2

those healthy immigrants will come to repopulate the nations

but they will also take the country's social security down at the same time

muslim invasion ... in 2 max 3 generations, the locals will be a minority

They will take the jobs when there's no natives there anymore, contribute to the social security system, and most probably have less children.

Yes, the "white Aryans" might become a minority. I would not miss them.

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Oh dear, trying to re-establish the German ghettos with moslems instead of jews is a one way ticket to disaster. A cynical person would think that only a criminal mastermind would undertake such a venture to guarantee the rise of the ultra nationalist right wing once again in Germany, with a new and improved enemy at the gates. I don't think anyone in Europe will have sympathy for what is to unfold in Germany over the coming years, as they have clearly brought it upon themselves.

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Germany has a chance to demonstrate they are able to learn from their mistakes, able now to integrate a minority.

Maybe Angela Merkel didn't realize that from the beginning, but there's no way back now.

Cynical? Criminal mastermind?

In my opinion there's nothing more criminal than to start a war, call it social politics and let a pre-defined minority pay for it.

Edited by micmichd
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Muslims have been screaming from the roofs, and at the top of their voices, for at least 15 years that they will take over Europe and the USA and destroy their economies. They have promised time and time again to turn both continents into Muslim dominated areas, complete with shariyah law. They want to introduce corporal punishments like cutting off a hand if someone steals, or stoning to death any woman who commits adultery or has sex before marriage. Women will be compelled to wear a burka. Education for girls will cease to exist. Radio and TV stations will be closed except those that only broadcast religious programs. Public beheadings will become the order of the day for more serious crimes, especially the “heinous” crimes against their religion. They are now working on achieving these goals in Europe. Also, muslims breed like rabbits which will enable them to achieve these goals even faster.


Meanwhile, the number of terrorist attacks in Europe will increase dramatically. I saw a report from a very senior Dutch police officer who said that he suspected that every 1000 refugees included about 20 IS terrorists. That is 2%. If mrs Merkel admits 1,000,000 refugees one can expect that she will be allowing 2% of 1,000,000 = 20,000 terrorists into her country and pampering them to boot. The German lady will soon have unbelievable amounts of blood on her hands from large numbers of terror attacks in Germany, and in other European countries which, actually are victims of her misguided policy. Her excuse that Germany has to accept these migrants because the country needs more labour is nonsense. There are quite a few EU countries that have large numbers of unemployed people. Why did she not invite those people? They are Europeans, just like the Germans. They would fit right in. In contrast muslims do not fit in, do not want to fit in and do not want to integrate. They want the Europeans to integrate with them.


Europe will soon be lost to Europeans. And 2000 years of European culture will be lost forever. History will judge the German lady and some other, like-minded European politicians. They are stubbornly and stupidly destroying Europe. One thing is for sure, my family and I will never go back to Europe.

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I forgot to ask: did anyone watch the recent ½ hour documentary on Al Jazeera about a university in (I think it was) Tunisia? This university proudly stated that it has 12,000 young men who are studying full-time to become imams. TWELVE THOUSAND! And that is just ONE university. It also added that there are very many such universities across the arab world. One also wonders how many more mosques are going to be built in Europe. Must be thousands. And all of them will enjoy tax-free status just like the existing ones. And I suspect that Saudi-Arabia will be happy to pay for the construction.

Does anybody still doubt that muslims are hell-bent on taking over the world?

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Anybody still not convinced? May be this Thai Visa post will finally change your mind:



New Islamic State plot identified every fortnight, report says

An alleged terror plot linked to Islamic State is identified in the West every fortnight, a report suggests.

Between July last year and August this year, 32 suspected plans were detected in 10 countries, an average of more than two a month, according to research by think-tank the Henry Jackson Society.

They involved 58 individuals of 14 nationalities, with 13 attacks taking place, the study said.

Researchers said that in three-quarters of cases there was no proof of contact with IS fighters or leaders, but added that the group's ideology or propaganda was "integral" to inspiring the schemes.

On five occasions IS militants were said to have encouraged individuals to carry out attacks in their home countries without providing "operational guidance".

Only one plot was directed by the terrorist group, also known as Isil, the report said.

Source: http://home.bt.com/news/uk-news/new-islamic-state-plot-identified-every-fortnight-report-says-11364007983396

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Saw a news item on tv tonight. The illegal economic migrants have arrived, but now they find that instead of houses and jobs, they must live in overcrowded refugee camps till they have been assessed as to their status and if not a genuine refugee will be deported. Starting to fight among themselves.

As most of them are illegal economic migrants it does not look good for them. Where to now? Sweden?

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Saw a news item on tv tonight. The illegal economic migrants have arrived, but now they find that instead of houses and jobs, they must live in overcrowded refugee camps till they have been assessed as to their status and if not a genuine refugee will be deported. Starting to fight among themselves.

As most of them are illegal economic migrants it does not look good for them. Where to now? Sweden?

Just to verify that you know what you're talking about: How many of these refugees or immigrants do you personally know?

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Saw a news item on tv tonight. The illegal economic migrants have arrived, but now they find that instead of houses and jobs, they must live in overcrowded refugee camps till they have been assessed as to their status and if not a genuine refugee will be deported. Starting to fight among themselves.

As most of them are illegal economic migrants it does not look good for them. Where to now? Sweden?

Just to verify that you know what you're talking about: How many of these refugees or immigrants do you personally know?

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